Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy (ENHA)

Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy (ENHA)

Published by the Working Group for the History of Astronomy

in the Astronomische Gesellschaft

Edited by Wolfgang R. Dick and Hilmar W. Duerbeck.

Translations by Donald Bellunduno, the editors and authors.

You are recommended to visit also the  interner Verweis directory of the German newsletters (EMA).  In most cases the EMAs contain also texts in English, and some issue may contain then urgent information such as conference announcements, which have not been published in ENHA.

Since the translation into English usually took some time (from days to weeks or even months), there may be also items in issues which have not been translated in time. Starting with No. 25, some items will not be translated at all. So, if you have a knowledge of German, you may be interested in later issues of the German EMAs, too.

(The German EMA newsletter ceased publication in 2005 with number 75.)

interner Verweis  Number 1, February 23, 1994
interner Verweis  Number 2, February 28, 1994
interner Verweis  Number 3, March 10, 1994
interner Verweis  Number 4, April 15, 1994
interner Verweis  Number 5, May 26, 1994
interner Verweis  Number 6, August 25, 1994
interner Verweis  Number 7, December 2, 1994
interner Verweis  Number 8, February 10, 1995
interner Verweis  Number 9, March 31, 1995
interner Verweis  Number 10, May 8, 1995
interner Verweis  Number 11, September 22, 1995
interner Verweis  Number 12, November 17, 1995
interner Verweis  Number 13, February 15, 1996
interner Verweis  Number 14, June 11, 1996
interner Verweis  Number 15, June 13, 1996
interner Verweis  Number 16, November 3, 1996
interner Verweis  Number 17, November 20, 1996
interner Verweis  Number 18, December 18, 1996
interner Verweis  Number 19, April 9, 1997
interner Verweis  Number 20, April 23, 1997
interner Verweis  Number 21, April 28, 1997
interner Verweis  Number 22, May 30, 1997
interner Verweis  Number 23, October 2, 1997
interner Verweis  Number 24, December 4, 1997
interner Verweis  Number 25, January 28, 1998
interner Verweis  Number 26, March 6, 1998
interner Verweis  Number 27, May 8, 1998
interner Verweis  Number 28, May 20, 1998
interner Verweis  Number 29, May 29, 1998
interner Verweis  Number 30, July 10, 1998
interner Verweis  Number 31, September 10, 1998

interner Verweis  Number 32, October 13, 1998
interner Verweis  Number 33, December 11, 1998
interner Verweis  Number 34, March 8, 1999
interner Verweis  Number 35, March 25, 1999
interner Verweis  Number 36, May 5, 1999
interner Verweis  Number 37, July 13, 1999
interner Verweis  Number 38, July 30, 1999
interner Verweis  Number 39, December 21, 1999
interner Verweis  Number 40, April 17, 2000
interner Verweis  Number 41, May 16, 2000
interner Verweis  Number 42, May 19, 2000
interner Verweis  Number 43, July 7, 2000
interner Verweis  Number 44, October 6, 2000
interner Verweis  Number 45, April 11, 2001
interner Verweis  Number 46, April 20, 2001
interner Verweis  Number 47, June 21, 2001
interner Verweis  Number 48, December 17, 2001
interner Verweis  Number 49, December 19, 2001
interner Verweis  Number 50, August 30, 2002
interner Verweis  Number 51, June 15, 2003
interner Verweis  Number 52, November 15, 2003
interner Verweis  Number 53, November 17, 2003
interner Verweis  Number 54, November 24, 2003
interner Verweis  Number 55, November 28, 2003
interner Verweis  Number 56, January 23, 2004
interner Verweis  Number 57, May 23, 2004
interner Verweis  Number 58, June 6, 2004
interner Verweis Number 59, March 26, 2005
interner Verweis Number 60, August 19, 2005
interner Verweis Number 61, August 23, 2005

Publication has ceased in 2005.

Mirror sites

An (unauthorized) mirror was established at the  externer Verweis Electronic Journal Archive  at the Astronomy Department of the University of Wisconsin. However, after ENHA 12, Nov. 1995, this archive has no longer been updated. Therefore, new issues are not available, and the older files do not contain minor corrections made to the files available here and at Low Bandwidth. Therefore, the use of this mirror should be avoided.

zum Seitenanfang top of page
interner Verweis index of publications
interner Verweis starting page of the working group

lat update 2020-10-24   by H. Steinle

Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy - Number 1

*                                                                         *
*                                                                         *
*          Herausgegeben vom Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte            *
*                  in der Astronomischen Gesellschaft                     *
*                                                                         *
*                        Nr. 1, 25. Januar 1994                           *
*                                                                         *
*         Redaktion: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick <wdi@potsdam.ifag.de>           *
*                                                                         *


Hiermit erhalten Sie die erste Ausgabe der "Elektronischen Mitteilungen
zur Astronomiegeschichte" (EMA), die ausschliesslich per E-mail verbreitet
werden. Diese sind gedacht als Ergaenzung zu den "Mitteilungen zur
Astronomiegeschichte" (MA). Sie sollen Material enthalten, das bereits
einige Zeit vor dem Erscheinen der naechsten Ausgabe von MA vorliegt, vor
allem aktuelle Ankuendigungen von Tagungen und Ausstellungen. Ausserdem
werden Beitraege einfliessen, die keinen Platz in der vorhergehenden
Ausgabe von MA fanden. Die "Elektronischen Mitteilungen" koennen und
sollen jedoch die gedruckten "Mitteilungen" nicht ersetzen.

Fuer weitere Informationen zur Astronomiegeschichte auf elektronischem
Wege sei auf HASTRO-L verwiesen (vgl. MA Nr. 3, S. 1). EMA wird in der
Regel keine Informationen aus HASTRO-L uebernehmen.

EMA werden kostenlos verbreitet. Innerhalb Deutschlands ist der Bezug
jedoch an ein Abonnement der MA gebunden. Diese Regelung ist notwendig, da
fuer den notwendigen Briefwechsel per gewoehnlicher Post Kosten entstehen.

Bitte teilen Sie mit, falls Sie an einem weiteren Bezug der EMA  n i c h t
interessiert sind.

Beitraege fuer MA und MAG, bevorzugt per E-mail, sind jederzeit


Jahresbericht 1993

Fuer die Mitglieder des Arbeitskreises:
Bitte denken Sie daran, fuer den Jahresbericht des Arbeitskreises, der am
31. Januar an die "Mitteilungen der Astronomischen Gesellschaft" gesandt
werden soll, Ihre astronomiehistorischen Publikationen in 1993


Tagungskalender 1994

17. Februar, Leipzig
Symposium "200 Jahre Universitaetssternwarte Leipzig"
Siegfried Marx: Astronomische Vorlesungen und Forschungen an der
Universitaet Leipzig; Hans-Joachim Ilgauds: Johannes Hartmann in Leipzig.
14.00 Uhr, Sitzungssaal der Saechsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften,
Goethestr. 3-5. (Dr. Karl-Heinz Schlote, Tel.: 0431-71 97 324)

21. Februar, Dortmund
10 Uhr: Besichtigung des neu eingerichteten begehbaren Magazines
historischer Vermessungsinstrumente und der Bibliothek des Foerderkreises
Vermessungstechnisches Museum e.V. im Museum "Westpark", 
Rittershausstr. 34
13 Uhr (Museum fuer Kunst und Kulturgeschichte der Stadt Dortmund,
Hansastr. 3): R. Kischkel "Der Mensch im Universum"; R. Holewa
"Historische Rheinstromvermessungen"
ca. 14 Uhr: Mitgliederversammlung des Foerderkreises

8.-11. Maerz, Paris
Internationales Kolloquium zur Zweihundertjahrfeier der Ecole
polytechnique (Centre de recherche en historie des sciences et de
techniques, Cite des sciences et de industrie, F-75930 Paris-Cedex 19)

22. Maerz, London
Discussion Meeting of the Scientific Instrument Society: "How to Look at
Old Instruments". Demonstration of Engraving.
Society of Antiquaries, Burlington House, Picadilly, London W1

8. Mai, London
The Sixteenth International Scientific & Medical Instrument Fair
Portman Hotel, Portman Square, London W1, 10:00 - 16:30. 
Details: 081-866 8659 

12.-14. Mai, Sohland/Oberlausitz
Sonnenuhren-Tagung 1994 (mit Vortraegen, u.a. zu historischen Sonnenuhren,
und Exkursionen). Tagungs-Beitrag 53,- DM.  (Dr. Hugo Philipp,
Arbeitskreis Sonnenuhren, Duesseldorfer Str. 73, D-40721 Hilden)

Mai, London
Meeting of the British Society for the History of Science 
"The Outsider in Science" (I. Gratten-Guiness, 43 St Leonard's Road,
Bengeo, Gertfordshire, SG14 3JW, Great Britain)

24. August, London
Schmidt Globe Exhibition
Lectures by Elly Dekker and Gloria Clifton are planned
Christie's, King Street, London SW1

Ende August, Bochum (?)
Meeting of the European Society for Astronomy in Culture
(Prof. Dr. Wolfhard Schlosser, Ruhr-Universitaet, Astronomisches Institut,
Universitaetsstr. 150, D-44780 Bochum)

Oktober, London
The Seventeenth International Scientific & Medical Instrument Fair
Portman Hotel, Portman Square, London W1. Details: 081-866 8659

16. November, London
The SIS Invitation Lecture: Prof. D.A.King (Frankfurt/M.)
"Medieval European Astronomical Instruments and their Secrets"
Society of Antiquaries, Burlington House, Picadilly, London W1


Museen und Ausstellungen

Noch bis 28. 2. 1994 zeigt die Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preussischer
Kulturbesitz (Haus 2, Potsdamer Stasse 33) die umfangreiche Ausstellung
"Der Rote Planet in Kartenbild. 200 Jahre Marskartographie von Herschel,
Beer und Maedler bis zur CD". Der Autor Dr. Juergen Blunck, Mitarbeiter der
Staatsbibliothek, hat zahlreiche Karten, Globen, Buecher und Fotos in
Leihgaben aus aller Welt zusammengetragen. Oeffnungszeiten: Mo-Sa 9-17 Uhr.
Eintritt frei. Fuehrung durch den Autor: 5. 2. 1994, 15-17 Uhr. 
Katalog: siehe Rubrik Neue Buecher.

Anlaesslich des Jahrestages der Ankunft Keplers in Graz sollen dort lokale
Feiern abgehalten werden. U.a. wird am 11. April eine zeitweilige
Ausstellung von alten Instrumenten und Buechern auf dem astronomischen Turm
eroeffnet, wo einiges fuer die Renovierung des Fernrohres und alter Geraete
investiert wurde. (Keine fixen Oeffnungszeiten)
(Prof. Dr. H. Haupt, Institut fuer Astronomie der
Karl-Franzens-Universitaet, Universitaetsplatz 5, A-8010 Graz, 
Tel. (0316) 380-5270 (Sekr.))

Im Fruehjahr 1994 wird in Saint-Denis am Rande von Paris ein neues
Magazingebaeude des Musee des Arts et Metiers eroeffnet, das auch der
Oeffentlichkeit zugaengig sein soll. (Musee des Arts et Metiers, 292 rue
Saint Martin, F-75141 Paris Cedex 03)

Vom 24. August bis 14. September veranstaltet die Scientific Instrument
Society eine Ausstellung mit dem Titel "Instruments of Discovery". Es wird
ein Katalog erscheinen. (Maria Blyzinsky, The Old Royal Observatory,
National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London SE1 9NF, Great Britain)

Mitte 1995 soll in Paderborn ein neues Museum zur Geschichte des Computers
eroeffnet werden. (Norbert Ryska und Theodor Rode, Forum fuer
Informationstechnik GmbH, Fuerstenallee 7, D-33102 Paderborn, 
Tel. 05251 8 11066)


Neue Buecher

Freddy Litten (Hrsg.): Philipp Fauth - Leben und Werk. Aus dem
autobiographischen Nachlass zusammengestellt von Hermann Fauth.
(Algorismus. Studien zur Geschichte der Mathematik und der
Naturwissenschaften, H. 9) Muenchen: Institut fuer Geschichte der
Naturwissenschaften, 1993. XI, 297 S. ISBN 3-89241-008-9 
(Bezug: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet, Institut fuer Geschichte der
Naturwissenschaften, Postfach, D-80306 Muenchen)

Juergen Blunck: Der rote Planet im Kartenbild. 200 Jahre Marskartographie
von Herschel, Beer und Maedler bis zur CD. Ausstellung der Staatsbibliothek
zu Berlin. Konzeption und Katalog: Juergen Blunck. (Staatsbibliothek zu
Berlin - Preussischer Kulturbesitz. Ausstellungskataloge, N. F., 7)
Gotha: Justus Perthes Verlag, 1993. 132 S. ISBN 3-623-00490-1, DM 24,80.


Institut fuer Europaeische Kulturgeschichte der Universitaet Augsburg

Aufgabe dieses Instituts ist die Foerderung von Forschungen zur
europaeischen Kulturgeschichte auf der Grundlage der historischen
Quellenbestaenden in den Bibliotheken und Archiven in Augsburg und
Schwaben durch

- Publikation der Forschungsergebnisse (Reihe "Studia Augustana -
Augsburger Forschungen zur europaeischen Kulturgeschichte" im Max Niemeyer

- Gastdozenturen und Stipendien, Vortraege, Tagungen, Austellungen (bisher
3 Austellungskataloge) und andere Aktivitaeten,

- Anregung und Planung von Lehrveranstaltungen im Bereich der

Fuer Projekte, die ein Quellenstudium in Augsburg erfordern, koennen
Doktoranden- und Postdoktorandenstipendien fuer 1 bis 12 Monate vergeben

Anschrift: Philippine-Welser-Str. 7, D-86150 Augsburg, Tel. 0821/156477 u.



Im folgenden sind Veranstaltungen seit der Gruendung des Arbeitskreises
aufgefuehrt, die zuvor nicht in MA angekuendigt werden konnten.
Ergaenzungen sind willkommen.

25.-27. 9. 1992, Sonneberg/Thueringen 
Tagung der Bundesdeutschen Arbeitsgemeinschaft fuer Veraenderliche Sterne
e.V. (mit Vortrag von G. A. Richter: Zum 100. Geburtstag Cuno

25.-28. 9. 1992, Jena 
Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Geschichte der Medizin,
Naturwissenschaft und Technik (astronomiehistorische Vortraege von B.
Nagel, K. Hentschel/M. Renneberg, G. Wolfschmidt)

15.-16. 10. 1992, Hurbanovo/Slowakei
Symposium "150th Anniversary of the Establisher of Hurbanovo Observatory -
Nicolaus Konkoly Thege"

21. 10. 1992, Archenhold-Sternwarte Berlin
Wissenschaftliches Kolloqium zum 25. Todestag von Ejnar Hertzsprung (mit
historischen Vortraegen von E. Knobloch, D. B. Herrmann, O. Schwarz, G.
Wolfschmidt, K. Gyldenkerne)

3.-5. 11. 1992, Strasbourg 
Annual meeting of European archaeo- and ethnoastronomers

30. 11. 1992, Deutsches Museum Muenchen 
Kerschensteiner Kolleg (mit Vortrag von G. Wolfschmidt)

17. 12. 1992, Konkoly Observatory, Budapest 
Meeting "Three Great Hungarian Astronomers: Ferenc Weiss, Maximilian Hell,
Miklas Konkoly Thege"

20. 2. 1993, Universitaet Jena 
Vortragstagung "150 Jahre Doppler-Effekt - Entdeckungsgeschichte und
Bedeutung fuer Physik, Astronomie und Raumfahrt" (u.a. mit historischem
Vortrag von J. Wittig)

25. 2. 1993, Universitaet Leipzig 
Kolloqium zur Geschichte der Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften (u.a. mit
astronomiehistorischem Vortrag von G. Muenzel)

18.-19. 3. 1993, Esslingen 
Workshop "Astronomie und Astrophysik in der Schule" (u.a. mit historischen
Vortraegen von W. Winnenburg, T. Marwinski, D. Vornholz)

14. 5. 1993, Observatoire Astr. de Strasbourg 
15e reeunion "Astronomie et Sciences Humaines" (mit historischen
Vortraegen von F. Suagher, J. Delattre, P. Verdier, J.P. Parisot, E.
Peterschmidt, G. Alfonso)

25. 5. 1993, Archenhold-Sternwarte, Berlin
Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium anlaesslich des 450. Todestages von Nicolaus
Copernicus (historische Vortraege von H.-J. Felber, H. Nobis, E. Knobloch,
J. Hamel)

10. 6. 1993, Berkeley, USA 
Session of the Historical Astronomy Division (HAD) of the American
Astronomical Society (AAS) at the AAS meeting

14.-15. 6. 1993, Huntington Library, San Marino, California 
Special sessions of the HAD "Astronomy in the Time of Copernicus",
"Astronomy in the American West"

24.-27. 6. 1993, Notre Dame University, USA 
Workshop, sponsored by the History of Astronomy Interest Group of the
History of Science Society

Oktober 1993, Treffen in Oesterreich
Feiern zum 50. Jubilaeum des Sonnenobservatoriums Kanzelhoehe



"Jener arbeitet schon zehn Jahre an einem Lexikon der Sprachen des Ostens
und befasst sich ausserdem mit Astronomie, hat alle Autoritaeten von
Newton ueber Herschel bis zu einem gewissen Flammarich [sic!] hin gelesen
und will herauskriegen, ob es auf der Venus, dem Mars und anderen Planeten
Bewohner gibt, wie sie aussehen, was sie machen und so weiter." (Iwan
Alexandrowitsch Gontscharow, Ein Monat Mai in Petersburg [Erzaehlung; aus
dem Russischen von Ute Baum]. In: ders., Ein Monat Mai in Petersburg,
Erzaehlungen und Erinnerungen 1875-1891. Leipzig und Weimar: Gustav
Kiepenheuer Verlag 1988, S. 243; gefunden von P. Brosche)



Fuer Informationen sei gedankt: J.Blunck (Berlin), P.Brosche (Daun),
J.Dorschner (Jena), H.Haupt (Graz), K.-D.Herbst (Jena), I. Keil
(Augsburg), F.Litten (Muenchen), G.Wolfschmidt (Muenchen).



Elektronische Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte (EMA)                                                                                                                

Herausgegeben vom Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte in der Astronomischen

Redaktion: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick <wdi@potsdam.ifag.de>

Alle nicht namentlich gekennzeichneten Mitteilungen sind redaktionelle
Beitraege. Aufsaetze sowie Mitteilungen fuer die Rubriken werden gern

Der Bezug der EMA ist kostenlos, innerhalb der BRD jedoch an ein
Abonnement der "Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte" (MA) gebunden.

[Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte:
 Preis: 1,50 DM/Ausgabe zzgl. Versandkosten 
        Ausserhalb der BRD: kostenfrei
 Bezug: Einsendung von 2,50 DM (Einzelheft) oder 5,- DM (Nr. 4-5) in
        Briefmarken an die Redaktion
 Redaktion: Dr. W. R. Dick, Otterkiez 14, 
            D-14478 Potsdam, Tel.: (+331) 863199

Astronomische Gesellschaft: 

Vorsitzender: Prof. Dr. Hanns Ruder, Universitaet Tuebingen, Theoretische
Astrophysik und Computational Physics, Auf der Morgenstelle 10, 
D-72076 Tuebingen

Schriftfuehrer: Dr. G. Klare, Landessternwarte, Koenigstuhl, 
D-69117 Heidelberg

Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte:

Vorsitzender: Prof. Dr. Peter Brosche, Observatorium Hoher List der
Sternwarte der Universitaet Bonn, D-54550 Daun, Tel.: (+6592) 2150, Fax:
(+6592) 2937

Sekretaer: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick, Institut fuer Angewandte Geodaesie,
Aussenstelle Potsdam, Postfach 60 08 08, D-14408 Potsdam, 
Tel.: (+331) 316 619, E-mail: wdi@potsdam.ifag.de (falls hier nicht
erreichbar, folgende Adressen benutzen: dick@gfz-potsdam.de oder

Sekretaer fuer Oeffentlichkeitsarbeit: Dr. Gudrun Wolfschmidt, Deutsches
Museum, Museumsinsel 1, D-80538 Muenchen, Tel.: (+89) 2179 277, 
Fax: (+89) 2179 324, E-mail: t7911ac@sunmail.lrz-muenchen.de

Spendenkonto des Arbeitskreises bei der Astronomischen Gesellschaft:
Konto-Nr. 261 917, Sparkasse Mannheim (BLZ 670 501 01)
Ueberweisungen aus dem Ausland bitte mit Vermerk "Fuer Arbeitskreis
Astronomiegeschichte" an: Konto Nr. 162 18-203, Postgiroamt Hamburg, 
BLZ 200 400 20


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Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy - Number 2

*************************************************************************** * * * ELECTRONIC NEWSLETTER FOR THE HISTORY OF ASTRONOMY * * * * Published by the Work Group for the History of Astronomy * * in the Astronomische Gesellschaft * * * * Number 2, February 28, 1994 * * * * A translation of * * * * ELEKTRONISCHE MITTEILUNGEN ZUR ASTRONOMIEGESCHICHTE * * Nr. 2, 6. Februar 1994 * * * * Edited by: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick * * * * Translated by: Donald Bellunduno <76450.1741@CompuServe.COM> * * * *************************************************************************** Annual Report 1993 ------------------ (To be published in "Mitteilungen der Astronomischen Gesellschaft") Work Group for the History of Astronomy in the Astronomische Gesellschaft 1. Membership Up until the 1st. December, 1993, the work group has acquired 104 subscribing members and in addition 200 friends of the "Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte". 2. Meetings and publications of the work group Splinter-meeting on the "Development of Astrophysics," on October 1, 1993 in Bochum (34 participants, 20 lectures and posters; Abstracts in Astronomische Gesellschaft Abstract Series No. 9, 1993) Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte: Nr. 2, June 1993; Nr. 3, Special issue Nr. 1, December 1993. Editor: W. R. Dick Membership list, December 1993 3. Publications by members of the work group Because of space constrictions, we will be listing neither those publications which have appeared in well-known astronomical magazines, nor those which stems from fellow-workers of the Astronomical Institutes publishing yearly reports in Mitt. AG. Among those fellow-workers are: R.BIEN und R.JAEHRLING (Heidelberg, ARI), P.BROSCHE und E.H.GEYER (Bonn, Sternwarte), H.W.DUERBECK (Muenster), H.-J.SCHMIDT (Potsdam, WIP-Projektgruppen Astronomie). BIALAS, V.: Columbus 1492 - Beginn einer neuen Weltordnung [Columbus 1492 - beginning of a new world order]. Topos 1, 39, 1993 BIALAS, V.: Wissenschaft muss zum Ganzen zurueckfinden. Zur Revision des Galilei-Urteils durch den Vatikan. [The whole of science must be completely redicovered. On the revision of the Vatican's judgement of Galileo.] Phys. Bl. 49, 879, 1993 BIALAS, V., GROESSING, H. (Eds.): Johannes Kepler, Gesammelte Werke [collected works], Vol. XI, 2: Calendaria et Prognostica/Astronomica minora/Somnium. Muenchen: Verlag C.H.Beck, 1993. 563 S. BUSCHMANN, E.: 200 Jahre franzoesische Gradmessung zur Bestimmung der Laenge des Meters [200 Years of French arc measurements to determine the length of the meter]. Allgemeine Vermessungs-Nachrichten 100, 84, 1993 BUSCHMANN, E.: Ernst Kohlschuetter zum Gedenken [In memory of Ernst Kohlschuetter]. Allgemeine Vermessungs-Nachrichten 100, 200, 1993 DICK, W.R.: Martin Bartels als Lehrer von Carl Friedrich Gauss [Martin Bartels as teacher of Carl Friedrich Gauss]. Mitteilungen der Gauss-Gesellschaft e.V. Goettingen 30, 59, 1993 DICK, W.R.: F. W. Bessel und die russische Wissenschaft - Anmerkungen zum Aufsatz von K. K. Lavrinovic [F. W. Bessel and Russian Science - Comments on an article by K. K. Lavrinovic]. NTM, Neue Serie 1, 259, 1993 HAMEL, Juergen: Zentralkatalog alter astronomischer Drucke in den Bibliotheken der deutschen Bundeslaender Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Brandenburg, Berlin, Sachsen-Anhalt, Thueringen und Sachsen [Central catalog of old astronomical prints in the libraries of the German Federal Counties of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Brandenburg, Berlin, Sachsen-Anhalt, Thueringen and Sachsen]. Teil 5 [Part 5]. Berlin-Treptow: Archenhold-Sternwarte 1993 HAMEL, J.: Wissenschaft auf Abwegen? Ideologie und Wissenschaft in der Wirkungsgeschichte der Kantschen Kosmogonie bis um 1800 [Science gone astray? Ideology and science in the History of movement in Kantian Cosmology up until 1800]. In: H.Kattenstedt (Ed.): "Grenz-Ueberschreitung", Wandlungen der Geisteshaltung. Bochum 1993, p. 33 HAMEL, J., TIEMANN, K.-H. (Eds.): Alexander von Humboldt ueber das Universum. Die Kosmosvortraege 1827/28 in der Berliner Singakademie [Alexander von Humboldt on the Universe. The lectures on the cosmos 1827/28 in the Berliner Singakademie]. Frankfurt a.M., Leipzig: Insel Verlag, 1993. 235 S. HARTL, G., MAERKER, K., TEICHMANN, J., WOLFSCHMIDT, G.: Planeten - Sterne - Welteninseln. Astronomie im Deutschen Museum [Planets - Stars - World islands. Astronomy in the German Museum]. Muenchen: Deutsches Museum, 1993. 248 S. HENTSCHEL, K.: The discovery of the redshift of solar Fraunhofer lines by Rowland and Jewell in Baltimore around 1890. Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences 23, 219, 1993 HENTSCHEL, K.: The conversion of St. John: A case study on the interplay of theory and experiment. Science in Context 6, 137, 1993 HERBST, K.-D.: Messen mittels Mikrometer in Astronomie und Technik [Measurements with the micrometer in astronomy and technology]. Dresdener Beitraege zur Geschichte der Technikwissenschaften [Dresden contributions to the History of the Science of Technology] 21, 90, 1993 HOLL, M.: Pater [Father] Angelo Secchi S. J. (1818-1878). Sonne [Sun] 17, 51, 1993 HOLL, M.: Astronomische Gedenktage [Astronomical days of reflection] (Cuno Hoffmeister, Walter Baade/ Friedrich Georg Wilhelm Struve, Pater Angelo Secchi S.J./ Pieter Zeeman, Rudolf Wolf). Sternkieker [Stargazer], pp. 18, 80, 184, 1993 LOCHER, K.: New arguments for the celestial location of the decanal belt and for the origins of the S3h-hieroglyph. In: Sesto Congresso Internazionale di Egittologia. Atti. Vol. II, Torino 1993, p. 279 MARWINSKI, T.: Christian Gotthilf Salzmann's populaere Himmelskunde. Auszuege aus dem "Boten aus Thueringen" von 1798 bis 1800 [Christian Gotthilf Salzmann's popular Astronomy. Extracts of the "Messengers from Thueringen" from 1798 to 1800]. Weimar, 1993. 40 S. STRUMPF, M.: Zur Baugeschichte der Gothaer Sternwarten [On the historical buildings of the Gotha Observatories]. Gothaer Museumsheft 1993, Beitraege zur Regionalgeschichte, S. 35 TIEMANN, K.-H.: Die Popularisierung der Wissenschaften durch Alexander von Humboldt [The poplarization of science through Alexander von Humboldt]. In: M.Guntau, P.Hardetert, M.Pape (Eds.): Alexander von Humboldt, Natur als Idee und Abenteuer, Ausstellungsband. Essen 1993, S. 107 WOLFSCHMIDT, G.: The Doppler Effect in 19th century astronomy. Acta Polytechnica 33, 13, 1993 WOLFSCHMIDT, G.: Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) - Revolutionaer wider Willen. Begleitbuch zur Ausstellung im Bayerischen Hauptstaatsarchiv 1993 [Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) - unwilling revolutionary. Accompanying book to the exhibit in the Bavarian State's main archive 1993]. Publikationsreihe der Ost- und Westpreussenstiftung in Bayern, Bd. 23, Muenchen, 1993. 150 S. WOLFSCHMIDT, G.: Nicolaus Copernicus - Renaissance-Gelehrter und Revolutionaer wider Willen [Nicolaus Copernicus - Renaissance-Scholar and unwilling revolutionary]. Copernicus - Das Magazin fuer die Universitaeten Berlins 1, 16, 1993 P.Brosche, W.R.Dick ........................................................................... Conference Calendar ------------------- 16. February, Berlin H.W.Duerbeck: On the History of the exploration of our Solar System. Archenhold-Observatory Berlin-Treptow, 8 pm (Archenhold-Observatory, Alt-Treptow 1, 12435 Berlin, Tel. 030-2318080) 27.-29. May, Chambery and Geneve, Switzerland Societe Internationale de L'Astrolabe, Reunion 1994 (Societe Internationale de L'Astrolabe, 24, rue du Buisson Richard, F-78600 Le mesnil-Le-Roi) 23.-26. September, Halle 77th Annual Assemly of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Geschichte der Medizin, Naturwissenschaft und Technik [German Society for the History of Medicine, Natural Science and Technology], Subject-theme "Subjectivity and Science" (Dr. P. Voswinckel, Institut fuer Medizin- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Koenigstrasse 42, D-23552 Luebeck, Tel. 0451-75732, Fax 0451-74689) 5.-9. Dezember, Sonneberg IAU Colloqium 151, Flares and Flashes, A multi-wavelength approach to short-term phenomena. In honour of the 65th birthday of G.A.Richter and W.Wenzel. (Dr.H.W.Duerbeck, Astronomisches Institut der Westfaelischen Wilhelms-Universitaet, Wilhelm-Klemm-Str. 10, D-48149 Muenster, E-mail: iauc151@cygnus.uni-muenster.de or MPE::IAUC151) # # # To all astrohistorians >From Joe Tenn, Chair, ASP History Committee The "106th annual meeting" of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific will be held in Flagstaff, AZ, USA, June 25 - July 1, 1994. During this meeting, in celebration of the centennial of one of our host institutions, the Lowell Observatory, the ASP history committee will present the following sessions on the history of astronomy: Tuesday morning 28 June 1994: THE LOWELL OBSERVATORY IN TWENTIETH CENTURY ASTRONOMY (6 invited lectures) Tuesday afternoon, 28 June: PREHISTORIC ASTRONOMY (one invited lecture; contributed papers welcome) Wednesday, 29 June: ARCHAEOASTRONOMY TOUR Carpool to local sites of astronomical interest. Thursday morning 30 June: HISTORY OF PLANETARY ASTRONOMY 3 invited lectures Thursday afternoon,30 June: HISTORIC ASTRONOMY contributed papers welcome All are invited to attend the history sessions whether or not they attend other sessions of the ASP meeting. (Other sessions include scientific symposia on "Completing the Inventory of the Solar System" and "Multiple Telescope Robotic Observatories," public lectures, star parties, teachers' workshops, and tours). If you wish to present a paper (poster or 15-minute talk) on any topic in the history of astronomy, please contact: Joseph S. Tenn Department of Physics & Astronomy Sonoma State University Rohnert Park, CA 94928-3609 USA Internet: joe.tenn@sonoma.edu phone: 707-664-2594 fax: 707-664-2505 For further information regarding the overall ASP meeting, please contact the ASP office: Astronomical Society of the Pacific 390 Ashton Avenue San Francisco, CA 94112 U.S.A. Internet: asp@bkyast.berkeley.edu phone: 415-337-1100 fax: 415-337-5205 ........................................................................... Museums and Exhibits -------------------- In early summer 1994 a new scientific/historic museum will be opened on the University Campus in Aarhus, Denmark. It consists of three buildings: A division for scientific history, a division for the history of medicine, and in the middle a planetarium. This museum unifies two museums, which were before divided in Aarhus. Address: Dr.scient.K.P.Moesgaard, Direktor, STENO Museum, C.F.Moellers Alle, bygn. 100, Universitetsparken, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Tel.: +45 8942 3975, Fax: +45 8942 3995. (Source: Nachrichtenblatt der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Geschichte der Medizin, Naturwissenschaft und Technik, 43 (1993) 3, S. 169f.) ........................................................................... New Books --------- Betts, Jonathan: John Harrison. Greenwich: National Maritime Museum, 1993. Pp. 25. L 3.95. Bialas, Volker; Groessing, Helmuth (Eds.): Johannes Kepler Gesammelte Werke [collected works], Vol. XI, 2: Calendaria et Prognostica/Astronomica minora/Somnium. Bearbeitet von Volker Bialas und Helmuth Groessing. Muenchen: Verlag C.H.Beck, 1993. 563 S. Brather, Hans-Stephan (Ed.): Leibniz und seine Akademie. Ausgewaehlte Quellen zur Geschichte der Berliner Sozietaet der Wissenschaften [Leibniz and his Academy. Selected sources on the History of the Berlin Academy of Science] 1697-1716. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1993. XLIV, 471 S. ISBN 3-05-001795-3, DM 198,-. [also on the Berlin Observatory] Grant, Edward: Planets, Stars, and Orbs. The Medieval Cosmos, 1200-1687. Cambrige: Cambridge University Press, 1993 (?). Pp. 900. $ 69.95. HAMEL, Juergen: Zentralkatalog alter astronomischer Drucke in den Bibliotheken der deutschen Bundeslaender Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Brandenburg, Berlin, Sachsen-Anhalt, Thueringen und Sachsen [Central catalog of old astronomical prints in the libraries of the German Federal Counties of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Brandenburg, Berlin, Sachsen-Anhalt, Thueringen and Sachsen]. Teil 5 [Part 5]. Berlin-Treptow: Archenhold-Sternwarte 1993, pp. 379-464 HAMEL, J., TIEMANN, K.-H. (Eds.): Alexander von Humboldt ueber das Universum. Die Kosmosvortraege 1827/28 in der Berliner Singakademie [Alexander von Humboldt on the Universe. The lectures on the cosmos 1827/28 in the Berliner Singakademie]. Frankfurt a.M., Leipzig: Insel Verlag, 1993. 235 S. ISBN 3-458-33240-5, DM 16,80. Hawking, Stephen: Einsteins Traum. Expeditionen an die Grenzen der Raumzeit [Einstein's Dream. Expeditions on the Borders of Time and Space]. Aus dem Englischen von [Translated from English by] H. Kober. Reinbeck bei Hamburg: Rowohlt Verlag, 1993. 192 S. DM 36,-. [Autobiography] Helmert, Friedrich Robert: Akademie-Vortraege [Academy-Lectures]. (Nachrichten aus den Karten- und Vermessungswesen, Reihe I, H.Nr. 109) Frankfurt a.M.: Verlag des Instituts fuer Angewandte Geodaesie, 1993. 369 S. [Sales Department: Institut fuer Angewandte Geodaesie, Aussenstelle Berlin, Stauffenbergstrasse 13, D-10785 Berlin; Contains among others: Recommendation for the election of F.R.Helmert to OM of the 16. November 1899 of Hermann Carl Vogel among those, election recommendation for Sir George Howard Darwin to KM of 1908 by F.R.Helmert (both from archive sources)] Hetherington, Norriss S. (Ed.): Encyclopedia of Cosmology. Historical, Philosophical, and Scientific Foundations of Modern Cosmology. (Garland reference library of the humanities, vol. 1250) New York, London: Garland Publishing, 1993. ISBN 0-8240-7213-8 Linsky, Jeffrey F.; Serio, Salvatore; (Ed.): Physics of solar and stellar coronae: G.S. Vaiana Memorial Symposium. Proceedings of a conference of the International Astronomical Union, held in Palermo, Italy, 22-26 June, 1992. (Astrophysics and Space Science Library, Vol. 184) Dordrecht, Boston, London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1993. Pp. XIV, 650. ISBN 0-7923-2346-7 Litvinova, E.F.: V.Ya.Struve. Ego zhizn' i uchenaya deyatel'nost' [W.Struve. His life and scientific work; in Russian]. S.-Peterburg: Redakciya filosofsko-relig. i literat. al'manakha "Revers", 1993. Pp. 74+8. [p. 66-74: English summary; about Struve, F.G.W. (1793-1864); Reprint of a book published in 1893] Mucke, Hermann (Ed.): Sonnenuhren. Schrift des 19. Sternfreundeseminars 1991 des Planetariums der Stadt Wien [Sun Dials. Script of the 19th. seminar of the friends of the stars of the Planetarium of the City of Wien]. Wien, 1993. 166 S. OeS 195,-. Osterbrock, Donald E.: Pauper & Prince: Ritchey, Hale, and big American telescopes. Tucson: The University of Arizona Press, 1993. Pp. XVIII, 362. ISBN 0-8165-1199-3, $ 45.00. Pedersen, Olaf: Early Physics and Astronomy. A Historical Introduction. Second edition. Cambrige: Cambridge University Press, 1993. Pp. X, 413. ISBN 0-521-40899-7, L 19.95 (pbk), 0-521-40340-5 (hbk). [Revised edition; first published by Macdonald and James and American Elsevier 1974] Robertson, Peter: Beyond southern skies. Radio astronomy and the Parkes telescope. Cambrige: Cambridge University Press, 1993. Pp. XI, 357. ISBN 0-521-41408-3, L 40.00, $ 75.00. Sharov, Alexander S.; Novikov, Igor' Dmitrievich: Edwin Hubble, the Discoverer of the Big Bang Universe. Translated by Vitaly Kisin. Cambrige: Cambridge University Press, 1993. Pp. XV, 187. ISBN 0-521-41617-5, L 19.95. The Stargazer of Tow Law. Tow Law (GB): The Tow Law Local History Group, 1993. Pp. 53. ISBN 0-9519036-0-8, L 2.50. [Sales: 27 Attlee Estate, Tow Law, Co. Durham DL13 4LG, Great Britain; on Espin, T.H.E.C.] Tropp, Eduard Abramovich; Frenkel', Viktor Yakovlevich; Chernin, Artur Davidovich: Alexander A. Friedman: The man who made the universe expand. Translated by Alexander Dron and Michael Burov. Cambrige: Cambridge University Press, 1993. Pp. X, 267. ISBN 0-521-38470-2, L 30.00/$49.95. Wilhelms, Don E.: To a Rocky Moon. A Geologist's History of Lunar Exploration. Tucson, London: The University of Arizona Press, 1993. Pp. XX, 479. ISBN 0-8165-1065-2, $ 29.95. WOLFSCHMIDT, G.: Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) - Revolutionaer wider Willen. Begleitbuch zur Ausstellung im Bayerischen Hauptstaatsarchiv 1993 [Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) - unwilling revolutionary. Accompanying book to the exhibit in the Bavarian State's main archive 1993]. Publikationsreihe der Ost- und Westpreussenstiftung in Bayern, Bd. 23, Muenchen, 1993. 150 S. 2nd edition: Copernicus-Forschungsstelle im Institut fuer Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen, Muenchen 1993 ........................................................................... Personnel --------- Dr. Klaus Hentschel (Goettingen), member of the work group in the History of Astronomy, was in March awarded the Paul-Brugge-Prize of the Hans R. Jenemann Foundation. The prize which grants the winner 10.000 DM, is given for works on the history of scientific instruments. (Source: Nachrichtenblatt der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Geschichte der Medizin, Naturwissenschaft und Technik, 43 (1993) 3, S. 115f.) On the 24th. of Sept. the Rudolf-Kellermann-Prize was granted to Marcus Popplow, M.A., Heidelberg, for his work "Von der machina zur Maschine? Zur Verwendung von lat. machina im Mittelalter und in der Fruehen Neuzeit [From machina to the machine? The use of Latin word machina in Middle Ages and in early modern times]", in which he also gave a new interpretation of the cosmological texts from the Middle Ages on the concept: "machina mundi". (ib., pp. 122 and 125-127) The mathematician Maria Reiche, (born in Germany, and 90 years old) has for the last ten years studied and protected the famous Nazca Figures in Peru [Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau 46, 155 (1993)]. In May 1993 she was awarded the highest honor by the Order of the Sun in Lima, Peru. From her subsequent geometric inspection, and abundant calculations of the scratch-pictures of animals, she has determined that a calendar for cultivation and determining the positions of the heavenly bodies exists on the figures. (Source: Naturwiss. Rdsch. 46(1993)12, S. 493) ........................................................................... ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ---------------- For information we thank: V.Bialas (Muenchen), E.Buschmann (Potsdam), H.W.Duerbeck (Muenster), K.Locher (Gruet, Switzerland), G.Wolfschmidt (Muenchen). Thanks are also due to Julian A. Smith (Toronto, Candada) for a critical reading of the English version. ........................................................................... IMPRINT ------- Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy (ENHA) Published by the Work Group for the History of Astronomy in the Astronomische Gesellschaft A translation of "Elektronische Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte" Editor: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick Translated by: Mr. Donald Bellunduno <76450.1741@compuserve.com> All news which is not mentioned by name are editorial contributions. Articles as well as information for the several sections will be gladly received. Subscription for the ENHA is free, in order to obtain a subscription inside Germany, one must first obtain a subscription for the Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte (MA). [Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte: Price: DM 1.50 / issue plus postage and packing costs outside FRG: free Subscription: Send in DM 2.50 (one issue) or DM 5.00 (Nos. 4-5) in stamps to the editor Editor: Dr. W. R. Dick, Otterkiez 14, D-14478 Potsdam, Tel.: (+331) 863199 ] Astronomische Gesellschaft / Astronomical Society: Chairman: Prof. Dr. Hanns Ruder, University of Tuebingen, Theoretical Astrophysics and Computational Physics, Auf der Morgenstelle 10, D-72076 Tuebingen Secretary: Dr. G. Klare, Landessternwarte, Koenigstuhl, D-69117 Heidelberg Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte / Work Group for the History of Astronomy: Chairman: Prof. Dr. Peter Brosche, Observatorium Hoher List der Sternwarte der Universitaet Bonn, D-54550 Daun, Tel.: (+6592) 2150, Fax: (+6592) 2937 Secretary: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick, Institut fuer Angewandte Geodaesie, Aussenstelle Potsdam, Postfach 60 08 08, D-14408 Potsdam, Tel.: (+331) 316 619, E-mail: wdi@potsdam.ifag.de (in the event I am not reachable at this address, please use the following address: dick@gfz-potsdam.de oder wdick@aip.de) Secretary for Public Work: Dr. Gudrun Wolfschmidt, Deutsches Museum, Museumsinsel 1, D-80538 Muenchen, Tel.: (+89) 2179 277, Fax: (+89) 2179 324, E-mail: t7911ac@sunmail.lrz-muenchen.de Bank Acct. of the Work Group of the Astronomische Gesellschaft: Acct # 261 917, Sparkasse Mannheim (BLZ 670 501 01) Contributions from foreign countries, please sign with: "Fuer Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte" to: acct # 162 18-203, Postgiroamt Hamburg, BLZ 200 400 20 ***************************************************************************

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Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy - Number 3

*************************************************************************** * * * ELECTRONIC NEWSLETTER FOR THE HISTORY OF ASTRONOMY * * * * Published by the Work Group for the History of Astronomy * * in the Astronomische Gesellschaft * * * * Number 3, March 10, 1994 * * * * A translation of * * * * ELEKTRONISCHE MITTEILUNGEN ZUR ASTRONOMIEGESCHICHTE * * Nr. 3, 4. Maerz 1994 * * * * Edited by: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick * * * * Translated by: Donald Bellunduno <76450.1741@CompuServe.COM> * * * *************************************************************************** A cause for concern for the reader ---------------------------------- Unfortunately, Electronic Networks can on occasion be even less reliable than the regular mail, and E-Mail transmissions can get lost. Please send a note to the Editor in the case that you have not received one of the previous issues of EMA resp. ENHA. ........................................................................... ELECTRONIC NEWSLETTER FOR THE HISTORY OF ASTRONOMY (ENHA) --------------------------------------------------------- ENHA is a translation of the German newsletter "Elektronische Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte" (EMA), kindly provided by Donald Bellunduno (Charlotte, NC, USA). Up to now, No. 1 and 2 are available. Subscribers to EMA may choose whether they would like to receive EMA, or the English version ENHA (however, with a short delay for the English translation), or both. ........................................................................... Electronic Journal of the Astronomical Society of the Atlantic -------------------------------------------------------------- By Larry Klaes, EJASA Editor, Astronomical Society of the Atlantic The Electronic Journal of the Astronomical Society of the Atlantic (EJASA) is published monthly by the Astronomical Society of the Atlantic, Incorporated. The ASA is a non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of amateur and professional astronomy and space exploration, as well as the social and educational needs of its members. The EJASA is a place for those on Internet to publish their works on the field. The EJASA is also posted each month on the sci.astro, sci.space, sci.space.news, and sci.misc USENET newsgroups. I have been Editor of the EJASA since its founding in August of 1989. Below is a list of EJASA articles on historical astronomy that fall into the scope of HASTRO-L: Volume 1, Number 10 - May 1990 * Did Kepler Fake the Evidence? - Ken Poshedly Volume 2, Number 11 - June 1991 * Sir William Herschel and the Natural History of the Heavens - Keith M. Parsons Volume 3, Number 2 - September 1991 * Astronomy in Ancient Mesopotamia - Stacey Abrams Volume 4, Number 11 - June 1993 * Marcus Manilius and Ancient Astronomy - Ian Bacon If you are interested in these and other EJASA back issues, please send me a request for the EJASA Volume Lists. Back issues are available from me and the ASA anonymous FTP site at chara.gsu.edu ( I also invite you to write articles on the history of astronomy for the EJASA. Your input is what makes the EJASA possible. Please send your work to me for review at my network address at the end of this letter. Larry Klaes klaes@verga.enet.dec.com or - ...!decwrl!verga.enet.dec.com!klaes or - klaes%verga.dec@decwrl.enet.dec.com or - klaes%verga.enet.dec.com@uunet.uu.net ........................................................................... HOST: An Electronic Bulletin for the History of Science ------------------------------------------------------- By Julian A. Smith, _HOST_ editor As rising costs and shrinking budgets make the printing of scholarly journals ever more difficult, many universities and publishing companies are experimenting with alternatives to the traditional printed page. One of the most exciting is the electronic journal (ejournal). Composed of the full text of a standard printed journal, it can be sent by electronic mail through the Internet to a potentially infinite number of subscribers at a very low cost; and issues can be archived for future reference and retrieval at any FTP site. Moreover, the long delays between initial writing and final publication can be drastically reduced, as editors, authors and referees are placed in instantaneous contact with each other; and subscribers can count on getting final copies as soon as they become available. It is hardly surprising that electronic journals are often considered to be the wave of the future; and encouraging signs of this trend are already beginning to appear. Electronic journals have already been founded in several branches of science, history and philosophy, among others, and discussion of these new forms of scholarship is becoming widespread in traditional printed journals and newsletters. The history of astronomy is no exception, as ejournals such as this one prove; and in the larger field of the history of science, ejournals are also beginning to have an impact. _HOST: An Electronic Bulletin for the History of Science and Technology_, is a new scholarly journal published in both electronic and traditional printed formats at the Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology (IHPST) at the University of Toronto, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. _HOST_ appears twice a year, in January and July, though plans are currently underway to increase the number of issues per annum. All issues distributed over the Internet are free (simply send your request to jsmith@epas.utoronto.ca). There is a nominal charge ($5) for issues on diskette, to cover the costs of postage and handling (please specify what format of computer you use, IBM, Apple or Macintosh; and whether you prefer 5.25" or 3.5" disks). A typical issue contains scholarly articles, works in progress, book reviews, conference announcements, electronic resources, occasional job postings, and other news of interest to the profession. All research articles submitted pass through an editorial board, and are sent to scholarly referees for peer review. Their criticisms and suggestions are communicated anonymously to the author, who revises the submission accordingly, just as in the traditional printed journal. _HOST_ began as a private bulletin board (BBS) for the history of science operated irregularly by its current editor, Julian A. Smith, since 1984; but it was not until 1991 that the informal BBS was changed into a scholarly journal through its transferral to the Internet. In that year editorial advisory and production boards were struck, and the journal began formal publication. The current editorial advisory board (1994) includes IHPST professors Trevor Levere (history of chemistry, Canadian science), Bert Hall (medieval science, history of technology), Brian Baigrie (philosophy of science, history of physics), and Pauline Mazumdar (history of medicine); also advising is UQAM professor Yves Gingras (social sciences). The growth of _HOST_ has been extremely rapid, and has far exceeded its founders' expectations. An early suscriber list of approximately 150 quickly mushroomed into over 2000 readers in more than 50 countries by the beginning of 1994. Additional readers access copies of _HOST_ through various gopher and anonymous FTP transfer, including the primary site at epas.utoronto.ca, in the directory /pub/ihpst. _HOST_ welcomes contributions in all areas of the history and philosophy of science and technology. They may be sent through email to the editors, at the following addresses: jsmith@epas.utoronto.ca (Julian Smith, electronic editor) gbaker@epas.utoronto.ca (Gordon Baker, print editor) ihpst@epas.utoronto.ca (IHPST's account) Contributions may also be faxed to IHPST at (416) 978-3003, or sent through the traditional mails to the editors of _HOST_, IHPST, Room 316, 73 Queen's Park Crescent, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5S 1K7. We look forward to hearing from you! ........................................................................... ESO Libraries On-Line Catalogue ------------------------------- The European Southern Observatory Libraries On-line Catalogue is now publicly available. The system allows access to the Library Catalogue for all ESO libraries, informs about new acquisition, and enables library users to view their checkouts. From outside ESO, use the telnet address libhost.hq.eso.org, login: library (defaults will refer to Main Library in Graching) or lslib (defaults refer to La Silla Library). Two user guides are available: "The ESO Libraries On-line Catalogue in a Nutshell" and "The ESO User Guide to the On-line Catalogue". Both are available from the ESO Library in Garching (esolib@eso.org). [Source: The Messenger (ESO), No. 74, 1993, p. 37] ........................................................................... Bibliographic hints on the theme "electronic information" --------------------------------------------------------- Albrecht, M.A.; Heck, A.: StarGates and StarWords. An On-line Yellow Pages Directory for astronomy. The Messenger (ESO) (1993) 73, 39-40 Glebe, Thorsten; Witte, Rene: Computernetze in der Astronomie. (Computer nets in astronomy) Astronomie + Raumfahrt 30 (1993) 17, 410-413 Heck, Andre: Electronic publishing and intelligent information retrieval. Bulletin d'Information du Centre de Donnees Astronomiques de Strasbourg, (1992) 40, 127-131. Lequeux, J.: The future of astronomy publications: electronic publishing? The Messenger (ESO) (1992) 67, 58-61 Smith, Julian A.: Using Library Catalogues and Databases through INTERNET. HOST 1 (1992) 1 [About HOST see the contribution by J.A.Smith in this issue.] Smith, Julian A.: LISTSERVER Mailing Lists/Discussion Groups on BITNET/INTERNET for the historian and philosopher of science and technology. HOST 1 (1993) 2 Smith, Julian A.: Using "Newsgroups" through BITNET/INTERNET. HOST 1 (1993) 2 ........................................................................... Antiquarian Catalog on the History of Space Travel -------------------------------------------------- By Gerd Kueveler In February 1994, as a common work of many antiquarians, an antiquarian catalog on the History of Space Travel entitled: "Fly along to the stars," was released on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the landing on the moon. It contains 1092 related representations to the main theme: books, posters, autographs, all of which are in line with the theme of space travel. Also, some astronomical works and classic science fiction novels concerning the main theme of space travel are represented. Numerous illustrations grace the very carefully laid out catalog, and in almost all cases, there is a thorough bibliographic notation added which, all in all, makes the catalog a 216 page reference work well worth taking a look at. And while antiquarian rarities can often be expensive, the price of the catalog will even take the non-collector by surprise. The catalog costs only 20.00 DM, which is definitely worth purchasing! In order to order your catalog write to: Brockhaus / Antiquarium, Postfach 1220, D-70803 Kornwestheim, Germany. ........................................................................... Walter Baade Bibliography ------------------------- By Th. Schmidt-Kaler In 1993 we celebrated Walter Baade's birthday for the 100th time. Baade belonged to the most important group of astronomers of the first half of this century. Together with Eddington, Russell, Shapley, Hubble and Oort, Baade also furthered the idea of the development of stars and galaxies. Biographical skits appear in other places. We present a retrospective bibliography. H.Wendker developed a register of scripts by W. Baade using an ongoing numeral system (Astronomische Gesellschaft Mitteilungen 1960, pp. 9-11). We will complete this list in further publications. Numbers 89-94 appeared after Baades death. Further more, Baade wrote some small book reviews, for example, on Shapleys "Galaxies" (in PASP 56, 95-96, 1944). The bibliography will appear in "Die Sterne". ........................................................................... Help needed to solve problem ---------------------------- P. Brosche transmitted the following inquiry: Who mentioned for the first time the opinion that when one considers the overlayering of two ringed craters on the moon, that the undisturbed one is the younger one? And further, that in general that the younger craters are smaller than the older ones? ........................................................................... Conference Calendar ------------------- 1994 ---- March 14, Potsdam (FRG) 5 pm, Telegrafenberg, Lecture hall in the Refractor-building Michael Bolle (Berlin): Einstein's big brothers - the Observatories on the Telegraphenberg. An architectual and historical study. In conclusion, an association should be discussed and founded for the monuments to astronomy and geosciences in Berlin and Brandenburg. (Dr. W.R.Dick, see addresses in the imprint) May 19, Leipzig (Attention! Schedule change!) 2 pm, Meeting hall of the Saxon Academy of Sciences, Goethestr. 3-5 Gisela Muenzel: The time service of the Leipzig observatory; Wolfgang Schreier: K.F.Zoellner as physicist und astrophysicist (Dr. Karl-Heinz Schlote, Tel. 0431-71 97 324) June 3-5, Istanbul (Turkey) Symposium on Science and Technology in the Turkish and Islamic World (Dr. Feza Gunergun, Turkish Society for History of Science, P.K. 234, Besiktas, 80692 Istanbul, Turquey) June 27 - July 2, Vatican City (Italy) "The Inspiration of Astronomical Phenomena" Vatican Observatory, Castel Gandolfo, Vatican State (near Rome) The conference will treat the effect of astronomical phenomena on human thought and activity: literature, art, myth and religion, history and politics. (Professor Raymond E. White, Steward Observatory, University of Arizona, Tucson AZ 85721, USA, E-mail: rwhite@as.arizona.edu) September 3 - 5, Stralsund (FRG) Symposium Horologium III. on the occassion of the 600th consecration of the astronomical clock of St. Nikolai in Stralsund (Specialist conference on the problems of clocks of the late Middle Ages and Middle Age time-measurements; The exchange of new research information to the East-See Group of Astronomical Clocks should serve to analyse the religious, technical, historical, philosophical, and mental surroundings of the clocks. Conference location: Scheele-Haus in the old town of Stralsund Conference languages: German, English, French Lecture sign up period: March 10, 1994 (Hansestadt Stralsund, Kulturamt, Postfach 1, Faehrstr. 23/24, D-18408 Stralsund, Germany, Tel. 03831/292125 or 292171) September, Tashkent (Uzbekistan) International Conference devoted to Ulugh Beg's Jubilee (600 years since his birthday, 1394-1449) on Advances in Astronomy (History and Modern problems). Among sub-themes: "History of Astronomy in Central asia" (Prof. T.S. Yuldashbaer, Astronomical Institute, Academy of sciences, ul. Astronomicheskaya 33, Tashkent 700052, Uzbekistan, CIS) 1995 ---- September 11 - 16 1995, Vienna (Austria) 16th International Conference on the History of Cartography. Among the topics: "Celestial Charts". (Austrian National Library, Map Department and Globe Museum, Josefsplatz 1, A-1015 Wien, Austria) ........................................................................... New Books --------- D'Hollander, R.: L'astrolabe. Les astrolabes du Musee Paul Dupuy de Toulouse. Paris: AFT, 1993. Pp. 158. 190/270 FF. Debarbat, Suzanne; Ten, Antonio E. (Eds.): Metre et systeme metrique. Observatoire de Paris, Instituto de Estudios Documentales e Historicos sobre la Ciencia Universidad de Valencia, 1993. Pp. 194. ISBN 84-370-1174-4, 80 FF. [constitue les Actes de la "Journee Metre et Syteme metrique", journee organisee par l'Observatoire de Paris, conjointement avec l'Instituto de Estudios Documentales e Historicos sobre la Ciencia, le 5 juin 1991; Ce volume est en vente a l'Observatoire de Paris au prix de 80 FF. Son prix franco est de 90 FF adresses, libre de toute charge bancaire, au nom de l'Agent Comptable de l'Observatoire de Paris, et envoye aux Relations exterieures de l'Observatoire de Paris, 61 av. de l'Observatoire, 75014 Paris, France.] Eichhorn, E.; Thiele, E.-J. (Hrsg.): Vorlesungen zum Gedenken an Felix Hausdorff [Lectures in memory of Felix Hausdorff]. (Berliner Studienreihe zur Mathematik, Vol. 5) Berlin: Heldermann Verlag, 1994. 270 pp. ISBN 3-88538-105-2, DM 42.00. [contains also: H.J.Ilgauds, G.Muenzel: Heinrich Bruns, Felix Hausdorff und die Astronomie in Leipzig] Herrmann, Dieter B.: Astronomie - Sekundarstufe I [Astronomy - Secondary level I]. Berlin: paetec Gesellschaft fuer Bildung und Technik, 1993. 160 pp. ISBN 3-89517-300-2 [contains more on history of astronomy than other schoolbooks] Humboldt, Alexander von: Studienausgabe. Band 7: Kosmos. Entwurf einer physischen Weltbeschreibung [Study issue # 7: Kosmos. Proposal of a physical description of the world]. Vols. 1-2. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1993. V, 327; VIII, 427 pp. ISBN 3-534-03107-5. Hardbound, 2 vols. DM 139,-. Lindqvist, Svante (Ed.): Center on the Periphery: Historical Aspects of 20th-Century Swedish Physics. Canton, MA: Science History Publications, 1993. [contains among other: Karl Hufbauer,"Breakthrough on the Periphery: Bengt Edlen and the Identification of the Coronal Lines, 1939-1945", pp. 199-237] Ostriker, J.P. (Ed.): Selected Works of Yakov Borisovich Zeldovich. Vol. II: Particles, nuclei and the universe. Ewing, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1993. Pp. XIV, 644. ISBN 0-691-08742-3 Sahade, J.; McCluskey Jr., G.E.; Kondo, Y. (Eds.): The realm of interacting binary stars. (Astrophysics and Space Science Library, Vol. 177) Dordrecht, Boston, London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1993. Pp. VI, 451. ISBN 0-7923-1675-4 [contains also: A.H.Batten, F.B.Wood: The development of the idea of interacting double stars] ........................................................................... Chronicals ---------- (Continued from ENHA No. 1) The following are events which have taken place since the founding of the Work Group, but were before hand unable to be included in the ENHA. Additions are welcome. October 16 - 18, 1992, Washington DC (USA) Antique Telescope Society's Inaugural Convention at the US Naval Observatory October 29 - 30, 1992, Rome (Italy) Convegno "La cultura astronomica e geografica in Italia dal XV al XVII secolo" October 4 - 8, 1993, Pulkovo near St. Petersbourg (Russia) Russian Astrometric Conference dedicated to the Bicentenial Jubilee of Academician Wilhelm Struve, the Founder and the First Director of the Pulkovo Observatory November 13, 1993, Jena (FRG) Lectural Symposium on the occassion of the 450th anniversary of the appearance of Copernicus' work "De revolutionibus orbium coelestium libri VI"; lectures by G.Wolfschmidt, F.Krafft, H.G.Walther, G.Schaefer (Source: Sterne und Weltraum 32 (1993) 11, p. 761) ........................................................................... ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ---------------- In addition to the authors mentioned by name, those we thank for information are: P.Brosche (Daun), S.Debarbat (Paris), D.B.Herrmann (Berlin), G.Muenzel (Leipzig), R.M.Sinclair (Arlington, USA), Kulturamt Stralsund, as well as the Fachgruppe Geschichte des Vermessungswesen im Verband Deutscher Vermessungsingenieure [section on the History of Survey instruments in the Society of German Survey engineers]. ........................................................................... IMPRINT ------- Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy (ENHA) Published by the Work Group for the History of Astronomy in the Astronomische Gesellschaft A translation of "Elektronische Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte" Editor: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick Translated by: Mr. Donald Bellunduno <76450.1741@compuserve.com> All news which is not mentioned by name are editorial contributions. Articles as well as information for the several sections will be gladly received. Subscription for the ENHA is free, in order to obtain a subscription inside Germany, one must first obtain a subscription for the Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte (MA). [Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte: Price: DM 1.50 / issue plus postage and packing costs outside FRG: free Subscription: Send in DM 2.50 (one issue) or DM 5.00 (Nos. 4-5) in stamps to the editor Editor: Dr. W. R. Dick, Otterkiez 14, D-14478 Potsdam, Germany, Tel.: (+331) 863199 ] Astronomische Gesellschaft / Astronomical Society: Chairman: Prof. Dr. Hanns Ruder, University of Tuebingen, Theoretical Astrophysics and Computational Physics, Auf der Morgenstelle 10, D-72076 Tuebingen Secretary: Dr. G. Klare, Landessternwarte, Koenigstuhl, D-69117 Heidelberg Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte / Work Group for the History of Astronomy: Chairman: Prof. Dr. Peter Brosche, Observatorium Hoher List der Sternwarte der Universitaet Bonn, D-54550 Daun, Germany, Tel.: (+6592) 2150, Fax: (+6592) 2937 Secretary: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick, Institut fuer Angewandte Geodaesie, Aussenstelle Potsdam, Postfach 60 08 08, D-14408 Potsdam, Germany, Tel.: (+331) 316 619, E-mail: wdi@potsdam.ifag.de (in the event I am not reachable at this address, please try the following address: dick@gfz-potsdam.de oder wdick@aip.de) Secretary for Public Work: Dr. Gudrun Wolfschmidt, Deutsches Museum, Museumsinsel 1, D-80538 Muenchen, Germany, Tel.: (+89) 2179 277, Fax: (+89) 2179 324, E-mail: t7911ac@sunmail.lrz-muenchen.de Bank Acct. of the Work Group of the Astronomische Gesellschaft: Acct # 261 917, Sparkasse Mannheim (BLZ 670 501 01) Contributions from foreign countries, please sign with: "Fuer Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte" to: acct # 162 18-203, Postgiroamt Hamburg, BLZ 200 400 20 ***************************************************************************

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Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy - Number 4

*                                                                         *
*                                                                         *
*        Published by the Work Group for the History of Astronomy         *
*                  in the Astronomische Gesellschaft                      *
*                                                                         *
*                       Number 4, April 15, 1994                          *
*                                                                         *
*                           A translation of                              *
*                                                                         *
*                        Nr. 4,  8. April 1994                            *
*                                                                         *
*          Edited by: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick           *
*                                                                         *
*      Translated by: Donald Bellunduno <76450.1741@CompuServe.COM>       *
*                                                                         *

Honorarium for Rudolf Wolf in Zurich

By Thomas K. Friedli, Schliern (Switzerland)

In memory of the 100 anniversary of the death of Zurich Astronomer,
Geodesist, Mathematician, and Science Historian Joh. Rudolf Wolf
(1816-1893), a memorial celebration took place on the 3rd of December in
the main building of the Swiss Technical High school (Eidgenoessische
Technische Hochschule, ETHZ) in Zurich. During the celebration, Wolf's
accomplishments as an Astronomer, especially as founder and director of the
former Swiss Observatory in Zurich, as researcher of solar activitys, as a
long time teacher at the Realschule in Bern, as cultural and Scientific
Historian of Switzerland, and as Chief Librarian of Swiss Polytechnics was
honored. In conclusion of the celebration an exhibition was opened in the
Foyer of the ETHZ-main building which will be open until the end of April 
1994. It shows not only his diverse first publications, but also the
original drawings of Zurich researcher's observations of the sun. Also on
hand is a hand held telescope which was used by Wolf to determine his
theories on the relative numbers of sun spots observed by him.

The notes on the speaches given during the memorial celebration can be
found in the News for the Rudolf Wolf Society (Mitteilungen der Rudolf Wolf
Gesellschaft) Number 3, and can be ordered at the following address:

Rudolf Wolf Gesellschaft, H.U.Keller, Kolbenhofstr. 33, CH-8045 Zuerich.

3 new studies on Wolf's Biography have been released in time for the 100th 
anniversary of his death:

Lutstorf, H.: Professor Rudolf Wolf und seine Zeit. Schriftenreihe der ETH
Bibliothek Nr. 31, Zuerich 1993, 57 Seiten.

Larcher, V.: Rudolf Wolfs Jugendtagebuch 1835 - 1841. Schriftenreihe der 
ETH Bibliothek Nr. 30, Zuerich 1993, 130 Seiten.

Vierteljahrsschrift der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zuerich (1993):
Jahrgang 138, Heft 4 (Dezember) - "Prof. Rudolf Wolf gewidmet", with
contributions by Hans Heinrich Bosshard, Markus Schnitter, Johann Jakob
Burckhardt, Verena Larcher, Heinz Balmer, Heinz Lutstorf, Thomas Karl
Friedli, Hans Ulrich Keller, and Robert Ineichen.

All three works can be obtained through the Rudolf Wolf Society. 


History of Astronomy in the Waller Collection

In 1950 the Swedish surgeon Erik Waller (1875-1955) decided to donate to
Uppsala University Library his collection of books dealing with the
history of medicine and science. A few years later, the Library was able
to purchase Waller's collections of letters, manuscripts, alba amicorum,
medals and engravings. Among the 20.500 book titles we find the first
editions of Copernicus' "De revolutionibus orbium coelestium", Kepler's
"Epitome astronomiae Copernicanae", Galileo's "Dialogo sopra i due massimi
sistemi del mondo", and Newton's "Pricipia mathematica". The collection of
autographs and letters, exceeding 30.000 items, lists also items by
astronomers such as T.Brahe, Kepler, Galileo, Newton, Fontenelle, Cassini,
Maupertuis, Laplace, Herschel and Gauss. Unfortunately, this part of the
collection is not yet catalogued. An informal commission has been formed
to examine the possibility of producing a general catalogue of the


[1] Sallander, Hans: Bibliotheca Walleriana: The Books Illustrating the
History of Science Medicine and Science collected by Erik Waller and
bequeathed to the Library of the Royal University of Uppsala.  
Uppsala, 1955.

[2] Beretta, Marco: A History of Non-Printed Science: A select catalogue
of the Waller collection.  (Acta Bibliothecae R. Universitatis
Upsaliensis, vol. 31; Uppsala studies in the history of science, 14)
Uppsala, 1993.  ISBN 91-554-3070-8. 

[Source: Beretta, Marco: "A Mecca for the History of Science".  
Uppsala Newsletter History of Science (1993) 19, 1-3; 
Waller-Exhibition, ibd. p. 4]


Conference Calendar 1994

11. April, Munich (FRG)
4.30 pm, Deutsches Museum: Lecture by Dr. Lis Brack-Bernsen,
University of Regensburg, On the Theme of "Babylonian Moon texts - Theories 
and Observations"

17. May, Tartu (Estonia)
Meeting of the Academic Society for German-Baltic culture in
Tartu (Akademische Gesellschaft fuer deutschbaltische Kultur zu
Tartu), on the occassion of the 200th birthday of Johann Heinrich Maedler
(Dr. H. Eelsalu, Nooruse 42, EE-2484 Tartu 4, Estonia)

27. May, Strasbourg (France)
La dix-septieme reunion "Astronomie et Sciences Humaines"
10 H, Salle de la Table Ronde - Sciences Sociales, 22, rue Descartes
R.Pillorget: Les ecrits astrologiques parus a Paris sous le regne
             personnel de Louis XIV
A.Popova: Les saints du calendrier orthodoxe
M.E.Halter: Cosmogonie meso-americaine dans les tissages mayas
R.Triomphe: Reflexions sur les interferences historiques entre les
            cosmologies et les religions
F.Puel: Pedro de Medina: un cosmographe a l'epoque des grandes decouvertes
(Dr.G.Jasniewicz, Observatoire Astronomique, 11, rue de l'Universite, 
F-67000 Strasbourg, France, Tel. (33) 88 35 82 18, Fax (33) 88 25 01 60)

June, Hamburg (FRG)
Planetarium in Hamburg, Sundays at 11am, 2.30pm, and 4pm, Wednesdays at 
4pm, and 6pm, Fridays at 6pm: lectures by Herwart Noeldeke "Weltbild im 
Wandel" (World scene in transformation) on the occassion of the 
Warburg-Exhibit (see Section "Museums and Exhibits")

1.-4. September, Prague (Czechoslovakia)
VIIIth Symposium of the International Coronelli-Society on the Theme 
"The older globe or the Armillar sphere"
Conference languages include: German and English
Entrance fee: oe.S. 700,-/ DM 100,-
(Internationale Coronelli-Gesellschaft fuer Globen- und Instrumentenkunde,
Dominikanerbastei 21/28, A-1010 Vienna, Austria, Tel.: 0222/533 32 85,
Fax: 0222/532 08 24)

See also the Addendum by the translator (PLANETARIANS' CALENDAR) 
at the end of this file.


Museums and Exhibits

Beginning May 31, 1994, as a lasting exhibit once again, the restored 
"Collection of pictures portraying the history of belief in the stars and 
astronomy" will be reopened, which was shown once before in Vienna and 
Berlin. This exhibit was put together originally by Humanity Scholar Aby 
Warburg (1869-1929) and shown for the first time on the 15th of April 1930 
in the Hamburg Planetarium. Many of the exhibits were thought to be lost 
for a long time, but were nevertheless rediscovered. Other exhibits were 
also portrayed in the Hamburg Planetarium, and can now as a result be 
considered again a complete exhibit. With over 100 objects - especially 
photographs of illustrated handwritings, books, drawings, and wood 
carvings, plaster casts, show cases, and models, alltogether lead the 
planetarium visitor through 4000 years of astrological and cosmological 
time. Starting with the Babylonian, and leading up to the time of Kepler, 
the visitor is lead through a visual tour of 17 chronological rooms 
characterizing the concepts of the world of the stars and along with that, 
the question of Man's role in the Cosmos.
In June, the month the exhibit opens, along with the scheduled lectures 
entitled "Weltbild im Wandel" (see section "Conference Calendar 1994"), 
also Warburg-concerts und lectures on Warburg will be given.
Opening times: June 1994: Wed - Fr 12 - 8pm, Sun 12 - 5 pm
Beginning in July: Wed - Fr  6 - 7, Sun 12 - 5 pm
From November until April the exhibit will be closed.
Catalogue: Aby Warburg - Bildersammlung ... (Aby Warburg - picture 
collection ..) Doelling und Galitz Verlag 1993, DM 98,-
(Planetarium Hamburg, Hindenburgstrasse Oe1, 22303 Hamburg, 
Tel. 040/51 49 85 - 0)

The exhibition on Nicholas Copernicus which is being put on by 
G.Wolfschmidt (see the printed "Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte" 
No. 2 p. 3, and No. 3 p. 6) will be able to be viewed from the 22nd of July 
1994 until the end of September in the Zeiss-Grossplanetarium in Berlin.

The new private Raumfahrt-Museum (Space Travel-Museum) Mittweida near 
Chemnitz in Saxony (FRG) also contains exhibits to the History of Astronomy 
which reflects and details the activities of Bernhard Schmidt in Mittweida 
at the beginning of the century. On that theme, a glass rob and an 
experimental mirror from the workshop of Bernard Schmidt are shown and 
addended by pictures and documents.   
Opening times: Thursday 2pm - 6pm, Sunday 3pm - 5pm
Address of exhibit: Rochlitzer Strasse 62, Mittweida 
Address for information: Ursula Roemisch, Rochlitzer Str. 47, 
                         D-09648 Mittweida, Germany, Tel.: 03727/90811
(Source: T.Roemisch, Raumfahrt-Museum Mitweida, Astronomie+Raumfahrt
30(1993)16, pp. 400-401)

The Museum of Surveying Instruments (Vermessungstechnisches Museum) in 
Dortmund, in addition to exhibits from geodesics and cartography, is also 
showing pieces of interest for the history of astronomy: For example, 
theodolites, an astrolabium (origin and time unknown), an 
astronomical-geometrical quadrant (1619), an octant, a sextant, a Dutch 
circle (cir. 1655) as well as the copy of a quadrant from 1669 in it's 
original size, and the recreation of a Jacob-Staff.
Up until the Geodaetentag (Geodesists' Day) 1995 the exhibit in Bochum will 
be under renovation.
A short time ago, it became possible to bring the exhibits, which were not 
being shown in the museum, down to the newly renovated rooms of the former 
bunker "Am Westpark" in the Rittershausstrasse. The magazine of exhibits is 
accessible for the public, and should serve scientific research. In the 
same building there is also a special museum library. 
Address for information: Vermessungstechnisches Museum (in the Museum fuer 
          Kunst und Kulturgeschichte Dortmund - Museum for the Art and
         Cultural History of Dortmund), Hansastrasse 3, D-44137 Dortmund
Opening times: Tues - Sun 10am - 6 pm, There is no entrance fee.
In order to arrange a tour by telephone: Tel. 0231/50-22622 Herr Kioscha
                                              0231/529912 Herr Gombel
Attention! Because of the upcoming renovations, the museum could be closed 
for various periods of time. Please phone before visiting! 
Catalogue of the museum: Museum fuer Kunst und Kulturgeschichte Dortmund,
Museumshandbuch, Teil 2, Vermessungsgeschichte. 2. Aufl. 1989, ISBN
[Sources: Catalogue; Foerderkreis Vermessungstechnisches Museum e.V.,
Nachrichten 2/1993 = Beilage der Zeitschrift AVN Allgemeine
Vermessungs-Nachrichten 10/1993]

The Museum for travel and technology (Museum fuer Verkehr und Technik) in 
Berlin will display on the 22nd of March, 1994 the new collection 
"Treasures of Geodesy," which will demonstrate astronomical-geodetic 
instruments as well as mathematical instruments and chronometers. Including 
in that, theodolits (1670 - 1870), a telescope (cir. 1725) and a 
see-astrolabium (cir. 1600). The aquisition of the collection came from a 
private-owner through a lottery in Berlin for 1 million DM. The exhibit 
will be gradually expanded in the next few years. 
Address for information: Museum fuer Verkehr und Technik, (Museum for
           Travel and Technology) Trebbiner Strasse 9, D-10963 Berlin, 
           Tel.: 030/25484-0, Fax 030/25484-175
Opening times: Tues - Fri  9 - 5.30 pm, Sat - Sun 10 - 6 pm


New Books

Butzer, P.L.; Lohrmann, D. (Eds.): Science in Western and Eastern
Civilization in Carolingian Times.  Basel, Boston, Berlin: Birkhaeuser
Verlag, 1993.  Pp. 605. ISBN 3-7643-2863-0. DM 98,-
[Contributions on history of astronomy by J.Fleckenstein, D.Lohrmann,
D.O.Croinin, A.Borst, S.C.McCluskey, B.Eastwood, P.Kunitzsch, W.Schlosser
and B.Hoffmann, J.Wiesenbach, P.L.Butzer]

Hamel, Juergen: Nicolaus Copernicus. Leben, Werk und Wirkung. (Life and 
works) Heidelberg, Berlin, New York: Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 
1994.  360 S. ISBN 3-86025-307-7. DM 68,-

Moss, Jean Dietz: Novelties in the Heavens: Rhetoric and science in the
Copernican Controversy.  Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1993.
Pp. XIV, 353. L 14.25 (pb)

Schmadel, Lutz D.: Dictionary of Minor Planet Names.  
2nd rev. and enl. ed.  Berlin, Heidelberg, New York etc.:
Springer-Verlag, 1994.  Pp. IX, 741. ISBN 3-540-57260-0. DM 118,-

Taub, Liba C.: Ptolemy's Universe: The natural philosophical and ethical
foundations of Ptolemy's astronomy.  Chicago: Open Court, 1993.  
Pp. XVI, 188. $35.95 (hc)/$14.95 (pb)

Thurston, Hugh: Early astronomy.  Berlin, Heidelberg, New York etc.:
Springer-Verlag, 1994.  Pp. X, 268. ISBN 3-540-94107-X. DM 86,-

Westfall, Richard S.: The life of Isaac Newton.  Cambrige: Cambridge
University Press, 1993.  Pp. 328. ISBN 0-521-43252-9. L 16.95/$ 24.95


Publications by and about the Work Group for the History of 

(1992 to March 1994)

SuW = Sterne und Weltraum

1. Group Publications

Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte [News on the History of Astronomy]: 
Nr. 1, Dez. 1992; Nr. 2, Juni1993; Nr. 3, Dec. 1993; Special issue 1, Dec. 

Elektronische Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte (EMA) [Electronic News 
on the History of Astronomy]: 
Nr. 1, 25.1.1994; Nr. 2, 6.2.1994; Nr. 3, 4.3.1994

Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy (ENHA, translation
of EMA): No. 1, 23 Feb 1994; No. 2, 28 Feb 1994; No. 3, 10 Mar 1994

Membership Directory: December 1993

2. Publications on the occasion of meetings of the work group
(Abstracts and texts of lectures)

Astronomical Society Abstract Series: No. 7, 1992; No. 9, 1993

Die Sterne vol. 69 (1993) Nos. 3 and 5

3. News on the work group and their activities

Astronomische Gesellschaft, Rundbriefe: 1/92, 2/92, 2/93

W.R.Dick: Tagung zur Astronomie in der Goethe-Zeit [Conference on Astronomy 
in time of Goethe]. SuW 32 (1993) 3, pp. 168-169

SuW 32 (1993) 4, p. 316

Mitteilungen der Lichtenberg-Gesellschaft, Brief 6, April 1993, p. 7

Astronomie & Philatelie 17 (1993), Nr. 66, pp. 25-26

Physikalische Blaetter 49 (1993) 6, pp. 540-541

Nachrichtenblatt der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Geschichte der Medizin,
Naturwissenschaft und Technik e.V. 43. Jg. (1993) No. 2, pp. 101-102

W.R.Dick: Astronomie + Raumfahrt 30 (1993) 16, p. 401

Mitteilungen der Gauss-Gesellschaft 30 (1993), pp. 71-72

NTM, New Series, 1 (1993) 4, pp. 262-263

Arbeitskreis Geschichte der Geophysik in der Deutschen Physikalischen
Gesellschaft, Mitteilungen 13(1994)1, p. 24

HASTRO-L, 27 Sep 1993 (W.R.Dick), 1 Feb 1994 (W.R.Dick), 
           8 Mar 1994 (W.R.Dick), 9 Mar 1994 (S.McCluskey),
          12 Mar 1994 (S.McCluskey)

P.Brosche, W.R.Dick: [Yearly report 1992]. Mitt. Astron. Ges. Nr. 76
(1993), pp. 15-16

Klare, G.: Die Herbsttagung 1992 in Jena [The Autumn Meeting 1992 in Jena]. 
Ibd., p. 469

Klare, G.: Protokoll der 66. Ordentlichen Mitgliederversammlung [Minutes of 
the 66th regular meeting of members]. Ibd., p. 489

4. Short biographies on the occasion of jubilees
Author: Wilhelm Brueggenthies, in tasks of the work group 

SuW [Section "Notizen"]: 
33 (1994) 1, pp. 13; 2, pp. 91/92; 3, p. 201; 4, pp. 264/269/287

5. Publications mediated by the work group

Th. Schmidt-Kaler: Erinnerungen an Walter Baade. Ein Aufruf [Memories of 
Walter Baade. A plea]. SuW 32 (1993) 4, p. 251

[E.Pfitzner:] Doerffel-Tage 1993 in Plauen. SuW 32 (1993) 8-9, p. 654


Special thanks

For information we are grateful to: J.Blunck (Berlin), P.Brosche (Daun),
H.Eelsalu (Tartu, Estonia), J.Hamel (Berlin), H.Noeldeke (Hamburg),
G.Wolfschmidt (Muenchen), Foerderkreis Vermessungstechnisches Museum 
(Society of Friends of the Museum of Surveying Instruments) e.V.
(Dortmund), Museum fuer Verkehr und Technik Berlin (Museum for Travel and 
Technology Berlin), Observatoire Astronomique Strasbourg



Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy (ENHA)

Published by the Work Group for the History of Astronomy in the
Astronomische Gesellschaft

A translation of "Elektronische Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte"

Editor: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick 

Translated by: Mr. Donald Bellunduno <76450.1741@compuserve.com>

All news which is not mentioned by name are editorial contributions.
Articles as well as information for the several sections will be gladly

Subscription for the ENHA is free, in order to obtain a subscription
inside Germany, one must first obtain a subscription for the
Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte (MA).

[Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte:

 Price: DM 1.50 / issue plus postage and packing costs 
        outside FRG: free
 Subscription: Send in DM 2.50 (one issue) or DM 5.00 (Nos. 4-5) in
               stamps to the editor
 Editor: Dr. W. R. Dick, Otterkiez 14, 
         D-14478 Potsdam, Germany, Tel.: (+331) 863199

Astronomische Gesellschaft / Astronomical Society:

Chairman: Prof. Dr. Hanns Ruder, University of Tuebingen, Theoretical
Astrophysics and Computational Physics, Auf der Morgenstelle 10, D-72076

Secretary: Dr. G. Klare, Landessternwarte, Koenigstuhl, D-69117

Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte / Work Group for the History of

Chairman: Prof. Dr. Peter Brosche, Observatorium Hoher List der
Sternwarte der Universitaet Bonn, D-54550 Daun, Germany, 
Tel.: (+6592) 2150, Fax: (+6592) 2937

Secretary: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick, Institut fuer Angewandte Geodaesie,
Aussenstelle Potsdam, Postfach 60 08 08, D-14408 Potsdam, Germany,
Tel.: (+331) 316 619, E-mail: wdi@potsdam.ifag.de 
(in the event I am not reachable at this address, please try the following
address: dick@gfz-potsdam.de oder wdick@aip.de)

Secretary for Public Work: Dr. Gudrun Wolfschmidt, Deutsches
Museum, Museumsinsel 1, D-80538 Muenchen, Germany, Tel.: (+89) 2179 277, 
Fax: (+89) 2179 324, E-mail: t7911ac@sunmail.lrz-muenchen.de

Bank Acct. of the Work Group of the Astronomische Gesellschaft:
Acct # 261 917, Sparkasse Mannheim (BLZ 670 501 01)
Contributions from foreign countries, please sign with: "Fuer
Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte" to: acct # 162 18-203, Postgiroamt
Hamburg, BLZ 200 400 20


Addendum by the translator



Please send any additions corrections or updates to 
Alan Gould  

We especially need info on planetarium society conferences

An acronym legend is at the end of the calendar.



January 3-8 AAPT Winter Meeting in San Diego, CA featuring 
sessions on Astronomy Software; Astronomy Teaching (student 
projects, innovation in classroom/laboratories, or observing 
in astronomy); Science Teachers Working With Science Museums. 
Contact Karen Johnston, Physics Dept., North Carolina State 
Univ., Raleigh, NC 27695-8202 or Nicole Wagschal, AAPT 
Exec. Office, 5112 Berwyn Rd., College Park, MD 20740-4100. 

Mar 30-April 2. NSTA National Convention, Anaheim: 
Contact: JoAnne Vasquez-Wolf, Program Coordinator, Mesa 
Public Schools, 143 S. Alma School Road, Mesa, AZ 85202-1103

April 16. Astronomy Day
Astronomy Day Handbook with ideas for innovative Astronomy 
Day activities available from the Astronomical League: 
Astronomy Day Headquarters, Public Museum of Grand Rapids, 
54 Jefferson SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503.

May 18-21. MAPS Conference (Middle Atlantic 
Planetarium Society) at the Southworth Planetarium on the 
campus of the University of Southern Maine in Portland, 
Maine. Invitations will be sent out in 12/93 or 1/94. Contact 
Laura Deines, Conference Organizer - MAPS in Maine '94, 
Southworth Planetarium, 96 Falmouth St., Portland, ME 
04103, Phone: 207-780-4249, Fax: 207-780-4051

June 7-11 (1994), '94 SEPA Conference at the Kelly Space 
Voyager Planetarium at Discovery Place in Charlotte, NC. The 
planetarium opened in 1991 and features a Spitz Voyager 
instrument and associated special effects and automation 
controls together with an OMNIMAX film system in a 79' tilted 
dome.  Discovery Place, a 160,000sqft science and technology 
center, includes a Challenger Learning Center and hands-on 
exploration. Attendees will view recently released OMNIMAX 
films. Contact Sue Griswold, Discovery Place, 704-337-2618, 
704-337-2670fax, 301 N. Tryon Street, Charlotte, NC 28202.

June 25-30. The 106th meeting of the Astronomical 
Society of the Pacific will be held at Northern Arizona 
University, Flagstaff, AZ Meeting coincides with the 100th 
anniversary of the founding of Lowell Observatory. Events 
will be public lectures, seminars, and close to 100 vendors 
and exhibitors of astronomical items. Theme is "Completing 
the Inventory of the Solar System." Also a two day workshop 
on teaching astronomy in grades 3-12. Contact ASP at Universe 
'94, 390 Ashton Ave., San Francisco, CA 94112 to be placed on 
the mailing list for further info.

July 10-16 IPS '94 CONFERENCE at Cocoa Beach (Mike Hutton 
host). 25th anniverary of Apollo 11. The theme will be 
Reflections. IPS Silver Anniversary and Apollo Silver 
Anniversary. Brevard Community College sports a 
planetarium with Infinium and Digistar. This will also be a 
60s type affair so dig out your Nehru jackets and bell-
bottom pants. We will probably spend some time at Cape 
Kennedy/Canaveral. It will be like no other IPS Conference 
ever held! For info, call 407-631-7889, fax 407-633-4564, 
or write Mike Hutton, Brevard Community College, 1519 
Clearlake Rd., Cocoa, FL 32922.

October 13-15. PPA CONFERENCE at the Ruben H. Fleet 
Planetarium in San Diego, CA. The invitation was first 
published in the Summer '92 Panorama. Mt. Palomar Observatory 
is located nearby, a 40" reflector is located in the area. 
Across the Mexican border, there is the Tijuana Culture 
Center planetarium and other attractions.

October 26-29 GLPA CONFERENCE in Wheeling West Virginia

Expeditions to Total Solar Eclipse of November 3, 1994

Astronomical League '94 Bolivia Eclipse Tour Cost approx 
$2400 contact: Ken Willcox 918-333-1966 after 5pm CST 
Ken Wilcox, AL Eclipse Coordinator, Route 2, Box 940, 
Bartlesville, OK 74006

Travel Bug International: 2 to Bolivia, 1 to Paraguay, 2 to 
Brazil and Argentina. $1195 to $2495. Pre & post extension 
tours: Galapagos Islands, Chile, or Peru. Travel Bug International, 
PO Box 178247 San Diego, CA 92177-8247
619- 268-8687; 800-247-1900; fax 619-279-8687

ASP: The Grand Magellan Solar Eclipse Options: Buenos Aires, 
Argentina, or Rio de Janeiro, Brazil-Valparaiso, Chile. $3575 
to $7110. Contact Robert J. Havlen, PhD Executive Director 
390 Ashton Ave. San Francisco, CA 94112 415-337-1100 or 
Grouptrav National, Inc. 408-458-3700 / 800-877-3703

Twilight Tours trip to Bolivia. Minimum cost from Miami 
$1875 for 6 days. Contact: Joel Harris, (818) 841-8245, 
3316 W Chandler Blvd, Burbank, CA 91505.

20 day cruise on the Sagafjord starting at $3744. 
1) Associated Travel, 3465 West Mill Rd., 
Milwaukee, WI 53209, 800- 535-2045 
2) Cruises Cruises Cruises, 5330 Derry Ave., Suite F, 
Agora Hills, CA 91301, 800-745-7545.

Wilderness Travel, 801 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA 94710, 
800-368- 2794. Camp in Northern Chile. Prices start at 
$995 without airfare. (Airfare estimated $1218.)

California Academy of Science & Morrison Planetarium - A 
Total Solar Eclipse Expedition to Iguazu Falls, Brazil, 
10/29-11/5/94. Cost $783/person, + airfare from 
San Francisco- $1384. Escorts: Lonny Baker (Morrison 
Planetarium), Todd Hansen, Dr. Chris McKay (NASA Ames 
Research Center). Contact Travel Dept. Calif. Academy of 
Sciences, Golden Gate Prk, San Francisco, CA 94118.

Carlson Travel Network, Spears Travel -- Eclipse 1994 
Oct.27-Nov.6. 2 nights at Hotel Inca Utama at Lake Titicaca, adjust to 
altitude. Tour Tiwanacu ruins & other places. Train ride to eclipse center. 
$2495. $600 deposit required. Carlson Travel Network/Spears Travel, 500 S. 
Keeler, Bartlesville, OK 74003. 800-668-8031



March 30-April 1 PPA CONFERENCE in Yosemite Valley 
(where PPA last met in 1989) 

Fall GLPA CONFERENCE in Grand Rapids, Michigan.  



July 11-15 (dates tentative) IPS CONFERENCE at Osaka 
Science Museum, Osaka, Tokyo. Also, 8-9 July--optional 
pre-conference tour of ancient temples of Kyoto and Nara 
as well as the Shogun's Palace in Kyoto; 16-18 July--travel 
to Tokyo for optional Post-conference tour of planetariums, 
Goto testing/production facilities; 19-20 July --optional 
post-post-conference tour of National Solar and Radio 
Astronomy Observatories


AAPT: American Association of Physics Teachers
GLPA: Great Lakes Planetarium Association
GPPA: Great Plains Planetarium Association
ILDA: International Laser Display Association
IPS: Internation Planetarium Society
MAPS: Middle Atlantic Planetarium Society
NSTA: National Science Teachers Association
PPA: Pacific Planetarium Association
RMPA: Rocky Mountain Planetarium Association
SWAP: Southwest Association of Planetariums
SEPA: Southeast Planetarium Association

zum Seitenanfang top of page
interner Verweis list of all Newsletters
interner Verweis starting page of the working group

Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy - Number 5

*                                                                         *
*                                                                         *
*        Published by the Work Group for the History of Astronomy         *
*                  in the Astronomische Gesellschaft                      *
*                                                                         *
*                        Number 5, May 26, 1994                           *
*                                                                         *
*                           A translation of                              *
*                                                                         *
*                        Nr. 5,  17. Mai 1994                             *
*                                                                         *
*          Edited by: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick           *
*                                                                         *
*      Translated by: Mr. Donald Bellunduno <76450.1741@CompuServe.COM>   *
*                                                                         *


Arnold Zenkert:
Prof. Diedrich Wattenberg's 85th birthday on the 13th of June

Eckehard Schmidt: 
Founding and construction of astronomical museums in China
- travel impressions

Conference calendar 1994/95

Feature on The Flood and Astronomy

New books




Addendum by the translator: 
Midwest Regional Meeting of the International Dark-Sky Association


Prof. Diedrich Wattenberg's 85th birthday on the 13th of June

By Arnold Zenkert, Potsdam

Seldom are we allowed to look back upon the time of a man who has lived
such a long and fullfilled life, one that was dedicated to the world of the
distant stars, their research, and what connections they have to the total
culture of mankind.  Old age is often the time to measure what one has and
has not accomplished, to count one's debits and credits.  So it was in his
autobiography which appeared ten years ago "Gestirnter Himmel ueber mir -
Unverlierbares aus meinem Leben" ("Starry Heaven above me - Unforgettable
moments from my life").  Set against one another, the balance of his life
can account for the jubilation, pride, and joy over the rich harvest of his

Fascinated with the world of the stars and the results of early
astronomical research in the beginning of the 20th Century, he began to
write about it at the age of 18.  The meeting with Bruno H. Buergel in the
year 1924 heavily influenced his later lifestyle as a person who educated
himself and as a popularizer of the arts.  It was a way for him to struggle
for a steadfast way of life, and as a result of his aspirations, was very
shortly known in the newspapers in the surrounding area of Bremen.

Noteworthy journals such as "Das Weltall" (The World Universe), "Die
Himmelswelt" (The World of the Stars) and "Die Sterne" (The Stars)
published his works, which were dedicated mainly to the History of
Astronomy.  A turning point in his life was his meeting with Friedrich
Simon Archenhold, founder of the "Volkssternwarte" (People's Observatory)
in Berlin-Treptow in the year 1929.  After that meeting, he began his
successful and highly accomplished time in Berlin.

Those who lived through the period of suffering and destruction after the
Second World War, also understood the enthusiasm that was evident to
rebuild the country.  Wattenberg was one of the first to put himself into
this task, and made certain that the Archenhold Observatory was soon once
again in working operation.  His appointment as Director of the facility
followed shortly after in 1948.  We have him to thanks that the observatory
became one of the most important facilitys of its kind at that time.  His
30 years of activity at the observatory meant a constant effort in order to
expand the facility, and on going improvement in work with the public.  To
those accomplishments belong the small Zeiss Planetarium, the 500-mm
Cassegraine Reflector, the Coude Refractor, as well as the Sun Cabinet.
Working with these instruments the Archenhold Observatory was able to
assist the ever growing number of star-gazing observatories and
planetariums, as well as assist in instructing visiting school groups in
Astronomy and stood at the disposal for the further education of teachers
in the community.

The observatory's activities became well known through the sheer number of
lectures and writings offered in the printed series "Vortraege und
Schriften", of which over 25 stem from the pen of Wattenberg himself.
These lectures and writings (which were of first line quality) on the
History of Astronomy brought the reader to a general understanding with the
"torch bearer" of Astronomy and also lead the reader to strive for a
greater appreciation of the picture of the world in which we live.  Summing
up all of his writings and contributions together, the total number
approaches 2500, to which have to be added 1600 lectures.

During the time of his life, he felt closely connected with the life and
works of Bruno H. Buergel.  In the Buergel-Freundes-Kreis ("Friends of
Buergel Circle"), which was founded by Wattenberg, people and general
admirers of astronomical writers who wished to glean more out of astronomy
than facts and numbers, could meet and discuss these topics.  Prof.
Wattenberg had dedicated his entire life in word and deed to the inner
value of the human condition.  As he himself furthered, theological and
philosophical questions should always be considered in their historical
context.  This train of thought reoccurred all throughout his lectures,
especially when open discussion on a topic was not able at these times.

In the year 1978 Prof. Wattenberg retired.  In his home in Berlin-
Mahlsdorf he spends his evening of life filled with evidence of his joy in
working, which the publications certainly prove.

Our heartfelt thanks and best wishes go out to the man who displayed so
much energetic creativity and gave us such a legacy of writings, knowledge,
and achievements.

Ad multos annos!

Additional comments by the editor:  A list of writings of D. Wattenberg
can be located in "J.C.Poggendorff Biographisch-literarisches
Handwoerterbuch der exakten Naturwissenschaften" ["J.C.Poggendorff
Biographic-Literary Dictionary of exact Natural Sciences"], vol. VIIa,
part 4, Berlin 1961, Pp. 867-869.  Additions to this list of works will be
available in forthcoming vol. VIII, mediated by the Work Group for the
History of Astronomy.  In 1993 Wattenberg's work "Archivalische Quellen zum
Leben und Werk von Franz Xaver von Zach" ["Archival Sources from the life
and works of Franz Xaver von Zach"] appeared in Goettingen (cf.  printed
"Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte" Nr. 3, p. 3).  In June of this
year the publishing house GNT-Verlag Stuttgart will release, mediated by
the Work Group on the History of Astronomy, Wattenberg's book "Wilhelm
Olbers im Briefwechsel mit Astronomen seiner Zeit" ["Wilhelm Olbers - an
exchange of letters with the astronomers of his time"].  Also in print or
in preparation - "Wilhelm Schamoni - Ein Leben fuer Heilige und Ewigkeit"
["Wilhelm Schamoni - A life for the holy and eternal"] and "Tiere in der
Sternenwelt.  Sternbilder mit Tiernamen und ihre Geschichte" ["Animals in
the world of the stars.  Constellations with the names of animals and their


Founding and construction of astronomical museums in China
- Travel impressions

By Eckehard Schmidt, Nuernberg

A group of interested people traveled to China in 1993 in order to explore
China's historical and present astronomical accomplishments.  Next to
sightseeing, there were also discussions in modern observatories such as
Xinglong, Nanjing, Shanghai, and the astronomers they met also led them to
several Astronomy museums.

The historical observatory in Beijing portrays the most well known efforts
in Europe by the Chinese to keep the History of Astronomy alive.  The
observatory itself is the museum and instructs visitors about insruments
and research since the 13th Century.  An exhibition pavillion next to the
observatory has on display photographs, models, and sketches on further
aspects of Chinese Astronomical History like the observation and discovery
of the supernova (Crab-Nebula) which took place 940 years ago.  The
director is Ms. Cui Shi Zhu.  The observatory and the museum are open
during certain times.

The graves of European missionaries, astronomers, scientists and artists
are located together as ensambles sporadically on small village greens in
historical places in Beijing.  Honored there are Ferdinand Verbiest, Adam
Schall von Bell and Mattei Ricci.  Mr. Yi Shitong, President of the
Astronomical Museum in China, presented us with two astronomical texts:
"Several Newly Found Astronomical Instruments Concerning Johann Adam Schall
von Bell" and "Engravement Tablets of the Western Missionaries in the Early
Times in Beijing".  The graves are not open to the public.

The oldest remaining intact observatory lies some 14 km from Dengfeng,
Hunan Province.  There, the astronomer Guo Shoujing furthered a calendar
reform and the beginning of the now used calendar cycle of 365 1/4 days per
year.  This observatory with it's 9 m high stone turret has been fully
restored.  In the front court yard stand the gnomon with which over ca.
800 years before the first measurements began.  A neighboring building
contains displays on the History of Observatories and Calendar systems.
There is a plan in work here for an expansion of the facility into an
Astronomy-Park.  According to the plan, a series of tablets and models will
be on display along the garden path with the theme:  Keeping the theme of
Astronomy alive.  The observatory is open to the public.

The modern observatory in Nanjing displays historical angle-measuring
instruments, globes, etc.  Further historical astronomical exhibits are
spread all through China, mostly at their original sights.  One example:
In the museum of the city of Suzhou stands the stone tablets which contain
the 12th century star charts of the astronomer Huang Shang.  The North
Star lies in the center of the chart.  The heavenly bodies and their orbits
are enhanced by the text which is included on this chart.

A thorough astronomical history of China in one single museum has not yet
been able to be accomplished.  The presentation of the exhibits is only on
occassion as thorough as similar European presentations, and can not be
compared to the efforts of their European counterparts.  All discussion
partners in China have shown a large interest in contacts with astronomy
historians and museums.  I would gladly delve out any addresses that are

(Address of the author: Dr.-Ing. Eckehard Schmidt, Postfach 4616, 
D-90025 Nuernberg, Germany)


Conference Calendar 1994/95


20 May, Bonn (Germany)
3 PM c.t., Great lecture Hall, Kreuzbergweg
Festival colloqium by the section of Physics/Astronomy at the University of
Bonn to honor Heinrich Hertz, died 1894 in Bonn; lectures by A.  Hermann
(Stuttgart) und K.H.Althoff (Bonn)

30 May - 4 June, Flagstaff, Arizona (USA)
International Rock Art Congress, including a symposium titled "Celestial
Seasonings: Astronomical Connotations of Rock Art."
(ARARA, P.O. Box 65, San Miguel CA, USA, Tel (805) 467-3704)

3-4 June, St. Niklaas (Belgium)
Work schedule "Gerhard Mercator - A messanger of culture and science in
Participant fee: 120,- DM
Last day to sign up and confirm reservation: 15 May 1994
Sign up at: Dipl.-Ing. H.J.Lagoda, Gehrstr. 10, D-47176 Duisburg
Transfer under the key word "MERCATOR 94 Seminar 5194" to:
   VDV-Bildungswerk FG 5, Stadtsparkasse Wuppertal (BLZ 33050000), 
   Acct-Nr. 550004 
Conference address: Mercator-Museum, Zamanstraat 49, B-9100 St. Niklaas,

3-5 June, Pennsylvania State University (USA)
11th International Symposium on Latin American Indian Literature
Papers were solicited on anthropology, astronomy, history, medicine, 
rock art, and many other topics
(Dr. Mary Preuss, Pennsylvania State University, University Drive,
McKeesport, PA 15132, USA)

30 June - 2 July, Bautzen (Germany)
The day for school astronomy, 1994
Astronomy History Lectures:  B.Kanitscheider:  Astrology in scientific
theoretic perspective; D.B.Herrmann:  On the history of the
Hertzsprung-Russell diagram
(Saechsische Akademie fuer Lehrerbildung (The Saxon Academy for teacher
training), Aussenstelle Leipzig, Eilenburger Str. 7, D-04838
Hohenpriessnitz, Germany, Tel. (0342) 42 50 202)

29-31 August, Bochum (Germany)
Symposium of the European Society for Astronomy in Culture (SEAC)
(Prof. Wolfhard Schlosser, Astronomisches Institut, Ruhr-Universitaet,
Universitaetsstrasse 150, D-44780 Bochum, Germany)

2-4 September, Wittenberg (Germany)
Colloqium "On the History of Geo-Sciences in the 16th Century."
Entrance fee: 25,- DM
(Dr. Peter Schmidt, Technische Universitaet, Bergakademie Freiberg,
Universitaetsbibliothek, D-09599 Freiberg, Germany, Tel. (03731) 513235, 
Fax (03731) 22195)

5-10 September, Odessa (Ukraine)
International conference "Astrophysics and Cosmology after Gamov",
among topics: Gamov memorial session, Astronomy and Astrophysics in Odessa
(Dr. Michael Ryabov, Astronomical Observatory, Shevchenko Park, 
270014 Odessa, Ukraine, 
Tel. 7(0482) 24-7131, 21-4034, 22-8442, Fax 7(0482) 33-406, 
Telex 64-232239 OFIS SU, E-mail: root%astro.odessa.ua@relay.ussr.eu.net)

12-13 September, St. Peterbourg (Russia)
Workshop dedicated to G.Gamov's memory
(Prof. D.A.Varshalovich, A.F.Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute,
Politekhnicheskya ul. 26, 194021 St. Peterbourg, Russia, 
E-mail: varsh@astro.pti.spb.su)

21-23 September, Halle (Germany)
Meeting of the Driburg Circle for students, doctoral candidates and
assistents on the theme "Protection relationships in the natural sciences,
technology and medicine."
In order to register up until 1 August 1994 please send all inquiries to:
Martina Lorenz, Universitaet Regensburg, Lehrstuhl fuer
Wissenschaftsgeschichte, D-93040 Regensburg

23-26 September, Halle (Germany)
77th Annual conference of the German Society for History of Medicine,
Natural Sciences and Technology.  Theme:  "Subjectivity und Science"
Up until the 25 May, Registering for either the main theme lecture, or to
attend the presentations on various regional and historical subjects,
should address their inquiries to:
   Prof. Dr. C. Meinel, Lehrstuhl fuer Wissenschaftsgeschichte, 
   Postfach der Universitaet, D-93040 Regensburg, Fax (0941) 943 4992

6-8 October, Duisburg (Germany)
7th Cartography-History Colloquium "Gerhard Mercator and his time"
(Prof. Dr. W. Scharfe, Freie Universitaet, FR Kartographie, Arno-Holz-Str.
12, D-12165 Berlin, Germany)

5 November, Duisburg (Germany)
Working conference for "Gerhard Mercator - his life, his works and his traces 
upon the lower Rhein and the world."
Entrance fee: 120,- DM
Last day for registration and confirmation: 7 October 1994
All registration inquiries to: Dipl.-Ing. H.J.Lagoda, Gehrstr. 10, D-47176 
   Duisburg, Germany
Transfer under the key word: "G.M. am Niederrhein - Seminar 5294" to:
   VDV-Bildungswerk FG 5, Stadtsparkasse Wuppertal (BLZ 33050000), 
   Konto-Nr. 550004 
Conference address: Kultur- und Stadthistorisches Museum Duisburg,
Johannes-Corputius-Platz 1, D-47051 Duisburg, Tel. (0203) 283-2640/2656

5-6 November, Berlin (Germany)
Scientific conference on the 200th birthday of Johann Jacob Baeyer
(Prof. Dr. Eberhard Knobloch and Dr. Herbert Pieper, Technische
Universitaet Berlin, Institut fuer Philosophie, Wissenschaftstheorie,
Wissenschafts- und Technikgeschichte, Ernst-Reuter-Platz 7, D-10587
Berlin, Germany, Tel. (030) 314-24841/22606)


27-31 March, Berlin (Germany)
VIth Physics-History conference on the theme "150 years of the
Physikalische Gesellschaft" and international Physics-History Conference:
"Emergence of Modern Physics"
Up until 1. September 1994 registration can be obtained through: 
   Dr. Dieter Hoffmann, FSP Wissenschaftsgeschichte, 
   Jaegerstr. 10/11, D-10117 Berlin, Germany,
   Tel. (030) 20192-164/152, Fax (030) 20192-154/162

August, Boulder, Colorado (USA)
"History of Geophysics and Global Change", Symposium of the International
Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, IDC of History
Topics: all subjects in history of geophysics and related disciplines, the
sun in history
Deadline for submission of papers: 31 January 1995
Contact: Prof. Dr. Michele Colacino, Instituto Fisica dell'Atmosfera,
         P.Le. Sturzo, 31, I-00144 Roma, Italy
     or: Dr. Wilfried Schroeder, Geophysical Station, Hechelstr. 8, 
         D-28777 Bremen, Germany

18-20 September, Leoben (Austria)
2nd Symposium "The Cultural Heritage of Mining Sciences and Geo-sciences -
Libraries - Archives - Museums". Theme: "Art and Culture in Mining Sciences 
and in Geo-sciences."
(Dr. Peter Schmidt, Technical University, Bergakademie Freiberg,
University Library, D-09599 Freiberg, Germany, Tel. (03731) 513235, 
Fax (03731) 22195)


Feature on The Flood and Astronomy

On Thursday the 24th May 1994, 9pm, the German radio channel HESSEN 2 will
carry the feature:  "News of the Flood, or, How a comet can bring proof of
what's in the bible".  Roughly 10000 years ago a comet was supposed to have
brought upon the globe a great catastrophy.  Thus, the world-wide myths of
"The Flood" was born.  The Austrian geologists Edith and Alexander Tollmann
consider these as eyewitness reports, and using modern natural scientific
methods they try to either prove or disprove them.  Beate Ziegs analyses in
her feature Tollmanns' investigation.


New Books

Aveni, Anthony F.: The ancient astronomers.  Montreal: St. Remy Press;
Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Books, 1993.  ISBN 0-8959-9037-7. 

Caspar, Max: Kepler.  New York: Dover Publications, 1993.  Pp. 441. 
ISBN 0-486-67605-6. $ 10.95, paperbound
[C. Doris Hellmann's 1959 translation from German in a corrected and
expanded edition]

Crowe, Michael J.: Modern theories of the universe: from Herschel to
Hubble.  New York: Dover Publications, 1994.  Pp. X, 435. 
ISBN 0-4862-7880-8. $ 9.95

Ferchel, Joseph:  Praktische Sonnenuhren-Kunst fuer Jedermann.  Anleitung
zur Verfertigung von Sonnenuhren.  [Practical Sundial-Art for everyone.
Introduction to the making of sun-dials.]  (Reprint of the original-edition
of 1841).  Hannover:  Verlag T.  Schaefer, 1994.  64 S.  ISBN
3-88746-323-4.  Hardbound DM 34,-

Hetherington, Norriss S. (Ed.): Cosmology: historical, literary,
philosophical, religious, and scientific perspectives.  
(Garland reference library of the humanities, vol. 1634) 
New York, London: Garland Publishing, 1993.  Pp. XI, 631. 
ISBN 0-8153-1085-4. ISBN 0-8153-0934-1 (pbk)

King, David A.: Astronomy in the service of Islam.  (Collected studies
series, CS416) Aldershot, Hampshire, Great Britain; Brookfield, Vt., USA:
Variorum, 1993. (various pagings). ISBN 0-8607-8357-X. $ 94.95 (est.)

McGrayne, Sharon Bertsch: Nobel Prize women in science.  Their lives,
struggles, and momentous discoveries.  Brich Lane Press, 1993.  Pp. 419.
ISBN 1-55972-146-4. $ 26.95
[including Jocelyn Bell, the discoverer of pulsars]

Reiche, Maria: Contribuciones a la geometria y astronomia en el antiguo
Peru.  Lima: Epigrafe Editores S.A., 1993.  Pp. 571. ISBN 8-4890-3404-4. 

Santilla, Giorgio de; Dechend, Hertha of:  Die Muehle des Hamlet.  Ein
Essay ueber Mythos und das Geruest der Zeit.  [The Hamlet's Mill.  An Essay
on Myths and the framework of the time].  Authorized translation from the
English by Beate Ziegs.  (Computerkultur, Bd. 8) Berlin:  Verlag Kammerer
& Unverzagt, 1993.  578 S.  ISBN 3-926763-23-X.  DM 68,-
[The authors acknowledge that the universal myths all have a common origin,
which originated in the stars.  The myth has been the language for the
portrayel, the transmission, and the handling of an extensive and complex
body of astronomical information and to that also the origin of scientific

Schillinger, Klaus (Hrsg.):  Kostbare Instrumente und Uhren.  Aus dem
Mathematisch-Physikalischen Salon Dresden.  [Valuable Instruments and
Clocks.  From the Mathematic-Physical Salon Dresden.]  Leipzig:  E.  A.
Seemann Kunstverlagsgesellschaft, 1993.  ca.  144 S.  ISBN 3-363-00599-7.
ca.  DM 128,-
[Historical Measuring Instruments, Telescopes, Burning mirrors,
Arithmetic aids, Pointing-instruments, Optical instruments,
Earth and Celestial Globes, Clocks]

Schroeder, Wilfried; Treder, Hans-Juergen (Ed.): Reflections on physics and
geophysics.  Bremen-Roennebeck, 1994.  Pp. 150. 
DM 20,-/$ 14 (incl.postage)
[papers on theoretical physics, history of physics and interdisciplinary
studies of geophysics and physics;
Address for orders: W.Schroeder, Science Edition, Hechelstrasse 8,
D-28777 Bremen, Germany]



Prof. Dr. Eberhard Knobloch (Berlin), Member of the Work Group for the
History of Astronomy, has been nominated to Chairman of the International
Commission of the History of Mathematics and is also Correspondending
Member of the Mathematic-Natural Science Class [Mathematisch-
naturwissenschaftliche Klasse] of the Saxon Academy of Sciences
[Saechsische Akademie der Wissenschaften] in Leipzig.



For information we thank: P.Schmidt (Freiberg), W.Schroeder (Bremen),
B.Ziegs (Berlin), VDV-Bildungswerk FG 5.



Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy (ENHA)

Published by the Work Group for the History of Astronomy in the
Astronomische Gesellschaft

A translation of "Elektronische Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte"

Editor: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick 

Translated by: Mr. Donald Bellunduno <76450.1741@compuserve.com>

All news which is not mentioned by name are editorial contributions.
Articles as well as information for the several sections will be gladly

Subscription for the ENHA is free, in order to obtain a subscription
inside Germany, one must first obtain a subscription for the
Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte (MA).

[Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte:

 Price: DM 1.50 / issue plus postage and packing costs 
        outside Germany: free
 Subscription: Send in DM 2.50 (one issue) or DM 5.00 (Nos. 4-5) in
               stamps to the editor
 Editor: Dr. W. R. Dick, Otterkiez 14, 
         D-14478 Potsdam, Germany, Tel.: (+331) 863199

Astronomische Gesellschaft / Astronomical Society:

Chairman: Prof. Dr. Hanns Ruder, University of Tuebingen, Theoretical
Astrophysics and Computational Physics, Auf der Morgenstelle 10, D-72076

Secretary: Dr. G. Klare, Landessternwarte, Koenigstuhl, D-69117

Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte / Work Group for the History of

Chairman: Prof. Dr. Peter Brosche, Observatorium Hoher List der
Sternwarte der Universitaet Bonn, D-54550 Daun, Germany, 
Tel.: (+6592) 2150, Fax: (+6592) 2937

Secretary: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick, Institut fuer Angewandte Geodaesie,
Aussenstelle Potsdam, Postfach 60 08 08, D-14408 Potsdam, Germany,
Tel.: (+331) 316 619, E-mail: wdi@potsdam.ifag.de 
(in the event I am not reachable at this address, please try the following
address: dick@gfz-potsdam.de oder wdick@aip.de)

Secretary for Public Work: Dr. Gudrun Wolfschmidt, Deutsches
Museum, Museumsinsel 1, D-80538 Muenchen, Germany, Tel.: (+89) 2179 277, 
Fax: (+89) 2179 324, E-mail: t7911ac@sunmail.lrz-muenchen.de

Bank Acct. of the Work Group of the Astronomische Gesellschaft:
Acct # 261 917, Sparkasse Mannheim (BLZ 670 501 01)
Contributions from foreign countries, please sign with: "Fuer
Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte" to: acct # 162 18-203, Postgiroamt
Hamburg, BLZ 200 400 20


Addendum by the translator

May 14, 1994

   The 1994 Midwest Regional Meeting of the International Dark-Sky
Association will be held on Saturday, June 4, 1994 at the Story County
Conservation Center at McFarland Park, just northeast of Ames, Iowa
(I-35 Exit 116).  The meeting is free, and anyone interested in
improving the quality of outdoor lighting and our nighttime
environment is encouraged to attend.

   We hope that you will be able to attend.  The meeting is being
sponsored by the International Dark-Sky Association (IDA), the Story
County Conservation Board, Musco Sports-Lighting, Inc., and the Ames
Area Amateur Astronomers (AAAA).

   Here, now, is the preliminary schedule of events.

Saturday, June 4, 1994
Story County Conservation Center, McFarland Park, Ames, Iowa

9:30-10:00 a.m.  REGISTRATION
10:00-Noon       SESSION 1
                 10:00-10:05  Introduction and Welcome
                            Ed Engle, President, Ames Area Amateur Astronomers
                     Royce Bitzer, Dark Sky Preservation Section Leader, AAAA
                     David Oesper, Educational Outreach Section Leader, AAAA
                 10:05-10:45  IDA Slide Sets
                                 Dr. David Crawford, Executive Director, IDA
                 10:45-11:15  Progress Report on Full-Cutoff Lighting
                              Implementation at ISU
                                 Randy Larabee, P.E., Facilities Planning &
                                 Management, ISU
                 11:15-12:00  Defining and Controlling Spill from Large-Area
                              Light Sources
                            Joe Crookham, President, Musco Sports-Lighting, Inc.
Noon-1:00 p.m.   LUNCH
1:00-3:15 p.m.   SESSION 2
                 1:00-1:30    Introduction to the Issues, and Update on IDA
                                 Dr. David Crawford, Executive Director, IDA
                 1:30-1:45    New Outdoor Lighting at Wesleyan University
                                 Dr. Arthur Upgren, Van Vleck Observatory
                 1:45-2:00    Outdoor Fluorescent Lighting /
                              Occupancy Sensors for Outdoor Lighting
                                 Joe Lynch, Energy Alternatives
                 2:00-2:15    Update on Cedar Rapids Outdoor Lighting
                               Efficiency Task Force
                                 Doug Slauson, Cedar Amateur Astronomers
                 2:15-2:30    TBA
                 2:30-3:15    Roundtable Discussion of Outdoor Lighting Issues
3:15-3:30 p.m.   BREAK
3:30-5:30 p.m.   SESSION 3
                 3:30-4:00    Workshop on Outdoor Lighting Basics
                                 Dr. David Crawford, Executive Director, IDA
                 4:00-4:15    TBA
                 4:15-4:30    Discussion on Creating an Outdoor Lighting
                              Center at ISU
                                 David Oesper & Royce Bitzer
                 4:30-4:35    Trends in Sky Brightness Levels at Erwin W. Fick
                                 Dr. Phil Appleton, Iowa State University
                 4:35-5:30    SPECIAL ASTRONOMY PRESENTATION:
                              Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 / Jupiter Collision
                            Dr. Phil Appleton, ISU Dept. of Physics & Astronomy
5:30-7:30 p.m.   DINNER
7:30-8:00 p.m.   TBA
                 "The Messier Objects" - Sam Wormley, AAAA
9:00-Midnight    PUBLIC STAR PARTY
                 Observing Jupiter & the Messier Objects at the McFarland Park
                    Ames Area Amateur Astronomers
                    Dr. David Crawford, David Oesper, and Royce Bitzer
                    Van-to-Van Radio Linkup by Mark Hayes, AAAA

   You'll notice that there are some TBA ("to be announced") slots in
the agenda. If you would like to give a presentation on any aspect of
outdoor lighting, please contact us as soon as possible, or note this
on the registration card when we send you a registration packet (and
by no means required, but we ask you to return the registration card
we'll send you to help us plan the best possible meeting for you.

   We plan to have a lunch catered in, and supper will be on your own.
 You may attend as much or as little of the meeting as you like, but
we hope you will be able to attend all of it.

   Enclosed in the registration packet you will find a map showing how
to find the Story County Conservation Center.  It is easy to find from
I-35 as there are signs on the interstate, on county road E-29, and on
Dayton Rd.

   Because of "Odyssey of the Mind" that same weekend, motel rooms in
Ames will be scarce. We, along with the Ames Convention and Visitors
Bureau, will do everything possible to find you a room at a local
motel.  Some members of the Ames Area Amateur Astronomers will be
opening their homes to meeting attendees as well.  If it is not
inconvenient to do so, you may want to consider staying overnight in
Des Moines, which has an ample supply of motel/hotel rooms.  Here is a
list of local motels, hotels, and bed & breakfasts which may have
rooms available Friday, June 3 and Saturday, June 4:

* Ames Motor Lodge (515) 232-4315 * Barkley House Bed & Breakfast,
Boone (800) 753-8586 * Best Western Starlight Village (515) 232-9260 *
Boone Hotel, Boone (515) 432-9783 * Budgetel Inn (515) 296- 2500 *
Capri Motel, Boone (515) 432-7885 * Colo Motel, Colo (515) 377-2242 *
Comfort Inn (515) 232- 0689 * El Rancho Motel (515) 232-3732 * Green
Belt Bed & Breakfast (515) 232-1960 * Hancock House Bed & Breakfast,
Boone (515) 432-4089 * Heartland Inn (515) 233-6060 * Holiday
Inn_Gateway Center (515) 292-8600 * Hook's Point Farmstead Country
Inn, Stratford (800) 383-7062 * Lincoln Lodge Motel (515) 232-5464 *
ISU Memorial Union (515) 292-1111 * Martha's Vineyard Bed & Breakfast,
Colo (515) 377-2586 * New Frontier Motel (515) 292-2056 * Park Inn of
Ames (515) 232-3410 * Queen Anne's Bed & Breakfast, Nevada (515)
382-6444 * Satellite Motel, Grand Junction (515) 738-2455 * Shangri-La
Motel, Boone (515) 432-6220 * Silver Saddle Motel (515) 232-8363 *
Super 8 Motel (515) 232-6510 * Super 8 Motel, Story City (515)
733-5281 * Super 8 Motel, Boone (515) 432-8890 * Topper Motel, Boone
(515) 432-2500 * Travel Inn / Relax Inn (800) 444-8882 * University
Inn (515) 232-0280 * Viking Motor Inn, Story City (515) 733-4306 *
Villa Caruso Bed & Breakfast, Story City (515) 733-4940 *

   If you have any questions, please contact us at any time.  We are
looking forward to seeing you at what will be a very productive and
informative meeting!

Very sincerely yours,

David Oesper, IDA Meeting Local Organizer   Home Phone:   (515) 232-8705
1208 Wilson Ave.                            Office Phone: (515) 239-1038
Ames, Iowa  50010-5426                      E-mail: f1.dao@isumvs.iastate.edu

zum Seitenanfang top of page
interner Verweis list of all Newsletters
interner Verweis starting page of the working group

Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy - Number 6

*                                                                         *
*                                                                         *
*      Published by the Working Group for the History of Astronomy        *
*                  in the Astronomische Gesellschaft                      *
*                                                                         *
*                      Number 6, August 25, 1994                          *
*                                                                         *
*                           A translation of                              *
*                                                                         *
*                        Nr. 6,  2. August 1994                           *
*                                                                         *
*          Edited by: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick           *
*                                                                         *
*      Translated by: Mr. Donald Bellunduno <76450.1741@CompuServe.COM>   *
*                                                                         *


New issues of "Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte"

Fred Sawyer: The North American Sundial Society

Arno Langkavel: Memorials for Astronomers in London

Museums and exhibits

Meeting of the Working Group for the History of Astronomy

Conference Calendar 1994


New books

New Antiquarians catalog

Expression of thanks


Addendum by the translator: 
Space Anniversaries (from the SPACE CALENDAR)
Space Pioneer Fred Whipple to talk to Tucson group


New issues of "Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte"

In June 1994 number 4 of the printed edition of "Mitteilungen zur
Astronomiegeschichte" (Newsletter for the History of Astronomy) was 
published. In addition to the contributions and other information already 
published in the "Electronic Newsletters" it contains also a list of 
jubilee years for the year 1995 (Birthdays and death-notices of 
astronomers) as well as congratulations on the occasion of various 
birthdays of members and friends of the Working Group for the History of 
Astronomy. In addition, further data about other societies and working 
groups that have a relationship to the history of astronomy were also 
included. In comparison to the "Electronic Newsletter", the printed edition 
appears only in the German Language, but despite that fact it reaches a 
larger number of readers.

At the same time, two new special editions of the "Mitteilungen zur
Astronomiegeschichte" with bibliographies of astronomical history 
publications of members of the working group (J.Hamel, J.Helfricht, 
D.B.Herrmann, G.D.Roth, M.Holl, F.Krafft and E.Pfitzner) had also been 
issued. The 1st special edition (December 1993) contained the personal 
bibliographies of K.-R.Biermann, L.Brandt, E.-M.Stiegler, I.Keil, Th.Marold 
and K.Waelke.

Together with number 4, the members of the working group received the 
brochure "Wilhelm Olbers in an exchange of letters with astronomers of his 
time" by Prof. Diedrich Wattenberg (cp. section "New books") as a gift of 
the author.

The "Mitteilungen" can be ordered from the Secretary of the working group 
(for the address, see the Imprint section). For members outside Germany the 
subscription is free of charge. Inside Germany the 4th edition costs 1.50 
DM, and each of the special issues 1 DM, and shipping costs have to be 
added. In addition, any issues that you may have missed (Numbers 1 - 3 and 
the Special issues) can be back-ordered.


The North American Sundial Society

By Fred Sawyer, Glastonbury (USA)

The North American Sundial Society is an association of people from a wide
variety of disciplines who are interested in the study, development,
history, and preservation of sundials and the art of dialing throughout
the North American continent.

The North American Sundial Society is an association (convened in 1994)
for those who view the sundial as something more than a simple garden
decoration.  There was a time, not that long ago, when an appreciation of
dials in all their various forms was an integral part of the scientific
and mathematical training of any well-educated person.

NASS hearkens back to such a time and offers sundial enthusiasts at all
levels of expertise an opportunity to learn, to interact, and to exchange
ideas and information.

As essayist Hilaire Belloc once noted: 

"Civilisation loses its treasures by an unconscious process.  It has lost
them before it has appreciated that they were in the way of being lost:
and when I say 'its treasures' I mean the special discoveries and crafts
of mankind."

Dialing is fast becoming a lost art and a forgotten science.  By
participating in NASS you can slow this unconscious process and even help
to regain and advance the forgotten science.

The Society was convened in February 1994 by Ross McCluney, Fred Sawyer
and Bob Terwilliger in the hope of fostering communication and
coordination among dialists.

Recognizing that many of its members are already associated with one or
more of its European counterparts, the Society has adopted a role which
complements the work already being done by other organizations.

The Society produces a regular newsletter in both print and digital
formats. Requirements for the digital edition include an IBM compatible
computer with 640K RAM, EGA or VGA color, MS-DOS 3.1 or higher, a
hard-drive and a Logitech or Microsoft compatible mouse.

Join now!  Participate!  Discover new concepts; share your favorite ideas,
techniques and sources.  Whether you design, construct, study, collect, or
simply enjoy dials, it all comes together in the North American Sundial

                              SUBSCRIPTION FORM 
A subscription entitles you to receive all regular issues of COMPENDIUM
for the current volume year. We anticipate releasing a total of 4 issues
in 1994, including the inaugural issue which is being provided as an
evaluation copy to prospective members. Back issues are available [$3 for
members and $7 for nonmembers] from the Editor.

A subscription also entitles you to vote in the Fall 1994 elections for
the By-Laws and first slate of officers of the society.

Please check the box for the subscription option you wish.  For mailing
addresses outside of North America, please add a $10 airmail surcharge.
We welcome and encourage additional monetary contributions to help cover
the startup costs of the society.  If you would like to contribute an
amount in addition to your dues, please enter that amount below.

Most of our foreign members have found it easier and cheaper to send their
dues in US dollars cash, however we can accept checks in most convertible
foreign currencies, as long as they are drawn on a bank in the country
whose currency is being sent. Please add a conversion fee equivalent to
$2.00, in addition to the air mail postage costs of $10.00, to your check.
You may want to contact the Treasurer first, before sending a check.

Unfortunately, our bank makes significant additional charges for
converting the currencies of Italy and The Netherlands, and members from
these countries might want to consider sending cash or making other
arrangements to pay in US funds. Checks in Dutch guilders require, in
addition to all of the above, a surcharge equivalent to $10.00.  Checks in
Italian lire require a surcharge of $20.00, and must not be marked
 [ ] 1994 Membership with the print edition of Compendium    $25.00     
 [ ] 1994 Membership with the Digital Compendium             $25.00 
 [ ] 1994 Membership with both print and digital editions    $35.00 
	       Air Mail [outside of North America]           $10.00 
	       Bank Charges [if applicable]                         
	       Additional Donation                                  
	       TOTAL enclosed                                        
Note: The digital edition requires an IBM compatible computer with 640K
RAM, MS DOS 3.1 or higher, EGA/VGA color graphics, a hard disk, and a
Logitech or Microsoft compatible mouse.  It will be mailed on a 3 1/2"
 Please provide the following information :
 Name :                  _________________________________________________
 Street [1st line] :     _________________________________________________
 Street [2nd line] :     _________________________________________________
 City, State or Prov. :  _________________________________________________
 Postal Code, Country :  _________________________   
 E-mail address [if applicable] :  __________________________
Please make your check for the above total payable to Robert Terwilliger,
Treasurer NASS, and mail it to the society at 2398 SW 22nd Avenue, Miami
FL 33145.  As a new society relying on the dedication of volunteers, we
very much welcome contributions. If you can contribute time, information,
or articles, please contact us at

North American Sundial Society
Fred Sawyer, Editor
8 Sachem Drive
Glastonbury CT 06033 USA



Memorials for Astronomers in London

By Arno Langkavel, Loeningen (Germany)

Adams, John Couch (1819-1892): Medalion in Westminster Abbey, just a few 
steps from Newton's Grave.

Eddington, Sir Arthur (1882-1944): Memorial tablet in Bennett Park 4,
Blackheath, Greenwich.

Halley, Edmond (1656-1742): Burial in the old graveyard in the Lee Terrace 
in Greenwich (SE 3), across from the Parish Church of St. Margaret. One can 
obtain the key to the door from the Father in charge. The original cover 
can be presently found - impressed into a wall - not far from zero degrees 
on the grounds of the Old Observatory in Greenwich. In 1854 this original 
was replaced by the present one, which, over time, has become worn from the 
weather. On the reverse side of the sarcophagus, one can recognize the name 
of the astronomer Pond.

Herschel, Sir John (1792-1871): Burial Plate in Westminster Abbey,
just a few steps from Newton's Grave. In close proximity to the grave an 
engraving on the ground offers remembrance to Wilhelm Herschel.

Horrox, Jeremiah (1617-1641): Memorial plaque in Westminster Abbey,
across from Newton's grave, to the left and behind the west-entrance.

Newton, Sir Isaac (1643-1727): Memorial plaque in Jermyn Street 87
(between the underground-stations "Green Park" and "Picadilly Circus") in
Westminster; memorial plaque in St. Martin's Street 35 (WC 2, Underground
"Leicester Square"); Bust on a small green lawn on "Leicester
Square"; burial in Westminster Abbey.

Comments by the Editor:

In the crypt of St. Paul's Cathedral there lies the grave of Sir 
Christopher Wren. In the cloister of Westminster Abbey (South side) a 
plaque for Edmund Halley was erected; and carries the encryption "This 
Memorial marks the Comets Return in 1986".

Who else is aware of other memorial sights in London?


Museums and Exhibits

On the 12th of November 1992 at his former home in the Wolgaster Strasse 
144 in Greifswald (Germany), a memorial tablet which honors Emil Cohen 
(1842-1905), a famous meteor explorer was unveiled. Cohen was from 1885 to 
1905 a Professor of Mineralogy and Geology at the University of Greifswald. 
[Source: Nachrichtenblatt zur Geschichte der Geowissenschaften Nr. 2, 1992 
[1994], S. 53]

The exhibit on display from June 25, 1993, to July 3, 1994, in Lugano 
(Italy), Vienna (Austria) and Berlin (Germany) "Die schwarze Stadt an
der Seidenstrasse: Buddhistische Kunst aus Khara Khoto, 10.-13.
Jahrhundert" ["The Black City on the Silk Way: Buddhist Art from Khara 
Khoto, 10.-13. Century"] portrayed treasures from the Hermitage in St. 
Petersburg, which were discovered at the beginning of our century by 
Russian archeologists in Mongolia. The exposition also showed the cult of 
the planets and stars of the Tanguts, a Central-Asian nation. For the 
exhibit, a catalog under a similar name was published in 1993 by Electa 
publishers (Milan, Italy). 

From March 5th to the 5th of June 1994 in Lucern (Switzerland) a special 
exhibit entitled "China - Wiege des Wissens: 7000 Jahre Erfindung und
Entdeckungen" ["China - Cradle of Knowledge: 7000 years of discovery and 
invention"] took place. Amongst the theme-filled rooms there was also one 
dedicated to Astronomy in which an armillar sphere was on exhibit. Also, 
there was a special program in the planetarium which portrayed China's 
contributions to the History of Astronomy. There appeared also a 300 page, 
richly illustrated catalog. 
[Source: Vermessung, Photogrammetrie, Kulturtechnik 3/1994, S. 138, 5/1994, 
S. 235]

An important collection of astronomical, navigational, and meteorological 
instrumentation occupies the Museo di Storia della Scienza in Florence. 
Amongst the most important pieces of the collection belong the two original 
telescopes, which demonstrably, were used by Galileo Galilei. With them 
Galileo discovered Jupiter's four largest moons between 1609 - 1610. Many 
of the objects are not meant for practical use however, but instead were 
built from top to bottom for decoration purposes. For example the 
gold-plated bronze astrolabium that Galilei is credited with making. 
Gold-plated bronze was extraordinarily expensive at the time. For the 
practice, one ordinarily used wooden instruments which were less expensive 
and lighter to use and to produce. Galileo's telescopes are also made of 
wood. The transitory material explains the circumstances as to why so few 
instruments have survived up until today. 
(Museo di Storia della Scienza, Piazza dei Giudici 1, Florence, Italy) 
[Source: Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau 47(1994)2, S. 77; abridged 
version, by courtesy of Verlag Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau]

From the 28th to the 30th of October the People's Observatory in the old 
Physics building in Frankfurt on the Main River, will show the exhibit 
"Astronomy in Frankfurt for the last 170 years and into the future." In 
addition to information on actual explorations and discoveries made, 
historical instruments and books as well as stamps will be on display. The 
Physics Society will be releasing a special edition-stamp for the occasion. 
Opening times: Friday 3 - 8 pm, Saturday/Sunday 10 am - 8 pm.
(People's Observatory, Robert-Mayer-Str. 2-4, D-60054 Frankfurt, Germany,
Tel. (069) 704630) 


Meeting of the Working Group on the History of Astronomy

The yearly Autumnal meeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft [Astronomical 
Society] will take place from the 26th to the 30th of September in Potsdam. 
Within this framework the working group will present in a splinter 
meeting, on the theme "Astronomy in Berlin and Potsdam". As in Jena and 
Bochum, other presentations and posters in accordance with other themes 
will also be on hand. The scientific direction will be lead by P. Brosche, 
and the placement and organisation will be handled by G. Scholz 
(Astrophysics Institute, Potsdam) and W. Dick. In conclusion of the 
scientific conference an all encompassing sight-seeing program will be set 
up in Berlin and Potsdam.

Advanced registrations should be forwarded to P. Brosche (For address see 
the Imprint). Please give along with your registration your complete travel 
plan arrival/departure schedule, along with your interests in the planned 
programs. All of those who have pre-registered will receive by the end of 
August/beginning of September information on the program, planned events, 

Participants who take part in the entire Astronomical-Society Conference 
and wish the help or assistance of the Organising Committee in the way of 
bookings of hotel reservations, or other related items, please use the 
following address:

Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam 
AG-Tagungsbuero, An der Sternwarte 16 
D-14482 Potsdam 
The participant fee is 100 DM for non Astronomical-Society-members.

For those who wish to book their hotel rooms themselves, but also want to 
nevertheless take part in the meeting of the working group, please register 
with P. Brosche. In all other cases, one must pay the entire participant 
fee for the A.S. conference.

The conference meeting sight is the Potsdam-Babelsberg park on the grounds 
of the University of Potsdam, which lies in close proximity to the 
Observatory Babelsberg.
It can be easily reached by bus or by foot from the Babelsberg bus-stop or 
from the area where the tramway arrives (from Potsdam) or the S-Bahn (from 

Preliminary Program for the Working Group on the History of Astronomy:

Thursday, 29 September

4pm until 6-7 pm: Splinter meeting begin / Part 1 

8 pm: Public lecture of the Astronomical Society (R.-P.Kudritzki: The 
Hubble Space Telescope)

Friday, 30 September

10 - ca. 3 pm: Splinter meeting / Part 2 

3 - 5 pm: Viewing at the Babelsberg Observatory, with eventual visit to the 
graves of Hermann Struve or Bruno H. Buergel in Babelsberg

7 pm: Meeting in a hotel-pub (as long as desired)

Saturday, 1 October

Before noon: Viewing at the Astrophysical Observatory in Potsdam and the
Solar Observatory "Einstein Tower" on the Telegrafenberg (Telegraf 
Mountain) in Potsdam; along with a tour afterwards to the graves of the old 
and the new graveyard at the foot of the Telegrafenberg.

Afternoon (or on Sunday): Viewing at the Archenhold-Observatory in 
Berlin-Treptow with an astronomical and historical tour of the museum 
During the evening (by individual): Visit to the Berlin Planetariums.

Sunday, 2 October

Viewing of the temporary Copernicus-Exhibit in Zeiss-Grossplanetarium in 
Berlin; with the option of an individuel walk through Berlin, and eventual 
tour to astronomical and historicaly important areas.

According to areas of interest in the points of the program and on the 
number of participants, we can change any facets of the program at any 
given time. Please give therefore as detailed a list of your interests and 
your time schedule as you possibly can.


Conference Calendar 1994

24 July - 14 August, Schaephuysen (Germany)
30th International Astronomical Youth Camp
Among working groups: Ancient Astronomy
for amateur astronomers from 16 to 24 years old
Participation fee: DM 620.00
(IWA e.V. c/o Erwin van Ballegoij, Dirkje Mariastraat 17 bis,
NL-3551 SK Utrecht, The Netherlands)

26 - 30 October, Berlin (Germany)
International Congress "Galileo Galilei"
(Istituto Italiono di Culturo Berlino, c/o Italienisches Generalkonsulat,
Hiroshimastr. 1, D-10785 Berlin, Tel. 0049-30-261 78 75, Fax 264 09 41)



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monthly overviews of contributions by noteworthy subject-specialists and 
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New Books

Arias de Greiff, Jorge: La astronomia en Colombia.  Santafe de Bogota,
1994.  Pp. 196. 

Bach, Henri; Rieb, Jean P.; Wilhelm, Robert: Die drei astronomischen Uhren
des Strassburger Muensters [The Three Astronomical Clocks of the  
Strasbourg Cathedral].  Introduction by: Rene R. Rohr. Bearb. v. Christel 
Seidensticker. Aus d. Franz. v. Robert Wilhelm.  Lahr: Moritz Schauenburg 
Verlag, 1994.  236 pp., 200 ill.  ISBN 3-7946-0297-8. DM 148

Euler, Leonard: Leonhardi Euleri Opera Omnia. Series secunda. Opera
mechanica et astronomica. Vol. 31. Commentationes mechanice et
astronomicae ad physicam cosmicam pertinentes.  H.Ch. ImHof, W. Habicht,
T. Steiner, G.A. Tammann (Eds.).  Basel: Birkhaeuser Verlag, 1994.  Pp. ca.
464.  ISBN 3-7643-1459-1. ca. DM 250, SFr 220

Fauvel, John; Flood, Raymond; Wilson, Robin (Eds.): Mobius and his band:
Mathematics and Astronomy in Nineteenth-Century Germany.  Oxford, New
York: Oxford University Press, 1993.  Pp. 172, ill., bibl. ref., index.
ISBN 019853969X.

Fauvel, John; Flood, Raymond; Wilson, Robin (Hrsg.): Moebius und sein Band.
Der Aufstieg von Mathematik und Astronomie im Deutschland des 19.
Jahrhunderts. [Translation of the previous book]
Translated from English by Gisela Menzel.  Basel, Boston,
Berlin: Birkhaeuser Verlag, 1994. Pp. 224, ca. 150 ill. ISBN 3-7643-2990-4.
DM 78

Golvers, Noel: The Astronomia Europaea of Ferdinand Verbiest, S. J.
(Dillingen, 1687).  Text, translation, notes and commentaries.  Ed.:
Institut Monumenta Serica, Sankt Augustin, Ferdinand Verbiet Foundation,
Leuven.  (Monumenta Serica Monogr. Ser., 28) Nettetal: Steyler
Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1993.  Pp. 550. Faks., 43 Abb.  Cloth DM 80

Hertzsprung-Kapteyn, Henrietta: The life and works of J.C.Kapteyn.  An
annotated translation with preface and introduction by E. Robert Paul.
Dordrecht, Boston, London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994.  Pp. 104.
ISBN 0-7923-2603-2. $ 38.50 
[English translation of the 1928 Dutch biography; appeared also in Space
Science Reviews 64 (1993) 1/2, pp. V-XIX, 1-92]

Hu, B.L.; Ryan Jnr., M.P.; Vishveshvara, C.V. (Eds.): Directions in
General Relativity. Volume I: Papers in honor of Charles Misner.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993.  Pp. 423.  ISBN
0-521-45266-X. L 35 
   Review:  F.Mellor: The Observatory 114 (1994) 1119, 64-65

Hu, B.L.; Jacobsen, T.A. (Eds.): Directions in General Relativity. Volume
II: Papers in honor of Dieter Brill.  Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 1993.  Pp. 369.  ISBN 0-521-45267-8. L 35
   Review:  F.Mellor: The Observatory 114 (1994) 1119, 64-65

Hunt, Garry E.; Moore, Patrick: Atlas of Neptune.  Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1994.  Pp. 84.  ISBN 0-521-37478-2. 
[contains also the chapters: The discovery of Neptune, Pre-discovery
observations, Early theories of Neptune]

Karow, Otto: Kinder der Sonne. Vom Erwachen menschlichen Geistes [Children 
of the Sun. From the awakening of the Human Spirit].  (Imago
mundi. Studienreihe des Kult-Ur-Instituts e.V., Bd. 4) Warmsroth:
Pulsar-Verlag, 1993.  ISBN 3-929068-04-4. DM 14
[Archaeoastronomy and symbolic-research; the meanings of the pictures are 
nevertheless a bit over-drawn - use with caution]

Kippenhahn, Rudolf: Discovering the secrets of the Sun.  Translated by
Storm Dunlop.  Chichester, New York, Brisbane, Toronto, Singapore: John
Wiley & Sons, 1994.  Pp. xvii, 262.  ISBN 0-471-94160-3 (cloth),
[contains some historical notes]

Kuehne, Andreas: Nicolaus Copernicus Gesamtausgabe [Nicholas Copernicus 
Collected Works]. Bd. VI, 1. Copernicus, Nicholaus: Briefe. Texte und 
Uebersetzungen [Letters. Texts and Translations]. Prepared by Andreas
Kuehne.  H.M. Nobis, M. Folkerts (Eds.).  Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1994.

Levy, David H.: The man who sold the Milky Way: a biography of Bart Bok.
Tucson: The University of Arizona Press, 1993.  Pp. xiii, 246, ill., bibl.
ref., index.  ISBN 0-816-51149-7. $35 (hb) 
   Review:  D.Stickland: The Observatory 114 (1994) 1120, 125

Malville, J. McKim; Putnam, Claudia: Prehistoric astronomy in the
Southwest.  Rev. ed.  Boulder, Colo.: Johnson Books, 1993.  Pp. 108, ill.,
bibl. ref.  ISBN 1-5556-6116-5. $ 9.95

Means, Laurel (Ed.): Medieval lunar astrology: a collection of
representive Middle English texts.  Lewiston, NY: E. Mellen, 1993.  Pp.
viii, 352.  ISBN 0773492992. 

Mosimann, Martin: Die "Mainauer Naturlehre" im Kontext der
Wissenschaftsgeschichte [The "Mainauer Naturlehre" in Context to the 
History of Science].  (Basler Studien zur deutschen Sprache und
Literatur [Basler Studies on the German Language and Literature], Bd. 64) 
Tuebingen: Verlag A. Francke, 1994.  Pp. 418, ill., bibl. ISBN 
3-7720-1982-X. DM 120
[On Science during the Middle Ages, Astronomy and Calendars]

Paul, E. Robert: The Milky Way galaxy and statistical cosmology,
1890-1924.  Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1993.  Pp.
xiv, 262, ill., bibl. ref., index.  ISBN 0-521-35363-7. L 30.00

Peterson, Ivars: Newton's clock: chaos in the solar system.  W.H.Freeman
and Co., 1994.  Pp. 317.  ISBN 0-7167-2396-4. $22.95
   Review:  A.M.Killian: Sky & Telescope 87 (1994) 3, 59-60

Ragep, F. Jamil: Nasir al-Din al-Tusi's Memoir on astronomy (al-Tadhkira
fi 'ilm al-hay'a).  Vol. 1: Introduction, edition, and translation. Vol.
2: Commentary and apparatus.  (Sources in the history of mathematics and
pysical sciences, 12) Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1993.  Pp. XV, 656. 96
figs., bibl. ref., indexes.  ISBN 3-540-94051-0, New York: ISBN
0-3879-4051-0. DM 178
[English and Arabic on opposite pages.]

Shostak, G. Seth (Ed.): Third decennial US-USSR conference on SETI.
(Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, Vol. 47) San
Francisco, Ca.: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 1993.  Pp. xvi, 444.
ISBN 0-937707-66-X. [contains three contributions on the history of SETI: 
Drake: A brief history of SETI; Litvinenko and Arkhipov: Bioastronomy in
the Ukraine; Gindilis: Andrei Dmitriyevich Sakharov and the search for
extraterretrial intelligence]

Sonnenuhren in Sachsen. Verzeichnis, Text, Sinnsprueche [Sun Dials in 
Saxony. Register, Text, and Sayings].  Editors: G.Dusil and Working Group 
"Sun Dials in Saxony".  Publisher: Freundeskreis "Sonnenuhren in 
Sachsen [Sun Dials in Saxony]".  [Without place], 1993.  (Without page 
[Address of the working group: Helmut Saendig, Lommatzscher Str. 69,
D-01139 Dresden]

Stolz, R.; Wittig, Joachim (Eds.): Carl Zeiss und Ernst Abbe - Leben,
Wirken und Bedeutung [Carl Zeiss and Ernst Abbe - Lives,
Works and Influence].  Jena: Universitaetsverlag Jena Druckhaus Mayer,
1993.  566 S.  DM 68.80
[Contains also: R.Schielicke: Astronomy and Zeiss-Werk; G.Wolfschmidt:
The further Development of Abbes Devices in Zeiss Jena and their meaning
for Astronomy in the first half of the 20th Century]

Van Allen, James A.: Cosmic rays, the sun and geomagnetism: The works of
Scott E. Forbush.  Washington, D.C.: American Geophysical Union, 1993.
Pp. xviii, 472.  ISBN 0-87590-833-0. 

Wattenberg, Diedrich: Wilhelm Olbers im Briefwechsel mit Astronomen seiner
Zeit [Wilhelm Olbers in an exchange of letters with Astronomers of his 
time].  (Quellen der Wissenschaftsgeschichte [Sources in History of 
Science], Vol. 2) Stuttgart: Verlag fuer Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften 
und der Technik, 1994.  49 S.  ISBN 3-928186-19-1. DM 18

White, Michael; Gribbin, John: Stephen Hawkin. Die Biographie [Stephen 
Hawkin. The Biography].  Translated into German by Hainer Kober.  Reinbeck 
near Hamburg: Rowohlt Verlag, 1994.  Pp. 352. DM 42

Witthoeft, Harald (Ed.): Handbuch der historischen Metrologie [Handbook of 
Historical Metrology]. 
Vol 1. Deutsche Bibliographie zur historischen Metrologie [German 
Bibliography on Historical Metrology].  
St. Katharinen: Scripta Mercaturae Verlag, 1991. Pp. XXVIII, 431.  ISBN 
3-922661-94-7. DM 84    
   Review:  H.Minow: Verm.-Ing. 45 (1994) 2, 83

Witthoeft, Harald (Ed.): Handbuch der historischen Metrologie [Handbook of 
Historical Metrology]. 
Vol 2. Deutsche Masse und Gewichte des 19. Jahrhunderts [German Measures 
and Weights of the 19th Century]. 
Part 1: Die Orts- und Landesmasse [The Local and Regional Measures].  
St. Katharinen: Scripta Mercaturae Verlag, 1993.  Pp. 688,
numerous tables.  ISBN 3-928134-78-7. DM 146

Witthoeft, Harald (Ed.): Handbuch der historischen Metrologie [Handbook of 
Historical Metrology]. 
Vol 3. Deutsche Masse und Gewichte des 19. Jahrhunderts [German Measures 
and Weights of the 19th Century]. 
Part 2:  Die Mass- und Gewichtseinheiten [The Unities of Measures and 
Vol 4. Deutsche Masse und Gewichte des 19. Jahrhunderts [German Measures 
and Weights of the 19th Century]. 
Part 3: Korpus der Masse und Gewichte nach den Rechtsquellen des 
19. Jahrhunderts [Inventory of the Measures and Weights according to the 
legal sources of the 19th Century].                                        
St. Katharinen: Scripta Mercaturae Verlag, 1994.                           

Wolfschmidt, Gudrun (Hrsg.): Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) -
Revolutionaer wider Willen [Nicholas Copernicus (1473-1543) -
Revolutionary against his Wills].  Stuttgart: Verlag fuer Geschichte der
Naturwissenschaften und der Technik, 1994. Pp. 352.  ISBN 3-928186-16-7. 
DM 39.80 (Paperback DM 25 in the exhibit) 
[With contributions by G.Wolfschmidt, H.M.Nobis, F.Krafft, F.Schmeidler, 
M.Folkerts, V.Bialas, M.Segre, A.Kuehne, E.Knobloch, I.Schneider, 
R.Baasner, K.Maerker, and others, as well as an exhibits catalog]


New Antiquarians Catalog

Antiquariat Gerhard Renner, Postfach [P.O. Box] 1648, D-72461 
Albstadt-Tailfingen, Germany:
Antiquariats-Katalog 76 "Astronomy", Pp. 72, free of charge.
[Contains many primary and secondary literature on the History of 


Expression of Thanks

For information we thank: 
V.Bialas (Munich), G.Dick (Potsdam), E.Knobloch (Berlin), K.Kocher
(Dannstadt-Schauernheim), K.Waelke (Darmstadt), B.Ziegs (Berlin).



Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy (ENHA)

Published by the Working Group for the History of Astronomy in the
Astronomische Gesellschaft

A translation of "Elektronische Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte"

Editor: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick 

Translated by: Mr. Donald Bellunduno <76450.1741@compuserve.com>

All news which is not mentioned by name are editorial contributions.
Articles as well as information for the several sections will be gladly

Subscription for the ENHA is free. In order to obtain a subscription
inside Germany, one must first obtain a subscription for the
printed Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte (MA).

[Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte:

 Price: DM 1.50 / issue plus postage and packing costs 
        outside Germany: free
 Subscription: Send in DM 2.50 (one issue) or DM 5.00 (Nos. 4-5) in
               stamps to the editor
 Editor: Dr. W. R. Dick, Otterkiez 14, 
         D-14478 Potsdam, Germany, Tel.: (+331) 863199

Astronomische Gesellschaft / Astronomical Society:

Chairman: Prof. Dr. Hanns Ruder, University of Tuebingen, Theoretical
Astrophysics and Computational Physics, Auf der Morgenstelle 10, D-72076

Secretary: Dr. G. Klare, Landessternwarte, Koenigstuhl, D-69117

Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte / Working Group for the History of

Chairman: Prof. Dr. Peter Brosche, Observatorium Hoher List der
Sternwarte der Universitaet Bonn, D-54550 Daun, Germany, 
Tel.: (+6592) 2150, Fax: (+6592) 2937

Secretary: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick, Institut fuer Angewandte Geodaesie,
Aussenstelle Potsdam, Postfach 60 08 08, D-14408 Potsdam, Germany,
Tel.: (+331) 316 619, E-mail: wdi@potsdam.ifag.de 
(in the event I am not reachable at this address, please try the following
address: dick@gfz-potsdam.de)

Secretary for Public Relations: Dr. Gudrun Wolfschmidt, Deutsches
Museum, Museumsinsel 1, D-80538 Muenchen, Germany, Tel.: (+89) 2179 277, 
Fax: (+89) 2179 324, E-mail: t7911ac@sunmail.lrz-muenchen.de

Bank Acct. of the Working Group of the Astronomische Gesellschaft:
Acct # 261 917, Sparkasse Mannheim (BLZ 670 501 01)
Contributions from foreign countries, please sign with: "Fuer
Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte" to: acct # 162 18-203, Postgiroamt
Hamburg, BLZ 200 400 20


Addendum by the translator: 

Space Anniversaries (from the SPACE CALENDAR)

     The Space Calendar is compiled by Ron Baalke and covers
space-related activities and anniversaries for the coming year.  The
latest copy of the calendar is available at explorer.arc.nasa.gov as
pub/SPACE/FAQ/space.calendar. It is also available on the World Wide
Web at:


Please send any updates or corrections to Ron Baalke
(baalke@kelvin.jpl.nasa.gov).  Note that anniversary dates are listed in
5 year increments only, and launch dates are subject to change.

                               SPACE CALENDAR
                               July 31, 1994

July 1994
  Jul 31 - 25th Anniversary (1969), Mariner 6, Mars Flyby

August 1994
  Aug 05 - 25th Anniversary (1969), Mariner 7, Mars Flyby
  Aug 25 - 5th Anniversary (1989), Voyager 2, Neptune Flyby
  Aug 28 - 205th Anniversary (1789), William Herschel's Discovery of 
           Enceladus (Saturn Moon)

September 1994
  Sep 01 - 15th Anniversary (1979), Pioneer 11, Saturn Flyby
  Sep 12 - 35th Anniversary (1959), Luna 2 Launch (Russian Moon Impact 
  Sep 21 - 20th Anniversary (1974), Mariner 10, 2nd Mercury Flyby

October 1994
  Oct 04 - 35th Anniversary (1959), Luna 3 Launch (Russian Moon Flyby)
  Oct 12 - 30th Anniversary (1964), Voskhod 1 Launch (1st 3-Man Space 
  Oct 18 - 5th Anniversary (1989), Galileo Launch
  Oct 28 - 20th Anniversary (1974), Luna 23 Launch (Russian Moon Lander)

November 1994
  Nov 14 - 25th Anniversary (1969), Apollo 12 Launch
  Nov 20 - Edwin Hubble's 105th Birthday (1889)
  Nov 28 - 30th Anniversary (1964), Mariner 4 Launch (Mars Flyby Mission)

December 1994
  Dec 03 - 20th Anniversary (1974), Pioneer 11, Jupiter Flyby
  Dec 15 - 10th Anniversary (1984), Vega 1 Launch (Halley Flyby, Venus 
  Dec 21 - 10th Anniversary (1984), Vega 2 Launch (Halley Flyby, Venus 

January 1995
  Jan 07 - 385th Anniversary (1610), Galileo's Discovery of Moons around
  Jan 07 - 10th Anniversary (1985), Sakigake Launch (Halley's Comet Flyby)
  Jan 24 - 5th Anniversary (1990), MUSES-A (Hiten) Launch (Japan Moon 

February 1995
  Feb 09 - 5th Anniversary (1990), Galileo, Venus Flyby
  Feb 14 - 5th Anniversary (1990), Voyager 1, Family Portrait of Solar 
  Feb 18 - 65th Anniversary (1930), Clyde Tombaugh's Discovery of Pluto
  Feb 20 - 30th Anniversary (1965), Ranger 8 Launch (Moon Impact Mission)

March 1995
  Mar 11 - 35th Anniversary (1960), Pioneer 5 Launch (Solar Orbiter)
  Mar 13 - Percival Lowell's 140th Birthday (1855)
  Mar 16 - 20th Anniversary (1975), Mariner 10, 3rd Mercury Flyby
  Mar 18 - 30th Anniversary (1965), 1st Space Walk, Leonov on Voskhod 2
  Mar 23 - 30th Anniversary (1965), Gemini 3 Launch
  Mar 24 - 30th Anniversary (1965), Ranger 9 Launch (Moon Impact Mission)
  Mar 25 - 340th Anniversary (1655), Huygen's Discovery of Titan (Saturn 

April 1995
  Apr 11 - 25th Anniversary (1970), Apollo 13 Launch
  Apr 25 - 5th Anniversary (1990), Hubble Space Telescope Deployment

May 1995
  May 30 - European Space Agency's 20th Birthday (1975)

June 1995
  Jun 03 - 30th Anniversary (1965), Gemini 4 Launch
  Jun 08 - Giovanni Cassini's 370th Birthday (1625)
  Jun 11 - 10th Anniversary (1985), Vega 1 Landing on Venus (Russian)
  Jun 15 - 10th Anniversary (1985), Vega 2 Landing on Venus (Russian)
  Jun 26 - Charles Messier's 265th Birthday (1730)

July 1995
* Jul 02 - 10 Anniversary (1985), Giotto Launch (Halley's Comet Flyby)
* Jul 15 - 30th Anniversary (1965), Mariner 4, Mars Flyby
* Jul 15 - 20th Anniversary (1975), Apollo 18 Launch (Apollo-Soyuz)
* Jul 17 - 20th Anniversary (1975), Apollo-Soyuz Handshake
* Jul 18 - 30th Anniversary (1965), Zond 3 Launch (Russian Moon Flyby)



Please send any additions/corrections to 
Alan Gould  

We especially need info on planetarium society conferences

An acronym legend is at the end of the calendar.


Sept 2-10 -- Seminar: "Ancient Skies, Ancient Lives: 
Archaeology and Astronomy of the Southwest." (See above.)


July 10-15 (dates tentative) IPS CONFERENCE at Osaka
Science Museum, Osaka, Japan. Also, 8-9 July--optional
pre-conference tour of ancient temples of Kyoto and Nara
as well as the Shogun's Palace in Kyoto; 16-19 July--travel
to Tokyo for optional Post-conference tour of planetariums,
Minolta testing/production facilities, National Solar and
Radio Astronomy Observatories in Nagano.


IPS:  International Planetarium Society


Celebrating the Dawn of the Space Age and Contributions to Astronomy;
Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association Marks Forty Years 


CAMBRIDGE, MA--Fred Lawrence Whipple, director emeritus of the
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, author of the "dirty snowball"
theory of comets, and namesake of the Smithsonian's major research 
facility in Arizona, will address the Tucson Amateur Astronomy
Association September 10 in celebration of that group's fortieth
anniversary and its contributions to the nation's early satellite
tracking efforts. 

In 1956, just two years after its founding, the Tucson amateur group
became one of the prime members of the Moonwatch Program, an
international network of volunteer visual observers organized by
Whipple to support the Smithsonian's worldwide effort to track
artificial satellites.  The next year, when the Soviet Union launched
Sputnik I, the Smithsonian's optical camera network, assisted by teams
of amateur astronomers such as the one in Tucson, was one of the few
American systems ready and able to track the first satellites. 

Whipple will recall the exciting and hectic days of the early Space
Age, as well as other highlights from his long career, in a talk
entitled "Vignettes from My Sixty-Seven Years in Astronomy." 

Whipple, 87, is Phillips Professor of Astronomy (emeritus) at Harvard
University and Senior Scientist at the Smithsonian Astrophysical
Observatory. Internationally known for his research on the Moon, 
meteors, and comets, he received his Ph.D. from the University of
California at Berkeley in 1931 and joined the faculty of Harvard
University that same year. He is perhaps best known for his early 
description of comets as "dirty snowballs," hard-packed frozen
conglomerates of gas, water, and dust--a prediction confirmed by space
observations of Comet Halley in 1986. 

As director of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory from 1955 to
1973, Whipple established a worldwide network of cameras that stood
ready to track the first artificial satellites, an effort  supported
by teams of volunteer observers, including members of the TAAA. In
1968, he established an astronomical research site on Mt. Hopkins in
the Santa Rita Mountains near Amado, Arizona. That observatory has
become the Smithsonian's major field installation for ground-based
astronomy, and the site for the Multiple Mirror Telescope, an
innovative approach to large telescope design initiated by Whipple and
now operated jointly by the Smithsonian and the University of Arizona.
In 1981, in recognition of his contributions to astronomy, the Regents
of the Smithsonian Institution renamed the Mt. Hopkins facility as the
"Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory." 

The TAAA, a non-profit educational organization with some 200 members,
has continued its long association with Fred Whipple--and the
Smithsonian---today by holding quarterly public telescopic observing
sessions at the Whipple Observatory's Visitor Center in the foothills
of the Santa Ritas.  The TAAA's anniversary banquet featuring
Whipple's lecture will be held at the Viscount Suite Hotel, 4855 E.
Broadway, Tucson, beginning at 6 pm, Saturday, September 10.  The
banquet and lecture are open to the public; however, tickets must be
purchased in advance, either through the mail (by August 31), or
directly from the TAAA at their Friday, September 2, 7:30 pm meeting
at Steward Observatory, Tucson. 

The cost for the banquet dinner and lecture is $25.00. Checks should
be made payable to the Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association and mailed
to PO Box 41254, Tucson, AZ  85717. A vegetarian meal is av ailable
for $13; and a child's plate for $10. For additional information about
the banquet and lecture, please call the Whipple Observatory at (602)
670-5707, or Sharon Niehaus (TAAA banquet committee member) at (602)

    # # #


Amateur Astronomy in the Astronomy Capital of the USA

The Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association, Inc. (TAAA) is a nonprofit,
tax-exempt organization devoted to astronomy and related sciences.
Founded in 1954 and incorporated in 1985, the organization holds
monthly lectures, which are open to the public, on the first Friday of
each month in the lecture hall at Steward Observatory, University of
Arizona, Tucson.  Speakers come from both the local professional and
amateur astronomical community. 

In cooperation with the United States Forest Service, the TAAA
schedules public observing sessions three or four times a year at
Sabino Canyon. And, with the Smithsonian's Whipple Observatory at
Amado, the group organizes quarterly observing sessions for residents
of the Santa Cruz Valley. 

As part of Astronomy Day each spring, the TAAA "brings astronomy to
the public" with a display at a local shopping mall and a public
observing session later in the evening.  Each fall since 1988, the 
TAAA has scheduled a one-night observing session at the Chiricahua
National Monument, and the group frequently shows the night sky to
Tucson area school children by bringing telescopes to their schools. 

Since 1991, the TAAA has also organized a Grand Canyon Star Party in
cooperation with the United States National Park Service. This
week-long observing program is attended by the general public and 
amateur astronomers from all over the United States.  Some nights,
nearly 300 people come to view the night sky from Yavapai Point on the
south rim of the Grand Canyon. 

All public activities of the TAAA are free of charge.  The annual
membership fee is $25.00.  The group currently has about 200 members.
For more information, contact: Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association,
PO Box 41254, Tucson, AZ 85717 (602) 579-0185. 

Contact:    Teresa Lappin, TAAA,  (602) 579-0185
                 James Cornell, Smithsonian,  (617) 495-7461
                 Dan Brocious, Whipple Observatory, (602) 670-5706

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Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy - Number 7

*                                                                         *
*                                                                         *
*      Published by the Working Group for the History of Astronomy        *
*                  in the Astronomische Gesellschaft                      *
*                                                                         *
*                     Number 7,  December 2, 1994                         *
*                                                                         *
*                           A translation of                              *
*                                                                         *
*                        Nr. 7,  3. November 1994                         *
*                                                                         *
*          Edited by: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick           *
*                                                                         *
*      Translated by: Mr. Donald Bellunduno <76450.1741@CompuServe.COM>   *
*                                                                         *


Mathias Iven: Research Project "3 men named Foerster"

Alina Eremeeva: History of Astronomy Conference at Pulkovo Observatory

Conference Calendar 1994-96

Museums and Exhibits


New books

Expressions of thanks


Addendum by the translator: 
New astronomical books in review in North America
Space Anniversaries (from the SPACE CALENDAR)


Research Project: "3 men named Foerster"

By Mathias Iven, Potsdam

A project, conducted by the URANIA-Association "Wilhelm Foerster" in 
Potsdam, and in cooperation with the Ministry for Science, Research and 
Culture in the principalities of Brandenburg, has been going on since 
August 1994. It is focusing on the life, research, and works of three 
gentlemen/astronomers named Foerster: Wilhelm Foerster, Friedrich Wilhelm 
Foerster, and Karl Foerster.
The Astronomer Wilhelm Foerster (1832-1921), father of Karl and Friedrich
Wilhelm, was, in addition to his scientific contributions (among other 
things, initiator of the Babelsberg Observatory as well as the institutes 
on top of the "Telegrafenberg" in Potsdam) also in 1888 Co-Founder of the 
"Urania" Association for the advancement of science, which is still in 
operation today.

Karl Foerster (1874-1970) became world-reknown as "Foerster of Shrubs". 
In 1910/11 in his only outside nursery in back of his country house in 
Bornim he cultivated Rittersporn and Phlox. His sinking and ever-blooming 
garden, which he built directly next to the house, is seen by most as being 
of exemplary, and impeccable taste.    
In the shadow of his brothers and his father, Friedrich Wilhelm Foerster 
(1869-1966) was certainly unjustly less noticed than any of the 
afore-mentioned, even though Robert Musil and Franz Kafka were mentioned in 
his book "Jugendlehre", which came out in 1906. This pedagogical and 
educational reformer was imbitterly attacked through the hate of the 
Right-Wing Radicals. In 1922, he moved his place of residence to 
Switzerland, mainly because he was to have been the second murder by 
hanging victim after Walter Rathenau.   

Special attention in this research project has been given to the 
extraordinary cooperation of all three personalities, free from classical 
multi-generational conflicts. This originated but is not entirely 
explainable from a familial view-point. For this reason, one of the main 
and far reaching goals of the project is to erect a central 
research-institute in which archival, and both primary and secondary 
literature of the "Foerster-Trio" can be located. Indeed, it will be a 
place where extended and comprehensive documentation on every single 
achievement of the Foerster Family can be found.     

From these goals the first steps of the project have begun, for example: 
comprehensive inquiries into the lives and works of the three personalities 
in question; and in addition to researching the material at hand, also 
exploring and researching the works which, up until today, have not been 
explored or read and catalogued (mainly on Wilhelm and Friedrich Wilhelm 
Foerster) on the Foerster Family. It has also been planned to install a 
bibliographical catalogue of letters (primary and secondary literature) and 
catalogue cards in order to further the process for others to be able to 
continually research the life and works of the Foerster Family.   

Early research results should be presented in a conference in Potsdam from 
the 16 to the 19 March, 1995. The presentations and parts of the 
discussions, as well as other texts already submitted up to that point, 
will eventually be published in a conference-edition. 

During the first day of the conference the "Wilhelm Foerster Prize" which 
was established by the Urania Association "Wilhelm Foerster" and through 
the Ministry for Science, Research and Culture in the principalities of  
Brandenburg, will be awarded. In addition to the presentations and 
discussions, there will also be viewings and tours in the garden of Karl 
Foerster, in the Wilhelm Foerster Observatory (Berlin), on the Potsdam 
"Telegrafenberg" (astrophysical and geophysical institutes), and in the 
Babelsberg Observatory are also included in the program.  
Whoever is interested in this project, or whoever needs help in 
interpreting or finding secondary literature or recently founded locations 
of archives containing information on the Foerster Family, or can 
contribute any suggestions and perhaps also take part in the conference as 
a visiting guest, please contact the URANIA Association "Wilhelm Foerster"
Potsdam, Brandenburger Str. 38, 14467 Potsdam, Telephone # (0331) 29 17 41,
Fax (0331) 29 36 83.


History of Astronomy Conference at Pulkovo Observatory

By Alina Eremeeva, Moscow

The coming year 1995 is the year of the 50th anniversary of the end of the
World War II. The Euro-Asian Astronomical Society plans to hold a
scientific memorial conference dedicated to this date "Astronomers,
Astronomy and the World War II". The conference is to be held in Pulkovo,
on April 24-28, 1995. Prof.V.Abalakin has agreed to become the Chairman of
the Scientific Organizing Committee.

The preliminary list of topics is as follows:

1. Astronomy in the pre-war years
2. Astronomers at the front and the rear
3. Astronomy working for the front
4. Fate of astronomical centers at the front and the rear
5. Scientific and technological progress in astronomy on base of
   military technology
6. Discoveries and inventions by astronomers during the war years
7. Round table: Astronomy in a world without world wars

We would very much appreciate any help to find people who could contribute
to the conference with a talk or (as those who remember the World War II
events may be unable to make such a long trip) just by writing down some
reminiscences of their war experience and sending the writing as a poster
to the conference.


Alina Eremeeva
Secretary to the Conference Organizing Committee
E-mail: alina@sai.msk.su or boch@astronomy.msk.su

Victor K. Abalakin
E-mail: vicabal@gao.spb.su

Robert A. McCutcheon
E-mail: rmccutcheon@author.gsfc.nasa.gov
Phone : (301) 497-2743


Conference Calender 1994-96

Attention! Calendar correction:
10.-15. November, Berlin (Germany)
International Congress "Galileo Galilei"
(Istituto Italiano di Cultura, c/o Italian General Consulate,
Hiroshima Str. 1, D-10785 Berlin, Tel. 0049-30-2617875, Fax 2640941)

24.-25. November, Gent (Belgium)
The George Sarton Lectures of the University of Gent will include
G.L'E.Turner on "Gerard Mercator and the Louvain Workshops"

25. November, Strasbourg (France)
La dix-huitieme reunion "Astronomie et Sciences Humaines"
Salle Leon XIII au FEC, place Saint Etienne, 10 h
(G.Jasniewicz, Observatoire Astronomique, 11 rue de l'Universite,
F-67000 Strasbourg, France, Tel. (33) 88 35 82 18

26. November, Amsterdam (Netherlands)
Symposium on navigational instruments
(Scheepvaartmuseum, Kattenburgerplein 1, 1018 KK Amsterdam, The

27. November, Paris (France)
5eme Salon des Antiques Scientifiques
open 10:00 to 19:00, Grande Bouveche, 71 rue de Paris, 91400 Orsay,
France, admission free 
(Details: Comite Municipal des fetes, BP 47-91401 Orsay cedex, France,
tel: (1) 69 82 89 27)

10. December, Potsdam (Germany)
Colloquium 70 years of the Sun Observatory Einstein-Tower
Presentations by W.Mattig, K.Hentschel.
(Dr. J.Staude, Astrophysical Institute of Potsdam, Telegrafenberg,
D-14473 Potsdam, Germany, Tel. (0331) 288 2300, Fax 288 2310)

16. December, Potsdam (Germany)
Honorary Colloquium to the 80th Birthday of Prof Dr Friedrich Wilhelm 
Lectures by L.Oetken and H.H.Voigt
(Dr. J.Staude, see above)

16-19 March, Potsdam (Germany)
Scientific Conference "The 3 Foersters" (see above)

Attention! Conference correction:
20-24 March, Berlin (Germany)
VIth Physics/History conference on the theme "150 years of German Physical 
Society" and international physics historical conference on the "Emergence 
of Modern Physics" 
(Dr. Dieter Hoffmann, FSP Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Jaegerstr. 10/11, 
D-10117 Berlin, Tel. (030) 20192-164/152, Fax (030) 20192-154/162)

20-24 March, Hamburg (Germany)
Conference of the German Geophysical Society.
(Lectures on the History of Geophysics/Geosciences are planned)
In order to register for the lectures (with synopsis) up until the 
1. December 1994, please contact:
Prof. Makris, Institute for Geophysics, Bundesstr. 55, 20146 Hamburg,
Tel. (040) 4123-3969  
Copy please to: Prof. Dr. G.Buntebahrt, Institute for Geophysics of the TU,
Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany

24-28 April, St.Petersburg/Pulkovo (Russia)
Conference "Astronomers, Astronomy and World War II" (see above)

7 May, London (England)
The 18th International Antique Scientific & Medical Instrument Fair
Portman Hotel, Portman Square, London W1, 10:00 - 16:30. 
(Details: Peter Delehar 081-866 8659)

29 October, London (England)
The 19th International Antique Scientific & Medical Instrument Fair
Portman Hotel, Portman Square, London W1. 
(Details: 081-866 8659)

5-6 June, Amsterdam and Rotterdam (Netherlands)
Second International Congress for Maritime History
(Mrs. Drs. C. Reinders Folmer, P.O. Box 102, 2350 AC Leiderdorp, The
Netherlands, Tel: (31) 7189 5382)


Museums and Exhibits

London (England)
The exhibition "Instruments of Discovery" which was being planned by the
Scientific Instrument Society has been cancelled due to financial reasons.

Salzburg (Austria)
26 July - 13 November 1994
Exhibit "Time and Measures. Sun-dials and scientific devices."
On display will include clocks, sun-dials, globes, distance-measuring 
instruments, telescopes, astrolabia, Armillarspheres, precision instruments 
by Georg Friedrich Brander, measuring instruments from mountain works, 
technical supplies for war-purposes, portraits, and graphics. In the center 
of the collection stand the clocks, and sun-dials from the collection of 
the Arch-Bishop of Salzburg Leopold Anton Freiherr von Firmian (1727-1744). 
Specifically, a 1 meter high astronomical table-clock.
Salzburger Museum Carolino Augusteum, Museumsplatz 1, A-5020 Salzburg,
Tel. (0662) 8411-34/37
Daily 9am - 5pm, Tuesday 9am -8pm, Monday closed
Catalogue and Essay-edition: look up section "New books", P.Husty and "Die 
Uhren ..." ("The clocks ...")

Hildesheim (Germany)
17 July - 27 November 1994
Exhibit "China - a Cradle of World-Culture. 5000 years of discoveries and 
exploration". Among the sections are one devoted to astronomy presenting
among other exhibits an armillar sphere.
Roemer- and Pelizaeus-Museum
Daily (Monday also) 10 am - 6 pm, Wednesday up until 8 pm
Tel. (05121) 93690

Edinburgh (Scotland, Great Britain)
8 October - 31 December 1994
"A Heavenly Library: Treasures from the Royal Observatory's Crawford
Collection" is an exhibition to commemorate the centenary of The Royal
Observatory, Edinburgh. The Crawford Library is perhaps one of the
worlds's five foremost collections of historical astronomical texts. The
15,000 books, manuscripts and pamphlets were an outright gift by James
Ludovic Lindsay, 26th Earl of Crawford. This is the first display devoted
to treasures from this library, which are shown together with associated
scientific instruments drawn from other collections.
Royal Museum of Scotland, Chambers Street, Edinburgh
Monday to Saturday 10:00 - 17:00, Sunday 12:00 - 17:00, admission free
Catalogue: see section "New Books", Macdonald and Morrison-Low

Edinburgh (Scotland, Great Britain)
"Reaching for the Stars" is an exhibition at the Visitor Centre, the Royal
Observatory, Blackford Hill, Edinburgh EH9 3HJ staged to celebrate its
centenary. Details: 031-668 8405.

Brussels (Belgium)
November - December 1994
An exhibition to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the death of Mercator
is held at the Bibliotheque Royale de Belgique.

Duisburg (Germany)
4 September 1994 - 31 Januar 1995
Exhibit "Verfolgt, Geachtet, Universal - Gerhard Mercator - Europa und
die Welt" (Persecuted, esteemed, universal - Gerhard Mercator, - Europe and 
the world) including atlases, maps, cartographical hints, especially the 
Mercator Astrolabia, which were only found in 1992.
Kultur- und Stadthistorisches Museum (Culture and Historical City Museum), 
Johannes-Corputius-Platz 1, D-47049 Duisburg, Tel. (0203) 2 83 26 40
Closed Monday 
Catalogue: 255 Pages, DM 48,-
(Source: Der Vermessungsingenieur 45(1994)5, p. 255)

Potsdam (Germany)
10 December 1994 - ca. March 1995   
Exhibit "70 years Solar Observatory Einstein-Turm (Einstein's tower)"                                                  
Place: Kuppelgebaeude des Grossen Refraktors im Astrophysikalischen 
Observatorium (Dome of the Large Refractor in the Astrophysical 
Observatory), Telegrafenberg
(Dr. J.Staude, Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam, Telegrafenberg,
D-14473 Potsdam, Tel. (0331) 288 2300, Fax 288 2310)


On the 18th of October 1993 a memorial plaque was fixed on the front of 
the main post-office in Klaipeda (former Memel in East-Prussia/Germany, 
present Lithuania) for Friedrich Wilhelm August Argelander (1799-1875) with 
a special relief made after a drawing by Honeck. At this place stood the 
house of the Argelander Family. The memorial plaque has been initiated by 
the German Aennchen-von-Tharau-Association.

On the 19 March 1994 the University/Highschool Duisburg was renamed in
"Gerhard-Mercator-Universitaet-Gesamthochschule". In Duisburg on the 
grounds of the Salvator church the grave of Gerhard Mercator (1512-1594) 
can be seen, in addition, a wooden epitaph offers remembrance 
to him in the choir of the church.
(Source: Willi Weih, Gerhard Mercator zum 400. Todestag,
Vermessungsingenieur 45 (1994) 4, pp. 164f.)


News Books

Albani, Matthias: Astronomie und Schoepfungsglaube. Untersuchungen zum
astronomischen Henochbuch [Astronomy and Creation Beliefs. Examinations 
into astronomical book of Henoch]. Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag 
des Erziehungsvereins, 1994. ca. 320 pp., ISBN 3-7887-1482-4, ca. DM 84,- 
(= Wiss. Monogr. z. AT u. NT, 68)

Bedini, Silvio A.: Science and instruments in seventeenth-century Italy.
Aldershot: Variorum, 1994.  Pp. 352, ISBN 0-86078-442-8, GBP 57.50
(hardback). (= Collected Studies Series, CS449) 
[On telescopes, the instruments of Galileo Galilei, optical workshops

Beller, M.; Cohen, R.pp.; Renn, Juergen (Eds.): Einstein in context.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993. Pp. 368, ISBN 0-521-44834-4,
GBP 30, $ 37.95 (pb)
[contains also a discussion of attempts by the American astronomer
C.E.St.John to verify the gravitational redshift-effect in solar lines]
   Review:  D.J.Raine: The Observatory 114 (1994) 1121, 179

Burnett, Charles; Yamamoto, Keiji; Yano, Michio (Ed.): Abu Ma'sar: The
abbreviation of the introduction to astrology. Together with the Medieval
Latin translation of Adelard of Bath.  Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1994.  
Pp. VIII, 170, ISBN 90-04-09997-2, HFl 100.00 
(= Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science, 15)

Buschmann, Ernst (Hrsg.): Aus Leben und Werk von Johann Jacob Baeyer 
[From the life and works of Johann Jacob Baeyer].
Frankfurt a.M.: Verlag des Instituts fuer Angewandte Geodaesie, 1994.  
186 pp. (= Nachrichten aus dem Karten- und Vermessungswesen, Reihe I, 
Heft Nr. 112)
[Distribution: Institut fuer Angewandte Geodaesie, Aussenstelle Berlin,
Stauffenbergstrasse 13, D-10785 Berlin; contains also: correspondence
with astronomers F.W.Bessel and W.Foerster, excerpts from letters by
A.v.Humboldt and Otto Struve, material about Baeyers relations with
Wilhelm Struve and P.A.Hansen]

Davidson, Norman: Sky phenomena. A guide to naked-eye observations of the
stars. Edinburgh: Floris Books, 1993. Pp. 228, ISBN 0-863-15168-X, 
GBP 12.99 (softbound)
[contains also anecdotes about the personalities and events associated
with astronomical discoveries, as well as a collection of poems from
ancient civilizations to modern times (43 pp.)]
   Review:  M.A.Hapgood: The Observatory 114 (1994) 1120, 122-123

De reizende astronoom. Nederlandse sterrenkundige expedities naar de Oost
en de West. [The travalling astronomer. Netherlands astronomical
expeditions to the east and to the west]. Leiden: Museum Boerhaave, 1993.

Die Uhren des Erzbischofs Firmian [The clocks of Arch-Bishop Firmian]. 
Salzburg: Salzburger Museum Carlino Augusteum, 1994. OeS 75.- 
(= Barockberichte, 10)
[Also, astronomical clocks and sun dials]

Felber, Hans-Joachim (Hrsg.): Briefwechsel zwischen Alexander von Humboldt
und Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel [Correspondence between Alexander von 
Humboldt and Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel]. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1994. 
249 pp., ISBN 3-05-001915-8, Gb DM 120,- 
(= Beitraege zur Alexander-von-Humboldt-Forschung, 10)

Ferrari d'Occhieppo, Konradin: Der Stern von Bethlehem in astronomischer
Sicht. Legende oder Tatsache? [The Star of Bethlehem in astronomical
views. Legend or Fact?] Giessen: Brunnen-Verlag, 1994. 180 pp.,
ISBN 3-7655-9803-8, Pb DM 24,80 
(= TVG Stud. z. bibl. Archaeol. u. Zeitgesch., 803)

Ferrari d'Occhieppo, Konradin: Der Stern von Bethlehem. Aus der Sicht der
Astronomie beschrieben und erklaert [The Star of Bethlehem. Written and 
explained from the viewpoint of Astronomy]. Berlin: 
Ullstein-Taschenbuch-Verlag, 1994. ISBN 3-548-23550-6, Pb DM 9,90 
(= Ullstein Buecher, 23550) 

Hall, A. Rupert: All was light. An introduction to Newton's Opticks.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993. Pp. 252, ISBN 0-198-53985-1, 
GBP 35 (hb)
   Review:  R.V.Willstrop: The Observatory 114 (1994) 1121, 178-179

Hall, A. Rupert: Newton, his friends & his foes.  Aldershot: Variorum,
1993. Pp. 344, ISBN 0-86078-347-2, GBP 49.50 (Hardback) 
(= Collected Studies Series, CS390)
[on Newton, Grimaldi, Fabri, Hooke, More, Huygens, Leibniz]

Herrmann, Dieter B.: Ejnar Hertzsprung - Pionier der Sternforschung [Ejnar 
Hertzsprung - Pionier of Stellar Exploration].
Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer-Verlag, 1994. 290 pp., 40 illus.,
ISBN 3-540-57688-6, Geb. DM 58,-

Husty, Peter: Zeit & Mass. Sonnenuhren und wissenschaftliche Geraete. Zum
250. Todesjahr des Salzburger Erzbischofs Leopold Anton Freiherr von
Firmian (1727-1744). Katalog zur 177. Sonderausstellung [Time and 
Measure. Sun dials and scientific devices. In remembrance of the 250th 
anniversary of the death of the Archbishop of Salzburg Leopold Anton 
Freiherr von Firmian (1727-1744). Catalogue to the special 177th exhibit]. 
Salzburger Museum Carlino Augusteum, 1994. 96 pp., 89 illus., OeS 200.-

[Larcher, Verena (Ed.):] Rudolf Wolfs Jugendtagebuch 1835 - 1841 
[Rudolf Wolf's diary as a youth, 1835 - 1841].
Zuerich: ETH-Bibliothek, 1994. 129 pp.  
(= Schriftenreihe der ETH-Bibliothek, 30)

Lutstorf, Heinz Theo: Professor Rudolf Wolf und seine Zeit. 1816-1893.
Nach bibliothekseigenen, teilweise nichtpublizierten Quellen dargestellt 
[Professor Rudolf Wolf and his time. 1816-1893. According to original 
library, and partly unpublished sources].
Zuerich: ETH-Bibliothek, 1993. 57 pp.  
(= Schriftenreihe der ETH-Bibliothek, 31)

Macdonald, Angus; Morrison-Low, A.D.: A heavenly library: treasures from
the Royal Observatory's Crawford Collection.  With contributions by Owen
Gingerich, Angus Macdonald, A.D. Morrison-Low and Liba C. Taub.
Edinburgh: Royal Observatory, 1994.  Pp. 72, ill., ISBN 0-902553-37-2, 
GBP 12.50 + GBP 2.00 p+p
[Copies can be ordered from: Miss Madge Maclean, Museum Shop, National
Museums of Scotland, Chambers Street, Edinburgh EH1 1JF, Great Britain]

Meinel, Christoph; Voswinckel, Peter (Eds.): Medizin, Naturwissenschaft,
Technik und Nationalsozialismus. Kontinuitaeten und Diskontinuitaeten 
[Medicine, Science, Technology and National-Socialism. Continuities and 
Stuttgart: Verlag fuer Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften und der Technik,
1994. 332 pp., ISBN 3-928186-24-8, Bound DM 55,-
[Contains, among other topics: A.Hermann: Das Zeisswerk im Dritten 
Reich [Optical Manufacturers Zeiss in the Third Reich]; G.Wolfschmidt:
Sonnenphysik im Zweiten Weltkrieg: Wissenschaft oder Kriegsforschung? 
[Solar Physics in the Second World War: Science or Military research?];
B.Nagel: Die Welteislehre: Ihre Geschichte und ihre Bedeutung im "Dritten
Reich" [The World-Ice-Theory: Its History and their meaning in the 
Third Reich]; K.Hentschel und M.Renneberg: "Ausschaltung" oder 
"Verteidigung" der allgemeinen Relativitaetstheorie - Interpretation einer
Kosmologen-Karriere im Nationalsozialismus ["Shut-down" or "Defense" of the 
general theory of relativity -  Interpretation of a cosmological career in 
National-Socialism; about Otto Heckmann]]

Moore, Patrick: Fireside astronomy. An anecdotal tour through the history
and lore of astronomy. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 1993. Pp. XII,
212, ISBN 0-471-94202-2, GBP 9.95, $ 14.95 (pb) 
[First published in 1992]
   Review:  D.Stickland: The Observatory 114 (1994) 1121, 180

North, John D.: Fontana history of astronomy and cosmology.  Fontana
Press, 1994. Pp. xxvii, 697, ISBN 0-00-68177-6, GBP 12.99 (pb)
   Review:  A.Kinder: J. Brit. Astron. Assoc. 104 (1994) 4, 192

Oestmann, Guenther: Schicksalsdeutung und Astronomie. Der Himmelsglobus
des Johannes Stoeffler von 1493. Mit Beitraegen von Elly Dekker und Peter
Schiller. Ausstellungskatalog [Meaning of destiny and astronomy. The 
celestial globe of Johannes Stoeffler of 1493. With contributions by Elly 
Dekker and Peter Schiller. Exhibit catalogue]. 
Stuttgart: Wuerttembergisches Landesmuseum, 1993. 71 pp., 
ISBN 3-929055-28-7, Pb DM 20,-

Price, Fred W.: The planet observer's handbook. Cambridge, New York,
Melbourne: Cambridge University Press, 1994. Pp. xix, 410, ill., bibl.,
indexes, ISBN 0-521-44257-5
[contains some chapters on history of planet observations]

Sabra, A.I.: Optics, astronomy and logic. Studies in arabic science and
philosophy.  Aldershot: Variorum, 1994. Pp. 336, ISBN 0-86079-435-5, 
GBP 47.50 (Hardback).  (= Collected Studies Series, CS444) 

Samso, Julio: Islamic astronomy and Medieval Spain.  Aldershot: Variorum,
1994. Pp. 352, ISBN 0-86078-309-X, GBP 49.50 (Hardback).  
(= Collected Studies Series, CS428)

Schoener, Christoph: Mathematik und Astronomie an der Universitaet
Ingolstadt im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert [Mathematics and Astronomy at the 
University of Ingolstadt in the 15th and 16th centuries]. 
Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1994. 546 pp., ISBN 3-428-08118-8, Pb DM 124,- 
(= Ludovico Maximilianea Forsch., 13)

Smoller, Laura Ackerman: History, prophecy, and the stars. The christian
astrology of Pierre d'Ailly, 1350-1420. Ewing, New Jersey: Princeton
University Press, 1994. Pp. 296, ill., ISBN 0-691-08788-1, GBP 26.50, 
$ 40.00 (cloth)

Spalinger, Anthony: Revolutions in time: Studies in ancient Egyptian
calendrics.  San Antonio (TX): Van Siclen Books, 1994. ISBN 0-933175-36-1
(= Varia Aegyptiaca Supplement, 6)

Stephenson, Bruce: The music of the heavens. Kepler's harmonic astronomy.
Ewing, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1994. Pp. 296, ill., 
ISBN 0-691-03439-7, GBP 30.00, $ 45.00

Stephenson, Bruce: Kepler's physical astronomy. Ewing, New Jersey:
Princeton University Press, 1994. Pp. 218, ill., ISBN 0-691-03652-7, 
GBP 12.95, $ 18.00 (pb)

Tennant, Catherine: The Box of Stars.  London: Chatto & Windus, 1993.  
Pp. 87, boxed with 32 charts, ISBN 0-701-16009-8, GBP 14.99 (pb)
[reprint of 32 cards from 1825 with constellations visible from the
British Empire + paperback book with commentaries concentrating on
mythology and astrology]
   Review:  D.W.Hughes: The Observatory 114 (1994) 1120, 123

Tihon, Anne: Etudes d'astronomie byzantine.  Aldershot: Variorum, 1994.
Pp. 336, ISBN 0-86078-437-1, GBP 53.50 (Hardback).  
(= Collected Studies Series, CS454)

Trejo, Jesus Galindo: Arqueoastronomia en la America Antigua.  Madrid:
Editorial Equipo Sirius, 1994. ISBN 968-823-238-6 
(= Coleccion la ciencia y la tecnologia en la historia)

Turner, Anthony J.: Of time and measurement. Studies in the history of
horology and fine technology. Aldershot: Variorum, 1994. Pp. 336, ISBN
0-86078-378-2, GBP 55.00 (Hardback). (= Collected Studies Series, CS407) 
[on clocks, watches, sun-dials, mathematical instruments, the reflecting
telescope etc. in antiquity and in England and France]

van Gent, R.H.: De hemel in de hand. Twee astrolaben van het Museum
Boerhaave/The portable universe. Two astrolabes of the Museum Boerhaave.
Leiden: Museum Boerhaave, 1994.

Wallerstein, George; Noriaga-Crespo, Alberto (Eds.): Stellar and
circumstellar astrophysics.  Proceedings of a conference held at the
University of Washington, 9-11 September 1993, in honor of the 70th
birthdays of Karl-Heinz Bohm and Erika Bohm-Vitense. San Francisco, Ca.:
Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 1994.  Pp. xiii, 215, 
ISBN 0-937707-76-7 
(= Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, Vol. 57)
[contains also: G.H.Herbig: The contributions of the Boehms to stellar and
circumstellar astrophysics; H.C.Harris: Astronomy graduates during the
Boehm years: achievements in a competitive job market]


Expressions of thanks
----------- ---------

For information we would like to express thanks to: 

M.Blyzinsky (London), P.Brosche (Daun), K.-D.Herbst (Jena), G.Jasniewicz
(Strasbourg), E.Lamla (Bonn), R.A.McCutcheon (USA), A.Spalinger (Los
Angeles), W.Schroeder (Bremen), M.Strohbusch (Potsdam), G.Wolfschmidt



Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy (ENHA)

Published by the Working Group for the History of Astronomy in the
Astronomische Gesellschaft

A translation of "Elektronische Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte"

Editor: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick 

Translated by: Mr. Donald Bellunduno <76450.1741@compuserve.com>

All news which is not mentioned by name are editorial contributions.
Articles as well as information for the several sections will be gladly

Subscription for the ENHA is free. In order to obtain a subscription
inside Germany, one must first obtain a subscription for the
printed Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte (MA).

[Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte:

 Price: DM 1.50 / issue plus postage and packing costs 
        outside Germany: free
 Subscription: Send in DM 2.50 (one issue) or DM 5.00 (Nos. 4-5) in
               stamps to the editor
 Editor: Dr. W. R. Dick, Otterkiez 14, 
         D-14478 Potsdam, Germany, Tel.: (+331) 863199

Astronomische Gesellschaft / Astronomical Society:

Chairman: Prof. Dr. Hanns Ruder, University of Tuebingen, Theoretical
Astrophysics and Computational Physics, Auf der Morgenstelle 10, D-72076

Secretary: Dr. G. Klare, Landessternwarte, Koenigstuhl, D-69117

Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte / Working Group for the History of

Chairman: Prof. Dr. Peter Brosche, Observatorium Hoher List der
Sternwarte der Universitaet Bonn, D-54550 Daun, Germany, 
Tel.: (+6592) 2150, Fax: (+6592) 2937

Secretary: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick, Institut fuer Angewandte Geodaesie,
Aussenstelle Potsdam, Postfach 60 08 08, D-14408 Potsdam, Germany,
Tel.: (+331) 316 619, E-mail: wdi@potsdam.ifag.de 
(in the event I am not reachable at this address, please try the following
address: dick@gfz-potsdam.de)

Secretary for Public Relations: Dr. Gudrun Wolfschmidt, Deutsches
Museum, Museumsinsel 1, D-80538 Muenchen, Germany, Tel.: (+89) 2179 277, 
Fax: (+89) 2179 324, E-mail: t7911ac@sunmail.lrz-muenchen.de

Bank Acct. of the Working Group of the Astronomische Gesellschaft:
Acct # 261 917, Sparkasse Mannheim (BLZ 670 501 01)
Contributions from foreign countries, please sign with: "Fuer
Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte" to: acct # 162 18-203, Postgiroamt
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Addendum by the translator: 

New astronomical books in review in North America

by David H. Levy
Cambridge University Press, Great Britain  1993
ISBN 0 521 45958 3 paperback
Clifton Fadiman, General Editor, Bruce L. Felknor and Robert McHenry,
Contributing Editors 
Viking Penquin, New York  1992
AC5.T74  1992  031--dc20  92-54069
ISBN 0 670 83568 4
by John Archibald Wheeler
published by American Institute of Physics 1994
Q158.5.W44  1992  500--dc20
ISBN 0-88318-862-7
by Michael White and John Gribbin
published by Dutton (Penquin Books)
QC16.E5W47  1994  530'.092--dc20  [B]  93-42626  CIP
ISBN 0-525-93750-1
Quoting from Levy's The Sky - A User's Guide, 9 Jupiter--  "Late one
evening during the summer of 1964, I was attempting to observe Jupiter
through a 20 cm reflector. The giant planet was rising, ant it had just
cleared my neighbor's house -- not a appropriate viewing time, since
hot air rising from the roof would make Jupiter's appearance unsharp.
This would be a quick look before bed.
"In any event, the shimmering planet caught my attention more than I
had expected, for it was a minute or so before I noticed a police car
parked in front of the house. Two officers emerged and started walking
toward me. From their almost military gait, I assumed that this would
be an official visit. They quickly reached the telescope, and then
halted. I looked at them; they looked at me.
"One officer broke the silence; Excuse me, sir, would you mind if a
couple of nosy policemen looked at Jupiter?'
"The brief look those men had that night showed an object that would
have astonished ancient observers, and confirmed their view that it was
king of planets. Its symbol represents a modified Z standing for Zeus.
Jupiter leads our discussion of planets because it usually is the
easiest to find and the richest to observe. The other planets are
arranged here in the order of how easy each one is to find and begin to
observe, easiest to hardest.
9.1 Jupiter and its moons--  "When Galileo first noticed the movements
of three, and then four, objects near Jupiter, he realized that they
had to be moons that orbit Jupiter in much the same way our own Moon
orbits us. He was thrilled by these delicate movements and announced
then enthusiastically. It was years later that these and other
discoveries led the Roman Catholic Church to force him to recant, to
deny the discoveries and their implications. The Earth must remain
safely at the center of things.
"The names of Galileo's moons are Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto,
and with much fainter Amalthea, found by Barnard in 1892, these are the
only moons to have been discovered visually. The Voyager spacecrafts
found exciting worlds -- active volcanoes on Io, a smooth covering of
ice on Europa, the craters and complex grooves of Ganymede, and heavily
cratered Callisto.
"Why not recall Galileo's work by recording the positions of the
Galilean moons for a month or so? Such a project has no scientific
value, of course, and you can even check your own identifications with
the charts in Sky & Telescope [, the Astronomical Almanac,] or the
Royal Astronomical Society of Canada's Observer's Handbook. But just
this once, forget these printed charts and try to figure out which moon
is which. Io will appear to move the most quickly, completing on orbit
in just 1.77 days. After you have finished your 30-day moonwatch you
can check one of the sources to see how well you did. If you have a
primarily mathematical interest in observing, this observing project
will acquaint you with the subject of orbital mechanics. If your interest 
is at all romantic, you will have just made four lifelong friends.
9.2  Seeing--  "Learning to see detail on a distant planet is really an
art form, as William Herschel wrote over 200 years ago:
    Seeing is in some respects an art which must be learnt. To make a
    person see with such power is nearly the same as if I were asked to
    make him play one of Handel's fugues upon the organ. Many a night
    have I been practicing to see, and it would be strange if one did
    not acquire a certain dexterity by such constant practice.
"To see any real detail even on this largest of planets, you need a
least a good 10 cm refractor or a 15 cm reflector telescope. Smaller
telescopes will show some detail, but not really enough to record.
Remember also that good planetary observation requires that Earth's
atmosphere be steady. Observing the details of planets require a sharp
eye that can pick up details at the very limit of visibility, like
reading the words on distant road signs.
"Seeing is a measure of the steadiness of the image of an object in the
sky. If out atmosphere is unsteady, it will be impossible to detect
these hard-to-see details. It is related to, though not the same as,
scintillation, the rapid brightness changes we see in the twinkling of
stars. Sometimes poor seeing results from turbulence in the upper
atmosphere, and on other nights the problem may lie in the atmosphere
just above you. On one night I was observing from a site high in some
mountains. Although it was very windy, the seeing was good and
planetary details were sharp and clear. Then I returned home and
started observing again from my own site. The wind was gone and the
session was much more comfortable, but the seeing had completely
deteriorated! Probably I was trying to observe through that wind raging
not far above me.
"I have found that a hazy night usually is a still night with good
'seeing' for planets. Does this mean that the murky skies over cities
on humid nights may be ideal for good planetary observation? Quite
possibly; if the murk is swamping everything fainter than the planets
and the brightest stars, and if there are no strong upper-atmosphere
winds, you might take advantage of a fine night for planetary observation.
"Observers in Europe favor a scale developed by the planetary observer
Eugenios Antiniadi (1870-1944), who devised a five-point system where
'I' represents a perfectly steady image, 'II' involves excellent
moments lasting for several seconds, 'III' refers to average seeing
where a good image is frequently interrupted by fuzz periods, 'IV'
involves almost constant 'fuzzing out' of the image, and 'V' is so bad
that planetary detail is not really visible at all....".
The subtitle of The Treasury Of The Encyclopedia Brittanica;
Celebrating 225 Years Of The Human Mind At Its Best is not a bad
description of this volume, which, by its very nature is hard to
review. The Treasury Of The Encyclopedia Brittanica is a collection of
some of the gems of unsurpassed eloquence, erudition, and entertainment
from the Brittanica's fifteen editions.
T. E. Lawrence on Guerrilla Warfare - For the editor of the 14th
edition (1929) it must have been a small triumph to persuade Lawrence
of Arabia (18881935) to write the article "Guerrilla Warfare." He was
one of the few Brittanica writers who was also a legend. His
contribution (given in full) as as dashing as he was. The current
edition contains an excellent treatment by Stanley Weintraub of this
bafflingly complex archaeologist-warrior-writer.
Carl Sagan on Life, Terrestrial and Otherwise - Carl Sagan (1934   ) is
one of a small group of distinguished American scientists able to
communicate with the general public. Some readers may recall with
pleasure the remarkable television series Cosmos (1980) which he
narrated and co-produced. His book of the same title is the
best-selling science volume of all time [with the possible exception of
Hawking's A Brief History of Time]. Since 1968 he has been Director of
the Laboratory for Planetary Studies at Cornell University, where he is
the David Duncan Professor of Astronomy. Among his main publications
three have won wide popular audiences: The Dragons of Venice (1977),
Broca's Brain (1979). and Contact (1985). He is particularly interested
in the possibilities of intelligent extraterrestrial life forms. His
magisterial seventeen-page article on Life first appeared in the 1984
issue of the present 15th edition. From it we have excerpted the
introduction and part of the concluding section, which deal
respectively with definitions of life and with extraterrestrial life.
George Bernard Shaw on Socialism - This forceful, almost hortatory
essay appeared in the 13th edition (1926) and was so highly regarded
that it was carried over into the 14th (1929). The article is nearly as
interesting read between the lines, for there much is suggested about
the general state of the world in the 1920's. Shaw, by the way, was
proud to point out that in his youth he had read the 9th edition in its
entirety, excepting only the scientific articles. (R. McH.) We
reproduce the whole of this piece by George Bernard Shaw (18561950) for
two reasons. First, it is a superb piece of writing. Second, in view of
socialism's contemporary disarray, it is alive with accidental irony
Shaw could not possibly have foreseen.
Bertrand Russell on The Philosophical Consequences of Relativity - Not
many scientists can write lucidly for the lay reader about such matters
as the theory of relativity. On who could was the philosopher-
logician-mathematician Bertrand Russell, 3rd Earl Russell. In his long
virtually hyperactive life Lord Russell spread scientific understanding
as well as philosophical inquiry and reflection, atheism, pacifism, and
left-wing socialist activism. His Britannica article on The
Philosophical Consequences of Relativity (13th edition, 1926) clarified
the Space-time concept. It was written while he was completing a
popular book, The ABC of Relativity. (B.L.F.)
Today we are all Einsteinians. Our view of the cosmos and to a degree
man's place in it is as unconsciously colored and conditioned by
relativity as that of our not-too-remote ancestors was by Newtonian
theory. It's interesting therefore to note how a first-class mind
viewed the philosophical rather than the scientific consequences of
relativity almost three-quarters of a century ago. Particularly
pertinent, in view of our era's love affair with technology, is the
last paragraph. In the current Britannica the account of the
mathematician, philosopher, and publicist Bertrand Russell extends over
five columns, just as his life (18721970) extended over almost a
century. The reader is referred to it. Among Russell's voluminous
productions we call attention to what may oddly enough in the end turn
out to be his masterpiece, his three-volume Autobiography.
Less than four years after the November 24, 1859, publication of The
Origin of Species, Charles Darwin (1863) wrote to Joseph Dalton Hooker,
"It is mere rubbish, thinking at present of the origin of life; one
might as well think of the origin of matter." Today, thanks not least
to Darwin himself, we possess an attractive and actively investigated
scenario for the origin of life. Will we ever know anything about the
still deeper issue, what is the origin of matter?
Leibniz put it in his famous words, "Why is there something rather than
nothing?" William James, translated the "why" to the more meaningful
"how": "How comes the world to be here...?"
We ask today. "How did the universe come into being?" realizing full
well that how properly to ask the question is also a part of the
question. On can even believe that one can only then state the issue in
the right words when one knows the answer. Or is there an answer? Is
the mystery of genesis forever beyond explanation?
The investigator of today is not content to let a major question remain
forever in the air, the football of endless indecisive games. Either it
can be ruled out or it must be answered: that is his credo. Something
may rule out the question as meaningless, as quantum mechanics rules
out any possibility to find out simultaneous values for the position
and momentum of an electron. Or something may establish the issue to be
undecidable, as Gdel has proved certain propositions to be
undecidable.  But in the absence, as here, of some clear indication
that the question is meaningless or undecidable, the question must be
faced ant the relevant evidence sought out.
Wheeler's At Home In The Universe presents a feast of engaging essays
formed of reminiscence, science, and sometimes conjecture, providing
intimate glimpses of Einstein, Bohr, and other giants in the field who
were his friends and collaborators. He writes of debate and discussions
with Bohr that formed the cornerstone of nuclear fission theory, long
talks with Einstein in his upstairs study at Princeton, and the
eloquence and nobility of Hermann Weyl. He sees in these and other
great physicists--Marie Curie, Hideki Yukawa, and Hendrik Anthony
Kramers--exemplars of the scientific spirit.
The date was Thursday 6 November 1919; the occasion, a joint meeting of
the Royal Society and the Royal Astronomical Society in the main hall
of Burlington House, London. An air of excitement and expectancy
permeated the Georgian spledour of the room. The scientists who had
packed into the hall fell silent as the president of the Royal Society,
J. J.  Thompson, rose to address the meeting. For a moment he paused
and glanced up at the portrait of Isaac Newton hanging high above the
gathering. The meeting had been called to make the announcement the
scientific world had been waiting for -- the findings of Arthur
Eddington, recently returned from observation of the solar eclipse at
Principe, west Africa. The evidence supported a scientific theory which
would alter human perception as dramatically as had Newton's
breakthroughs two and a half centuries earlier.
Within twenty-four hours of the announcement, Albert Einstein's theory
would become public property, his work described in newspapers around
the world and his Berlin home besieged by journalists.
In Burlington House the mood, as described by a member of the audience,
the philosopher Alfred Whitehead, was "that of a Greek drama". The
gathered scientists were fully aware of the historic importance of the
occasion. First J. J. Thompson announced the purpose of the meeting and
reiterated the importance of relativity in modern physics, declaring
that Einstein's theory of relativity was "the greatest discovery in
connection with gravitation since Newton". Next to take the podium was
the Astronomer Royal, Sir Frank Dyson. To a hushed gathering he made
the announcement verifying Einstein's theory--that the bending of light
by the gravitational field of the Sun observed during the recent solar
eclipse did not tally with Newton's theory but coincided almost exactly
with Einstein's predicted value.
At the end of the 1980's, a satellite known as COBE (Cosmic Background
Explorer) was launched by NASA to study the background radiation with
more precision than ever before. In 1992, the NASA team announced that
they had discovered exactly the kinds of ripples in time that the
theory had predicted. It was headline news around the world--the
combination of Einstein's general theory, the Big Bang model, and the
added ingredient of dark matter, had been vindicated. This was, and
is, the most compelling evidence ever that the universe we live in is
described by the equations of Albert Einstein.
In White and Gribbin's Einstein, we learn of Einstein's possible
schizophrenia early in life, his two marriages, his friendships with
such figures as Franz Kafka and Bertrand Russell, and the search for
security and sanctuary that led him from one country to another in
Europe, and then from Nazi Germany to his tenure as a "scientific
saint" in America. White portrays Einstein as a man brimming with
paradoxes--a pacifist who advocated the creation of an atomic weapons
program, a man who hated regimentation but who was beguiled by the
strict beauty of mathematics, an atheist and a dedicated Zionist, a
figure revered by the world yet kept under surveillance by the FBI.

Space Anniversaries (from the SPACE CALENDAR)

(Additions to the list in ENHA No. 6)

                               SPACE CALENDAR
                              November 2, 1994

December 1994
  Dec 24 - 15th Anniversary (1979), 1st Ariane Launch

August 1995
  Aug 10 - 5th Anniversary (1990), Magellan Venus Orbit Insertion
  Aug 20 - 20th Anniversary (1975), Viking 1 Launch (Mars Lander/Orbiter)
  Aug 21 - 30th Anniversary (1965), Gemini 5 Launch

      ___    _____     ___
     /_ /|  /____/ \  /_ /|     Ron Baalke     | baalke@kelvin.jpl.nasa.gov
     | | | |  __ \ /| | | |     JPL/Telos      | 
  ___| | | | |__) |/  | | |__   Galileo S-Band | If you don't know where you're
 /___| | | |  ___/    | |/__ /| Pasadena, CA   | going, you'll end up somewhere
 |_____|/  |_|/       |_____|/                 | else.   Yogi Berra.

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Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy - Number 8

*                                                                         *
*                                                                         *
*      Published by the Working Group for the History of Astronomy        *
*                  in the Astronomische Gesellschaft                      *
*                                                                         *
*                     Number 8, February 10, 1995                         *
*                                                                         *
*                           A translation of                              *
*                                                                         *
*                       Nr. 8, 22. Dezember 1994                          *
*                                                                         *
*          Edited by: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick           *
*                                                                         *
*      Translated by: Mr. Donald Bellunduno <76450.1741@CompuServe.COM>   *
*                                                                         *


Report on the meeting of the Working Group for the History of Astronomy

Peter Brosche: A new society: Historical Observatories in Gotha 

Rolf M. Sinclair:
Preliminary Announcement: "Oxford V" in Santa Fe (August 1996)

Conference Calendar 1995/96

Museums and exhibits


New books

Radio and Television

Expression of thanks


Addendum by the translator

*                                                                         *
*  To all our readers, we wish you a healthy, peaceful and successful     *
*                                                                         *
*                               new year!                                 *
*                                                                         *

Report on the meeting of the Working Group for the History of Astronomy

The meeting of the Working Group within the framework of the international
scientific annual conference of the Astronomische Gesellschaft for 1994
took place on the 30 September in Potsdam. After visitation of the
planetarium, and of the Bruno-H-Buergel Memorial in the New Garden (guided
by R.Koenig and A.Zenkert) as well as a guided tour of the Babelsberg
Observatory which was provided by W.R.Dick, at 2pm a splinter-meeting began
at the University of Potsdam-Babelsberg in the buildings of the Fakulty of
Law which addressed the following 9 lectures
(A = Abstract in Astron. Ges. Abstract Series No. 10, 1994, published):

Wolfgang R.  Dick:  Astronomiegeschichte und Denkmalpflege [Astronomical
History and the proper care of monuments] - das Beispiel [The example]
Berlin/Potsdam (A)

Elvira Pfitzner:  Der Briefwechsel von Gottfried Kirch mit G.S.Doerffel
[The correspondence of Gottfried Kirch with G.S.Doerffel]

Gisela Muenzel: Die Berliner Astronomie in den Akten des Leipziger
Universitaetsarchivs [Astronomy in Berlin in the papers of the archive of
the University of Leipzig]

Dieter B. Herrmann: Ejnar Hertzsprung - ein "Tycho" des 20. Jahrhunderts?
[Ejnar Hertzsprung - a "Tycho" of the 20th Century?]
Arnold Zenkert: Aus dem Leben und Werk von Bruno H. Buergel
[From the life and work of Bruno H. Buergel]

Gudrun Wolfschmidt: Die Gruendung des Einstein-Turms in Potsdam (Poster
presentation, A) [The founding of the Einstein-Tower in Potsdam]

Juergen Rienitz: Das okularlose Fernrohr. Aus der Fruehgeschichte des
Fernrohrs (A) [The ocularless telescope. From the early history of the

Johannes Wuensch: Die astrometrischen Mars-Beobachtungen von Hevelius (A)
[The astrometric Mars observations of Hevelius]

Peter Brosche: Das astrogeodaetische Werk von G.C.Lichtenberg (A)
[The astrogeodetic works of G.C.Lichtenberg]

All in all 36 lecturers and guests took part in the splinter-meeting.

On Saturday morning (1 October) another visitation of the Potsdam
Astrophysical Observatory with special focus on the Solar Observatory
"Einstein-Tower" on the Telegrafenberg took place.  
(Tour leaders: W.R.Dick, H.Borchert, H.Strohbusch, M.Strohbusch).


A new society: Historical Observatories in Gotha

By Peter Brosche, Daun

At the beginning of 1994 the society "Historical Observatories of Gotha"
was founded in Gotha, which since its inception has not only become a
legaly functioning entity, but has also been recognized as a non-profit
organization that serves the general public.  It wishes not only to
dedicate itself to the upkeep and proper maintainence of the historical
observatories and monuments in Gotha but also to support further research
on the history of astronomy and exact geo-sciences at this place in the
18th and 19th centuries, and also to make the public aware of this

The 200th birthday of Peter Andreas Hansen will be remembered through an
exhibit on the third week of September 1995, upon which also the Akademie
gemeinnuetziger Wissenschaften [Academy of Sciences of Public Utility] in
Erfurt and our Working Group will take part. (See below)

More information can be obtained from the Secretary, Manfred Strumpf
(Heinoldsgasse 10, D-99867 Gotha, Germany).


Preliminary Announcement: "Oxford V" in Santa Fe (August 1996)

By Rolf M. Sinclair, Arlington, USA

The "Fifth 'Oxford' Conference on Archaeoastronomy" ("Oxford V") will be
held at St. John's College in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. The meeting will
start Saturday evening , August 3, 1996, with dinner and opening lectures.
The sessions of invited and contributed talks will start Sunday morning,
August 4, and will continue through the closing session on Friday
afternoon August 9. One day during the week will be devoted to a tour of
nearby points of interest. We have tentative plans for a group tour
following the conference to some of the archaeological sites of the
Southwest, to start Saturday morning August 10 and last three or four

The costs of the meeting have not yet been set, but they will be no more
than that of typical conferences in the USA.

For further information contact the officers of the National Organizing

Rolf M. Sinclair, Chair
Division of Physics
National Science Foundation
4201 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington VA 22230 USA
(phone) (703) 306-1809
(fax) (703) 306-0566

Raymond E. White, Secretary
Steward Observatory
University of Arizona
Tucson AZ 85721 USA
(phone) (602) 621-6528
(fax) (602) 621-1532


Conference Calendar 1995/96


8 or 20 April, Zurich (Switzerland)
8 April, 2-4 PM (Weather permitting): Observation of the sun and 
presentation of the historical instruments in the former Swiss Observatory.
Booking in advance required.
In case of bad weather on 8 April: 22 April, 10-12 am.
(H.U.Keller, Tel. 01/632 52 06 or 01/461 68 14)

18 - 20 May, Gerolstein/Eifel (Germany)
Annual conference of the Working Group for Sun-Dials of the German 
Society for Chronometrics. 
(Dr. Hugo Philipp, Duesseldorfer Str. 73, D-40721 Hilden, Germany,
Tel. 02103-53668)

14 - 18 June, Rummelsberg near Altdorf/Nuremberg (Germany)
Conference on the subject of History of Mathematics by the German 
Mathematical Society. Listed as part of the conference-program are a visit
to the school's museum at the University Erlangen-Nuremberg and a tour 
through the historical university building Altdorf, while looking for 
traces of Leibniz! 
Costs for a four day visit are as follows: 
(Over-nights stay and full-room): 320,- DM. 
One room additional fee (4 nights): 40,- DM
Conference contribution: 40,- DM
Sign up permissable up until 15 Feb 1995 (Send to us for all necessary 
(Prof. Dr. M. Toepell, Junkerstr. 33, D-80689 Muenchen, Germany, 
Tel. (089) 58 55 77)

16 - 17 September, Gotha (Germany)
Conference to the 200th birthday of Peter Andreas Hansen
Preliminary scheduled events: Saturday afternoon lectures, Sunday morning 
(Manfred Strumpf, Heinoldsgasse 10, D-99867 Gotha, Tel. (03621) 26475)

18 September, Bonn (Germany)
Meeting of the Working Group for the History of Astronomy within the 
framework of the annual conference of the Astronomische Gesellschaft
(Prof. Dr. Peter Brosche, Observatorium Hoher List der Sternwarte der
Universitaet Bonn, D-54550 Daun, Tel.: (06592) 2150, Fax: (06592) 2937)

22 - 23 September, St. Ulrich in Groeden/Southern Tirol  (Austria)
Fall meeting of the Working Group for Sun-Dials in the Austrian 
Astronomical Society.
(Dipl.Ing. Karl Schwarzinger, Am Tigls 76A, A-6073 Sistrans, Austria,
Tel. 0512 / 37 88 68)


3 - 9 August, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
Fifth 'Oxford' Conference on Archaeoastronomy
(see above)


Museums and Exhibits

Wolfenbuettel (Germany)
14 April - 12 July 1994
Exhibit "Old and new writing calendars" in the treasure chest of the Herzog
August Library. Among the fifty calendars on display from the Herzog
Library, one could also find the German Calendarium by Johannes
Regiomontanus (1474) and the "Planetenbuch" ["Book of Planets"], which
was made from eight paper astrolabia by Leonhard Thurneisser.

Potsdam (Germany)
10 December 1994 - around June 1995 
(Possibly even longer, nevertheless there is a possibility of an
interruption because of restoration-work being done on the main refractor)
Exhibit: "From the large refractor to the Einstein-Tower. Architecture
and astrophysics on the Telegrafenberg" on the occasion of the 70th
anniversary of the Solar Observatory "Einstein-Tower".  
Conception designer: Joachim Krausse
Place: Dome of the Great Refractor in the Potsdam Astrophysical
Observatory on the Telegrafenberg, Building A 27
Opening times: Saturday and Sunday 10am-5pm, beginning from Spring it
will be open until 6pm; closed on Christmas and New Years day.
(It is recommended that one wear appropriate warm clothing for winter
visits because the dome is not heated.)
Catalogue: Look up section "New books"
Information: Mrs. M. Strohbusch, Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam,
   Telegrafenberg, D-14473 Potsdam, Tel. (0331) 288 2331, Fax 288 2310

Caputh in Potsdam (Germany) 
Since the 8th of October 1994 the summer house of Albert Einstein in
Caputh, 7 km south of Potsdam, has been open to the public. The wooden
house, built by architect Konrad Wachsmann in 1929, Einstein used up until
1932. It lies in a charming country setting in the vicinity of the
Templin Lake, upon which Einstein went sailing. In the house, he
received, among others, Otto Hahn, Max von Laue, Heinrich Mann, Max Planck,
Erwin Schroedinger, Anna Seghers, Rabindranath Tagore, Chaim Weizmann and
Stefan Zweig.
In the last years the destiny of the house was in dispute, because the
property rights are unclear and because Einstein himself expressly wished
that none of his houses should be used as a museum.
Address: Einstein-Haus, Am Waldrand, 14548 Caputh. In Caputh follow the
Opening times: Saturday, Sunday, holidays 2pm-4pm, last tour at 3.30pm.
24/25 Dec and 31 Dec/1 Jan closed.
Information: Fremdenverkehrsverein "Schwielowsee", Lindenstr. 56, 14548
   Caputh, Tel. (033209) 7 09 86.
Literature: Gruening, Michael: Ein Haus fuer Albert Einstein. Berlin: 
   Verlag der Nation, 1990. 583 pp., ISBN 3-373-00324-5.

Berlin (Germany)
The new collection "Treasures of Geodesy" of the Museum for Transport and
Technology in Berlin (see ENHA Nr. 4) was put together for a special
exhibit. However, since the building of the department in 1989 "Scientific
Instruments" there can also be seen numerous astronomical and geodetic
instruments, including three small telescopes (18/19 century, including one
from Dollond), a Davis-Quadrant (Backstaff, cir. 1700), a Nocturnal
(star-clock, earliest 18 century), a theodolit, two transit instruments, a
solar quadrant, navigation instruments like sextants and octants, as well
as a chronometer from Tiede. Of special interest are the works of Carl
Bamberg and the Askania Factory in Berlin.  The exhibit-rooms are
unfortunately located off to the side in the so-called "Beamtenhaus"
between the two engine-houses.
Address: Museum fuer Verkehr und Technik, Trebbiner Strasse 9, 
   D-10963 Berlin, Tel. (030) 25484-0, Fax (030) 25484-175
Opening times: Tue - Fri  9am - 5:30pm, Sat - Son 10am - 6pm,
   Please inquire about holiday opening times.

Berlin (Germany)
The Museum for Applied Arts in Berlin has been also displaying in their
permanent exhibit interesting instruments from the history of astronomy and
related fields. In room IV one find the department "Scientific
instruments/clocks". To be seen are, among others, astrolabia (16/17
century), theodolites, an armillar sphere (c. 1730), a telescope
(1610/16), dish-clocks with astrolabia, pocket-sundials (16-18 century),
Planetary tables (1574) and everlasting calendars.
Address: Kunstgewerbemuseum, Matthaeikirchplatz, 10785 Berlin, 
Tel. (030) 266 29 09/02
Opening times: Tue-Fri  9am-5pm, Sa+Su 10am-5pm. Closed 1 Jan, 
24/25 and 31 Dec as well as on Tuesday after Easter and Whitsuntide
Catalogues: Dreier, Franz Adrian: Winkelmessinstrumente [Anglemeasuring
instruments]. From the 16th to the early 19th Century. Berlin:
Kunstgewerbemuseum, 1989. 176 pp., DM 20.00.
Hausmann, Tjark: Alte Uhren [Antique clocks]. Berlin:
Kunstgewerbemuseum, 1979. 210 pp., DM 10.00
(Both are available).

Copenhagen (Denmark)
The Round Tower was built as an observatory and library in 1637 - 42 during
Christian IV. His stepless winding hallway is unique in European
architecture. The library room was opened again in 1987 as an exhibit
room. From the observation platform, one has a beautiful view over "Old
Copenhagen" and during the winter months you can also see the starry-sky
through a telescope.
Address: Rundetarn, Kobmagergrade 52a, Kobenhavn K

Vestskovudstillingen near Copenhagen (Denmark)
Since 1979 the Ole Romer Museum has placed in this village. In the
vicinity there existed from 1704 until 1740 Romer's "Observatorium
Tusculanum", whose base was not rediscovered and dug up until 1978. The
walls and the posts of the observatory have been reconstructed on the
original spot.
Opening times of the museum: Mo-Fr 9am-4pm, Fr 9am-3pm, 
Sa/So/holidays 2-5pm
Address: Ole Romer Museet, Kroppedals Alle 3, Vridslosemagle, 
   DK-2630 Taastrup, Tel. + 42 52 95 85.

Graz (Austria)
In the Federal High School on Keplerstrasse 1 in Graz a permanent exhibit
was erected to commemorate the 400 year anniversary of J.Kepler's arrival
in Graz. It will be used as a learning and experience exhibit and will
serve to bring the works and ideas of Johannes Kepler nearer to today's
youth. As an exemple, a three meter high icosahedron, with mirrors inside
and to be entered, shall give an impression how Kepler was fascinated by
Information: Dr. Gerhard Rath, Bundesrealgymnasium, Keplerstrasse 1, 
   A-8020 Graz

Jena (Germany)
Ernst Abbe and Otto Schott - Life and Works. A new permanent exhibit in
the Optical Museum in Jena, which was organized in February 1994 through
the Ernst-Abbe-Stiftung Jena.
Address: Optisches Museum, Carl-Zeiss-Platz 12, D-07743 Jena, 
   Tel. (03641) 55109

Karlstadt (Germany)
17 - 23 July 1995
Exhibit "Johann Schoener and the Celestial Globe" in the Schoener-Gymnasium
Information: StD Werner Zapotetzky, Johann-Schoener-Gymnasium,
Bodelschwingstr. 29, D-97753 Karlstadt, Tel. (09353) 7474

Ingolstadt (Germany)
September - December 1995
Peter Apian and his time - Astronomy, Mathematics, Cartography and
Cosmography. Exhibit in the Stadtmuseum [City Museum] at Ingolstadt.
Information: Dr. Karl Roettel, Am Aschweg 57, D-85114 Buxheim



On the occassion of the 600th anniversary of the founding of the University
of Erfurt (1392) and the 200th anniversary of the conferment of the
Doctorate's Degree of the University on Johann Hieronymus Schroeter on the
19th of September 1992 was conferred a bronze memorial on the birth-house
of Schroeter in Erfurt (Schlosserstrasse 25, formerly Neue Strasse, then
Hermann-Jahn-Strasse; close to the Museum "Neue Muehle"). It concerns a
donation of the citizens of Lilienthal.

On the 3rd September 1994 the Walter Hohmann Observatory in Essen
celebrates their 25th anniversary. A relief has been dedicated to the
specialist for celestial mechanics and pioneer of space-travel Walter
Hohmann (1880 - 1945), and a telescope has been named in honour of Christel
Borchers-Heiss (1921 - 1994), who was a supporter of the observatory.
(Wallneyer Strasse 159, 45133 Essen, Tel. 0201-493941).


New Books

25 Jahre Walter-Hohmann-Sternwarte Essen [25 years of the Walter Hohmann
Observatory in Essen]. Essen, 1994. 56 pp.
[with popular astronomical and historical essays]

Anderson, R.G.W.; Bennett, Jim A.; Ryan, W.F. (Eds.): Making instruments
count: Essays on historical scientific instruments presented to Gerard
L'Estrange Turner. Aldershot: Variorum, 1993. Pp. 512, 121 illus., 
ISBN 0-86078-394-4, GBP 57.50
[also on astronomical instrument]

Astronomische Phaenomenologie. Tatsachen, Probleme, Hilfsmittel.  
21. Sternfreunde-Seminar, 1994 [Astronomical Phenomenology. Facts,
problems, reference help. 21nd Amateur Astronomers' Seminar, 1994].
Planetarium der Stadt Wien - Zeiss Planetarium. [186 pp.], Manuscript
print, unbound, oeS 230.00 + 30.00 for postage
[contains also historical essays, especially with reference to antique
Available from: Astronomisches Buero, Hasenwartgasse 32, A-1238 Wien,
Tel./Fax (0222) 889 35 41; Payment after receiving bill]

Cluzan, Sophie; Moulierac, Jeanne; Bounni, Adnan (Eds.): 
Syrie, Memoire et Civilisation. 
Paris: Flammarion (Institut du Monde Arabe), 1993. ISBN 2-906062-58-8
[contains also: D.A.King "Instruments astronomiques syriens"]

Corbally, C.J.; Gray, R.O.; Garrison, Robert F. (Eds.): The MK Process at
50 years: a powerful tool for astrophysical insight. A Workshop of the
Vatican Observatory, Tucson, Arizona, U.pp.A., September 1993.  
San Francisco, Ca.: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 1994.  
Pp. xxi, 411, ISBN 0-937707-79-1
(= Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, Vol. 60)         
[Part V: The history of MK classification. With contributions by
D.E.Osterbrock, D.Hoffleit, M.F.McCarthy, and J.Rountree]

Das 500jaehrige Jubilaeum der Krakauer Studienzeit von Nicolaus Copernicus.
Tagung: Das 500jaehrige Jubilaeum der Kraukauer Studienzeit von Nicolaus
Copernicus, Krakau (Poland), June 1993 [The 500 year jubilee of the Cracow
study-time of Nicolaus Copernicus. Conference: The 500 year jubilee of
the Cracow study-time of Nicolaus Copernicus , Cracow (Poland), June 1993].
Cracow (Poland): Internationales Kulturzentrum, 1993. 164 pp.  
(= Forschungszentrum fuer europaeische Kulturen, Die Reihe: Wissenschaft,
Nr. 3)

Dekker, Elly; van der Krogt, Peter: Globes from the Western World.
London: Zwemmer, 1993. Pp. 183, illus., mostly colour, 
ISBN 0-302-00618-4, GBP 39.50
[Important list of makers]

Der Einsteinturm in Potsdam. Architektur und Astrophysik. Herausgegeben
vom Astrophysikalischen Institut Potsdam. Begleitband zur Ausstellung "Vom
Grossen Refraktor zum Einsteinturm" [The Einstein-Tower in Potsdam.
Architecture and Astrophysics. Published by the Astrophysical Institute
Potsdam. Accompanyment to the exhibit "From the Large Refractor to the
Einstein-Tower"]. Editor: Barbara Eggers. Berlin: Ars Nicolai, 1995.
159 pp., 129 ill., ISBN 3-89479-068-7, DM 28.00 
[with contributions by B.Eggers, F.W.Jaeger, K.Hentschel, S.Achenbach,
J.Staude, J.Krausse, W.Pehnt, J.Posener]

Hohmann, Walter: Die Erreichbarkeit der Himmelskoerper. Untersuchungen
ueber das Raumfahrtproblem. Herausgegeben durch das Kuratorium Der Mensch
und der Weltraum e.V. [The reachability of the heavenly bodies.
Investigations into the space-travel problem. Published by the Curatorium
"Man and Space"]. Muenchen, Wien: R. Oldenbourg Verlag, 1994. XX, 102 pp.,
ISBN 3-486-23106-5, DM 29.80; High School students and university
students (with valid ID) DM 19.80.
[Extended reprint of the 1st edition 1925. With commentaries by 
F.Schmeidler and a biography of Hohmann.
Available from: Walter-Hohmann-Sternwarte, Wallneyer Str. 159, 
D-45133 Essen, Germany]

Kummer, Hans-Jochen: Ludwig Strasser - ein Uhrenfachmann aus Glashuette
[Ludwig Strasser - A clock maker from Glashuette].
Muenchen: Callwey Verlag, 1994. 216 pp., ISBN 3-7667-1122-9, DM 128.00
[Ludwig Strasser (1853-1917) delivered also to observatories. One Chapter
is devoted to the relationship with Wilhelm Foerster, who was friends with

Mazzolini, R.G. (Ed.): Non-verbal communication in science prior to 1900.
Florence: Leo S. Olschki Editore, 1993.  Pp. xii, 622, illus., 
ISBN 88-222-4069-3, L. 98,000 (= Biblioteca di Nuncius studi e testi, XI) 
[contains also: D.A.King "Some medieval astronomical instruments and their

Moderne Astronomische Phaenomenologie. 20. Sternfreunde-Seminar, 1992/93
[Modern Astronomical Phenomenology. 20th Amateur Astronomers' Seminar,
1992/93]. Planetarium der Stadt Wien - Zeiss Planetarium und
Oesterreichischer Astronomischer Verein. [238 pp.], Manuscript print,
unbound, oeS 290.00 + 30.00 for postage
[contains also historical essays, especially with reference to antique
Available from: Astronomisches Buero, Hasenwartgasse 32, A-1238 Wien,
Tel./Fax (0222) 889 35 41; Payment after receiving bill]

Putnam, William Lowell: The explorers of Mars Hill. Flagstaff: Lowell
Observatory, 1994. Pp. 289, ISBN 0-914-65969-3, $ 30 (hb)
[on Percival Lowell (1855-1916) and the Lowell Observatory at Flagstaff 
   Review: D.Stickland: The Observatory 114 (1994), 248-249

Smith, Robert W.; Hanle, P.A.; Kargon, R.H.; Tatarewicz, J.N.: The Space
Telescope. A Study of NASA, science, technology, and politics. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1993. Pp. 528, ISBN 0-521-45768-8, GBP 16.95,
US$ 24.95

Sragner, Marta: Gothard Jenoe. 3d and revised ed. 
Szombathely (Hungary): Gothard Amatoercsillagazati Egyesuelet 
[Gothard Society of Amateur Astronomers], 1994. Pp. 95
[Short biography (Hungarian and English) and extensive bibliography
of the publications by and about the Hungarian astronomer
Jenoe (Eugen von) Gothard (1857-1909);
Adress of the author: M. Sragner, Alkotmany u. 3, H-7624 Pecs, Hungary]


Radio and Television

On the 24th of May 1994 the German radio channel HESSEN 2 broadcasted the
feature "Neues von der Sintflut oder Wie ein Komet die Bibel beweisen soll"
["News from the Flood or How a comet shall prove the Bible"] by Beate
Ziegs, member of our Working Group. Approximately 10000 years ago a comet
was supposed to have caused global destruction. According to the Austrian
geologists Edith and Alexander Tollmann, what as "The Flood" found
world-wide entrance into myths, was based upon eyewittness reports. The
two scientists attempted to explain and to prove this theory with modern
scientific methods.

A further program by Beate Ziegs under the title "Die Externsteine:  Ein
germanisches Stonehenge?" ["The Externsteine: A German Stonehenge?"] was
delivered on the 8th of September 1994 on German radio channel BR 2. It
was based upon the archeoastronomical findings of Wolfhard Schlosser

The feature by Beate Ziegs "Pulkovo / St. Petersburg: Ueber Ruhm und
Elend der einstigen Weltmetropole der Astronomie" ["Pulkovo / St.
Petersburg: On fame and misery of the former world metropolis in
astronomy"] was sent over the airwaves by RADIO BREMEN 2 on the 10th of
November 1994 and was repeated on the 25 December. The author reports on
the history and future of the Pulkovo Observatory.

On the 22th December the German radio channel SFB 3 transmitted the program
"Im Tempel der Wissenschaft: 70 Jahre Einsteinturm" ["In the temple of
science: 70 years of the Einstein-Tower"] by B. Ziegs. A longer feature
by the same author on the same topic will be transmitted by RADIO BREMEN 2
(Broadcast: 16 March, 9-10 pm).

The German television channel WDR carried on the 29th of October 1994 a
recording of the multimedia music-theatre "Keplers Dream" (Music and
Libretto: Giorgio Battistelli) from the 4th Munich Biennale. The premiere
took place in 1990 in Linz, where Kepler from 1614 until 1626 was active.


Expression of thanks

For information we thank:

D.Boendel (Berlin), B.Eggers (Berlin), D.Gerdes (Lilienthal), K.-D.Herbst
(Jena), H.U.Keller (Zuerich), A.Korte (Essen), H.-J.Kummer (Ludwigshafen),
H.Mucke (Wien), G.Rath (Graz), K.Schwarzinger (Sistrans), M.Sragner
(Pecs), M.Toepell (Muenchen), B.Ziegs (Berlin).



Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy (ENHA)

Published by the Working Group for the History of Astronomy in the
Astronomische Gesellschaft

A translation of "Elektronische Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte"

Editor: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick 

Translated by: Mr. Donald Bellunduno <76450.1741@compuserve.com>

All news which is not mentioned by name are editorial contributions.
Articles as well as information for the several sections will be gladly

Subscription for the ENHA is free. In order to obtain a subscription
inside Germany, one must first obtain a subscription for the
printed Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte (MA).

[Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte:

 Price: DM 1.50 / issue plus postage and packing costs 
        outside Germany: free
 Subscription: Send in DM 2.50 (one issue) or DM 5.00 (Nos. 4-5) in
               stamps to the editor
 Editor: Dr. W. R. Dick, Otterkiez 14, 
         D-14478 Potsdam, Germany, Tel.: (+331) 863199

Astronomische Gesellschaft / Astronomical Society:

Chairman: Prof. Dr. Hanns Ruder, University of Tuebingen, Theoretical
Astrophysics and Computational Physics, Auf der Morgenstelle 10, D-72076

Secretary: Dr. G. Klare, Landessternwarte, Koenigstuhl, 
D-69117 Heidelberg

Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte / Working Group for the History of

Chairman: Prof. Dr. Peter Brosche, Observatorium Hoher List der
Sternwarte der Universitaet Bonn, D-54550 Daun, Germany, 
Tel.: (+6592) 2150, Fax: (+6592) 2937

Secretary: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick, Institut fuer Angewandte Geodaesie,
Aussenstelle Potsdam, Postfach 60 08 08, D-14408 Potsdam, Germany,
Tel.: (+331) 316 619, E-mail: wdi@potsdam.ifag.de 
(in the event I am not reachable at this address, please try the following
address: dick@gfz-potsdam.de)

Treasurer: Dr. Reinhard Schielicke, Universitaetssternwarte,
Schillergaesschen 2, D-07745 Jena, Tel.: (+3641) 63 03 36,
E-mail: schie@georg.astro.uni-jena.de

Secretary for Public Relations: Dr. Gudrun Wolfschmidt, Deutsches
Museum, Museumsinsel 1, D-80538 Muenchen, Germany, Tel.: (+89) 2179 277, 
Fax: (+89) 2179 324, E-mail: t7911ac@sunmail.lrz-muenchen.de

Bank Acct. of the Working Group of the Astronomische Gesellschaft:
Acct # 261 917, Sparkasse Mannheim (BLZ 670 501 01)
Contributions from foreign countries, please sign with: "Fuer
Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte" to: acct # 162 18-203, Postgiroamt
Hamburg, BLZ 200 400 20


Addendum by the translator: 

Space Anniversaries (from the SPACE CALENDAR)

(Additions to the list in ENHA No. 6 and 7; 
5th, 10th and 15th anniversaries are omitted here)

			 Space Calendar
			 by Ron Baalke

February 1995

Feb 17 - 30th Anniversary (1965), Ranger 8 Launch (Moon Impact Mission)

March 1995

Mar 15 - 20th Anniversary (1975), Helios 1 Perihelion (0.309 AU from Sun)
Mar 21 - 30th Anniversary (1965), Ranger 9 Launch (Moon Impact Mission)

April 1995

Apr 01 - 35th Anniversary (1960), TIROS-1 Launch (1st Weather Satellite)

June 1995

Jun 08 - 20th Anniversary (1975), Venera 9 Launch (Russian Venus
Jun 14 - 20th Anniversary (1975), Venera 10 Launch (Russian Venus

August 1995

Aug 17 - 25th Anniversary (1970), Venera 7 Launch (Venus Lander)

September 1995

Sep 09 - 20th Anniversary (1975), Viking 2 Launch (Mars Orbiter/Lander)
Sep 12 - 25th Anniversary (1970), Luna 16 Launch (Moon Sample Return)

October 1995

Oct 11 - 50th Anniversary (1945), JPL WAC Corporal Launch 
 (1st Man-Made Object to Escape Earth's Atmosphere).
Oct 20 - 25th Anniversary (1970), Zond 8 Launch (Moon Orbit & Return) 
Oct 22 - 20th Anniversary (1975), Venera 9, Venus Orbit Insertion & Landing
Oct 25 - 20th Anniversary (1975), Venera 10, Venus Orbit Insertion & 

November 1995

Nov 10 - 25th Anniversary (1970), Luna 17 Launch (Russian Moon Rover)

December 1995

Dec 04 - 30th Anniversary (1965), Gemini 7 Launch
Dec 15 - 30th Anniversary (1965), Gemini 6 Launch
Dec 15 - 25th Anniversary (1970), Venera 7, Venus
Dec 16 - 30th Anniversary (1965), Pioneer 6 Launch

January 1996

Jan 01 - 195th Anniversary (1801), Discovery of the First Asteroid (Ceres)
 by Piazzi
Jan 15 - 20th Anniversary (1976), Helios 2 Launch (Solar Orbiter)
Jan 31 - 25th Anniversary (1971), Apollo 14 Launch
Jan 31 - 30th Anniversary (1966), Luna 9 Launch (Russian Moon Lander)

February 1996

Feb 04 - Clyde Tombaugh's 90th Birthday (1906)

URL: http://newproducts.jpl.nasa.gov/calendar/calendar.html
Please send any updates or corrections to baalke@kelvin.jpl.nasa.gov.


zum Seitenanfang top of page
interner Verweis list of all Electronic Newsletters
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Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy - Number 9

*                                                                         *
*                                                                         *
*      Published by the Working Group for the History of Astronomy        *
*                  in the Astronomische Gesellschaft                      *
*                                                                         *
*                       Number 9, March 31, 1995                          *
*                                                                         *
*                           A translation of                              *
*                                                                         *
*                         Nr. 9,  1. Maerz 1995                           *
*                                                                         *
*          Edited by: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick           *
*                                                                         *
*      Translated by: Mr. Donald Bellunduno <76450.1741@CompuServe.COM>   *
*                                                                         *


World Wide Web Services in the History of Astronomy

Lutz D. Schmadel: Minor Planet Names with Unknown Meaning

Robert J. Nemiroff: 75th Anniversary Astronomical Debate

New Books

Expressions of Thanks



World Wide Web Services in the History of Astronomy

The first general History of Astronomy pages are now on the "Web"
(URL: http://aibn55.astro.uni-bonn.de:8000/~pbrosche/astoria.html).
They contain own information as well as links to special pages at other
servers devoted to the history of astronomy and to related topics in
general history of science.

These pages are maintained by the Working Group for the History of
Astronomy in the Astronomische Gesellschaft
(URL: http://aibn55.astro.uni-bonn.de:8000/~pbrosche/aa/aa.html).
The electronic newsletters of the working group are available from this

The structure of the pages is:

History of astronomy: 
   Observatories and other places 
   Museums and exhibits 

History of science in general: 
   General history of science servers 
   General items related to the history of astronomy 
   History of sciences related to astronomy 
   History of institutions 

History in general 

What is the World Wide Web?

The WorldWideWeb (WWW, W3) is the universe of network-accessible
information, an embodiment of human knowledge. It is an initiative started
at CERN, now with many participants.

It has a body of software, and a set of protocols and conventions.  W3
uses hypertext and multimedia techniques to make the web easy for anyone
to roam, browse, and contribute to.

Each highlighted phrase (in color or underlined) is a hyperlink to another
document or information resource somewhere on the Internet.

(Sources: http://www11.w3.org/hypertext/WWW/TheProject.html

One of the best W3 browsers is NCSA's Mosaic. To obtain a public-domain
version for the X Window System, for the Apple Macintosh, or for Microsoft
Windows use NCSA's anonymous FTP Server: ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu


Minor Planet Names with Unknown Meaning

By Lutz D. Schmadel, Heidelberg

In 1994 the second edition of my 'Dictionary of Minor Planet Names' [1] was
released. In the meantime other related facts contained in letters
obtained by me were also able to be put together. As of November 1994
there were 6160 numbered minor planets, of which 4741 (77.0%) had been
assigned a designated name. The meanings of 94.7% of all names are known,
and there are only a few cases in which the meaning is uncertain or
questionable. The remaining percentage of planets for which the meaning of
their names is completely unknown adds up to about 2.6% (122 planets).  In
this issue I would like to submit then the collective work done on this
subject by the readers of the 'Electronic Newsletter for the History of
Astronomy'. The following list contains numbers, names, and discovery
dates of these planets.  Please direct any further information to my
address at:

         Dr. L. D. Schmadel, Astronomisches Rechen-Institut,
         Moenchhofstr. 12-14, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany
         E-mail: S21@MVS.URZ.UNI-HEIDELBERG.DE
[1] Schmadel, Lutz D.: Dictionary of Minor Planet Names.  
2nd rev. and enl. ed. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York etc.:
Springer-Verlag, 1994. Pp. IX, 741. ISBN 3-540-57260-0. DM 118.00

      Minor Planet Names with Unknown Meaning

       164 Eva              1876  P. P. Henry (Paris)
       177 Irma             1877  P. P. Henry (Paris)
       186 Celuta           1878  P. M. Henry (Paris)
       210 Isabella         1879  J. Palisa (Pola)
       223 Rosa             1882  J. Palisa (Vienna)
       245 Vera             1885  N. R. Pogson (Madras)
       252 Clementina       1885  J. Perrotin (Nice)
       262 Valda            1886  J. Palisa (Vienna)
       272 Antonia          1888  A. Charlois (Nice)
       276 Adelheid         1888  J. Palisa (Vienna)
       278 Paulina          1888  J. Palisa (Vienna)
       283 Emma             1889  A. Charlois (Nice)
       284 Amalia           1889  A. Charlois (Nice)
       285 Regina           1889  A. Charlois (Nice)
       291 Alice            1890  J. Palisa (Vienna)
       292 Ludovica         1890  J. Palisa (Vienna)
       294 Felicia          1890  A. Charlois (Nice)
       295 Theresia         1890  J. Palisa (Vienna)
       297 Caecilia         1890  A. Charlois (Nice)
       298 Baptistina       1890  A. Charlois (Nice)
       300 Geraldina        1890  A. Charlois (Nice)
       302 Clarissa         1890  A. Charlois (Nice)
       310 Margarita        1891  A. Charlois (Nice)
       311 Claudia          1891  A. Charlois (Nice)
       312 Pierretta        1891  A. Charlois (Nice)
       314 Rosalia          1891  A. Charlois (Nice)
       316 Goberta          1891  A. Charlois (Nice)
       318 Magdalena        1891  A. Charlois (Nice)
       319 Leona            1891  A. Charlois (Nice)
       331 Etheridgea       1892  A. Charlois (Nice)
       332 Siri             1892  M. Wolf (Heidelberg)
       337 Devosa           1892  A. Charlois (Nice)
       338 Budrosa          1892  A. Charlois (Nice)
       345 Tercidina        1892  A. Charlois (Nice)
       347 Pariana          1892  A. Charlois (Nice)
       351 Yrsa             1892  M. Wolf (Heidelberg)
       354 Eleonora         1893  A. Charlois (Nice)
       357 Ninina           1893  A. Charlois (Nice)
       360 Carlova          1893  A. Charlois (Nice)
       368 Haidea           1893  A. Charlois (Nice)
       375 Ursula           1893  A. Charlois (Nice)
       383 Janina           1894  A. Charlois (Nice)
       391 Ingeborg         1894  M. Wolf (Heidelberg)
       413 Edburga          1896  M. Wolf (Heidelberg)
       419 Aurelia          1896  M. Wolf (Heidelberg)
       435 Ella             1898  M. Wolf; A. Schwassmann (Heidelberg)
       436 Patricia         1898  M. Wolf; A. Schwassmann (Heidelberg)
       441 Bathilde         1898  A. Charlois (Nice)
       448 Natalie          1899  M. Wolf; A. Schwassmann (Heidelberg)
       450 Brigitta         1899  M. Wolf; A. Schwassmann (Heidelberg)
       453 Tea              1900  A. Charlois (Nice)
       481 Emita            1902  L. Carnera (Heidelberg)
       491 Carina           1902  M. Wolf (Heidelberg)
       509 Iolanda          1903  M. Wolf (Heidelberg)
       520 Franziska        1903  M. Wolf; P. Goetz (Heidelberg)
       522 Helga            1904  M. Wolf (Heidelberg)
       532 Herculina        1904  M. Wolf (Heidelberg)
       574 Reginhild        1905  M. Wolf (Heidelberg)
       575 Renate           1905  M. Wolf (Heidelberg)
       591 Irmgard          1906  A. Kopff (Heidelberg)
       599 Luisa            1906  J. H. Metcalf (Taunton)
       602 Marianna         1906  J. H. Metcalf (Taunton)
       610 Valeska          1906  M. Wolf (Heidelberg)
       611 Valeria          1906  J. H. Metcalf (Taunton)
       612 Veronika         1906  A. Kopff (Heidelberg)
       618 Elfriede         1906  K. Lohnert (Heidelberg)
       625 Xenia            1907  A. Kopff (Heidelberg)
       628 Christine        1907  A. Kopff (Heidelberg)
       629 Bernardina       1907  A. Kopff (Heidelberg)
       633 Zelima           1907  A. Kopff (Heidelberg)
       636 Erika            1907  J. H. Metcalf (Taunton)
       641 Agnes            1907  M. Wolf (Heidelberg)
       647 Adelgunde        1907  A. Kopff (Heidelberg)
       649 Josefa           1907  A. Kopff (Heidelberg)
       663 Gerlinde         1908  A. Kopff (Heidelberg)
       665 Sabine           1908  W. Lorenz (Heidelberg)
       667 Denise           1908  A. Kopff (Heidelberg)
       684 Hildburg         1909  A. Kopff (Heidelberg)
       685 Hermia           1909  W. Lorenz (Heidelberg)
       687 Tinette          1909  J. Palisa (Vienna)
       688 Melanie          1909  J. Palisa (Vienna)
       695 Bella            1909  J. H. Metcalf (Taunton)
       710 Gertrud          1911  J. Palisa (Vienna)
       795 Fini             1914  J. Palisa (Vienna)
       796 Sarita           1914  K. Reinmuth (Heidelberg)
       802 Epyaxa           1915  M. Wolf (Heidelberg)
       817 Annika           1916  M. Wolf (Heidelberg)
       820 Adriana          1916  M. Wolf (Heidelberg)
       821 Fanny            1916  M. Wolf (Heidelberg)
       822 Lalage           1916  M. Wolf (Heidelberg)
       825 Tanina           1916  G. N. Neujmin (Simeis)
       826 Henrika          1916  M. Wolf (Heidelberg)
       833 Monica           1916  M. Wolf (Heidelberg)
       835 Olivia           1916  M. Wolf (Heidelberg)
       838 Seraphina        1916  M. Wolf (Heidelberg)
       842 Kerstin          1916  M. Wolf (Heidelberg)
       845 Naema            1916  M. Wolf (Heidelberg)
       860 Ursina           1917  M. Wolf (Heidelberg)
       868 Lova             1917  M. Wolf (Heidelberg)
       873 Mechthild        1917  M. Wolf (Heidelberg)
       882 Swetlana         1917  G. N. Neujmin (Simeis)
       891 Gunhild          1918  M. Wolf (Heidelberg)
       969 Leocadia         1921  S. I. Belyavskij (Simeis)
      1015 Christa          1924  K. Reinmuth (Heidelberg)
      1043 Beate            1925  K. Reinmuth (Heidelberg)
      1049 Gotho            1925  K. Reinmuth (Heidelberg)
      1050 Meta             1925  K. Reinmuth (Heidelberg)
      1053 Vigdis           1925  M. Wolf (Heidelberg)
      1109 Tata             1929  K. Reinmuth (Heidelberg)
      1156 Kira             1928  K. Reinmuth (Heidelberg)
      1169 Alwine           1930  M. Wolf; M. Ferrero (Heidelberg)
      1175 Margo            1930  K. Reinmuth (Heidelberg)
      1180 Rita             1931  K. Reinmuth (Heidelberg)
      1182 Ilona            1927  K. Reinmuth (Heidelberg)
      1183 Jutta            1930  K. Reinmuth (Heidelberg)
      1187 Afra             1929  K. Reinmuth (Heidelberg)
      1214 Richilde         1932  M. Wolf (Heidelberg)
      1219 Britta           1932  M. Wolf (Heidelberg)
      1288 Santa            1933  E. Delporte (Uccle)
      1293 Sonja            1933  E. Delporte (Uccle)
      1438 Wendeline        1937  K. Reinmuth (Heidelberg)
      1514 Ricouxa          1906  M. Wolf (Heidelberg)


75th Anniversary Astronomical Debate

By Robert J. Nemiroff, Greenbelt, USA

In April 1920, Harlow Shapley and Heber D. Curtis debated "The Scale of
the Universe" in Washington, DC. 75 years later, in April 1995, in
commemoration of the `Great Debate', Donald Q. Lamb and Bohdan Paczynski
will debate "The Distance Scale to Gamma-Ray Bursts" in the same
auditorium. Martin Rees will moderate. Introductory lectures will be given
by Virginia Trimble and Gerald Fishman. Tickets are free: availability
information is listed through the home page. The home page also makes
available a great deal of background information about the 1920 Curtis -
Shapley debate suitable for undergraduate lectures wishing to mention the
75th anniversary of this historic astronomical event. 

Location: Smithsonian's Natural History Museum, Baird Auditorium,
Constitution Ave. at 10th St. NW, Washington, DC. This is the same
auditorium where the original Shapley - Curtis Debate was held in 1920.
The Smithsonian is a co-sponsor of this event.  

Time: Saturday, 22 April 1995. The debate programs begins promptly at 1:00
pm. The latest the program will go is 4:30 pm with a scheduled
intermission. There are tentative plans for a reception later that

No one will be admitted without a (free) ticket. 

Ticket availability is not guaranteed. Tickets should be requested in
writing so that we can send you updated information on this event as well
as a `75th Anniversary Astronomical Debate Educational Package.' 

For tickets write to: 

75th Anniversary Astronomical Debate 
George Mason University 
CSI Institute 
Fairfax, VA 22030

Tickets will be mailed starting in January 1995. 

More information can be found in the World Wide Web at URL:

E-mail: nemiroff@grossc.gsfc.nasa.gov


New  Books

Abalakin, Viktor Kuz'mich (Ed.): Glavnaya Astronomicheskaya Observatoriya
v Pulkove. 1839-1917 gg. Sbornik dokumentov. [The Pulkovo Main
Observatory. 1839-1917. A collection of documents]. Sankt-Peterburg:
Nauka, 1994. Pp. 336, ISBN 5-02-024667-0

Abeler, Juergen: Ullstein Uhrenbuch. Eine Kulturgeschichte der Zeitmessung.
[Ullstein Book of Clocks. A cultural history of the measurement of time.]
Berlin: Verlag Ullstein, 1994. c. 380 pp., 128 pp. with illus., 
ISBN 3-550-06849-2, Hb DM 78.00

Blaauw, Adriaan: History of the IAU. The birth and first half-century of
the International Astronomical Union. Dordrecht, Boston, London: Kluwer
Academic Publishers, 1994.  Pp. 300, ISBN 0-7923-2980-5, NLG 90.00 (pb),
ISBN 0-7923-2979-1, NLG 150.00 (hb)

Borchert, Aloys:  Mueller, Adolf, S.  J., Professor der Astronomie an der
Gregorianischen Universitaet zu Rom [Professor of astronomy at the
Gregorian University in Rome], Johann Keppler, der Gesetzgeber der neueren
Astronomie. Rezension. [Johann Keppler, the lawgiver of the new
astronomy. Book review.] 1 Microfiche. Egelsbach: Verlag Markus
Haensel-Hohenhausen, 1994. ISBN 3-8267-9455-9, DM 48.00 
(= Dt. Hochschulschriften. Miscellanea theologica, 9455)

Ceyp, Michael: Faszination Russische Uhren. Von der Militaeruhr bis zum
Schiffschronometer [Fascination in Russian clocks. From the military clock
up to the ship's chronometer]. Bremen:  Verlag H. M. Hauschild, 1994.
100 pp., 167 illus. in colour, 26 x 21 cm, ISBN 3-929902-24-9, Hb DM 48.00

Coelho, Victor (Ed.): Music and science in the age of Galileo. Dordrecht,
Boston, London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1993. Pp. 268, ISBN
0-7923-2028-X, NLG 159.00, GBP 63.75 
(= The University of Western Ontario Series in Philosophy of Science, 51) 
[12 essays by specialists in the fields of astronomy, history of science,
musicology, philosophy and instrument building]

Erich Mendelsohns Einsteinturm in Potsdam [Erich Mendelsohn's Einstein
Tower in Potsdam]. Potsdam: Potsdamer VerlagsBuchhandlung, 1994. 96 pp.,
54 illus., ISBN 3-910196-23-3, Pb DM 24.80
(= Arbeitshefte des Brandenburgischen Landesamtes fuer Denkmalpflege,
Nr. 5) 
[contains: J.Limberg: Entwuerfe, Ausfuehrung und Erweiterungsbau [Plans,
implimentations and further construction]; J.Staude: Sonnenforschung in
Potsdam - Das Sonnenobservatorium Einsteinturm des Astrophysikalischen
Instituts Potsdam [Solar research in Potsdam - The Solar Observatory
Einstein Tower of the Astrophysical Institute at Potsdam]]

Fasching, Gerhard: Sternbilder und ihre Mythen [Constellations and their
myths]. Vienna, New York: Springer-Verlag, 1993. VIII, 312 pp., 
ISBN 3-211-82479-0, Hb DM 69.00; 
2nd, improved ed. 1994. 310 pp.

Feyl, Renate: Der lautlose Aufbruch. Frauen in der Wissenschaft [The
Silent outbreak.  Women in the sciences]. Koeln: Verlag Kiepenheuer &
Witsch, 1994. 208 pp., ISBN 3-462-02388-8, Pb DM 16.80 (= KiWi, 359) 
[1st ed.: Verlag Neues Leben, Berlin 1981; contains a chapter on Caroline
Herschel (1750-1848)]

Fomenko, A.T.: Empirico-statistical analysis of narrative material and its
applications to historical dating. Vol. 1: The development of the
statistical tools. Vol. 2: The analysis of Ancient and Medieval records.
Dordrecht, Boston, London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994. Pp. 228 +
472, ISBN 0-7923-2606-7, NLG 465.00, GBP 186.00 (hb) 
[included dating of the Almagest Star Catalogue]

Goddard, Dorothy E.; Haynes, Raymond F. (Ed.): Pioneering a new astronomy.
Papers in memory of John G. Bolton. New Melbourne, 1994. Pp. 495-680 
(= Australian Journal of Physics, Vol. 47, No. 5)

Guericke, Otto von: The New (so-called) Magdeburg experiments of Otto von
Guericke. Translated and edited by Margaret Glover Foley Ames.
Dordrecht, Boston, London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1993. Pp. 412,
ISBN 0-7923-2399-8, NLG 280.00, GBP 112.00 (hb) 
(= Archives Internationales d'Histoires des Idees, 137) 
[includes chapters on the system of the world, empty space, the Moon, the
planetary system, the fixed stars and "the boundary which confines them"]

Hermann, Armin: Einstein. Der Weltweise und sein Jahrhundert. Eine
Biographie [The wise man of the world and his century. A biography]. 
Munich: R. Piper, 1994. 636 pp., 56 illus., ISBN 3-492-03477-2, 
clothbound DM 58.00

Herrmann, Dieter B.: Blick in das Weltall. Die Geschichte der
Archenhold-Sternwarte [A look into the universe. The history of the
Archenhold Observatory]. Berlin: Paetec Gesellschaft fuer Bildung und
Technik, 1994. 90 pp., ISBN 3-89517-304-5, DM 9.80

Hoyle, Fred: Home is Where the Wind Blows: Chapters from a cosmologist's
life. Mill Valley: University Science Books, 1994. Pp. xi, 443, 
ISBN 0-935702-27-X, GBP 18.95 (hbk) 
   Review: H.McGee: J. Brit. Astron. Assoc. 104 (1994) 6, 317

Huettenhain, Trude: Die astronomische Uhr im Dom zu Muenster [The
astronomical clock in the cathedral of Muenster]. 7th ed. Muenster:
Aschendorfsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1994. ISBN 3-402-05984-3, Pb DM 5.00

Kokott, Wolfgang (Ed.): Der Himmel hat viele Gesichter. Winfried Petri
zum 80. Geburtstag [The sky has many faces. For Winfried Petri on his
80th birthday]. Munich: Institut fuer Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften,
1994. 160 pp., illus., ISBN 3-89241-014-3, Pb DM 25.80 (= Algorismus, 15)

Konneckis, Ralf: Mythen und Maerchen. Was uns die Sterne darueber
verraten [Myths and Stories, and what the stars have betrayed to us in
relation to them]. Stuttgart: Franckh-Kosmos Publishers, 1994. 204 pp.
[The writer gives astronomical interpretations of numerous stories and
popular traditions, which reaches partly up until the time of the Edda and
even into the time of the Stone-Age.]

Kozai, Yoshihide; Binzel, Richard P.; Hirayama, Tomohiro (Ed.):
Seventy-five years of Hirayama Asteroid Families: the role of collisions
in the Solar System history. 29 November - 3 December 1993, Tokyo.  
San Francisco, Ca.: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 1994. 
Pp. xxiv, 303, ISBN 0-937707-82-1 
(= Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference series, Vol. 63) 
[in honour of Kiyotsugo Hirayama (1874-1943); includes two papers on the
history of asteroid astronomy]

Lawrynowicz, Kasimir: Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel, 1784-1846.  
From the Russian by Katja Mansen-Matyssek and Heinz Matyssek. [In German].
Basel: Birkhaeuser Verlag, 1994. c. 300 pp., ISBN 3-7643-5113-6, 
Hb c. DM 70.00 (= vita mathematica, 9)

Philipp, Hugo; Roth, Daniel; Bachmann, Willy: Sonnenuhren. Deutschland
und Schweiz [Sun-dials. Germany and Switzerland]. Ditzingen: Deutsche
Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie [German Society for Chronometry], 1994.  
c. 750 pp. (unnumbered), 130 illus., ISBN 3-923422-12-1, 
DM 69.00 + 7.00 DM for postage.
[Catalog of the fixed sundials with an introduction into the art of
sundials; 6050 locations in Germany, 2200 in Switzerland;
Sales Department: Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, Ziererweg 8,
D-71254 Ditzingen, Germany; One can order only when paying in advance:
Euro-check or direct transfer of payment on account # 1272301 at
Landesgirokasse Stuttgart (BLZ 600501001) with exact delivery address

Roth, Guenter D. (Ed.): Compendium of practical astronomy. Vol. 1:
Instrumentation and reduction techniques. Translated and revised by Harry
J. Augensen und Wulff D. Heintz. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York etc.:
Springer-Verlag, 1994. Pp. XXIV, 540, ISBN 3-540-56273-7 
[contains also: Roth, G.D.: An historical exploration of modern astronomy]

Schiebinger, Londa: Schoene Geister. Frauen in den Anfaengen der modernen
Wissenschaft. From the American by Susanne Luedemann and Ute Spengler.
2nd ed. Klett-Cotta, 1993. 484 pp., 42 illus., ISBN 3-608-91259-2, DM
48.00 [Translation of: L.Schiebinger, The mind has no sex? Women in the
origins of modern science, 1989; also on women in astronomy, with special
attention for Maria Kirch, nee Winkelmann, and Caroline Herschel]

Secco, Luigi (Ed.): Nicolo Dallaporta: Scienza, metascienza e metafisica.
Padova: Casa Editrice Dott. Antonio Milani, 1994. Pp. c. 290, 
ISBN 88-13-19066-2
[Festschrift for Nicolo Dallaporta]

Sharov, Alexander S.; Novikov, Igor D.: Edwin Hubble. Der Mann, der den
Urknall entdeckte [The Man who discovered the Big Bang]. Translated by
Thomas Mueller. Basel, Boston, Berlin: Birkhaeuser Verlag, 1994.  
241 pp.

Wright, Helen: Explorer of the Universe. New York: American Institute of
Physics, 1994. Pp. 487, ISBN 1-563-96249-7, Hb $ 29.95 
[biography of G.E.Hale; reprint (1st edition c. 30 years ago)] 
   Review: D.Stickland: The Observatory 114 (1994) 1123, 322-323


Expression of thanks

For information we thank: 

V.K.Abalakin (St. Petersburg), P.Brosche (Daun), O.Bauer (Cologne),
J.Limberg (Potsdam), Th.Schmidt-Kaler (Bochum), G.Wolfschmidt (Munich).



Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy (ENHA)

Published by the Working Group for the History of Astronomy in the
Astronomische Gesellschaft

A translation of "Elektronische Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte"

Editor: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick 

Translated by: Mr. Donald Bellunduno <76450.1741@compuserve.com>

All news which is not mentioned by name are editorial contributions.
Articles as well as information for the several sections will be gladly

Subscription for the ENHA is free. In order to obtain a subscription
inside Germany, one must first obtain a subscription for the
printed Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte (MA).

[Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte:

 Price: DM 1.50 / issue plus postage and packing costs 
        outside Germany: free
 Subscription: Send in DM 2.50 (one issue) or DM 5.00 (Nos. 4-5) in
               stamps to the editor
 Editor: Dr. W. R. Dick, Otterkiez 14, 
         D-14478 Potsdam, Germany, Tel.: (+331) 863199

Astronomische Gesellschaft / Astronomical Society:

Chairman: Prof. Dr. Hanns Ruder, University of Tuebingen, Theoretical
Astrophysics and Computational Physics, Auf der Morgenstelle 10, D-72076

Secretary: Dr. G. Klare, Landessternwarte, Koenigstuhl, 
D-69117 Heidelberg

Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte / Working Group for the History of

Chairman: Prof. Dr. Peter Brosche, Observatorium Hoher List der
Sternwarte der Universitaet Bonn, D-54550 Daun, Germany, 
Tel.: (+6592) 2150, Fax: (+6592) 2937

Secretary: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick, Institut fuer Angewandte Geodaesie,
Aussenstelle Potsdam, Postfach 60 08 08, D-14408 Potsdam, Germany,
Tel.: (+331) 316 619, E-mail: wdi@potsdam.ifag.de 
(in the event I am not reachable at this address, please try the following
address: dick@gfz-potsdam.de)

Treasurer: Dr. Reinhard Schielicke, Universitaetssternwarte,
Schillergaesschen 2, D-07745 Jena, Tel.: (+3641) 63 03 36,
E-mail: schie@georg.astro.uni-jena.de

Secretary for Public Relations: Dr. Gudrun Wolfschmidt, Deutsches
Museum, Museumsinsel 1, D-80538 Muenchen, Germany, Tel.: (+89) 2179 277, 
Fax: (+89) 2179 324, E-mail: t7911ac@sunmail.lrz-muenchen.de

Bank Acct. of the Working Group of the Astronomische Gesellschaft:
Acct # 261 917, Sparkasse Mannheim (BLZ 670 501 01)
Contributions from foreign countries, please sign with: "Fuer
Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte" to: acct # 162 18-203, Postgiroamt
Hamburg, BLZ 200 400 20


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Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy - Number 10

*                                                                         *
*                                                                         *
*      Published by the Working Group for the History of Astronomy        *
*                  in the Astronomische Gesellschaft                      *
*                                                                         *
*                        Number 10,  May 8, 1995                          *
*                                                                         *
*                           A translation of                              *
*                                                                         *
*                        Nr. 10,  11. April 1995                          *
*                                                                         *
*          Edited by: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick           *
*                                                                         *
*      Translated by: Mr. Donald Bellunduno <76450.1741@CompuServe.COM>   *
*                                                                         *


1. News from IAU Commission 41 - History of Astronomy

2. Alina Eremeeva: A New Working Group for the History of Astronomy 

3. Dietmar Fuerst:
   15 Years of Rebuilding the Oldest Observatory of Mecklenburg in Remplin

4. Elisabeth Crawford and Josiane Olff-Nathan:
   Biographical Volume on Scientists at the Universities of Strasbourg

5. SETIQuest - A New Periodical

6. Conference Calendar 1995/96

7. New Books

Expressions of Thanks


Addendum by the translator: 
Space Anniversaries (from the SPACE CALENDAR)

Item 1                                            ENHA No. 10,  May 8, 1995

News from IAU Commission 41 - History of astronomy

1. New President and Vice-President

        President                  Vice-President

        Prof S M R Ansari          Dr S J Dick
        Physics Dpt                US Naval Observatory
        Aligarh Muslim University  34 & Massachusetts Ave NW
        Aligarrh UP 202 002        Washington DC 20392 5100
        India                      USA
Phone   91 571 401 001             1 202 653 1541
Fax                                1 202 653 1497
Telex   564230mu in                
E-mail                             dick@ariel.usno.navy.mil

2. Resolutions concerning history of astronomy adopted by the XXII and
General Assembly of the IAU, The Hague, The Netherlands, August 15-27,

Resolution No. B2 on Funding the Archival Organization of the
International Astronomical Union

proposed by Commission 41

The XXIInd General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union

Noting that the International Astronomical Union allocated funds for
preparation of the "History of the IAU" by Prof. Blaauw, not all of which
has been spent,

Suggests to the Executive Committee that these remaining funds be used for
the archival organisation and cataloguing of the early IAU files in
preparation for depositing them in a suitable archive.

Resolution No. B10 on the Preservation of Astronomical Relics

proposed by Commission 41

The XXIInd General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union

Considering the scientific, historical and practical importance of the
measurement of the arc of meridian made by F.G.W. Struve,

Urges the Executive Committee of the IAU to approach the governments of
the following countries: Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia,
Lithuania, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland and Moldavia, which still possess
relics of that enterprise, with a view to taking all possible steps to
preserve those relics, including an approach to UNESCO to declare them to
be world-heritage sites.

     UNESCO = United Nations Educational, Scientific and
              Cultural Organization

3. Resolution adopted by Commission 41 at the XXII Assembly of the IAU

Resolution C4 on Search for and Inventory of Existing Archives

Commission 41

Noting that Prof. Blaauw's recent "History of the IAU" shows the great
value of astronomical archives,

Encourages search for and inventory for all archives related to the
history of the IAU, to be undertaken by members at their home institutions
and other places and reported to Commission 41.

Source: IAU Information Bulletin No. 74, Jan. 1995
(URL: http://www.lsw.uni-heidelberg.de/iau/IB.html)

For more information about Comm. 41 at the IAU GA 1995 see:
S. Debarbat: Commission 41 at The Hague General Assembly of the IAU.
In: J. Hist. Astron. 26 (1995) 1, p. 90-91

Item 2                                            ENHA No. 10,  May 8, 1995

A New Working Group for the History of Astronomy 

By Alina Eremeeva, Moscow

The Eurasian (formerly, Soviet) Astronomical Society was founded in the
spring of 1990. Its Working Group for the History of Astronomy has been
established during the EAAS Council Board meeting on May 31, 1994, in

Aims of the working group are:

    - Organizing scientific meetings,
    - Exchanging information about publications and activities in the
      field of the history of astronomy with other similar groups,
    - Undertaking joint projects.

The working group is open for all who are interested in the history of 
astronomy and ready to contribute to the group programs fulfilling.

The Conference "Astronomers, Astronomy and the World War II" in April 1995
at Pulkovo (cf. EMA 7) is being organized on the initiative of this
working group. This conference is really the first big action of the
group. Besides, we plan to organize workshops, round tables, etc. on
different topics concerning history of astronomy, such as social problems
in the history of astronomy, the question of the astronomical picture of
the Universe and its evolution, astronomy of different ages and peoples,

We are highly interested in establishing and maintaining contacts with all
persons/groups interested in history of astronomy.

Dr. Alina Eremeeva, Sternberg Astronomical Institute,
Universitetskij Prospekt 13, 119899 Moscow, Russia
E-mail: alina@sai.msk.su (for large messages: boch@astronomy.msk.su)

Item 3                                            ENHA No. 10,  May 8, 1995

15 Years of Rebuilding the Oldest Observatory of Mecklenburg in Remplin

By Dietmar Fuerst, Berlin

In the small village of Remplin, between Malchin and Teterow, the ruins of
an 18th century observatory are located. It was erected about 1793 by
Count Friedrich von Hahn (1742-1805). The original garden house was
architectually completed in 1801 by the observatory tower. The
instrumental equipment of the Hahn Observatory (the "Oxen Tower" in the
common tongue of the inhabitants of Remplin) was very generous. In
addition to the instruments used for determining star positions, the Cary
Circle and the Dollond Meridian Telescope, there where also powerful
reflectors on hand.

The Cary Circle was a full circle with a diameter of 25 inches. Its
telescope had a focus length of 33 inches and an aperture of two inches.
It had been adjusted by the help of a meridian pillar, which stood out in
the field. This pillar, which has withstood the tides of time up until
today, will be placed in the next couple of years in the vicinity of the
observatory's tower. The Cary Circle, along with the four-inch meridian
telescope, and a one-inch universal equatorial, all went after Hahn's death
by procurement of the director of the Berlin Observatory, Johann Elert Bode
(1747-1826), to Koenigsberg.

There, the instruments were used beginning from 1810 as the main
instruments of the newly built University Observatory chaired by Friedrich
Wilhelm Bessel (1784-1846). Especially the two telescopes mentioned above
first belonged to the instruments allowing the highest precision in
determining the positions of the stars. Through the correspondence between
Bessel and Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855) and Heinrich Wilhelm Olbers
(1758-1840), we are privileged with a unique look into Bessel's opinion
about these instruments. Bessel speaks very highly of the Hahn
instruments. The Cary Circle can be found today in the German Museum
(Deutsches Museum) in Munich and is integrated into the new Astronomy

Alltogether, Bessel inherited seven instruments from the estate of Count
Hahn (in addition to the already named instruments, he also received a
comet-finder, two mirror-based sextants, and a pendulum-clock). With that,
it can be said that the Koenigsberg Observatory was almost totally fitted
with the remnants of the Remplin Observatory.

In addition to the precision instruments, F. v. Hahn also possessed three
relectors, whose mirrors were made by none other than Friedrich Wilhelm
Herschel (1738-1822) himself. Next to the huge mirrors of Hieronymus
Schroeter (1745-1816) in Lilienthal and Gottlieb Friedrich Schrader
(1763-1833) in Kiel the Hahn reflectors were the largest on the European
Continent. The two large telescopes had a length of 20 feet and apertures
of 18 and 12 inches, resp. The parameters of the smaller reflector were
seven feet of focal length and eight inches of aperture. On the
whereabouts of these "optical giants" there are controversial reports.

The Remplin Observatory was the first astronomical observatory in
Mecklenburg. Unfortunately, it was only used for observation up until the
death of the count on the 9 October 1805. In the year 1842 for unknown
reasons the turnable dome was replaced by a fixed one. The further erosion
of this observatory began in 1857 with the demolition of the main building.
Now only the tower remains, which have got stairs on the outside, and has
in the following decades been used as an observation platform. In the last
days of the Second World War it was badly damaged. In the following years
the ongoing destruction through vandalism has eroded the tower even
further, so that as we (then as a school-work project group, and now as a
society) saw it for the first time, only stood as a ruined structure, which
could collapse at any moment.

It began a long journey with the various administrative bodies up until the
moment when our work became acknowledged as useful by the then appropriate
departments. In the beginning years we cleared away a large amount of
rubble, and took measurements of the area of the observatory. On this
basis a plan for preservation could be worked out. Since 1985 the major
concern there had been the condition of the site, and only after this the
slow rebuilding could start. The retrieval of building material for the
site often portrayed a nearly unsolvable task. Old barnes intended for
demolition were our prefered sources. If we compare the time in the
earlier period to the time now, and take into account that during the GDR's
period there was money for rebuilding such structures, but hardly any
material, it appears that the tables are now opposite, because today money
turns out to be the outstanding factor, not material.

However, since the end of the eighties, the political representatives and
the administrative authorities of Remplin appreciate our work. The second
floor is now complete, and we are confident that in the next few years the
upper floor along with the main rotating dome will be completed by our
group. A plan has been made fixing the necessary work until completion, as
well as describing which parts can be taken over by our society and which
have to be realized by specialized firms. We hope that this cultural and
historical monument could be rebuilt up to the 200th birthday of the tower
and eventually be utilized again as a fully functional observatory.

(Remark of the editor: Dietmar Fuerst is chairman of the Foerderverein
der Rempliner Sternwarte e.V. [Society of Friends of Remplin Observatory];
Address: Archenhold-Sternwarte, Alt-Treptow 1, D-12435 Berlin-Treptow,
Germany, Telephon: 030/231 80 80, FAX: 030/231 80 83)

Item 4                                            ENHA No. 10,  May 8, 1995

Biographical Volume on Scientists at the Universities of Strasbourg

By Elisabeth Crawford and Josiane Olff-Nathan, Strasbourg

HISA (History of Science and Scientific Institutions in Alsace) is a
long-term research program coordinated by GERSULP (the Groupe d'Etude et
de Recherche sur la Science at the Universit Louis Pasteur) in Strasbourg,
France. The HISA broader network now counts some 60 individuals in France,
Germany, the United States, Canada and Russia. HISA is based on the idea
that the way French and German policies have alternated in Alsace for over
a century makes this region a particularly appropriate field, a
"laboratory" so to speak, for studying social influences on the
development of the sciences.

We are now preparing a volume about scientists (and some non-scientists)
who worked at any of Strasbourg universities, 1872 to the present. There
has been two German universities (1870-1919 and 1940-1944) and three
French (1919-1939, 1939-1945 in Clermont-Ferrand, and 1945 to the
present). The volume - to be published in French and German - will use
biographical materials to illustrate the following themes: 1) the
Strasbourg universities as a showcase for French or German science policy;
2) the influence of the Alsatian context (for instance, bilingualism) on
scholarly work at the Strasbourg universities; and 3) the incidence of the
Strasbourg experience on careers.

We are currently seeking expressions of interest from those who have
worked on individuals in science, mathematics, social science, or the
humanities associated with any of the Strasbourg universities. The stay at
the university does not have to be long or the individuals prominent in
their fields; they could just as well be students as professors. The main
criterion of selection is the impact the Strasbourg experience had on the
person or the person on Strasbourg. If you want to make a suggestion send
us a biographical sketch of 10 to 20 lines including a sentence or two
explaining why you think this individual qualifies for inclusion.
Prospective authors will be invited to a meeting in Strasbourg in the
early summer or fall of 1995 at which all the biographical materials will
be presented and discussed. For expressions of interest and/or further
information contact GERSULP, 7 rue de l'Universite, 67000 Strasbourg,
France: Josiane Olff-Nathan, Tel. 33-88 52 80 60, Fax. 88 52 80 57, email
 or Elisabeth Crawford, Tel. 33-88 36 98 41, Fax
88 52 80 57, email .

Item 5                                            ENHA No. 10,  May 8, 1995

SETIQuest - A New Periodical

SETIQuest is a new quarterly print/electronic mail (E-mail) periodical
containing news, technical information, and tutorials devoted to
bioastronomy and its subset, SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial

SETIQuest is published for professionals, serious amateur astronomers, and
individuals curious about this fascinating field of observation.
SETIQuest fills the need for a specialized astronomical publication
devoted exclusively to the on-going search for evidence of life in the
Universe. Such evidence could be intentional or inadvertent signals of
other civilizations.  Such evidence could be found in spectral signatures
of biological activity on extrasolar planets or in the interstellar

SETIQuest is written and edited for the scientifically literate individual
taking part in the progress of our technological civilization, with
articles by amateur and professional scientists. SETIQuest includes
information about hands-on observational programs that can be carried out
by individuals and groups of amateur astronomers at radio and optical

SETIQuest is filled with articles covering topics such as:

* Tutorials about bioastronomy and SETI
* Microwave or optical SETI as practiced by amateurs
* "Do-it-yourself" participation in bioastronomy and SETI activities
* Book reviews
* Regular commentary on issues relevant to SETI and bioastronomy:

    SETI and the political milieu

    Philosophical issues regarding the prospects of success and 
       failure in the search

    SETI as a parable of science versus pseudo science

    Publications Watch: summaries of recent scientific/general 
       publications relevant to SETI

SETIQuest deals also with astronomy history. The third issue's feature
article is on the history of the Ohio State University SETI project by Dr.
Robert Dixon due for May 1995. There are plans on other historical papers
in near future issues.

For your FREE issue of SETIQuest (Volume 1, Number 1), send us your postal
address by fax, E-mail, or conventional mail to:

     SETIQuest Inquiries, Department AS
     Helmers Publishing
     174 Concord Street
     Peterborough, NH  03458-0874
     Telephone: (603) 924-9621  FAX (603) 924-7408
     Internet E-mail: sqinqnet@pixelacres.mv.com

(This text has been communicated by Larry Klaes ,
Editor of SETIQuest Magazine)

Item 6                                            ENHA No. 10,  May 8, 1995

Conference Calendar 1995/96

4 May 1995, Berlin, Germany
History of science colloqium on the occasion of the 500th birthday of 
Peter Apian
Place: Archenhold Observatory Berlin-Treptow, Kleiner Hoersaal
Lectures by W.Kokott, R.Witzlau, J.Hamel and U.Reich
(Archenhold-Sternwarte Berlin-Treptow, Alt-Treptow 1, D-12435 Berlin,
Germany, Tel.: 030-2318080)

22 - 25 June 1995, Notre Dame, USA
Second Biennial History of Astronomy Workshop
(Dr. Michael J. Crowe, Program of Liberal Studies, University of Notre
Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556, USA, e-mail Michael.J.Crowe.1@nd.edu, 
phone 219-272-3426;
Dr. Steven J. Dick, U. S. Naval Observatory, 3450 Massachusetts Ave. NW,
Washington, DC 20392-5420, USA, e-mail dick@ariel.usno.navy.mil, 
phone 202-653-1541)

30 July - 3 August 1995, Berlin, Germany
Conference "History of General Relativity"
(Max-Planck-Institut fuer Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Wilhelmstr. 44,
D-10117 Berlin, Germany, Tel.: (030) 22667-0, Fax: (030) 22667-299,
E-mail: mpifw@mpib-berlin.mpg.d400.de)

23 - 28 September 1995, Prague, Czechia
XIV Scientific Instrument Symposium of the IUHPS Scientific Instrument
Place: National Technical Museum Prague
(Dr. Jaroslav Folta, Narodni Technicke Muzeum, Kostelni 42, 17078 Praha 7,
Czech Republic, Fax: + 42 2 379 151)

17 - 19 Januar 1996, Riga, Latvia
18th Baltic Conference on History of Science
Principal subjects: 1. Peculiarities of the science functioning in a big
and small country: experience of the Baltic countries; 2. Formation of the
national universities and the academies of sciences in the Baltic states.
Plenary sessions and meetings of 6 sections: general problems of science;
universities; physical and technical sciences; natural sciences;
engineering sciences; medicine.
Applications and abstracts not later than 1 May 1995 to:
Prof. J.Stradins, Turgeneva iela 19, LV 1524 Riga, Latvia, Fax:
371-2-228784, 371-8821153, E-mail: lra@ac.lra.lv

1 - 4 August 1996, London, UK
Annual meeting of the Society for the History of Technology
Place: Forum Hotel in Gloucester Road, near the Science Museum
Program Committee chair: Peter Morris, The Science Museum, London SW7 2DD, 
United Kingdom; FAX: 44 171 938 9736; e-mail: p.morris@ic.ac.uk

Item 7                                            ENHA No. 10,  May 8, 1995

New Books

Balibar, Francois: Einstein. Die Leidenschaft des Denkens [The passions
of thought]. Ravensburg: Ravensburger Buchverlag, 1995. 160 pp., 160
illus., ISBN 3-473-51049-1, Pb DM 19.80 (= Abenteuer Geschichte, 49)
[Translation of: F.Balibar, Einstein - La joie de la pensee, Paris 1993]

Bartusiak, Marcia: Through a Universe darkly: A cosmic tale of ancient
ethers, dark matter, and the fate of the Universe. New York:
Harper-Collins Publishers, 1993. Pp. xvi, 383, bibl., index
[a general history of and popular introduction to astronomy]
   Review:  J.N.Tatarewicz: Mercury 24 (1995) 1, 36-37

Chaikin, A.: A man on the Moon: The voyages of the Apollo astronauts.
London: Michael Joseph, 1994. Pp. 670, GBP 17.99

Ehtreiber, Joerg; Hohenester, Adolf; Rath, Gerhard: Der kosmische
Traeumer. Johannes Kepler - die andere Seite [The Cosmic Dreamer.
Johannes Kepler - The other side]. Graz: Leykam Buchverlag, 1994. 80
illus., ISBN 3-7011-7291-9, DM 44.80 / OeS 298.00
[On the mythology and astrology of Johannes Kepler; original texts by
Kepler on the themes: autobiographical documents, geometry, numbers,
harmonies, astrology, world-soul, dreams, belief]

Ferguson, Kitty: Das Universum des Stephen W. Hawking. Eine Biographie
[The Universe of Stephen W. Hawking. A Biography]. 2nd ed. Duesseldorf:
Econ Taschenbuch Verlag, 1994. 248 pp., 20 illus., ISBN 3-612-26086-3,
Pb DM 14.90 (= ETB - Econ Sachbuch, 26086)

Fields, J.V.; James, F.A.J.L. (Eds.): Renaissance and revolution.
Humanists, scholars, craftsmen and natural philosophers in early modern
Europe.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994. Pp. 291, 
ISBN 0-521-43427-0, GBP 37.50/$ 49.95 (hb)
[contains also some essays on astronomically-related topics; among these
Mary Winkler and Albert Van Helden on Johannes Hevelius]
   Review:  A.Chapman: The Observatory 115 (1995) 1124, 49

Georg Samuel Doerffel (1643-1688). Theologe und Astronom.
Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium "Georg Samuel Doerffel und seine Zeit",
23./24. Oktober 1993 in Plauen (Vogtl.)  [Georg Samuel Doerffel
(1643-1688). Theologian and astronomer. Scientific colloqium "Georg
Samuel Doerffel and his time", 23/24 October 1993 in Plauen (Vogtland)].
Plauen: Vogtland-Verlag, 1994. 163 pp., ISBN 3-928828-12-6, Pb DM 24.80
[With history of astronomy contributions by Elvira Pfitzner, Juergen
Hamel, Johann Dorschner and Andreas M. Hinz]

Gotstedter, Anton von (Hrsg.): Ad radices. Festband zum fuenfzigjaehrigen
Bestehen des Instituts fuer Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften der Johann
Wolfgang Goethe-Universitaet Frankfurt am Main [Commemorative volume to the
fiftieth anniversary of the Institute for History of Science of the Johann
Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main]. Stuttgart: Franz
Steiner Verlag, 1994. XIV, 608 pp., ISBN 3-515-06327-7, Hb c. DM 168.00
[Contains 5 contributions dedicated to the institute, 10 to history of
astronomy, 8 to astronomical instruments (especially astrolabia), 6 to
history of mathematics, and 13 to other science history problems]

Kay, Richard: Dante's Christian astrology. Philadelphia: University of
Pennsylvenia Press, 1994. Pp. xii, 395, ill., 24 cm, bibl., indexes, 
ISBN 081223233X (= Middle Ages series) 

Laplace, Pierre-Simon: Philosophical Essay on Probabilities. Translated
from the fifth French edition of 1825. Notes by A.I.Dale. Berlin,
Heidelberg, New York: Springer-Verlag, 1994. Pp. XVIII, 270, 3 figs.,
ISBN 3-540-94349-8, Hb DM 108.00
(= Sources in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences, Vol. 13)   

Reston Jr., James: Galileo: A life. New York: Harper-Collins Publishers,
1994. Pp. 336, ISBN 0-06-016378-X, $ 25.00 (hb)
   Review:  I.Howard-Duff: J. Brit. Astron. Assoc. 105 (1995) 1, 10

Sharratt, M.: Galileo: Decisive innovator. Oxford, England: Blackwell
Scientific Publications, 1994. Pp. 297, GBP 19.99

Shephard, A.; Slayton, D.: Moon shot: The inside story of America's race
to the Moon. Washington, D.C.: Turner Publishing, 1994. Pp. 383, $ 21.95

Wheeler, John Archibald: At home in the Universe. New York: American
Institute of Physics, 1994. Pp. 371, ISBN 0-883-18862-7, 
GBP 21.50/ $ 24.95 (hb)
[contains speeches, poems, biographical memoirs, and papers reflecting
on issues in physics]
   Review:  C.Jenkins: The Observatory 115 (1995) 1124, 55

Yatskiv, Yaroslav Stepanovich (Ed.): 50 rokiv Golovnij Astronomichnij
Observatoriji. Main Astronomical Observatory 50 years. Kyjiv, 1994. 
Pp. 320, ill., ISBN 5-7702-0901-1
[Essays on the history and the recent research areas of the
Main Observatory of the Ukrainian Akademy of Sciences at Kiev;
Most of which is in Russian, and the rest in Ukrainian]


Expression of Thanks

For information we thank: 

H.G.Duerbeck (Muenster), H.Eelsalu (Tartu, Estonia), K.-D.Herbst (Jena),
V.S.Kislyuk (Kiev, Ukraine), G.Rath (Graz, Austria), G.Wolfschmidt 



Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy (ENHA)

Published by the Working Group for the History of Astronomy in the
Astronomische Gesellschaft

A translation of "Elektronische Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte"

Editor: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick 

Translated by: Mr. Donald Bellunduno <76450.1741@compuserve.com>

All news which is not mentioned by name are editorial contributions.
Articles as well as information for the several sections will be gladly

Subscription for the ENHA is free. In order to obtain a subscription
inside Germany, one must first obtain a subscription for the
printed Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte (MA).

[Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte:

 Price: DM 1.50 / issue plus postage and packing costs 
        outside Germany: free
 Subscription: Send in DM 2.50 (one issue) or DM 5.00 (Nos. 4-5) in
               stamps to the editor
 Editor: Dr. W. R. Dick, Otterkiez 14, 
         D-14478 Potsdam, Germany, Tel.: (+331) 863199

Astronomische Gesellschaft / Astronomical Society:

Chairman: Prof. Dr. Hanns Ruder, University of Tuebingen, Theoretical
Astrophysics and Computational Physics, Auf der Morgenstelle 10, D-72076

Secretary: Dr. G. Klare, Landessternwarte, Koenigstuhl, 
D-69117 Heidelberg

Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte / Working Group for the History of

Chairman: Prof. Dr. Peter Brosche, Observatorium Hoher List der
Sternwarte der Universitaet Bonn, D-54550 Daun, Germany, 
Tel.: (+6592) 2150, Fax: (+6592) 2937

Secretary: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick, Institut fuer Angewandte Geodaesie,
Aussenstelle Potsdam, Postfach 60 08 08, D-14408 Potsdam, Germany,
Tel.: (+331) 316 619, E-mail: wdi@potsdam.ifag.de 
(in the event I am not reachable at this address, please try the following
address: dick@gfz-potsdam.de)

Treasurer: Dr. Reinhard Schielicke, Universitaetssternwarte,
Schillergaesschen 2, D-07745 Jena, Tel.: (+3641) 63 03 36,
E-mail: schie@georg.astro.uni-jena.de

Secretary for Public Relations: Dr. Gudrun Wolfschmidt, Deutsches
Museum, Museumsinsel 1, D-80538 Muenchen, Germany, Tel.: (+89) 2179 277, 
Fax: (+89) 2179 324, E-mail: t7911ac@sunmail.lrz-muenchen.de

Bank Acct. of the Working Group of the Astronomische Gesellschaft:
Acct # 261 917, Sparkasse Mannheim (BLZ 670 501 01)
Contributions from foreign countries, please sign with: "Fuer
Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte" to: acct # 162 18-203, Postgiroamt
Hamburg, BLZ 200 400 20


Addendum by the translator: 

Space Anniversaries (from the SPACE CALENDAR)

(Additions to the lists in ENHA Nos. 6, 7 and 8; 
5th, 10th and 15th anniversaries are omitted here)

			 Space Calendar
			 by Ron Baalke

December 1995
  Dec 12 - 25th Anniversary (1970), Explorer 42 Launch, 1st Orbiting X-Ray
           Astronomy Platform

March 1996
  Mar 01 - 30th Anniversary (1966), Venera 3 Impact on Venus
  Mar 04 - 215th Anniversary (1781), Herschel's Discovery of Uranus
  Mar 16 - 30th Anniversary (1966), Gemini 8 Launch
  Mar 31 - 30th Anniversary (1966), Luna 10 Launch, 1st Moon Orbiter

April 1996
  Apr 12 - 35th Anniversary (1961), 1st Man in Space, Yuri Gagarin
  Apr 17 - 20th Anniversary (1976), Helios-2 Perihelion (.29 AU from Sun)
  Apr 19 - 25th Anniversary (1971), Salyut 1 Launch, 1st Space Station

The Space Calendar can be found in the World Wide Web at
URL: http://newproducts.jpl.nasa.gov/calendar/calendar.html
Please send any updates or corrections to baalke@kelvin.jpl.nasa.gov.


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Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy - Number 11

*                                                                         *
*                                                                         *
*      Published by the Working Group for the History of Astronomy        *
*                  in the Astronomische Gesellschaft                      *
*                                                                         *
*                   Number 11,  September 22, 1995                        *
*                                                                         *
*                           A translation of                              *
*                                                                         *
*                        Nr. 11,  27. Juni 1995                           *
*                                                                         *
*          Edited by: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick           *
*                                                                         *
*      Translated by: Mr. Donald Bellunduno <76450.1741@CompuServe.COM>   *
*                                                                         *


1. Lutz D. Schmadel:
   Minor Planet 4775 named in memory of Peter Andreas Hansen

2. Commemorative medals for astronomers

3. Museums, exhibits, and memorials

4. Meeting of the Working Group for the History of Astronomy at Bonn

5. Meeting on the occasion of the 200th birthday of Peter Andreas Hansen

6. Conference calendar 1995

7. New books



Addendum by the Translator / Space Calendar - July 1995

Item 1                                            ENHA No. 11, Sep 22, 1995

Minor Planet 4775 named in memory of Peter Andreas Hansen

by Lutz D. Schmadel, Heidelberg

The Minor Planet with the preliminary designation 1927TC, found by Max Wolf
on 3 October 1927 at Heidelberg-Koenigsstuhl, has recently received the
designation (4775) Hansen in memory of Peter Andreas Hansen (1795-1874),
leading theoretical astronomer of the nineteenth century, on the occasion
of the 200th anniversary of his birth. Born in Tondern, Schleswig, he
became director of the Seeberg Observatory near Gotha {see planet (1346)
in 1825. His most important work was the improvement of the theories and
tables of the orbits of the principal bodies in the solar system. Hansen's
lunar theory -- yielding a very accurate new value of the astronomical unit
-- was used for the Nautical Almanac until 1922. He invented the method of
perturbations in coordinates. Simon Newcomb (see planet 855), who
continued his work, considered Hansen the greatest master of celestial
mechanics since Laplace {see planet (4628)}. The name was proposed by
L.K.Kristensen and endorsed by L.D.Schmadel.

Item 2                                            ENHA No. 11, Sep 22, 1995

Commemorative medals for astronomers

The Sparkasse Plauen has offered, through a special pressing, a medal to
honor Georg Samuel Doerffel (1643-1688). The front side displays a
portrait of the priest / astronomer and the flip side depicts the Doerffel
memorial in Plauen. The press has produced 500 medals in fine silver,
which will be offered to the public at DM 55, and there will also be 15
medals offered in fine gold, at DM 850. Diameter of the medal is 35 mm.
Address of the savings bank: Sparkasse Plauen, Bahnhofstr. 61, 
D-08523 Plauen, Germany, Fax# 03741/2900-312

To commemorate the centre and the castle of the village Prohlis (today
belonging to Dresden) after it's unfortunate demolition in 1975 and 1985,
resp., a medal has been produced by the Dresdner Bank and the Museum at
Prohlis. The front side displays the farm which was saved from the
demolition with the castle's tower in the background. On the reverse side
there is a depiction of the farmer / astronomer Johann Georg Palitzsch
(1723-1788). It has been produced in pure silver, for DM 35.00 (with case
DM 40.00), and in pewter, with case DM 8.00; diameter of the medal is 
30 mm.
Address: Heimat- and Palitzsch-Museum Prohlis, Gamigstrasse 24, 
D-01239 Dresden, Germany

Item 3                                            ENHA No. 11, Sep 22, 1995

Museums, exhibits, and memorials

The William Herschel Museum in Bath, England, houses itself in the former
abode of the astronomer, where he discovered the planet Uranus in 1781.
Address: 19, New King Street, Bath, BA1 2BL, U.K., Phone (0225) 311342
Opening hours: March until October daily, November through February only
on Sat / Sun, 2pm - 5pm.

The exhibit rooms of the Royal Photographic Society in Bath, England, are
displaying treasures from the archives of the society, for example, the
very first photograph, cameras and other material from the early period of
photography, among these also items from John Herschel.
Address: Milsom Street, Bath BA1 1 DN, U.K., Phone (0225) 462841
Opening hours: Daily, 9.30am - 5.30pm

The astronomy department in the Deutsches Museum at Munich was enhanced
through a new exhibit for amateur astronomy, and through the exhibit of an
original 7.5 m radio telescope of the type "Wuerzburg Riese" in the
museum's open-air area after 3 years of restoration work. After 1945, the
field of radioastronomy became operational with telescopes of this type.
The telescope on display has observed radio waves from the sky at
Dwingeloo, the Netherlands, up until the 1960's. Together with two other
radio telescopes of similar type, it was able to detect the spiral
structure of the Milky Way, and to investigate it thoroughly (1954).  In
addition, solar radio signals were also explored, e.g., during bursts of
the solar corona (1961). The name "Wuerzburg Riese" is a German code word
from the Second World War for a radar instrument, which included besides
other parts of the device (transmitter, receiver, etc.) a parabolic

The cartographic department of the Staatsbibliothek (State Library) at
Berlin displays several terrestrial and celestial globes. Among them are
two celestial globes by Johann Gabriel Doppelmayr (Nuernberg 1730), and by
Carl Ferdinand Welland (Weimar 1831-32).
Address: Staatsbibliothek, Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Haus 2,
Potsdamer Str. 33, D-10785 Berlin, Germany, Phone (030) 266-2839/2838
Opening hours of the cartographic department: Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm, 
Sat 9am - 1pm

During a visit of the Castle Eltz near Wierschem, Kreis (district)
Mayen-Koblenz (Land Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany), one should pay attention in
the Schatzkammer (treasury) also to the astronomical ornamental
instruments: three small terrestrial, planetary, and celestial globes by
Abraham Drentwett II (Augsburg around 1685), sculpted from the figures of
Hercules, Chronos and Atlas. They are made of silver, and partly overlaid
with gold. Their total hight is approximately 22 cm. There is also an
equatorial table sundial with a minute hand, which belonged to the
collection of Philipp Carl of Eltz (1665-1743), Kurfuerst (prince elector)
of Mainz and Reichs-Erzkanzler (arch-chancellor of the German Reich). The
sundial, in the exhibit falsely called a sextant, was put together in
Dresden around 1735.
Literature about the globes: Werner Kummer, Liste alter Globen ...
In: Der Globusfreund 28-29 (1980) p. 67, 31/32 (1983) 15, 40/41 (1992) 89.

On the 22nd of August 1995 at 4pm the redesigned department "History of
Surveying" was reopened in the Museum fuer Kunst und Kulturgeschichte
(Museum of Art and Cultural History) in Dortmund, Germany (Hansastr. 3).
It includes also interesting items from the history of astronomy (cf.
Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte No. 4, p. 3).
The new opening hours are: Tues - Sun 10am - 5pm.

The London Science Museum is displaying on a 100 sq. m floor space an
exhibit portraying the development of the mirror telescope in the 19th
century (metal mirrors and early glass mirrors). Among the items is a
model of the famous telescope of the observatory Birr Castle, in Ireland,
the diameter of which measured 1.80 m.  Also on display is an original
metal mirror by William Parsons, Third Earl of Rosse (1800-1867).

With the title "400 years of Mercator - 400 years of atlases" the
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Bavarian State Library) of Munich presented
from the depths of its collections from the 5th of April until the 1st of
July 1995 an exhibit dedicated to the history of the atlas from the
beginnings up until the satellite-based atlas, and also including the
development of star atlases.
For additional information: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Ludwigstr. 16,
Muenchen, Phone: 089/286380, Fax: 089/2368293.

"...  und sie bewegt sich doch - Astronomie im alten Buch" ("... and they
*are* in movement - astronomy in old books") was the title of an exhibit of
the University Library of Augsburg in the Stadtsparkasse Augsburg,
Halderstr. 3, from the 30th of May up until the 14th of July 1995.

The Deutsches Schiffahrtsmuseum (German Museum of Shipping) at Bremerhaven
invited from 6 May to 10 September 1995 to the exhibit "From sailors to
astronauts - navigation from 1500 to 2000".
Address: Van-Ronzelen-Str., D-27568 Bremerhaven, Germany

"The World in Your Hands" was an exhibit of the Museum Boerhaave at Leiden,
The Netherlands, from 18 March to 24 September 1995. Catalogue in English:
Dfl 40.00, Supplement (vignettes of the globes) Dfl 5.00.

"The Earth & the Heavens - The Art of the Mapmaker" is an exhibit by the
British Library Galleries in the British Museum (Great Russell, London,
WC1) from the 7th of July until the 22th of October 1995. Among the items
are numerous celestial charts. Catalogue: Peter Whitfield, The Mapping of
the Heavens, British Library, [1995, in print]. Peter Whitfield, The
Image of the World, British Library, 1994. For further information in the
WWW: http://portico.bl.uk/exhibitions/maps/overview.html

"100 Jahre Roentgenstrahlen" ("100 years of X-rays") is the name of the
exhibit of the Julius Maximilians University at Wuerzburg, Germany, which
will be on display from the 14th February until the 19th of November 1995
in the Martin von Wagner Museum (Southern wing of the Residenz). Besides
displays about W.C.Roentgen and his discovery also X-ray astronomy is 
Opening hours: daily 10am to 6pm, closed on Mondays.  
Catalogue to the exhibit: DM 28.00.
Address for further information: Geschaeftsstelle fuer das Roentgenjahr, 
Sanderrring 2, D-97070 Wuerzburg, Tel. 0931/51573, Fax 0931/17840,
e-mail address: planung@zv.uni-wuerzburg. 
The Physikalisches Institut of the University, Am Hubland, displays more
items from the Nachlass of Roentgen.  Opened Monday to Friday.

In order to celebrate the 500th birthday of Peter Apian an exhibit is on
display in the Stadtmuseum (city museum) at Ingolstadt, Germany, from the
7th of October and will continue up until the end of November 1995. It
portrays Apian as mathematician, book-printer, publisher, geographer,
cartographer, astronomer, university instructor, collector of inscriptions,
builder of instruments, publisher of a book on physics, friend of the
Kaiser, "Hofmarksherr" and "Pfalzgraf" (Count Palatine). Included in the
components of the exhibition is the Astronomicum Caesareum, a master piece
in the art of printing.
Address: Auf der Schanz 45, D-85049 Ingolstadt, Phone 0841/305-1905. 
Opening hours: Tues - Sat 9am - 12am and 1pm - 5pm /  Sun 10am - 5pm
There will be an anniversary edition including an exhibits catalogue.

The Norman Lockyer Observatory in Sidmouth, England, holds several
historical instruments such as a 10 inch refractor with a 12 inch
photographic tube by Howard Grubb (Dublin). The observatory was founded by
Sir Norman Lockyer (1836 - 1920) in the year 1912 and served up until 1961
astrophysical research. Since 1989 it has been used as a people's
observatory. Fall 1995 will signify the opening of a new building, which
will include a larger planetarium. There will also be an exhibit room
dedicated to Lockyer and especially focusing upon his spectroscopic
Address:  Salcombe Hill, Sidmouth, Devon EX10 0NY, U.K.

In Linz, where Johannes Kepler lived from 1611 until 1626, there has
existed since 1957 on the facade of the Altes Rathaus (old town hall) a
medaillon with the portrait of the astronomer. The building is presently
going through a renovation and revitilization. The Austrian
Bundesdenkmalamt (Federal Department for Preservation of Historic
Monuments) has not yet decided, whether or not the medallion will be placed
up on the side of the Rathaus again after the restorations. - When one
visits Linz one should also pay attention to the astronomical clock on the
tower of the Altes Rathaus, as well as to a memorial tablet which stems
from the year 1943. The latter is displayed over the entrance to the house
(Rathausgasse 5) in which Johann Kepler once lived in 1625. On the
occasion of Kepler's 400th birthday in 1971 the octagonal pavilion with a
statue of Johann Kepler was re-errected in the park at Roemerstrasse
(between the castle's museum entrance and Martins church). Formerly the
pavilion was standing at another place. The statue is a copy of the wooden
plastic in the hallway of the observatory Kremsmuenster. In addition, the
Hochschule (college) of Linz has officially been named the "Alma mater
Kepleriana" the same year. Also, in Linz there is a street named after
Kepler ("Keplergasse").
(Sources: Martin Schwarzbach, "Auf den Spuren unserer Naturforscher",
Stuttgart 1981; Fritz Mayrhofer, "Linz", Wien und Muenchen 1984; WWW:
letter by Senatsrat Dr. Mayrhofer, Archiv der Stadt Linz, of 2 May 1995)

On the 17th of June, 1995 the Bund Deutscher Vermessungsingenieure,
Landesgruppe Thueringen, and the Deutscher Verein fuer Vermessungswesen,
Landesverband Thueringen, invited for the unveiling of a memorial in memory
of Peter Andreas Hansen on the Grosser Inselsberg (the highest mountain of
the Thueringer Wald). This plaque should serve for the commemoration about
the merits of the astronomer and geodesist for the triangulation in the
Herzogtum Gotha.

Item 4                                            ENHA No. 11, Sep 22, 1995

Meeting of the Working Group for the History of Astronomy at Bonn

The Meeting of the Working Group within the framework of the Fall Meeting
of the Astronomische Gesellschaft took place on the 18th of September, 1995
in Bonn. The meeting and lectures began at 2pm. As in previous years,
short summarys of the lectures are published in AG Abstract Series (No.
11, 1995).  

The place where the conference took place was the old observatory between
Poppelsdorfer Allee, the Argelanderstrasse, and Bonner Talweg, not far from
the main train station. This was built between 1840 and 1846. Karl
Friedrich Schinkel took part in it's planning and construction.
Unfortunately, it is not used by astronomers today. Just the separate dome
is occupied by the Bonn People's Observatory. During the morning of the
18th of September there was a possibility to view the historic instruments
of the old observatory (among them the heliometer, which is nearly
identical to the famous heliometer of Bessel) which are on display at the
Astronomical Institutes of the University in Bonn-Endenich, Auf dem Huegel

During a stay at Bonn, one can visit the grave of Argelander at the Old
Cemetary, and that of Felix Hausdorff at the old Poppelsdorf Cemetary.
To be seen is also the Alter Zoll (Old Customs), a platform which looks out
over the Rhein River, where Argelander built his first provisional
pavilion for observations of the stars.

Information on this conference are available on the World Wide Web at the 
following address:

Item 5                                            ENHA No. 11, Sep 22, 1995

Meeting on the occasion of the 200th birthday of Peter Andreas Hansen

Gotha, September 16-17, 1995

A common meeting of the society Historische Sternwarten Gotha e.V., the
Akademie gemeinnuetziger Wissenschaften zu Erfurt and the Working Group for
the History of Astronomy.

Saturday, 16 Sept., 2:30 PM
Place: Arnoldischule (Staatl. Gymnasium Gotha), Eisenacher Str. 5

M. Strumpf: The Biography

O. Schwarz: The archival situation

W. R. Dick: Otto Struve on the relationship of Argelander and Hansen

J. Kiefert: The Erfurt Academy of Sciences and astronomy - 
   Accomplishments and possibilities

R. Bien: The celestial mechanic

H. Lenhardt: Hansen and geodesy

H.-J. Kummer: Timekeepers and time measurements


Sunday, 17 Sept., 9.30 AM
Meeting point: Southerly entrance to the yard in the castle Friedenstein 
(parking place)

Observatory at Jaegerstrasse; Cartographic Museum; Research Library; 
Seeberg (place of the old observatory)

Contact address: Manfred Strumpf, Heinoldsgasse 10, D-99867 Gotha,
Tel.: 03621-402 485

Information on this conference are available on the World Wide Web at the 
following address:

Item 6                                            ENHA No. 11, Sep 22, 1995

Conference Calendar 1995

July, Chetumal, Mexico
Third International Mayanists Congress, including a session on Mayan
astronomy and calendrics
Chairman: Stanislaw Iwaniszewski, Mexico City

3 - 8 July, Paris, France
IAU Symposium 172: Dynamics, Ephemerides ans Astrometry in the Solar
system, on occation of the bicentennial of the Bureau des Longitudes,
inludes also historical papers
(Dr. Jean-Eudes Arlot, Bureau des Longitudes, 77 ave Denfert Rochereau,
F-75014 Paris, E-mail: arlot@bdl.fr)

5 - 11 August, Mexico City, Mexico
17th International Congress of History of Religions, including a symposium
on the relation between the Andean cults and the sky-lore
Chairman: Mariusz Ziolkowski, e-mail andyuw@plearn.edu.pl

20 - 22 September, Bonn, Germany
Meeting of the Driburg Circle (for students, doctoral candidates, and 
Theme: Methods in the Historiography of medicin, science and technology.
Sign up until 1 August with: Martina Lorenz, Lehrstuhl fuer 
Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Universitaet Regensburg, D-93040 Regensburg

22 - 25 September, Bonn, Germany
78th annual meeting of the German Society for the History of Medicine, 
Science and Technology. 
Theme: The differences in gender in medicine, science, and technology. 
Sign up until 31 May with: Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel, Lehrstuhl
fuer Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Universitaet Regensburg, D-93040 Regensburg

29 September - 1 October, Debrecen, Hungary
VII. Astronomical-Historical National Conference and 3rd International
Sundial Conference. 
Central Theme: The history of the exploration of the sun and the sun's 
effects on the earth. 
(Judit Koczok, Koelcsey Mueveloedesie Koezpont, Hunyadi u. 1-3, H-4026
Debrecen, Tel.: +3652/413977, Fax: +3652/416040, E-mail:

20 - 21 October, Binghamton, New York 
CEMERS XXIX Annual Conference: Christine de Pizan: Texts/ Intertexts/
Contexts Papers may be delivered in French or English. 
Send proposals concerning astronomy, astrology, cosmology or related
topics in Christine de Pizan or 14th Century France to: A.S. Weber,
Organizer, Special Session on Cosmology, Box 217, Department of English,
Binghamton University, Binghamton, NY 13902 - 6000, USA,
Phone: 607 - 777 - 2168, e-mail: br00126@bingsuns.cc.binghamton.edu

30 - 31 October, Nettetal (District Viersen), Germany
4. Duisburger Mercator-Symposium: The "mathematicus" - On the development 
and meaning of a new career-group in the time of Gerhard Mercator (among 
others, the theme of: The achievements of Gerhard Mercator and other 
"practical mathematicians" of the Renaissance in the areas of cartography
and astronomy, instrument building, etc. as well as their contributions to
cosmography, theology, etc.)
Languages spoken at the conference: German an English
Place: Schloss Krickenbeck
Sign up until 30th of April with: Prof. Dr. Rene Dirven,
G.-Mercator-Universitaet - GH Duisburg, Fachbereich 3, D-47048 Duisburg

Item 7                                            ENHA No. 11, Sep 22, 1995

New Books

Bowen, Robert: Universal ice: science and ideology in the Nazi state.
London: Belhaven Press, 1993. Pp. xiv, 189, illus., ISBN 1852931906

Daxecker, Franz:  Briefe des Naturwissenschaftlers Christoph Scheiner SJ an
Erzherzog Leopold V. von Oesterreich-Tirol, 1620 - 1632. [Letters of the
natural scientists Christoph Scheiner SJ to Erzherzog Leopold V. of
Austria-Tirol, 1620 - 1632] Innsbruck, 1995. 192 pp., 4 illus., 
ISBN 3-901249-21-4, oeS 220.00 / DM 35.00

[Gilligan, Gerard John:] William Lassell. [Liverpool]: Liverpool
Astronomical Society, 1994. Pp. 27 (= North West Astronomers) 

Krautter, Joachim; Sedlmayr, Erwin; Schaifers, Karl; Traving, Gerhard:
Meyers Handbuch Weltall. 7., voellig neu bearb. u. erweit. Aufl.
Mannheim, Leipzig, Wien, Zuerich: Meyers Lexikonverlag, 1994, 
ISBN 3-411-07757-3
[pp. 615-631: Tables for the History of Astronomy]

van der Krogt, Peter: Globi Neerlandici: The production of globes in the
Low Countries.  Utrecht: HES Publishers, 1993. Pp. 647, illus., part in
colour, ISBN 90-6194-138-5, GBP 335.00 [sic]
[Weight 3.8 kg; edition limited to 1000 copies; available via Sotheby's
Books, PO Box 521, Kempston, Bedford MK42 7YY, UK]

Zeeberg, Peter: Den praktiske muse: Tycho Brahes brug af latindigtingen.
Kobenhavn: Museum Tusculanum, 1993. Pp. 55, ISBN 8772892552
(= Studier fra sprog- og oldtidsforskning, nr. 321)                        



For information we thank: 

J.-E.Arlot (Paris), L. Bartha (Budapest), P.Brosche (Bonn), J.B.Carlson
(Bladensburg, USA), F.Daxecker (Innsbruck), R.Dick (Elsterberg), LeRoy
Doggett (Washinghton), G.J.Gilligan (Liverpool), K.-D.Herbst (Jena),
S.Koge (Dresden), G.Lencer (Gotha), H.Rau (Berlin), J.Stegert (Bonn),
M.Strumpf (Gotha), G.Wolfschmidt (Muenchen), A.Zenkert (Potsdam), Archiv
der Stadt Linz.



Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy (ENHA)

Published by the Working Group for the History of Astronomy in the
Astronomische Gesellschaft

A translation of "Elektronische Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte"

Editor: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick 

Translated by: Mr. Donald Bellunduno <76450.1741@compuserve.com>

All news which is not mentioned by name are editorial contributions.
Articles as well as information for the several sections will be gladly

Copyright Statement:
Reproduction of single items permitted when source is indicated.

Subscription for the ENHA is free. In order to obtain a subscription
inside Germany, one must first obtain a subscription for the
printed Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte (MA).

[Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte:

 Price: DM 1.50 / issue plus postage and packing costs 
        outside Germany: free
 Subscription: Send in DM 2.50 (one issue) or DM 5.00 (Nos. 4-5) in
               stamps to the editor
 Editor: Dr. W. R. Dick, Otterkiez 14, 
         D-14478 Potsdam, Germany, Tel.: (+331) 863199

Astronomische Gesellschaft / Astronomical Society:

Chairman: Prof. Dr. Hanns Ruder, University of Tuebingen, Theoretical
Astrophysics and Computational Physics, Auf der Morgenstelle 10, D-72076

Secretary: Dr. G. Klare, Landessternwarte, Koenigstuhl, 
D-69117 Heidelberg

Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte / Working Group for the History of

Chairman: Prof. Dr. Peter Brosche, Observatorium Hoher List der
Sternwarte der Universitaet Bonn, D-54550 Daun, Germany, 
Tel.: (+6592) 2150, Fax: (+6592) 2937

Secretary: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick, Institut fuer Angewandte Geodaesie,
Aussenstelle Potsdam, Postfach 60 08 08, D-14408 Potsdam, Germany,
Tel.: (+331) 316 619, E-mail: wdi@potsdam.ifag.de 
(in the event I am not reachable at this address, please try the following
address: dick@gfz-potsdam.de)

Treasurer: Dr. Reinhard Schielicke, Universitaetssternwarte,
Schillergaesschen 2, D-07745 Jena, Tel.: (+3641) 63 03 36,
E-mail: schie@georg.astro.uni-jena.de

Secretary for Public Relations: Dr. Gudrun Wolfschmidt, Deutsches
Museum, Museumsinsel 1, D-80538 Muenchen, Germany, Tel.: (+89) 2179 277, 
Fax: (+89) 2179 324, E-mail: t7911ac@sunmail.lrz-muenchen.de

Bank Acct. of the Working Group of the Astronomische Gesellschaft:
Acct # 261 917, Sparkasse Mannheim (BLZ 670 501 01)
Contributions from foreign countries, please sign with: "Fuer
Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte" to: acct # 162 18-203, Postgiroamt
Hamburg, BLZ 200 400 20


Addendum by the Translator / Space Calendar - July 1995

                               SPACE CALENDAR

* indicates changes from last month's calendar

July 1995
  Jul ?? - MSTI-3 Pegasus Launch
* Jul ?? - TOMS Pegasus XL Launch
  Jul 29 - Delta-Aquarids Meteor Shower
* Jul 31 - DSCS Atlas 2 Launch
  Jul 31 - Ulysses, Maximum Northern Latitude (80.22 degrees)

August 1995
* Aug ?? - STS-69, Endeavour, Wake Shield Facility (WSF-2)
* Aug ?? - Vitasat-Gemstar-1 LLV1 Launch
  Aug 01 - Alpha Capricornids Meteor Shower
* Aug 01 - PAS-3R Ariane Launch
  Aug 03 - Koreasat-1 Delta 2 Launch
* Aug 03 - Interball-Tail Molniya Launch (Russian)
  Aug 04 - Space Shuttle Express Mail Stamp, First Day of Issue, Irvine,
* Aug 04 - METEOR Conestoga Launch
* Aug 05 - Neil Armstrong's 65th Birthday (1930)
* Aug 09 - Molniya-3 Molniya Launch (Russian)
  Aug 10 - 5th Anniversary (1990), Magellan Venus Orbit Insertion
  Aug 11 - Saturn Rings Edge-On from Earth's Perspective
  Aug 12 - Perseids Meteor Shower (Potential Meteor Storm)
* Aug 15 - REX-II Pegasus XL Launch
* Aug 15 - Resurs Soyuz Launch (Russian)
* Aug 16 - JSCAT Atlas IIAS Launch
  Aug 17 - 25th Anniversary (1970), Venera 7 Launch (Venus Lander)
  Aug 18 - 10th Anniversary (1985), Suisei Launch (Halley's Comet Flyby)
  Aug 20 - 20th Anniversary (1975), Viking 1 Launch (Mars Lander/Orbiter)
  Aug 21 - 30th Anniversary (1965), Gemini 5 Launch
  Aug 22 - FAST (Fast Auroral Snapshot) XL Pegasus Launch
  Aug 23 - N-Star A Ariane Launch
  Aug 29 - Galileo, Trajectory Correction Maneuver #26 (TCM-26)
* Aug 30 - SICH-1/FASAT Cyclone Launch (Russian)
  Aug 31 - XTE (X-Ray Timing Explorer) Delta 2 Launch
* Aug 31 - Cosmos Proton-K Launch (Russian)

September 1995
  Sep ?? - Panamsat 4, Amos 1 Ariane Launch
* Sep 01 - Soyuz TM-22 Launch (Russian)
  Sep 06 - Progress M-30 Launch (Russian)
  Sep 09 - 20th Anniversary (1975), Viking 2 Launch (Mars Orbiter/Lander)
  Sep 11 - 10th Anniversary (1985), ICE Flyby of Comet Giacobini-Zinner
  Sep 12 - 25th Anniversary (1970), Luna 16 Launch (Moon Sample Return)
* Sep 13 - Telstar 402R Ariane 4 Launch
  Sep 14 - Saturn at Opposition
  Sep 15 - AsiaSat 2 Long March Launch (China)
  Sep 19 - Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) Ariane 4 Launch
  Sep 20 - RADARSAT/SURFSAT-1 Delta-2 Launch (Canada)
  Sep 21 - STS-73, Columbia, Spacelab USML-2
  Sep 21 - Autumnal Equinox
* Sep 21 - Luch-1 Proton-K Launch (Russian)
  Sep 29 - Ulysses, End of 2nd Solar Passage (70.05 degrees latitude)
  Sep 29 - SWAS (Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite) XL Pegasus Launch
  Sep 30 - Ulysses, End of Primary Mission

October 1995
  Oct 06 - 5th Anniversary (1990), Ulysses Launch
  Oct 08 - Punumbral Lunar Eclipse, Visible from Asia
* Oct 08 - Workshop on Thermal Remote Sensing of Volcanoes on Io and Earth,
  Oct 09 - Draconids Meteor Shower
  Oct 11 - 50th Anniversary (1945), JPL WAC Corporal Launch (1st Man-Made
           Object to Escape Earth's Atmosphere).
  Oct 18 - Seastar Pegasus Launch
  Oct 20 - 25th Anniversary (1970), Zond 8 Launch (Russian Moon Orbit &
  Oct 22 - Orionids Meteor Shower
  Oct 22 - 20th Anniversary (1975), Venera 9 Venus Orbit Insertion & 
  Oct 24 - Solar Eclipse, Visible from Southeast Asia & Indonesia
  Oct 25 - 20th Anniversary (1975), Venera 10 Venus Orbit Insertion & 
  Oct 25 - UHF F/O 6 Atlas 2 Launch
  Oct 26 - STS-74, Atlantis, 2nd Mir Docking

November 1995
  Nov ?? - Astra 1E Ariane Launch
  Nov 01 - Echostar-1 Long March Launch (China)
  Nov 04 - Taurids Meteor Shower
  Nov 07 - SOHO (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory) Atlas-2AS Launch
  Nov 09 - Galileo, Jupiter Approach Global Image
  Nov 10 - Priroda Module Launch (Russian)
  Nov 10 - 25th Anniversary (1970), Luna 17 Launch (Russian Moon Rover)
  Nov 12 - 15th Anniversary (1980), Voyager 1, Saturn Flyby
  Nov 17 - Galileo, Trajectory Correction Maneuver #27 (TCM-27)
  Nov 17 - Leonids Meteor Shower
  Nov 18 - Saturn Rings Edge-On to the Sun, No Shadow
  Nov 22 - Progress M-31 Launch (Russian)
  Nov 23 - Asteroid 1993 WD, Near-Earth Flyby (0.1789 AU)
  Nov 27 - Galileo, Trajectory Correction Maneuver #28 (TCM-28)
  Nov 30 - STS-72, Endeavour, Space Flyer Unit Retrieval

December 1995
  Dec ?? - P91-1/Argos Delta-2 Launch
  Dec ?? - LIFESAT-03 Launch
  Dec ?? - Data Relay Satellite Launch (ESA)
  Dec ?? - Telecom 2C Ariane Launch
  Dec ?? - Koreasat-2 Delta 2 Launch
  Dec ?? - Inmarsat-3 Atlas 2A Launch
  Dec ?? - Pioneer 11, End of Mission?
  Dec 02 - Galileo, Trajectory Correction Maneuver #28A (TCM-28A)
  Dec 04 - 30th Anniversary (1965), Gemini 7 Launch
  Dec 07 - Galileo, Io Gravity Assist
  Dec 08 - Galileo, Jupiter Orbit Insertion (JOI), 12:23 AM UTC
  Dec 08 - 5th Anniversary (1990), Galileo Earth-1 Flyby
  Dec 09 - Galileo, Orbital Trim Maneuver #1 (OTM-1)
  Dec 12 - 25th Anniversary (1970), Explorer 42 Launch, 1st Orbiting X-Ray
           Astronomy Platform
  Dec 13 - Geminids Meteor Shower
  Dec 15 - 30th Anniversary (1965), Gemini 6 Launch
  Dec 15 - 25th Anniversary (1970), Venera 7, Venus landing
  Dec 16 - 30th Anniversary (1965), Pioneer 6 Launch
  Dec 19 - Galileo, Solar Conjunction
  Dec 19 - POLAR Delta Launch
  Dec 21 - Winter Solstice
  Dec 22 - Ursids Meteor Shower
  Dec 25 - Soyuz TM-23 Launch (Russian)
  Dec 29 - NOAA-K Titan 2 Launch

January 1996
  Jan ?? - VSOP Launch
  Jan 01 - 195th Anniversary (1801), Discovery of the First Asteroid 
           (Ceres) by Piazzi
  Jan 02 - Galileo, Orbital Trim Maneuver #2 (OTM-2)
  Jan 03 - Quadrantids Meteor Shower
  Jan 15 - 20th Anniversary (1976), Helios-2 Launch (Solar Orbiter)
  Jan 17 - Cluster Ariane 5 Launch (ESA/NASA)
  Jan 18 - Asteroid 1992 QN Near-Earth Flyby (0.1588 AU)
  Jan 24 - Asteroid Aten Near-Earth Flyby (0.2234 AU)
  Jan 24 - 10th Anniversary (1986), Voyager 2 Uranus Flyby
  Jan 28 - 10th Anniversary (1986), Space Shuttle Challenger Explosion
  Jan 31 - 25th Anniversary (1971), Apollo 14 Launch
  Jan 31 - 30th Anniversary (1966), Luna 9 Launch (Russian Moon Lander)

February 1996
  Feb ?? - MSX Delta 2 Launch
  Feb 01 - ADEOS/NSCAT Launch
  Feb 04 - Clyde Tombaugh's 90th Birthday (1906)
  Feb 04 - Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova Near-Earth Flyby (0.1702 AU)
  Feb 11 - Saturn, Rings Edge-On from Earth's Perspective
  Feb 14 - Chiron, Perihelion
  Feb 15 - STS-75, Columbia, Tethered Satellite System (TSS-1R)
  Feb 16 - NEAR Delta 2 Launch (Asteroid Eros Orbiter)
  Feb 19 - 10th Anniversary (1986), Mir Space Station Launch (Russian)
  Feb 22 - Venus/Moon Occultation, Visible from Hawaii

March 1996
  Mar ?? - Astra 1F Proton Launch (Russian)
  Mar 01 - 30th Anniversary (1966), Venera 3 Impact on Venus
  Mar 04 - 215th Anniversary (1781), Herschel's Discovery of Uranus
  Mar 06 - 10th Anniversary (1986), Vega 1, Comet Halley Flyby
  Mar 08 - 10th Anniversary (1986), Suisei, Comet Halley Flyby
  Mar 09 - 10th Anniversary (1986), Vega 2, Comet Halley Flyby
  Mar 11 - 10th Anniversary (1986), Sakigake, Comet Halley Flyby
  Mar 13 - 10th Anniversary (1986), Giotto, Comet Halley Flyby
  Mar 16 - 30th Anniversary (1966), Gemini 8 Launch
  Mar 21 - Galileo, Orbital Trim Maneuver #3 (OTM-3)
  Mar 21 - STS-76, Atlantis, 3rd Shuttle-Mir Mission, SPACEHAB
  Mar 28 - 10th Anniversary (1986), ICE, Comet Halley Flyby
  Mar 31 - Asteroid 1990 VA, Near-Earth Flyby (0.2253 AU)
  Mar 31 - Asteroid Bacchus, Near-Earth Flyby (0.0678 AU)
  Mar 31 - 30th Anniversary (1966), Luna 10 Launch, 1st Moon Orbiter

April 1996
  Apr 3-4 - Lunar Eclipse
  Apr 03 - ARD Ariane Launch
  Apr 12 - 35th Anniversary (1961), 1st Man in Space, Yuri Gagarin
  Apr 12 - 15th Annivesrary (1981), 1st Space Shuttle Launch, Columbia, 
  Apr 17 - 20th Anniversary (1976), Helios-2 Perihelion (.29 AU from Sun)
  Apr 17 - Partial Solar Eclipse, Visible from New Zealand
  Apr 19 - 25th Anniversary (1971), Salyut 1 Launch, 1st Space Station
  Apr 20 - Lyrids Meteor Shower
  Apr 25 - STS-77, Endeavour, SPACEHAB-4

May 1996
  May 01 - 35th Anniversary (1961), 1st US Man in Space, Alan Shephard
  May 11 - 80th Anniversary (1916), Albert Einstein's General Theory of
  May 14 - Galileo, Orbital Trim Maneuver #4 (OTM-4)
  May 18 - Asteroid 1991 JR, Near-Earth Flyby (0.1087 AU)
  May 19 - 25th Anniversary (1971), Mars 2 Launch (Russian Mars
  May 25 - 35th Anniversary (1961), John F. Kennedy's Moon Goal Speech
  May 28 - 25th Anniversary (1971), Mars 3 Launch (Russian Mars
  May 29 - Ariane-502 Launch
  May 30 - 25th Anniversary (1971), Mariner 9 Launch (Mars Orbiter)
  May 30 - 30th Anniversary (1966), Surveyor 1 Launch (Moon Soft Lander)

June 1996
  Jun ?? - LIFESAT-04 Delta 2 Launch
  Jun ?? - SMEX-07 Launch
  Jun ?? - NOAA-L Launch
  Jun 03 - 30th Anniversary (1966), Gemini 9 Launch
  Jun 04 - Galileo, Orbital Trim Maneuver #5 (OTM-5)
  Jun 11 - Asteroid Icarus Near-Earth Flyby (0.1012 AU)
  Jun 16 - Asteroid 1990MU Near-Earth Flyby (0.2499 AU)
  Jun 27 - STS-78, Columbia, Life & Microgravity Spacelab (LMS)

July 1996
* Jul ?? - NOAA-M Titan 2 Launch
* Jul 01 - Galileo, Orbital Trim Maneuver #6 (OTM-6)
* Jul 04 - Galileo, 1st Ganymede Flyby (Orbit 1)
* Jul 09 - Galileo, Orbital Trim Maneuver #7 (OTM-7)
* Jul 18 - 30th Anniversary (1966), Gemini 10 Launch
* Jul 20 - 20th Anniversary (1976), Viking 1 Mars Landing
* Jul 21 - 35th Anniversary (1961), Mercury 4 Launch
* Jul 26 - 25th Anniversary (1971), Apollo 15 Launch

      ___    _____     ___
     /_ /|  /____/ \  /_ /|     Ron Baalke         |
     | | | |  __ \ /| | | |     Jet Propulsion Lab |
  ___| | | | |__) |/  | | |__   Galileo S-Band     | Good happens.
 /___| | | |  ___/    | |/__ /| Pasadena, CA       |
 |_____|/  |_|/       |_____|/                     |


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Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy - Number 12

*                                                                         *
*                                                                         *
*      Published by the Working Group for the History of Astronomy        *
*                  in the Astronomische Gesellschaft                      *
*                                                                         *
*                    Number 12, November 17, 1995                         *
*                                                                         *
*                           A translation of                              *
*                                                                         *
*                      Nr. 12,  25. Oktober 1995                          *
*                                                                         *
*          Edited by: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick           *
*                                                                         *
*      Translated by: Mr. Donald Bellunduno <76450.1741@CompuServe.COM>   *
*                                                                         *


1. Bruce Stephenson: The History of Astronomy Collection in the 
   Adler Planetarium and Astronomy Museum at Chicago, Illinois

2. Christof Plicht: Sir Joseph Norman Lockyer and his 'Hill Observatory'

3. Rolf M. Sinclair:
   Fifth Oxford Conference on Archaeoastronomy - Updated Announcement

4. Jaroslav Folta and Vladimir Vanysek:
   International Symposium: Mysterium Cosmographicum 1596 - 1996

5. Alena Hadravova and Petr Hadrava:
   450 anniversary of the birth of Tycho Brahe - a project

6. A search for help and those who are interested

7. Exhibits

8. Conference Calendar 1996

9. New Books

10. New special issue of "Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte"



[Updated space calendar to be added to next issue]

Item 1                                            ENHA No. 12, Nov 17, 1995

The History of Astronomy Collection in the Adler Planetarium and
Astronomy Museum at Chicago, Illinois

By Bruce Stephenson, Chicago, IL, USA

        The historical collection at the Adler Planetarium and Astronomy
Museum was created in order to educate visitors about the tools of
astronomy and its related sciences, to generate interest in the history of
science, to provide a comprehensive resource for scholarly research, and to
preserve historically and artistically important scientific artifacts.

        Chicago businessman Max Adler founded the Adler Planetarium and
Astronomy Museum in 1930 in hopes that "the youth of our city, and indeed
of other cities, may through this dramatization [i.e., the Zeiss
planetarium] find new interests, fresh inspirations, and also that with
the aid of the Planetarium and Astronomical Museum, science may be
advanced." In addition to the Planetarium itself, Mr. Adler donated its
first collection, a set of about 500 astronomical, navigational and
mathematical instruments purchased from Dutch dealer Antoine W. M. Mensing.
Since its creation, the history of astronomy collection has grown to almost
2000 antique instruments, making it the third largest collection of
scientific artifacts in the world and the largest in the western
hemisphere. The collection holdings also include a modern library for the
history of astronomy, a substantial rare book library, and an extensive
collection of other astronomical works on paper.

        The Adler's Antique Instrument collection contains almost 2000
artifacts dating from the 12th through the 20th centuries, ranging from
medieval sundials and armillary spheres to Scientific Revolution planetaria
and telescopes to modern optical and navigational equipment. Although the
collection contains examples of almost every type of astronomical
instrument, it represents one of the most important collections of:

celestial globes
armillary spheres
mathematical instruments

        The Adler's collections of rare books and works on paper also offer
an extensive historical resource. The Rare Book Collection, numbering
around 2500 printed and manuscript titles, includes early works on
instrument makers and manufacturing; astronomical and cosmological texts
and tables; celestial atlases and star charts; treatises on mathematics and
its practical applications; works on optics, physics, astrology, geography
and navigation; and early encyclopedias and dictionaries. The Works on
Paper collection contains about 350 individual maps, prints, portraits,
pamphlets and broadsides, including a large number of early printed comet

        The antique instrument and works on paper collections are displayed
in several of the Planetarium's exhibits. A recently opened exhibit
explores medieval astronomy from the European and Islamic worlds, with an
emphasis on astrolabes, sundials, and armillary spheres. Other permanent
exhibits investigate topics such as early and modern navigation and
Herschel's discovery of Uranus. Temporary exhibits have presented parts of
the collection while exploring the eighteenth century revolution in
measurement, early American surveying, Galileo's telescopes, and Babylonian

Access to the Collection
        Scholars and other visitors may request access to the collection by
contacting the History of Astronomy Department. Visits may be made to the
department weekdays from 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., and the exhibits are open
daily. Visitors may also purchase photographs, slides and transparencies
of the instruments as well as photographs, slides and xeroxes of many of
the works on paper. The department's curatorial and collections staff also
welcome inquiries about the collections and the history of astronomy.

For more information, please contact:
Bruce Stephenson, Ph.D., Director
Roderick and Marjorie Webster, Curators Emeriti
Kate Desulis, Collections Manager

Department of the History of Astronomy
Adler Planetarium
1300 South Lake Shore Drive
Chicago, IL 60605

(312) 322-0594 phone
(312) 322-2257 fax

Item 2                                            ENHA No. 12, Nov 17, 1995

Sir Joseph Norman Lockyer and his 'Hill Observatory'

By Christof Plicht, Sibbesse, BRD

Joseph Norman Lockyer was born at Rugby on May, 17th 1836 to Mr. Joseph
Hooley Lockyer, a lecturer on scientific subjects at Rugby School and his
wife Anne Norman. He was educated at private schools on the Continent, and
starting in 1857 worked at the War Office. In 1870 he was appointed the
Secretary of the Duke of Devonshire's Royal Commission on Scientific
Instruction and the Advancement of Science. When the work of the
Commission was completed he was offered an appointement in the Science and
Art Departement, South Kensington, by Mr. Disraeli, the Prime Minister,
which he accepted in 1875.

While at the war office his leisure was devoted to the study of astronomy,
and while there he erected an observatory at his home in Hampstead. His
first observations were on the planet Mars, and he communicated them in
1863 to the Royal Astronomical Society, having been elected a Fellow of
that Society two years previously.

In 1861 Lockyer bought his first telescope, a refractor made by Thomas
Cooke (of 3.75 inch objective diameter). Cooke encouraged Lockyer's
interest in astronomy and in 1862 lent him a 6.25 inch objective to build a
telescope with which he was to make important observations during the next
10 years. This telescope has recently (1993) been returned to the Norman
Lockyer Observatory. In 1864, probably as a result of discussions with
William Huggins, he obtained a spectroscope of small dispersion, and turned
his attention to the sun. It was not until 1868 that Lockyer was able to
confirm the suggestion, wich he had made in 1866, that bright emission
lines from prominences of the sun could be seen at times other than during
total eclipses. The same technique had been demonstrated independently by
the french astronomer Jules Janssen, and the french Academy of Sciences
commemorated the discovery by striking a medal in honour of them both.

At the College of Chemistry in Oxford Street, London, tests were made to
reproduce the observed emission lines in the spectrum of the sun. It was
then impossible to find a source for the strong yellow line, which Lockyer
had first noticed together with Edward Franklandin in 1868, and in 1870 he
put forward the suggestion that it was due to an hypothetical element to
which he gave the name 'Helium'. It was 25 years before Ramsay was able to
find Helium in a terrestial source in the year 1895. Lockyer was knighted
in 1897 for this discovery.

Lockyer had the idea for a regular journal to report the latest advances in
all branches of science. In Messrs. Macmillan & Co he found support to
publish NATURE in 1869 with himself as its editor for half a century. The
journal with this name is still in print.

Lockyer retired from his professoral post in 1902 when the Solar Physics
Observatory was moved from Kensington to Cambridge. He was strongly
against a relocation to Cambridge since he considered that the new site
should be on a hill and away from city lights. By this time he was 76, but
then he put his energies into the establishment of the Hill Observatory at
Salcombe Regis, near Sidmouth, Devon, where his wife owned land on which
they had recently built their house.

Sir Norman Lockyer died August 16th, 1920, at Salcombe Hill, Devon.

The Hill Observatory still exists. After some years under the control of
Exeter University it is now run by amateurs as the 'Norman Lockyer
Observatory'. A lot of time and effort is spent on educating interested
persons as well as keeping the place in a good condition.  School classes
are regular visitors on Salcombe Hill. Beginning in 1994 an extension to
the already existing buildings was attached, a planetarium seating more
than 40 persons is the center part. Moving the planetrarium projector to
the new building will clear the 'Mond Dome'. This dome is planned to house
a telescope again.

The Planetarium was reopened on September 29th 1995 as the 'James Lockyer
Planetarium' by Patrick Moore. James Lockyer was the youngest son of Sir
Norman and the second director of the 'Hill Observatory'.

At the NLO there are two telescopes in use at the moment. The Kensington
Telescope was brought to Salcombe Hill by Norman Lockyer from Kensington
after retiring from his post there. It is a double instrument, both are
refracting telescopes, with a 10" (25 cm) and a 9" (23 cm) lens,
respectively. The smaller instrument is equipped with an objectiv prism
for stellar spectroscopy. The mount is driven by a mechanic clockwork as
it was 80 years ago. It requires rewinding the weight every 1.5 hours

The second telescope is known as the 'McClean Telescope'. It was built
originally in 1889 by Howard Grubb for Frank McClean and was erected at his
home 'Rusthall' near Tunbridge Wells, England. Frank McClean's son, Sir
Frances McClean, presented this instrument plus 9.000 pounds to Norman
Lockyer for his 'Hill Observatory'. The brother of Frances, W.N. McClean,
designed both domes. This instrument was refurbished in 1988 by Sinden
Optics, Newcastle upon Tyne, after the District Council had taken
responsibilities from the Exeter University. Both main lenses were stored
in the office building of the council and could not be found after the
return of the tube from the workshop. The optics most probably were
stolen, the insurance company payed for replacement manufactured by Sinden
Optics. Years later a brass mounted 10" achromat was sold by auction for
US$ 1.900 in New York. It could have been the lost McClean lens.

These two telescopes may be joined by another telescope in the coming
years. If funding allows some of the members of the NLO plan to build a
Newtonian employing a 30" (75 cm) mirror which was owned by Sir Norman.
The mirror for the scope was finished by A.A. Common, presumably in the
year 1889.

Comments by the editor:  

Christof Plicht is a member of the Sidmouth and District Astronomical
Society. The idea for this contribution to "Electronic Newsletter for the
History of Astronomy" arose from the notice about Norman Lockyer
Observatory in ENHA No. 11 (Item 3: Museums, exhibits, and memorials).

Item 3                                            ENHA No. 12, Nov 17, 1995

Fifth Oxford Conference on Archaeoastronomy - Updated Announcement

By Rolf M. Sinclair, Arlington, VA, USA

	       Fifth Oxford Conference on Archaeoastronomy



		      An Intersection of Disciplines

     An international meeting to study the importance of astronomical
		phenomena in understanding human cultures.

St. John's College in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, August 3-9, 1996.

"Oxford V" will be the fifth in a series of triennial meetings that have
focused on the role that astronomical phenomena have played in human
societies, ranging from the applied (such as the basis for calendrics and
orientations) to the ceremonial (the significance given the "ritual
landscape" of the sky). This conference will serve as a meeting place for
those working in anthropology, archaeology, history and prehistory,
archaeoastronomy, and other studies of human cultures who share a common
interest in the importance of astronomical phenomena to traditional
societies of the past and present. We invite inquiries from those studying
specific societies who include aspects of astronomy in their
investigations, as well as those interested in comparative studies of the
reaction across societies to common astronomical phenomena. In all cases,
the emphasis will be on the reaction of human societies to these
astronomical phenomena as part of the world view of each society.

			      General Format

The meeting will consist of invited lectures, a number of oral
presentations (15-30 minutes) and poster presentations, and several special
evening events. There will be no parallel sessions. We will publish a
selection of papers presented at the conference. Attendance will be by
invitation, and will be limited to approximately one hundred. Most
attendees will be selected from those wishing to present new results in the
general area of the conference; however, some people who wish to attend the
meeting without making formal presentations can also be included.

The Conference will start Saturday evening, August 3, 1996, at 6:00 PM with
registration, dinner, and invited talks. Oral presentations will start
Sunday August 4 at 8:30 AM, and will finish Friday August 9 at 5:00 PM.
One day will be devoted to an excursion to nearby points of interest,
including visits to several outstanding sites and collections not generally
open to the public.

The meeting will be held at St. John's College in Santa Fe, where housing
and meals will be provided. This is approximately three miles [five
kilometers] from the center of the city of Santa Fe, which can be reached
conveniently by frequent air service to Albuquerque International Airport
(1 1/4 hours distant) or by occasional rail service (Amtrak) to Lamy (1/4
hour distant).

			  Registration and Fees

A registration fee of approximately US$300 per attendee will be charged, as
well as approximately US$400 per person for room (double occupancy) and
meals (Aug. 3 dinner through Aug. 10 breakfast) for those staying at St.
John's.  Attendees must register for the entire conference. A
post-conference tour to the area of Chaco Canyon is being planned. This
trip will involve several nights camping and will be charged for separately
from the conference

Initial applications and abstracts must be received by February 1, 1996.
Invitations will be issued, along with further details of fees,
accommodations, and tours, about April 15, together with a preliminary
program. Attendees will be expected to complete their registration,
including payment of fees, by June 1, 1996.

Please note: Updated information will be available on the WWW Home Page of
Oxford V, which can be reached at http://www.phys.unm.edu/~zeilik/oxfordV/.
Those interested in the meeting should check this Home Page frequently for
further information and updates, and in particular for more exact values of

For further information contact the officers of the National Organizing

       Rolf M. Sinclair, Chair
       Division of Physics
       National Science Foundation
       4201 Wilson Boulevard
       Arlington VA 22230 USA
        (phone) (703) 306-1809
        (fax) (703) 306-0566
       Internet: rsinclai@nsf.gov

       Raymond E. White, Secretary
       Steward Observatory
       University of Arizona
       Tucson AZ 85721 USA
        (phone) (602) 621-6528
        (fax) (602) 621-1532
       Internet: rwhite@as.arizona.edu

Other members of the committee are: Suzanne Chippindale, Santa Fe
Community College, Treasurer (schippi@rainbo.santa-fe.cc.nm.us); George
Gumerman, Santa Fe Institute (jorge@santafe.edu); Ed Krupp, Griffith
Observatory (ekrupp@cello.gina.calstate.edu); Bill Longacre, University of
Arizona (wlongacre@anthro.arizona.edu); Steve McCluskey, West Virginia
University (scmcc@wvnvm.wvnet.edu); Peter Pesic, St. John's College
(ppesic@shadow.stjohns-nm.edu); Ray Williamson, George Washington
University (rwill555@aol.com); Michael Zeilik, University of New Mexico

Item 4                                            ENHA No. 12, Nov 17, 1995

International Symposium: Mysterium Cosmographicum 1596 - 1996

By Jaroslav Folta and Vladimir Vanysek, Prague, Czech Rep.


			 Mysterium Cosmographicum
			       1596 - 1996


Dear Colleague,

		Next year the scientific community will commemorate 400
years anniversary of Johannes Kepler's finishing his Mysterium
Cosmographicum. The same year we commemorate also the 450 anniversary of
Tycho Brahe s birthday. The Society for the History of Sciences and
Technology in Prague, together with Czech Astronomical Society,
Astronomical Institutions of Charles University and Academy of Sciences of
Czech Republic, the Union of Czech Mathematicians and Physicists, National
Tecnical Museum and the Astronomical Observatory of Prague will organize a
symposium devoted to the history and present status of our ideas about the
structure and evolution of the Universe since a concept of cosmological
research was formulated by Kepler in his Mysterium.

	       The symposium will be held at Prague, National Technical
Museum, August 19 - 22, 1996. Topics include: The conceptual role of
Mysterium Cosmographicum in the Kepler's own work and its influence on the
scientific ideas of 17th century. Development of Newtonian cosmology. New
approaches in 18th - 19th century from insular Universe up to the modern
contemporary cosmological theories.

	       The aim of the Conference will be to encourage intensive
discussions, and to develope interactions and exchanges between
participants. The sessions will be devoted to the individual oral
contribution, with ample time for discussion.

	       All participants who wish to submit a contribution will be
asked to send an abstract before April 15, 1996. A booklet of abstracts
will be distributed at the time of the Conference. Proceedings will be
published in a form of PC floppy disk in a commonly acceptable editor
format. Detailed information with preliminary program will be distributed
in February 1996.

	       We should appreciate if you could be able to attend this
meeting which will certainly benefit from your presence. To receive
subsequent mailings concerning this Conference, please return the enclosed
form before October 31, 1995. For a better organization of the meeting, it
is important for the organizers to know, as soon as possible, about
expected number of participants. We thank you in advance for your

       Jaroslav Folta                           Vladimir Vanysek
   Society for the History                   Astronomical Institute
  of Science and Technology                    Charles University
            and                                     of Prague
  National Technical Museum               E-mail: VANYSEK@EARN.CVUT.CZ

                Mysterium Cosmographicum  1596 - 1996
                      Prague, Czech Republic
                        August  19-22, 1996

                  Indication of interest form :

   Name:      ..........................................

   Address:   ..........................................

   Telephone: ....................
   Fax:       ....................
   E-mail:    ....................

 - I plan to attend the conference
   and to contribute with topics:.....................................

 - I am not sure I can attend, but I wish to
   remain on your mailing list.
 - I suggest to sent this information to Ms/Mr :



 Please send this form before October 31, 1995, to :

     Dr J. Folta
     Mysterium Cosmographicum
     National Technical Museum
     Kostelni 42
     170 78 Praha 7
     Czech Republic
     fax: 00 42 2  379151

Item 5                                            ENHA No. 12, Nov 17, 1995

450 anniversary of the birth of Tycho Brahe - a project

By Alena Hadravova and Petr Hadrava, Prague, Czech Rep.

Dear colleagues,

It is well known that in 1996 (December 14) there will be 450 anniversary
of the birth of Tycho Brahe.

As members of Czech astronomical community we feel that we owe a
particular tribute to Tycho Brahe, who contributed significantly to the
golden age of our science in our country. To bring the personality of
Tycho and his work from the world of legends closer to the understanding of
our contemporary society, we decided to translate from the Latin original
into Czech his complete book "Astronomiae instauratae mecanica" (frankly
speaking, the initial impulse was the fascination with this marvelous

Recently, the project was enriched by the idea to publish the translation
together with a facsimile of the first coloured edition of Mecanica
(Wandesburgi in arce 1598). This idea could, in principle, cross the
border of our country. This is why we are approaching you with the
following questions: 1. Do you think that the new facsimile would be
useful in your country or elsewhere? If yes, could you give us your
estimate how many copies will be needed? 2. Do you think that a
translation into English (new or a revision of that 50 years old) or into
another language should be published at this occasion? If yes, could you
join us with a person able and willing to take part in it?

Please be so kind and let us know your opinion on the above outlined
project or forward this letter to other colleagues, whom it may concern.

     Yours faithfully

                      Alena Hadravova, Inst. for Classical Studies
                      & Petr Hadrava, Astronomical Inst.
                      E-mail: had@sunstel.asu.cas.cz
                      Malostranske nam. 27, 118 00 Praha 1, Czech Rep.

Item 6                                            ENHA No. 12, Nov 17, 1995

A search for help and those who are interested

Dr. med. Friedrich Wilhelm Baehrens (Mozartstr. 23, 12247 Berlin, Tel.
030/771 73 34)) is searching for the whereabouts of the combined compass
instrument (boussole) from the time-period around 1790, that Dr. Joh.
Chr. Fr. Baehrens from Schwerte/Ruhr in Westfalen built. The instrument
was assembled from a magnetic compass, quadrant, astronomical telescope
with level, ringed sundial, sight rule and tripod.  
Reference:  J.Chr.F. Baehrens, Beschreibung einer neuen
astronomisch-geometrischen Boussole ..., Halle 1793.

The University Observatory (Universitaets-Sternwarte) at Jena, with the
support of the Heinrich-Schuetz-Haus Bad Koestritz, will build a model of
Kepler's "Mysterium cosmographicum". The outer diameter should comprise at
least one meter, and the outer shell will be transparent. If there is any
further interest in obtaining such a model, please contact R. Schielicke
(for address see Imprint).

Item 7                                            ENHA No. 12, Nov 17, 1995


Within the framework of the exhibit being put forth by the University of
Regensburg "Scholarly Regensburg - City of the sciences" documents to the
history of astronomy will be shown in the "Leerer Beutel" building of the
Museums of the City of Regensburg from 6 October to 29 November 1995.
Topics on display will be the controversy about Wilhelm von Hirsau's
astronomy in the 11th century, the mathematical-astronomical studies of the
Emmeram Group of learned monks around Fridericus Amann, and also the topic
of 'Salon astronomy' during the 18th century.  Among the components on
display will be original instruments from the earlier collection of the
monestary St. Emmeram. To better understand the exhibit there will be an
guide book on hand (see section 'New Books').
Place: "Leerer Beutel", Regensburg, Bertoldstrasse 9
Opening hours: Tuesday to Sunday 10am - 4pm, entrance is free
Those interested may contact: Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel,
Lehrstuhl fuer Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Universitaet Regensburg,
D-93040 Regensburg, E-mail: Christoph.Meinel@psk.uni-regensburg.de

'The Measurers: a Flemish Image of Mathematics in the Sixteenth Century'
is a Special Exhibition running at the Museum of the History of Science in
Oxford until the 15th of December, 1995. The exhibition is centered around
a very unusual and important painting in the Museum's collection, known
simply as 'The Measurers'. The painting depicts a range of practical
activities, foremost among them mathematical instrument making, and is used
in the context of the exhibition both as a starting point for a discussion
of the practical mathematics movement of Renaissance Europe and as a means
of organizing the display of a large number of scientific instruments,
texts and other related objects. The exhibition included also some history
of astronomy items.
A virtual version of the exhibition has been derived from the printed
catalogue that accompanies the exhibition and includes over 6000 words of
text together with some 150 or so images illustrating a selection of the
objects on display. This virtual exhibition can be found in the Internet 
(WWW) at URL 
http://info.ox.ac.uk/departments/hooke/measurers/text/contents.htm .
Opening hours: 12 noon - 4 p.m., Tuesday to Saturday, free admission.
Location of the museum: at the very centre of Oxford, on Broad Street,
next to the Sheldonian Theatre and directly opposite Blackwell's Bookshop.
[Source: Sphaera - the newsletter of the Museum of the History of Science,
Oxford, Issue No. 1, Spring 1995, p. 1; No. 2, Autumn 1995, p. 3. 
Internet (WWW): http://info.ox.ac.uk/departments/hooke/ and subpages]

'The Artist and the Moon: an exhibition to mark the 250th anniversary of
the birth of John Russell, R.  A.' opens at the Museum of the History of
Science, Oxford, UK, on the 16th of October and continues until the 28th of
January, 1996. Royal Academician and Painter to George III, John Russell
was a specialist in crayon portraits. He became London's leading
pastellist of the late eighteenth century. Like that other fashionable
artist of the day, the musician William Herschel, Russell was a dedicated
and enthusiastic astronomer. He concentrated his efforts on the moon,
working tirelessly to make an accurate record of the lunar surface. The
Museum of the History of Science has the major collection of work relating
to Russell's lunar observations - material formerly in the possession of
the Radcliffe Observatory.
Opening hours and location of the museum: see above
[Source: Sphaera - the newsletter of the Museum of the History of Science,
Oxford, Issue No. 2, Autumn 1995, p. 2. Internet (WWW):

Item 8                                            ENHA No. 12, Nov 17, 1995

Conference Calendar 1996

24 - 30 July 1996, Braga, Portugal
"Historia e Educado Matematica" - international conference on using history
of mathematics in mathematics education
Among the proposed themes: Navigational mathematics and the age of
Languages: English, French and Portuguese
Please register your interest and request a second announcement of the
meeting by sending a note with your name, address, phone, fax and e-mail
to: Eduardo Veloso, APM, Escola Superior de Educado de Lisboa, Rua
Carolina Michaelis de Vasconcelos, 1500 Lisboa, PORTUGAL.  
Fax: 351 1 7166424, e-mail: veloso@telepac.pt.
Please specify the language of your preference - English, French or
Portuguese - for the second announcement.

Item 9                                            ENHA No. 12, Nov 17, 1995

New Books

Beck, Friedrich; Henning, Eckart (Eds.): Die archivalischen Quellen.
Eine Einfuehrung in ihre Benutzung [The archival sources, An introduction
in their use.] 2nd edition. Weimar: Verlag Hermann Boehlaus Nachfolger,
1994. 298 pp., 79 illus., ISBN 3-7400-0882-2, Hb DM 38.00
(= Veroeffentlichungen des Brandenburgischen Landeshauptarchivs Potsdam, 
Bd. 29)                                                                        
[Instructions for usage of archival sources from the time period from the
Middle Ages to the present day: original documents, papers, administration
books, letters, wittnesses, maps, new mediums; scientific help: scripts
and writing materials, styles, seals, arms, dating, names, coins,
measures and weights]

Broughton, Peter: Looking up: a history of the Royal Astronomcial Society
of canada. Dundurn Press, 1994. Pp. xiv, 288, ISBN 1-55002-208-3,
Can$34.95 (hb) + $5 shipping
[distribution: RASC, 136 Dupont Street, Toronto, Ontario M5R 1V2]

Chapman, Allan: Jeremiah Horrocks and Much Hoole. [Much Hoole], 1994.
Pp. 12, GBP 3.00 incl. p&p. (pb)
[distribution: The Rev. H. Pugh, The Rectory, 69 Liverpool Old Road,
Much Hoole, Preston PR4 4GA, Great Britain]
      Review:  D.Stickland: The Observatory 115 (1995) 1125, 99

Science with a vengeance: How the military created the US space sciences
after World War II. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1993. Pp. xxii, 404, 
ISBN 0-387-94137-1, $ 39.95 (pb)
[paperbound edition of 1992 hardcover]

Fantoli, Annibale: Galileo. For copernicanism and for the church.  
Vatican City: Vatican Observatory and University of Notre Dame, IN, 1994.
Pp. 540, ISBN 0-268-01029-3, $ 21.95 (pb)
      Review:  A.Blair: The Observatory 115 (1995) 1126, 140-141

Ferrara, A.; McKee, C.F.; Heiles, C.; Shapiro, P.R. (Eds.): The physics of
the interstellar medium and intergalactic medium. A meeting in honor of
Professor George B. Field. EIPC, Marciana Marina, Isola d'Elba, Italy,
20-24 June 1994. San Francisco, Ca.: Astronomical Society of the Pacific,
1995.  Pp. xx, 593, ISBN 0-937707-99-6
(= Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, Vol. 80)         
[Contains also biographic notes in the introduction, a scientific
genealogy of George B. Field (b. 1929), and music and words to "When
George Was a Lad"]

Freitag, Ruth S.: The battle of the centuries : a list of references.
Washington, DC: Library of Congress, 1995. Pp. xi, 57, ill., bibl. ref.,
index, ISBN 0-8444-0809-3
[bibliography of the dispute as to when a century ends, 1697-1992]

Gelehrtes Regensburg. Staetten der Forschung im Wandel der Zeit.
[Scholarly Regensburg. Places of research during the changing times.]
Regensburg: Universitaetsverlag Regensburg, 1995. 228 pp., illus.,
ISBN 3-930480-62-X, DM 39.80
[Guide book to the exhibit in Regensburg, 6th October - 19th November
1995, see section "Exhibits"; also on the History of Astronomy in 

Goddard, Dorothy E.; Milne, D.K. (Eds.): Parkes - thirty years of radio
astronomy. East Melbourne: CSRIO [Australian Commonwealth Scientific and
eIndustrial Research Organisation] Publications, 1994. Pp. ix, 161, 
ISBN 0-643-05547-9, $A 40.00, $US 40.00
      Review:  E.R.Seaquist: J. Roy. Astron. Soc. Can. 89 (1995) 3, 129-131
               R.D.Davies: The Observatory 115 (1995) 1125, 101-102

Harrison, Hilda Mary: Voyager in time and space: the life of John Couch
Adams, Cambridge astronomer. Lewes: The Book Guild, 1994. Pp. xii, 282,
ISBN 0-86332-918-7, GBP 15.00 (hb)
      Review:  A.Chapman: J. Brit. Astron. Assoc. 105 (1995) 4, 188
               R.McKim: The Observatory 115 (1995) 1125, 110

Heitzer, Elisabeth: Das Bild des Kometen in der Kunst. Untersuchungen zur
ikonographischen und ikonologischen Tradition des geschweiften Sterns in
der Kunst vom 14. bis zum 18. Jahrhundert. [Pictures of comets in art.
Studies on the iconography and iconological tradition of comets in art
forms ranging from the 14th to the 18th century.] Berlin: Verlag Ullstein,
1995. 224 pp., 17 x 24 cm, 75 illus., ISBN 3-7861-1726-8, Hb DM 74.00
(= Studien z. profanen Ikonogr., 4)

Ilgauds, Hans-Joachim; Muenzel, Gisela: Die Leiziger
Universitaetssternwarten auf der Pleissenburg und im Johannistal.
Astronomische Schulen von Weltruf. [The Leipzig University observatories
at the Pleissenburg and in Johannistal. Astronomical schools of worldwide
fame.] Beucha: Sax-Verlag 1995. 55 pp., ISBN 3-930076-11-X, Pb DM 12.00
(= Leipziger Hefte)

Iven, Mathias (Ed.): 3 x Foerster. Beitraege zu Leben und Werk von
Wilhelm Foerster, Friedrich Wilhelm Foerster und Karl Foerster.  
[3 x Foerster. Contributions to the life and work of Wilhelm Foerster,
Friedrich Wilhelm Foerster and Karl Foerster.]  Milow: Schibri-Verlag,
1995. 267 pp., ISBN 3-928878-29-8, Pb DM 24.80
[with contributions on the astronomer Wilhelm Foerster by M.Iven,
G.Porikys, K.Foerster, R.Feyl, O.Luehrs, K.-H.Tiemann, A.Zenkert,
E.Buschmann, H.-J.Kummer und W.R.Dick and letters by Wilhelm Foerster]

Jahresbericht des Physikalischen Vereins zu Frankfurt am Main fuer die Zeit
vom 1.1.1991 bis zum 31.12.1991, 166. Vereinsjahr. [Yearly report of the
Physics Association in Frankfurt am Main for the time from 1 Jan. 1991 up
until 31 Dec. 1991, 166th year.] Frankfurt a.M., 1994. 267 pp.
[with contributions on Karl Schwarzschild by E.Geyer, H.H.Voigt, B.Baschek
and H.Oleak]

Langkavel, Arno: Astronomen auf Reisen wiederentdeckt. Denkmaeler,
Gedenktafeln und Graeber bekannter und unbekannter Astronomen.
[Astronomers rediscovered during travels. Memorials, commemorative plaques
and graves of known and unknown astronomers.] Quakenbrueck: Verlag
Theodor Thoben, 1995. 223 pp., 157 illus., ISBN 3-921176-75-1, Hb DM 27.80
[157 memorials for 95 astronomers in 63 towns]

Levy, David H.: The quest for comets: An explosive trail of beauty and
danger. Plenum Press, 1994. Pp. xvii, 280, $ 23.95 (hb)
[personal view of the history and attraction of comet discovery]
      Review:  J.Lancashire: J. Brit. Astron. Assoc. 105 (1995) 2, 91
               D.Chapman: J. Roy. Astron. Soc. Can. 89 (1995) 1, 36-37

McCurdy, Howard E.: Inside NASA: high technology and organizational change
in the U. S. space program. Baltimore, London: The Johns Hopkins
University Press, 1993. Pp. 215, ISBN 0-8018-4452-5, $ 32.95

Moore, Patrick: The great astronomical revolution: 1534-1687 and the space
age epilogue. Chichester: Albion Publishing, 1994. Pp. 258, 
ISBN 1-898563-18-7, GBP 17.50 (hb), ISBN 1-898563-19-5, GBP 9.95 (pb)
[revised edition of "Watchers of the stars" (1973); no bibliography]
      Review:  R.Baum: J. Brit. Astron. Assoc. 105 (1995) 2, 91

North, John D.: The Norton history of astronomy and cosmology.
New York, London: W.W.Norton & Co., 1995. ISBN 0-393-03656-1, $ 35.00
[new edition of the "Fontana history of astronomy and cosmology", 1994]

Peterson, Ivars: Newton's clock: chaos in the solar system.  
W.H.Freeman and Co., 1995.  Pp. 317, ISBN 0-7167-2724-2, $ 15.95 (pb)
[paperbound edition of the 1993 hardback]

Roettel, Karl (Ed.): Peter Apian. Astronomie, Cosmographie und
Mathematik zu Beginn der Neuzeit. [Astronomy, cosmography and mathematics
at the beginning of the new ages.] Buxheim: Polygon Verlag, 1995. 
c. 400 pp., c. 250 illus., ISBN 3-928671-12-X, Hb c. DM 40.00
[In the jubilee edition with exhibit catalog over 30 authors describe Peter
Apian's life, his works and his milieue.]

Ruggles, Clive L.N.; Saunders, Nicolas J. (Eds.): Astronomies and cultures.
University Press of Colorado, 1993. Pp. 344, ISBN 0-87081-319-6, $ 39.95
[papers from the third Oxford conference on Archaeoastronomy, 1990]

Sagdeev, Roald Z.: The making of a Soviet scientist : my adventures in
nuclear fusion and space from Stalin to Star Wars. Edited by Susan
Eisenhower. Foreword by Carl Sagan. New York, Chichester, Brisbane,
Toronto, Singapore: John Wiley & Sons, 1994. Pp. xi, 339, 
ISBN 0-471-02031-1, $ 24.95 (hb)
[classic memoir of a top-ranked international scientist, former
director of the Soviet Space Resarch Institute, leader of the joint
U.S.-Soviet Apollo-Soyuz mission, the Venera series to Venus, and the
international missions to Halley's Comet]

Schroeder, Daniel J. (Ed.): Selected papers on astronomical optics.
Bellingham, WA, USA: SPIE Optical Engineering Press, 1993. Pp. 630,
ISBN 0-8194-1123-X, $125.00 (hb), ISBN 0-8194-1124-8, $110.00 (pb)
[65 papers from Ritchey and Chretien (1927) and Bernhard Schmidt (1930) 
to the present]

Tanford, Charles; Reynolds, Jacqueline: A travel guide to scientific sites
of the British Isles: a guide to people, places and landmarks of science.
Chichester, New York, Brisbane, Toronto, Singapore: John Wiley & Sons,
1995. Pp. viii, 344, ISBN 0-471-95270-2, $ 16.95 (pb)
[museums, homes, churches, memorials, laboratories, including those of 

Warner, Brian (Ed.): John Herschel 1792-1992. Cape Town: Royal Society of
South Africa, 1994. Pp. iv, 140, ISBN 0-958-39581-0, GBP 12, $ 20 (pb)
      Review:  R.H.Koch: The Observatory 115 (1995) 1127, 221

Warner, Brian: Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, 1820-1831. The
founding of a colonial observatory. Dordrecht, Boston, London: Kluwer
Academic Publishers, 1995. Pp. 256, ISBN 0-7923-3527-9, 
NLG 165.00 / GBP 75.00

Wolfschmidt, Gudrun:  Milchstrasse - Nebel - Galaxien. Strukturen im
Kosmos von Herschel bis Hubble. [Milky Way - Nebula - Galaxies:
structures in the cosmos from Herschel to Hubble.]  Muenchen:  
R. Oldenbourg Verlag, 1995. 186 pp., ISBN 3-486-26308-0, Pb DM 35.00 
(= Deutsches Museum, Abhandlungen und Berichte, Neue Folge, Band 11)

Item 10                                           ENHA No. 12, Nov 17, 1995

New special issue of "Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte"

Together with Number 6 of "Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte" (June
1995) the members of the Working Group for the History of Astronomy
received Special Issue No. 4 free of charge. Non-members in Germany may
order this issue by sending DM 2.00 in stamps to the secretary of the WG
(address see Imprint). Those outside Germany who are interested may get it
free of charge. The new issue contains a bibliography of publications of
the members of the WG in the year 1993 as well as personal bibliographies
of Lajos Bartha (Budapest) and Gisela Muenzel (Leipzig).



For information we thank: 

Jim A. Bennett (Oxford), Peter Brosche (Daun), Peter Broughton (Toronto),
Ruth S. Freitag (Washington, DC), Arno Langkavel (Loeningen), Christoph
Meinel (Regensburg), Gisela Muenzel (Leipzig), Joseph S. Tenn (Rohnert
Park, CA), Gudrun Wolfschmidt (Muenchen).



Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy (ENHA)

Published by the Working Group for the History of Astronomy in the
Astronomische Gesellschaft

A translation of "Elektronische Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte"

Editor: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick 

Translated by: Mr. Donald Bellunduno <76450.1741@compuserve.com>

All news which is not mentioned by name are editorial contributions.
Articles as well as information for the several sections will be gladly

Copyright Statement:
Reproduction of single items permitted when source is indicated.

Subscription for the ENHA is free. In order to obtain a subscription
inside Germany, one must first obtain a subscription for the
printed Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte (MA).

[Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte:

 Price: DM 1.50 / issue plus postage and packing costs 
        outside Germany: free
 Subscription: Send in DM 2.50 (one issue) or DM 5.00 (Nos. 4-5) in
               stamps to the editor
 Editor: Dr. W. R. Dick, Otterkiez 14, 
         D-14478 Potsdam, Germany, Tel.: (+331) 863199

Astronomische Gesellschaft / Astronomical Society:

Chairman: Prof. Dr. Hanns Ruder, University of Tuebingen, Theoretical
Astrophysics and Computational Physics, Auf der Morgenstelle 10, D-72076

Secretary: Dr. G. Klare, Landessternwarte, Koenigstuhl, 
D-69117 Heidelberg

Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte / Working Group for the History of

Chairman: Prof. Dr. Peter Brosche, Observatorium Hoher List der
Sternwarte der Universitaet Bonn, D-54550 Daun, Germany, 
Tel.: (+6592) 2150, Fax: (+6592) 2937

Secretary: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick, Institut fuer Angewandte Geodaesie,
Aussenstelle Potsdam, Postfach 60 08 08, D-14408 Potsdam, Germany,
Tel.: (+331) 316 619, E-mail: wdi@potsdam.ifag.de 
(in the event I am not reachable at this address, please try the following
address: dick@gfz-potsdam.de)

Treasurer: Dr. Reinhard Schielicke, Universitaetssternwarte,
Schillergaesschen 2, D-07745 Jena, Tel.: (+3641) 63 03 36,
E-mail: schie@georg.astro.uni-jena.de

Secretary for Public Relations: Dr. Gudrun Wolfschmidt, Deutsches
Museum, Museumsinsel 1, D-80538 Muenchen, Germany, Tel.: (+89) 2179 277, 
Fax: (+89) 2179 324, E-mail: t7911ac@sunmail.lrz-muenchen.de

Bank Acct. of the Working Group of the Astronomische Gesellschaft:
Acct # 261 917, Sparkasse Mannheim (BLZ 670 501 01)
Contributions from foreign countries, please sign with: "Fuer
Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte" to: acct # 162 18-203, Postgiroamt
Hamburg, BLZ 200 400 20


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Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy - Number 13

*                                                                         *
*                                                                         *
*      Published by the Working Group for the History of Astronomy        *
*                  in the Astronomische Gesellschaft                      *
*                                                                         *
*                    Number 13, February 15, 1996                         *
*                                                                         *
*                           A translation of                              *
*                                                                         *
*                       Nr. 13,  29. Januar 1996                          *
*                                                                         *
*          Edited by: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick           *
*                                                                         *
*      Translated by: Mr. Donald Bellunduno <76450.1741@CompuServe.COM>   *
*                                                                         *


1. R. W. Home: Towards an International Bibliographical Database
               in the History of Science, Technology and Medicine

2. Educational tour "Astronomy in China"

3. Exhibit at Kansas City, MO, USA

4. Conference Calendar 1996

5. New books

6. Addendum by the translator: Space Calendar of events for 1996

Expressions of thanks




The electronic newsletter No. 13 has suffered from a technical problem at
the nearest Internet router at Berlin. EMA 13 had been finished on 22
December 1995 but could be distributed only on 29 January after the
installation of a new operating system at that router. Due to this
obstruction also the WWW pages for the history of astronomy at Bonn
(http://aibn55.astro.uni-bonn.de:8000/~pbrosche/astoria.html) could not
be updated for several weeks. Now these have been extended considerably.

Please note the new Copyright Statement in the imprint.

My best wishes for 1996 to all readers!

Wolfgang R. Dick

Item 1                                            ENHA No. 13, Feb 15, 1996

Towards an International Bibliographical Database in the History of
Science, Technology and Medicine

By R. W. Home, Parkville, Australia

A workshop on bibliographical tools in the history of science, technology
and medicine, sponsored by the Commission on Bibliography and Documentation
of the Division of History of Science, IUHPS, was held at Liege, Belgium,
on 25-26 September 1995. Hosted by Professor Robert Halleux,
Secretary-General of DHS and Head of the Centre d'Histoire des Sciences et
des Techniques, Universite de Liege, the meeting brought together the
compilers of a number of the leading bibliographies covering aspects of
current work in the history of science, technology and medicine that are
published on a serial basis throughout the world, and a number of
interested historians of science.  

At an earlier meeting held at Trento, Italy, in 1992, a proposal had been
advanced to make the information contained in these bibliographies more
widely available by developing a unified international bibliographical
database in electronic form. The present meeting was intended to advance
this project. Some of the most important existing bibliographies are
already available on-line, and the meeting saw impressive demonstrations of
the History of Science and Technology (HST) file maintained by the Research
Libraries Group (RLG) in the USA and made available through the Research
Libraries Information Network (RLIN) subscription service, and of the
on-line version of the Italian national bibliography of the history of
science, Bibliografia Italiana di Storia della Scienza (BISS).

The HST file includes the bibliographies of the history of science
published annually in Isis since 1976, and the bibliographies of the
history of technology published in Technology and Culture since 1987. The
electronic file has a variety of indexes that are not available in the
better-known paper versions, and may be searched by subject or title word
as well as alphabetical phrase listing. It thus constitutes an even more
valuable tool for the researcher. The meeting was told that an agreement
has recently been signed that will see the very large French database,
FRANCIS, that includes the bibliographies of the history of science
formerly published in the Bulletin signaletique series, mounted on RLIN.
Once this is done, RLG and INIST, the organization responsible for FRANCIS,
could explore the possibility of adding a copy of the history of science
segment to the existing HST file, thus very considerably enriching the
latter. In addition, negotiations are well advanced to add the BISS
database to the HST file, while also leaving it available free through the

The meeting noted that several other bibliographies are produced regularly,
some on a national basis (e.g. Australia, Belgium, Spain), others covering
specific subject areas in the history of science (e.g. metrology,
oceanography, scientific instruments). There are also two major
bibliographies reporting current work in the history of medicine, the
Bibliography of the History of Medicine produced by the National Library of
Medicine in the USA and Current Work in the History of Medicine, produced
by the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine in the UK, both of
which were represented at the meeting. The former of these has long been
accessible electronically as part of the enormous medical database,
MEDLINE, and it has recently been decided that in future it will only be
accessible in that form. Two important listings unfortunately seem
recently to have ceased being produced, namely the bibliography of Russian
work in the history of science and technology that was published for many
years by the Institute for the History of Science and Technology in Moscow
and the very valuable bibliography of the history of natural history that
was produced for a number of years by the Natural History Museum in London.

The meeting was told that the future of the history of science segment of
FRANCIS was far from secure, and it was agreed that the Commission on
Bibliography and Documentation should make representations to the relevant
French authorities, urging upon them the importance of maintaining and even
strengthening the systematic bibliographical coverage of francophone work
in this field. It was also agreed that representations should be made to
the National Library of Medicine concerning the desirability of maintaining
a printed version of its bibliography of the history of medicine. It was
noted that at present, no bibliographies are being regularly produced
covering the work being done by several major national or regional groups
of historians of science and technology, including those in India, Latin
America and the Muslim world. The lack of systematic bibliographical
coverage of German-language publications was particularly striking.

The meeting considered at length the means by which the proposed database
might be made accessible to users. For individual compilers simply to put
their products "free to air" would be a recipe for chaos: active
management of the files, such as is provided for the HST data base on RLIN,
will become more and more necessary as more files are brought into the
scheme. This, however, generates costs which, in the case of RLIN, are
covered by the fees paid by institutional subscribers to the service. (The
fee payable currently varies from US$570 to $900 per annum for up to five
simultaneous users, or $1,480 to $2,610 for up to 25 simultaneous users,
depending on whether the subscribing institution is a member of RLG and on
whether the HST subscription is linked to RLG's RLIN Bibliographic
database.) These costs would have to be met in some way, however the
scheme were to be run. At the same time, it was agreed that it was
important to ensure that access to the scheme was not confined to the
privileged few but that it was open to all potential users. At present,
some sixty-one institutions, mostly universities through their libraries,
subscribe to the service and provide free access to users within that
institution. The possibility was noted of a consortium of libraries taking
out a combined subscription to RLIN's HST file, as had been done by a group
of eighteen university libraries in Ohio, and by a group of university
libraries in Australia, in each case substantially reducing the
subscription that had to be paid by individual participating libraries.
The RLG representative at the meeting, John Haeger, indicated that his
organization would also be prepared to explore other options that would
help reduce the cost to individual users.  

The meeting also considered some of the technical problems in maintaining
world-wide access to a database, especially in relation to the slowness
with which the system operated during busy periods (a problem that was all
too evident during the demonstration at the meeting of the RLIN system).
The possibility of establishing "mirror" sites on different continents was
aired but was discounted by John Haeger on behalf of RLG on the ground of
cost. He explained that RLG's preferred alternative was to establish
dedicated lines - as many as necessary - on routes such as the
transatlantic link where the open network was consistently overloaded and
slow; the HST file was, comparatively speaking, a very small segment of the
RLIN operation, but subscribers to it would automatically benefit from the
fact that RLG had recently entered into agreements with major European
libraries that would require it to maintain high-quality intercontinental

Following extensive discussion of the issues involved, the meeting agreed
to report to the Executive Committee of the Division of History of Science
the Commission's aim of creating a world bibliographical database of
current work in the history of science, technology and medicine, and to
recommend that the existing HST file on RLIN be used as the starting point
of the proposed database. The Commission supported the bibliographical
initiatives of RLG in the field of the history of science, technology and
medicine, and would endorse efforts by different European partners to
initiate or develop on-line bibliographical works in this field with the
support of the European Union. While noting that the choice as to whether
additional national or thematic bibliographies should seek to adhere to
RLIN was entirely at the discretion of their initiators, the Commission
would warmly encourage them to do so. 

European members of the Commission (from Belgium, France, Great Britain and
Italy) observed that, apart from the bibliographies produced by the
Wellcome Institute and the Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza,
bibliographical work in the field of the history of science, technology and
medicine needed to be strengthened within the countries of the European
Union. In particular, it should be revived in France, improved in Belgium
and initiated in Germany. These partners agreed to put forward a project
to the European Union, seeking finance to set up a common database. This
partnership would initially involve Belgium, France, Germany, Italy and
Spain, and would subsequently incorporate the other countries of the Union.
The partnership would ultimately be enlarged to include Turkey, the Baltic
States, the Czech Republic and Hungary.

The meeting noted that a set of bibliographical guidelines needed to be
prepared for the proposed international database, that could be made
available to all national or other teams planning to elaborate a
bibliography with a view to having it incorporated in the international
database. A working group was appointed, comprising Anna Citernesi
(Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza), Henry Lowood (Stanford
University) and John Neu (University of Wisconsin), to define these
guidelines. It is envisaged that the working group will submit a
preliminary report in the Spring of 1996. Once the guidelines are agreed,
the Commission will make them available to all interested groups. Anyone
wishing to be sent a copy should contact Dr Lowood, joint secretary of the
Commission, at Stanford University Libraries, Stanford, CA 94305-6004, USA
(fax: (415) 725 1068. e-mail: henry.lowood@forsythe.stanford.edu).

Author's address:
R. W. Home
Department of History and Philosophy of Science
University of Melbourne
Parkville, Victoria 3052 
E-mail: Rod_Home@muwayf.unimelb.edu.au

Editor's note: Prof. R. W. Home is President of the Commission on
Bibliography and Documentation of the International Union of the History
and Philosophy of Science (IUHPS).

Item 2                                            ENHA No. 13, Feb 15, 1996

Educational tour "Astronomy in China"

This educational tour to China will undertake a deep understanding of
historical and modern astronomy in China. The tour will begin at the
historical observatories in Dengfeng and Beijing and will end at the
2m-Telescope in Xinglong. During talks with leading astronomers the
participants will get to know the actual research results of modern 
Chinese astronomy.
Schedule: 20 July -10 August 1996, price: c. DM 6600
Director of program: Eckehard Schmidt, Postfach 4616, D-90025 Nuernberg,
Germany, Tel. 0911-5865512 (Mon-Fri 8am-2pm), Fax 0911-5865549.
Information is free of charge.

Item 3                                            ENHA No. 13, Feb 15, 1996

Exhibit at Kansas City, MO, USA

"Out of This World: The Golden Age of the Celestial Atlas" is an exhibit
running at the Linda Hall Library, Kansas City, MO, USA, from November 1,
1995, to February 1, 1996. The exhibit displays forty-three star atlases
and maps covering the period from 1482 to 1851. It includes all of the
famous atlases, such as those of Bayer, Schiller, Hevelius, Flamsteed, and
Bode, and well as many lesser known but highly appealing atlases. 
More information and an electronic catalog of this exhibition is available
on the World Wide Web at URL
http://www.lhl.lib.mo.us/pubserv/hos/stars/welcome.htm or from the Library
home page at http://www.lhl.lib.mo.us .
Comments, suggestions, or criticisms are welcome to:
William B. Ashworth, Jr.
Associate Professor, Dept. of History, University of Missouri--KC
Consultant, History of Science  Collection, Linda Hall Library,
5109 Cherry St., Kansas City, MO 64110, USA
E-mail: ashwortb@lhl.lib.mo.us, Voice-mail: (816) 926-8719,
Fax: (816) 926-8790

Item 4                                            ENHA No. 13, Feb 15, 1996

Conference Calendar 1996

See also the previous issues for more events in 1996/97.

14-15 January 1996, San Antonio, TX, USA
187th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, 
Historical Astronomy Division sessions:
Sunday, January 14, 1:00-5:00pm
Monday, January 15, 10:45am-12:15pm, 2:45-4:15pm
HAD will hold three sessions. On Sunday afternoon, "Applied History of
Astronomy" will explore the uses of historical documentation and analysis
for solving current problems in astronomy and astrophysics. This session
will include both invited and contributed papers. 
On Monday, two sessions will be devoted to contributed papers. Papers on
ancient astronomies and on recent or current astronomies of non-Western
cultures will be put in the morning session, "Astronomies and Cultures."
In the afternoon, "The Western Tradition" will cover the line of astronomy
from the Middle Ages to the present day; from Sacrobosco to the Space
Telescope, one might say.
For more information, contact Woody Sullivan at woody@astro.washington.edu
[Source: http://www.aas.org/meetings/aas187/prelim/had2.html]

22 January 1996, Berlin, Germany
10th Dahlem Archival talk. Prof. Dr. Dieter B. Herrmann: 100 years of the
Place: Archiv zur Geschichte der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft [Archive for the 
History of the Max Planck Society], Boltzmannstrasse 14,
14195 Berlin-Dahlem, near metro station Thielplatz.
Because of the limited number of available seats it is requested that those 
wishing to attend please register by telephone ahead of time: 
(030) 841 33 701, Mon-Fri 8am-4pm. 

6-9 March 1996, Potsdam, Germany
Conference of the Urania society of Potsdam "Bruno H. Buergel - Life and 
Works". Proceedings of the conference will be published.
In order to register: Urania-Verein "Wilhelm Foerster", Brandenburger Str.
38, D-14467 Potsdam, Germany, Tel. (0331) 291741, Fax (0331) 293683

16-19 May 1996, Oberschleissheim-Lustheim near Munich, Germany
25th Annual Conference of the Working Group for Sundials (Arbeitskreis 
Registery up until 31 January to: Guenther Berger, Nadistr. 18,
D-80809 Muenchen, Germany, Tel. and Fax (089) 351 12 03

8-9 June 1996, Holidays Observatory Calina, Switzerland
Colloqium "The History of Astronomy"
Information and registry: Hans Bodmer, Schlottenbueelstr. 9b, CH-8625
Gossau/ZH, Switzerland, Tel. (++01) 9361830 (in the evening)

7-11 August 1996, Budapest, Ungarn
Symposium of the International Committee for the History of Technology
Contacts: Hans-Joachim Braun, Universitaet der Bundeswehr Hamburg, 
D-22039 Hamburg, Tel. (040) 6541-2794, Fax (040) 6541-2762,
e-mail: HJ-BRAUN@unibw-hamburg.de

20-21 September 1996, Kremsmuenster, Austria
Annual Conference of the Working Group for Sundials in the Austrian
Astronomical Society (Arbeitsgruppe Sonnenuhren im Oesterreichischen
Astronomischen Verein)
Information: Dipl.Ing. Karl Schwarzinger, Am Tigls 76A, A-6073 Sistrans,
Austria, Tel. and Fax: 0512 / 37 88 68

12 October 1996, Berlin, Germany
100 years Archenhold Observatory. Celebrations beginning 11 am
Archenhold-Sternwarte, Alt-Treptow 1, D-12435 Berlin, Germany,
Tel. (030) 5348080, Fax (030) 5348083

Item 5                                            ENHA No. 13, Feb 15, 1996

New Books

Boelling, Reinhard (Hrsg.): Das Fotoalbum fuer Weierstrass. A Photo Album
for Weierstrass. Braunschweig: Friedrich Vieweg & Sohn
Verlagsgesellschaft, 1994. XII, 116 pp., 29.7 x 21 cm, ISBN 3-528-06602-4,
hardbound DM 98.00
[2 photo albums, compiled by students, colleagues and friends of
Weierstrass who for his 70th birthday in 1885; it contains 340 portraits 
of mathematicians, astronomers and physicists]

Brosche, Peter: Astronomie der Goethezeit. Textsammlung aus Zeitschriften
und Briefen Franz Xaver von Zachs. [Astronomy during the time of Goethe.
Collection of texts from journals and letters of Franz Xaver von
Zach] Thun, Frankfurt am Main: Verlag Harri Deutsch, 1995. 230 pp., 
20 illus., ISBN 3-8171-3280-8, DM 38.00
(= Ostwalds Klassiker der exakten Wissenschaften, Bd. 280)                 

Clagett, Marshall: Ancient Egyptian science, vol. II: calendars, clocks
and astronomy. Philadelphia: The American Philosophical Society, 1995, 
$ 50 (= Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society, vol. 214) 
[Distribution: American Philosophical Society, P.O. Box 40098,
Philadelphia, PA 19106, USA, Fax: 215-440-3450]

Colwell, P.: Solving Kepler's equation over three centuries. Richmond,
VA: Willmann-Bell, 1993. Pp. 212, ISBN 0-943396-40-9, US$ 24.95

Fischer, Daniel; Duerbeck, Hilmar W.: Hubble: Ein neues Fenster zum All.
[Hubble: A New Window on the Universe] Basel: Birkhaeuser Verlag, 1995.
174 pp., c. 60 colour and 30 b/w illus., ISBN 3-7643-5201-9, hardbound
DM 68.00, SFr 58.00
[General portrayel of the Hubble Project and the scientific results, with a
short historical synopsis of Earth-based telescopes and the plans that went
into building the HST]

Florence, R.: The perfect machine. Building the Palomar telescope.
New York: Harper-Collins Publishers, 1994. Pp. 461, ISBN 0-06-018205-9,
US$ 27.50

Gehlhar, Fritz: Wie der Mensch seinen Kosmos schuf. Eine kleine
Kulturgeschichte der Astronomie [How Man built his cosmos. A short
cultural history of astronomy]. Berlin: Aufbau-Verlag, 1995.  
c. 200 pp., c. 60 illus., ISBN 3-7466-8018-2, paperback DM 14.90
(= Aufbau Taschenbuch, 8018)                                               

Hawlitschek, Kurt: Johann Faulhaber 1580 - 1635. Eine Bluetezeit der
mathematischen Wissenschaften in Ulm [A flowering time in the
mathematical sciences in Ulm]. Ulm, 1995. 336 pp., numerous illus.,
hardbound DM 29.80 (= Veroeffentl. der Stadtbibliothek Ulm, 18)
[also on Faulhabers scientific discussions with Johannes Kepler]

Kilmister, C.W.: Eddington's search for a fundamental theory. A key to the
Universe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995. Pp. 256,
ISBN 0-521-37165-1, GBP 35, $ 59.95 (hb)
   Review:  L.Mestel: The Observatory 115 (1995) 1128, 272-273

Krige, John; Russo, Arturo: Europe in space 1960 - 1973. Paris: European
Space Agency, 1994. Pp. 150, ISBN 92-9092-125-0, Dfl. 70.00

Leverington, David: A history of astronomy from 1890 to the present.
London, Berlin, Heidelberg et al.: Springer-Verlag, 1995. Pp. xii, 387,
ISBN 3-540-19915-2, DM 48.00 (pb)

Mercator, Gerhard: Atlas. Kosmographische Gedanken ueber die Erschaffung
der Welt und ihre kartographische Gestalt [Cosmographical thoughts on the
creation of the World and it's cartographical form]. W. Kruecken (Ed.).
Duisburg: Gert Wohlfahrth Verlag Fachtechnik, 1994. 240 pp.,
ISBN 3-87463-217-2, hardbound DM 34.00 (= Ed. Mercator)
[Reprint of Mercator's atlas of 1595, reprinted for the first time 
with complete foreword, translation, and thorough commentary]

Peterson, Ivars: Was Newton nicht wusste. Chaos im Sonnensystem.  
[What Newton didn't know. Chaos in the solar system] Basel: Birkhaeuser
Verlag, 1994. 347 pp., ISBN 3-7643-2978-5, DM 68.00
[Translation of Newton's clock: chaos in the solar system, 1994]

Zenkert, Arnold: Faszination Sonnenuhr [Fascination with sundials]. 
2nd, revised and enlarged edition. 
Thun, Frankfurt am Main: Verlag Harri Deutsch, 1995. 164 pp., 55 Photos, 
80 drawings, ISBN 3-8171-1386-2, hardbound c. DM 29.80
[also on the history of the sundial]

Zur Geschichte des Vermessungswesens. Vermessung in der Antike,
Historische Karten, Der Geodaet in der Literatur und bildenden Kunst,
Biographien, Basisvermessungen, Instrumentenbau, Grenzmale.
[On the history of surveying. Surveying in antiquity, historical maps, the
geodesist in literature and fine arts, biographies, base measurements,
instrument making, and boundary stones.]
Wiesbaden: Verlag Chmielorz GmbH, 1995. 123 pp., ISBN 3-87124-128-8 
(= VDV-Schriftenreihe, Bd. 8)
[The contributions are dedicated to Helmut Minow, the co-founder and
long-time director of the lecturing circle "History of Surveying"
(Gespraechskreis "Geschichte des Vermessungswesens") in the VDV (Verein
Deutscher Vermessungsingenieure = Society of German Surveyors), and of the
later special group (Fachgruppe) of the same name in the VDV. Contents:
among others:  M.A.Rappenglueck, Measuring with a line and a staff -
Lepinski Vir 7000 years ago; B.Zimmermann, Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel and
the East Prussian Arc Measurement; G.Opdenberg, Historical
surveying instruments. All texts in German.]

Item 6                                            ENHA No. 13, Feb 15, 1996

Addendum by the translator: Space Calendar of events for 1996

This Space Calendar covers space-related activities and anniversaries
for the upcoming year. It is also available on the World Wide Web at:


The WWW version of the Space Calendar includes links to other home pages
that have additional information on that subject.

This calendar is compiled and maintained by Ron Baalke. Please send any
updates or corrections to baalke@kelvin.jpl.nasa.gov. Note that
anniversary dates are listed in 5 year increments only.

Non-historical items have been deleted from the original calendar.

                               SPACE CALENDAR

January 1996
  Jan 01 - 195th Anniversary (1801), Discovery of the First Asteroid 
           (Ceres) by Piazzi.
  Jan 15 - 20th Anniversary (1976), Helios-2 Launch (Solar Orbiter)
  Jan 24 - 10th Anniversary (1986), Voyager 2 Uranus Flyby
  Jan 28 - 10th Anniversary (1986), Space Shuttle Challenger Explosion
  Jan 31 - 25th Anniversary (1971), Apollo 14 Launch
  Jan 31 - 30th Anniversary (1966), Luna 9 Launch (Soviet Moon Lander)

February 1996
  Feb 04 - Clyde Tombaugh's 90th Birthday (1906)
  Feb 19 - 10th Anniversary (1986), Mir Space Station Launch (Soviet Union)

March 1996
  Mar 01 - 30th Anniversary (1966), Venera 3 Impact on Venus
  Mar 04 - 215th Anniversary (1781), Herschel's Discovery of Uranus
  Mar 06 - 10th Anniversary (1986), Vega 1, Comet Halley Flyby
  Mar 08 - 10th Anniversary (1986), Suisei, Comet Halley Flyby
  Mar 09 - 10th Anniversary (1986), Vega 2, Comet Halley Flyby
  Mar 11 - 10th Anniversary (1986), Sakigake, Comet Halley Flyby
  Mar 13 - 10th Anniversary (1986), Giotto, Comet Halley Flyby
  Mar 16 - 30th Anniversary (1966), Gemini 8 Launch
  Mar 28 - 10th Anniversary (1986), ICE, Comet Halley Flyby
  Mar 31 - 30th Anniversary (1966), Luna 10 Launch, 1st Moon Orbiter

April 1996
  Apr 12 - 35th Anniversary (1961), 1st Man in Space, Yuri Gagarin
  Apr 12 - 15th Annivesrary (1981), 1st Space Shuttle Launch, Columbia, 
  Apr 17 - 20th Anniversary (1976), Helios-2 Perihelion (.29 AU from Sun)
  Apr 19 - 25th Anniversary (1971), Salyut 1 Launch, 1st Space Station 
           (Soviet Union)
May 1996
  May 05 - 35th Anniversary (1961), 1st US Man in Space, Alan Shephard
  May 11 - 80th Anniversary (1916), Albert Einstein's General Theory of
  May 19 - 25th Anniversary (1971), Mars 2 Launch (Soviet Mars Orbiter/
  May 25 - 35th Anniversary (1961), John F. Kennedy's Moon Goal Speech
  May 28 - 25th Anniversary (1971), Mars 3 Launch (Soviet Mars Orbiter/
  May 30 - 25th Anniversary (1971), Mariner 9 Launch (Mars Orbiter)
  May 30 - 30th Anniversary (1966), Surveyor 1 Launch (Moon Soft Lander)

June 1996
  Jun 03 - 30th Anniversary (1966), Gemini 9 Launch

July 1996
  Jul 18 - 30th Anniversary (1966), Gemini 10 Launch
  Jul 20 - 20th Anniversary (1976), Viking 1 Mars Landing
  Jul 21 - 35th Anniversary (1961), Mercury 4 Launch
  Jul 26 - 25th Anniversary (1971), Apollo 15 Launch

August 1996
  Aug 06 - 35th Anniversary (1961), Vostok 2 Launch
  Aug 09 - 20th Anniversary (1976), Luna 24 Launch (Soviet Moon Sample 
  Aug 10 - 30th Anniversary (1966), Lunar Orbiter 1 Launch
  Aug 17 - 30th Anniversary (1966), Pioneer 7 Launch (Solar Orbiter)
  Aug 24 - 30th Anniversary (1966), Luna 11 Launch (Soviet Lunar Orbiter)
  Aug 25 - 15th Anniversary (1981), Voyager 2 Saturn Flyby

September 1996
  Sep 03 - 20th Anniversary (1976), Viking 2 Mars Landing
  Sep 12 - 30th Anniversary (1966), Gemini 11 Launch
  Sep 23 - 150th Anniversary (1846), J. Galle's Discovery of Neptune
  Sep 28 - 25th Anniversary (1971), Luna 19 Launch (Soviet Lunar Orbiter)

October 1996
  Oct 10 - 150th Anniversary (1846), William Lassell's Discovery of 
           Neptune's moon Triton
  Oct 22 - 30th Anniversary (1966), Luna 12 Launch (Soviet Lunar Orbiter)
  Oct 24 - 145th Anniversary (1851), William Lassell's Discovery of Uranus 
           moons Umbriel and Ariel
  Oct 25 - 325th Anniversary (1671), Giovanni Cassini's Discovery of 
           Saturn's moon Iapetus
  Oct 30 - 15th Anniversary (1981), Venera 13 Launch (Soviet Venus Lander)

November 1996
  Nov 04 - 15th Anniversary (1981), Venera 14 Launch (Venus Flyby/Lander)
  Nov 06 - 30th Anniversary (1966), Lunar Orbiter 2 Launch
  Nov 08 - Edmund Halley's 340th Birthday (1656)
  Nov 11 - 30th Anniversary (1966), Gemini 12 Launch
  Nov 14 - 25th Anniversary (1971), Mariner 9 Mars Orbit Insertion
  Nov 27 - 25th Anniversary (1971), Mars 2 Mars Orbit Insertion/Lander 
           Crash (Soviet Union)

December 1996
  Dec 02 - 25th Anniversary (1971), Mars 2 Mars Orbit Insertion/Mars 
  Dec 14 - Tycho Brahe's 450th Birthday (1546)
  Dec 15 - 30th Anniversary (1966), Dollfus' Discovery of Saturn Moon Janus
  Dec 22 - 30th Anniversary (1966), Luna 13 Launch (Soviet Moon Lander)
  Dec 27 - Johannes Kepler's 425th Birthday (1571)


Expressions of thanks

In addition to the authors of contributions, we also wish to thank: 

William B. Ashworth (Kansas City), Guenther Berger (Munich), Peter
Brosche (Daun), Hilmar Duerbeck (Muenster), Eckehard Schmidt (Nuremberg),
Karl Schwarzinger (Sistrans), Giancarlo Truffa (Milan).



Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy (ENHA)

Published by the Working Group for the History of Astronomy in the
Astronomische Gesellschaft

A translation of "Elektronische Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte"

Editor: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick 

Translated by: Mr. Donald Bellunduno <76450.1741@compuserve.com>

All items without an author's name are editorial contributions.
Articles as well as information for the several sections are appreciated.

Copyright Statement:
The Electronic Newsletters for the History of Astronomy may be freely 
re-distributed in the case that no charge is imposed. Public offer in
WWW servers, BBS etc. is allowed after the editor has been informed. 
Non-commercial reproduction of single items in electronic or printed media
is permitted when the source is indicated clearly; the editor has to be

Subscription to EMA/ENHA is free. Subscribers and readers are asked
for occasional donations to the working group.

(Printed) Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte (in German):
 Price: DM 1.50 / issue plus postage and packing costs 
        outside Germany: free
 Subscription: Send in DM 2.50 (one issue) or DM 5.00 (Nos. 8-9) in
               stamps to the editor
 Editor: Dr. W. R. Dick, Otterkiez 14, 
         D-14478 Potsdam, Germany, Tel.: (+331) 863199

Astronomische Gesellschaft / Astronomical Society:

Chairman: Prof. Dr. Hanns Ruder, University of Tuebingen, Theoretical
Astrophysics and Computational Physics, Auf der Morgenstelle 10, D-72076

Secretary: Dr. Reinhard Schielicke, Universitaetssternwarte,
Schillergaesschen 2, D-07745 Jena, Tel.: (+3641) 63 03 36,
E-mail: schie@georg.astro.uni-jena.de

Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte / Working Group for the History of

Chairman: Prof. Dr. Peter Brosche, Observatorium Hoher List der
Sternwarte der Universitaet Bonn, D-54550 Daun, Germany, 
Tel.: (+6592) 2150, Fax: (+6592) 2937

Secretary: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick, Institut fuer Angewandte Geodaesie,
Aussenstelle Potsdam, Postfach 60 08 08, D-14408 Potsdam, Germany,
Tel.: (+331) 316 619, E-mail: wdi@potsdam.ifag.de 

Treasurer: Dr. Reinhard Schielicke, Universitaetssternwarte,
Schillergaesschen 2, D-07745 Jena, Tel.: (+3641) 63 03 36,
E-mail: schie@georg.astro.uni-jena.de

Secretary for Public Relations: Dr. Gudrun Wolfschmidt, Deutsches
Museum, Museumsinsel 1, D-80538 Muenchen, Germany, Tel.: (+89) 2179 277, 
Fax: (+89) 2179 324, E-mail: t7911ac@sunmail.lrz-muenchen.de

Bank Acct. of the Working Group of the Astronomische Gesellschaft:
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Please sign all payments with: "Fuer Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte"


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Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy - Number 14

*                                                                         *
*                                                                         *
*      Published by the Working Group for the History of Astronomy        *
*                  in the Astronomische Gesellschaft                      *
*                                                                         *
*                       Number 14, June 11, 1996                          *
*                                                                         *
*                           A translation of                              *
*                                                                         *
*                        Nr. 14,  1. April 1996                           *
*                                                                         *
*          Edited by: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick           *
*                                                                         *
*      Translated by: Mr. Donald Bellunduno <76450.1741@CompuServe.COM>   *
*                                                                         *


1. David Fideler: Conference Announcement: "The World Soul and the Soul of
   the World: Philosophy, Cosmos, and Culture"

2. Exhibitions and museums

3. Conferences 1996/97

4. New books

6. Addendum by the translator: Space Calendar

Expressions of thanks


Item 1                                           ENHA No. 14, June 11, 1996

Conference Announcement:

"The World Soul and the Soul of the World: Philosophy, Cosmos, and Culture"

By David Fideler, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

The ALEXANDRIA journal is organizing a session on "The World Soul and the
Soul of the World" for the 15th Annual Conference on Global and
Multicultural Dimensions of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy and Social
Thought which will be held October 25-27, 1996 at the State University of
New York, Binghamton. All conference sessions are open to the public free
of charge. The conference embodies a multicultural approach and covers
Indigenous, Jewish, Africana, Greek, Christian, Islamic, and East Asian

We are especially interested in receiving papers that address in some way
the relationships between philosophy, cosmos, and culture. Papers can
address historical topics or contemporary issues in philosophy, ethics,
ecology, cosmology, or the social sciences.

Papers do not have to address the topic of the World Soul per se, but they
must deal with the theme of "philosophy and the world" ("world" can also
mean "society") or "philosophy and the cosmos." "Philosophy" can be broadly

Individuals interested in presenting papers should contact us with
proposals by May 1, 1996. Proposals should include a title, one page
abstract, your name, address, and academic affiliation.


David Fideler, Editor
PO Box 6114
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49516

Phone/Fax: (616) 456-5740
E-mail: phanes@cris.com

Item 2                                           ENHA No. 14, June 11, 1996

Exhibitions and museums

The Mathematisch-Physikalischer Salon (Mathematical and Physical Salon) in
Dresden (in the Zwinger Palace) will have on display from the 31st of
January to the 29th of September 1996 a special exhibition celebrating the
Saxon astronomer, geodesist and cartographer, Wilhelm Gotthelf Lohrmann
Opening hours: 9.30 am - 5.00 pm, closed on Thursdays.

The exhibition "Peter Apian - Astronomy, Cosmography und Mathematics at the
Beginning of the Modern Age" (see ENHA 8 and ENHA 11), which was shown in
Ingolstadt in 1995, will be on display from the 23rd of February until the
28th of July 1996 at Castle Mildenstein in Leisnig (Saxony, Germany,
between Leipzig and Dresden on highway A 14). Peter Apian was born 500
years ago in Leisnig. In 1996 the Castle Leisnig celebrates its 950th
During the exhibition a catalog is available (see ENHA 12, section "New
Opening hours: Daily, except Mondays 9am to 5pm.
Information: Staatlicher Schlossbetrieb Burg Mildenstein, Burglehn 6,
D-04703 Leisnig, Germany, Tel. (034321) 12652, Fax (034321) 51537

The exhibition in Potsdam "From the Great Refractor to the Einstein Tower"
(see ENHA 8) is still open to the public.

The Forschungs- und Landesbibliothek Gotha (Research and State Library in
Gotha), founded in 1647 as a ducal library, holds also historical
collections of astronomical literature and archival documents on the
history of astronomy, as well as historical terrestrial and celestial
globes. The globes can be seen during the tours through the library in the
Castle Friedenstein. Tours are available from Monday through Friday at
2:30pm, as well as by arrangement.
Opening hours of the library:  Monday 1pm-5pm, Tuesday-Thursday 9am-5pm,
Friday 10am-7pm.
Address: Forschungs- und Landesbibliothek Gotha, Postfach 30, D-99851
Gotha, Germany, Tel.: (03621) 3080-0, Fax: (03621) 3080-38
Literature: Horn, Werner: Die alten Globen der Forschungsbibliothek und 
des Schlossmuseums Gotha. Gotha, 1976. 103 pp., illus., DM 12.00.
(= Veroeffentlichungen der Forschungsbibliothek Gotha, H. 17) [Deliverable]

The Museum fuer Regionalgeschichte und Volkskunde (Museum for Regional
History and Ethnic Studies) in the Castle Friedenstein in Gotha has also on
display: "Imago mundi - Picture of the World: Developmental lines of
cartography with regards to impulses from Gotha." This part of the museum
includes various astronomical and astronomy related geodetic exhibits,
among them a portrait (painting) of P.A.Hansen, an original watercolor of
the Seeberg Observatory, a refractor by Johann Friedrich Schroeder (Gotha),
a Gregory reflector dating back to the beginning of the 19th century (from
the Seeberg Observatory), Arabic and Turkish mathematical and astronomical
instruments, a precision pendulum clock from Mudge & Dutton (London ca.
1785) which was used astronomically. Also on display are various surveying
instruments (levelling instrument, alidade, planimeter etc.) as well as
terrestrial globes.
Opening hours: Daily 9am-5pm
Address: Gothaer Kultur- und Fremdenverkehrsbetrieb, Museum fuer
Regionalgeschichte und Volkskunde mit Kartographischem Museum, Schloss
Friedenstein / Westturm, D-99867 Gotha, Germany, Tel. (03621) 54016

The public observatory "Manfred von Ardenne" in Seebad Heringsdorf (at the
Isle of Usedom in North Eastern Germany) holds a Cassegrain reflector of
25 cm aperture and 4m focal length, which was constructed by the famous
astronomical optician Bernhard Schmidt, and was built by the Carl Peter
Goerz Company (Berlin) in 1925. This instrument was obtained by the
physicist Manfred von Ardenne in 1930 and used in his private observatory
on the roof of his house in Berlin-Lichterfelde Ost, Jungfernstieg 19.
After various adventures during the Second World War, the telescope
accompanied the scientist during his involuntary stay in Sukhumi (USSR)
where, from 1945 until 1952, he worked indirectly on the Soviet Atom Bomb
Project. Later Prof. Ardenne provided the telescope to the public
observatory in Heringsdorf, where he often spent his vacation. The
telescope is available during the summer months for public viewing of the
night sky. Allegedly, it is also the last instrument in use today that was
made by Bernhard Schmidt. One can find the observatory near to the
promenade, about 400 meters east of the Seebruecke (quay).
Information: Lars Stephan, Klenzestr. 3, D-17424 Heringsdorf, Germany,
Tel.: (038378) 31634 
Literature: Ardenne, Manfred von: Sechzig Jahre fuer Forschung und
Fortschritt. Autobiographie. Berlin: Verlag der Nation, 1987, p. 115.
[Further historical facts and information on this instrument, especially on
the role B.Schmidt played in the construction (polishing the mirror?) were
not available. Any additional information would be appeciated.]

The oldest house of Seebad Bansin on the Island of Usedom (Seestr. 63)
belonged at one time to Friedrich Simon Archenhold (1861-1939), the founder
of the public observatory in Berlin-Treptow (today Archenhold Observatory).
In 1920, he acquired it from the Berlin corn surgeon Emil Wichmann, who
many decades beforehand had bought it off of the fisherman Frank. The
house is located not close to the street, but may be reached following the
way which leads uphill between 61a and 62, and going round number 62a.
Archenhold had a deep spiritual relationship with the indigenous
population, and, because of his crazy adventures, tended also to become
part of their hearts as well. In good keeping with that tradition, he
appeared at a dance at the Kurhaushotel "Atlantic", during the evening
festivities - dressed only in his pajamas.
Literature: Richter, Egon: Bansin. Die Geschichte eines Weltbades. Rostock:
Konrad Reich Verlag 1990, pp. 11-12 and 63-65.

In Peenemuende on the Isle of Usedom in 1991, at the site of the power
plant of the former army test center for advanced rocketry
(Heeresversuchsanstalt), a historical and technical information center was
opened. The center is dedicated to the history of space travel, the
history of Peenemuende, and to the history of technology in general. At
Peenemuende the now world famous A-4 rocket, better known as the V-2, first
reached on the 3rd of October, 1942, an altitude of 84.5 km. This event is
the reason for Peenemuende to call itself the "birthplace of space travel".
Since the museum's original goal is in dispute, it is being funded
privately, and not by the state or local government. On display are
exhibit pieces depicting the history of the V-1 and the V-2, wrapped around
the tours are accompanying videos showing film footage on those rockets.
Unfortunately, astronomical aspects are displayed in form of astrological
Opening hours: Tues-Sat 9am-5pm 
Address: Bahnhofstr. 28, D-17449 Peenemuende, Germany,
Tel. (038371) 20573, Fax 20574
Literature: [1] Fischer, Daniel: Schwarz und weiss waren nur die Raketen.
50 Jahre danach: Das Erbe von Peenemuende. In: Sterne und Weltraum 32
(1993) 3, 178-184; [2] Peenemuende. Wegweiser durch das
Historisch-technische Informationszentrum und Umgebung. 2nd, enlarged ed.
Peenemuende: Verlag Axel Dietrich, 1993. 26 pp.
Translator's note:  It should be noted ironically that the beginning of
this historical center dedicated to the history of Peenemuende is, at its
inception, very similar to the beginning state of the original rocket
testing center in Berlin, which was set up by the then rocket enthusiast
and physicist Wernher von Braun and his followers, who started their
original work at the Raketenflugplatz in the early 1930s, before being able
to attract enough money from the army to set up an official installation at
Kummersdorf. One can only hope that this new historical and technical
information center on the Isle of Usedom, will be as successful and have as
great an impact on science and the advance of space travel, as the work of
those dedicated rocket pioneers did so many years before.

When visiting the Isle of Usedom one can observe in the St. Petri Church
in Benz the 135 symbols of the heavenly stars in gold, white and blue on
the ceiling, which stem from a Swinemuende master from the first half of
the 19th Century (Open daily - May to September). Worth seeing are also
the signs of the zodiac depicted around a compass rose in the former
appartment of Otto Niemeyer-Holstein (1896-1984), symbolising most notably
his navigational knowledge: The painter had planned a flight from the
Nazis in his sail boat across the Baltic Sea. (Today his estate is a
public museum: Museums-Atelier Otto Niemeyer-Holstein, "Luettenort" near
Koserow at road B 111, Tours: Tues-Sat 10, 11, 2pm and 3pm, register in
advance please: Tel. 038375 - 20213).

Item 3                                           ENHA No. 14, June 11, 1996

Conferences 1996/97

Further conferences in the year 1996 have already been described in past
issues of the ENHA. For a complete list of all conferences announced up to
now, please see the following WWW address:


Salamanca, Spain
In Salamanca the semi-annual meeting on "Astronomy in Cultur" takes place, 
the fifth in April this year. Information and abstracts of the papers
being presented can be obtained by writing to:
Prof. Dr. Carlos Jaschek, Teso de la Feria 39, E-37008 Salamanca, Spain

Strasbourg, France
In Strasbourg semi-annual colloqiums on "Astronomy & Sciences Humaines"
take place. The papers presented are published in the series "Publication
de l'Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg, Serie Astronomie & Sciences
Information: Dr. G. Jasniewicz, Observatoire, 11, rue de l'Universite,
F-67000 Strasbourg, France

11 - 24 February 1996, Telchaquillo, Mexico
Astronomy camp by and for amateur astronomers in a Mayan village. 
Seminar on the cultur of the Mayans, geology und astronomy. 
Info: Martina Gerhards, Koelnstr. 464, D-53117 Bonn, Germany
Price: 4939 DM. 

12 February 1996, Dortmund, Germany
6th Dortmund Symposium on the History of Surveying
(Including lectures by D.Hoffmann "From German Customs Union to the
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt" and W.Torge ("From Gauss to
Baeyer and Helmert - early ideas and initiatives on a European geodesy.")
Place: Rotunda in the Museum fuer Kunst- und Kulturgeschichte (Museum for
Art and Cultural History), Hansastr. 3
Time: 10am - 3pm 
Conference fee for non-members: 30.00 DM
Information: Foerderkreis Vermessungstechnisches Museum, Postfach 101233, 
D-44012 Dortmund, Germany, Tel. (0231) 5025686, Fax 5025428

18 -23 March 1996, Freiberg / Saxony, Germany
History of Geophysics and related disciplines
Enrollment: Dr. Wilfried Schroeder, Hechelstr. 8, D-28777 Bremen, Germany

10 - 12 April 1996, London, UK
"Archives of the Scientific Revolution". Includes discussion of papers of
Galileo, Boyle, Huygens, Leibniz and Newton.
Place: Royal Society
Contact: Prof. Michael Hunter, Dept of History, Birkbeck College,
University of London, Malet St, London WC1E 7HX, England

3 - 4 May 1996, Dresden, Germany
Working meeting by the Fachgruppe Geschichte des Vermessungswesens im
Verband Deutscher Vermessungsingenieure (Special Group on the History of
Surveying within the Union of German Surveying Engineers): "The precision
of historical instruments, old maps and first planned measurements."
Conference fee for non members: 120.00 DM
Sign up: Dipl.-Ing. Heinz Juergen Lagoda, Westfaelische Str. 30, 
D-47169 Duisburg, Germany, Tel. (0203) 598247

20 - 24 May 1996, Baltimore, Maryland
1996 Spring Meeting of the American Geophysical Union
U01 Geophysical Research and the Smithsonian Institution: 1846-1996 (AGU
History Committee). This is a special session on geophysics and the
Smithsonian Institution on the occasion of the Smithsonian's 150th
anniversary. Historical papers and reviews of current Smithsonian-related
geophysical research are solicited. Examples of this research include
19th-century weather and climate networks, solar research under Secretaries
Langley and Abbot, international distribution of meteorite collections, and
historical or contemporary work at the Smithsonian Astrophysical
Observatory. Convener: James R. Fleming, Science and Technology Studies,
Colby College, Waterville, ME 04901, tel: 207-872-3548, fax:
207-872-3074, e-mail: jrflemin@colby.edu
A01 Historical Perspectives on Climate Change (co-sponsored by the AGU
History Committee). Historical papers on scientific and popular
understanding of climatic change and the greenhouse effect are solicited to
mark the centennial of Svante Arrhenius's work, "On the Influence of
Carbonic Acid in the Air upon the Temperature of the Ground" (1896).
Papers on all historical aspects of climate change and on all eras are
encouraged. Conveners: James R. Fleming, Science and Technology Studies,
Colby College, Waterville, ME 04901, tel: 207-872-3548, fax:
207-872-3074, e-mail: jrflemin@colby.edu; and William W. Kellogg, 445
College Avenue, Boulder, CO 80302, tel: 303-443-5086 
URL: http://earth.agu.org/kosmos/sm96top.html

9-13 June 1996, Madison, Wisconsin, USA
188th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society
Including a session on "Radio Astronomy, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow"
URL: http://www.aas.org/meetings/aas188/prelim/prelim.html

10 - 13 July 1996, Liverpool, UK
"Science Matters: The Role and Achievements of Science in Greek Antiqity"
Place: University of Liverpool
Contact: Dr J.C. Tuplin, Dept of Classics and Ancient History, University
of Liverpool, 12 Abercromby Square, Liverpool, England

2 - 5 September 1996, Salamanca, Spain
Meeting of the European Society for Astronomy in Culture (SEAC)
For further information, please contact the Local Organizing Committee:
c/o Prof. Dr. Carlos Jaschek, Teso de la Feria 39, E-37008 Salamanca,
URL: http://hp400b.hf.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/%7Ecat/seac/tagung_englisch.html

9 - 11 September 1996, Ottawa and Montreal, Canada
XV Symposium of the Scientific Instrument Commission of the International
Union of the History and Philosophy of Science
Place: National Museum of Science and Technology, Ottawa. It is
anticipated that some sessions will also be held in Montreal.
For details contact:
Dr Randall Brooks, Curator, National Museum of Science and Technology, 
PO Box 9724, Term. T, Ottawa, ON, K1G 5AR, Canada, Tel: 613 990 2804, 
fax: 613 990 3636

27 - 29 September 1996, Berlin, Germany
Deutscher Wissenschaftshistorikertag 1996 (German Day of Historians of
Science) under the theme: "Turns of eras - The changing orientation in
science and society: The Sciences around 1600 and 1900"
(The planned discussion on astronomy around 1600 and 1900 has been
cancelled because of lack of interest.)
Information: Peter Burger, Institut fuer Geschichtswissenschaften,
Humboldt-Universitaet, Unter den Linden 6-8, D-10099 Berlin, Germany,
Tel. (030) 2093-3870, Fax 2093-2431

3 - 5 October, Bern, Switzerland
8th Colloqium on the History of Cartography
Information: Dr. W. Scharfe, Arno-Holz-Str. 12, D-12165 Berlin, Germany

10 - 13 October, Bielefeld, Germany
1996 annual meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science
Session VI. Historical Dimensions of Social Studies of Science
Please ask for the registration form from: 
Guenter Kueppers, Local Organizing Chair,
Institute for Science and Technology Studies, University of Bielefeld, 
PF 100 131, D-33501 Bielefeld, Fax: +49 521 106 5844,
Phone: +49 521 106 4674, e-mail: gkueppers@argo.hrz.uni-bielefeld.de 
URL: http://www.uni-bielefeld.de/iwt/easst.iwt

4 December 1996, London, UK
4th Annual Invitation Lecture of the Scientific Instrument Society:
"Mechanical Celestial Globes of the 16th and Early 17th Centuries" by
J.H. Leopold
Place: Royal Institution, 20 Albemarle Street, London, W1

25 - 30 July 1997, Liege, Belgium
XXth International Congress of the History of Science
First circular, indicating interest in further mailings from:
Centre d'Histoire des Sciences et des Techniques, Universite de Liege,
Avenue des Tilleuls 15, B-4000 Liege, Belgium

Item 4                                           ENHA No. 14, June 11, 1996

New books

China - Wiege des Wissens: 7000 Jahre Erfindungen und Entdeckungen. La
Chine - Berceau de la science: 7000 annees d'inventions et de decouvertes.
China - Cradle of Knowledge: 7000 years of inventions and discoveries.
Berlin: Verlag Ute Schiller, 1994. 288 pp., ISBN 3-929772-94-9, DM 28.00
[Accompanying book to similarly named exhibit; in three languages, with
many colorful depictions as well. It also contains a chapter on astronomy
and calendar art as well as one on navigation and shipping.]

Christianson, Gale E.: Edwin Hubble: Mariner of the Nebulae.
Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 1995. Pp. 420, ISBN 0-374-14660-8, US$ 27.50

Gerdes, Dieter (Ed.): Johann Hieronymus Schroeter. Beobachtungen ueber
die Sonnenfackeln und Sonnenflecken [Observations on solar faculae and
sunspots]. Lilienthal: Verlag M. Simmering, 1995. 192 pp., 
ISBN 3-927723-23-1, DM 42.00
[Reprints of works by Schroeter, as well as papers by Fischer, Bode,
Hahn, Harding, A.Wilson, W.Herschel and Zach, with a contribution by

Gerdes, Dieter (Ed.): Johann Hieronnymus Schroeter. Beobachtungen ueber
die betraechtlichen Gebirge und Rotation der Venus [Observations on the
considerable mountain chains and rotation of Venus]. Lilienthal: Verlag M.
Simmering, 1995. 192 pp., ISBN 3-927723-24-X, DM 42.00
[Reprints of books and essays by Schroeter as well as by Hahn, W.Herschel
and Harding, complemented by contributions of D.Gerdes]

Manly, Peter L.: Unusual telescopes. Cambridge, New York, Port Chester,
Melbourne, Sydney: Cambridge University Press, 1995. Pp. xviii, 221, 
ISBN 0-521-48393-X, US$ 19.95 (pb)
[Paperbound edition of 1991 hardback; on historic and modern telescopes]

Motz, Lloyd; Weaver, Jefferson Hane: The story of astronomy.
Plenum Press, 1995. Pp. 387, ISBN 0-306-45090-9, US$ 28.95
[This overview of astronomy tells how the science evolved from ancient
cultures through the beginning of the modern era.]

Schroeder, Wilfried: Sunspot cycles and auroral activity.
Bremen-Roennebeck, 1995. Pp. 120, DM 25.00, US$ 20.00
[Using observations from the 16th up until the 20th century.]

Schroeder, Wilfried; Colacino, Michele (Eds.): Global change and history of
geophysics. Evaluation and implications. Proceedings of the international
conference during the IUGG/IAGA General Assembly, July 1995, Boulder
(USA). Bremen-Roennebeck, 1995. Pp. 240, DM 30.00, US$ 25.00
[also on archaeoastronomy]

Schroeder, Wilfried; Treder, Hans-Juergen (Eds.): Hans Ertel, Collected
Works, Vol. II: Theoretical meteorology, weather predictions, cosmology
and general applications. Bremen-Roennebeck, 1995. Pp. 156, DM 30.00,
US$ 30.00 (incl. postage)
[Distribution of all books by W.Schroeder: Science Edition (W.Schroeder),
Hechelstr. 8, D-28777 Bremen-Roennebeck, Germany]

van der Kruit, P.C.; Gilmore, Gerard (Eds.): Stellar populations.
Proceedings of the 164th Symposium of the International Astronomical
Union, held in The Hague, The Netherlands, August 15-19, 1994. Dordrecht,
Boston, London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995. Pp. xix, 472
[with contributions on the history of the concept of stellar
populations by Owen Gingerich, Donald D. Osterbrock, Nancy Grace Roman
and A. Blaauw]

Item 5                                            ENHA No. 14, June 11, 1996

Addendum by the translator: Space Calendar

The Space Calendar covers space-related activities and anniversaries
for the upcoming year. It is also available on the World Wide Web at:


The WWW version of the Space Calendar includes over 300 links to other
home pages that have additional information on that subject.

This calendar is compiled and maintained by Ron Baalke. Please send any
updates or corrections to baalke@kelvin.jpl.nasa.gov. Note that 
anniversary dates are listed in 5 year increments only.

Non-historical items have been deleted from the original calendar.
Anniversaries from January to December 1996 have already been given in
ENHA 13. Here only additions will be presented.

June 1996
  Jun 30 - 25th Anniversary (1971), Death of 3 Cosmonauts in Soyuz 11

July 1996
  Jul 18 - 30th Anniversary (1966), Gemini 10 Launch
  Jul 20 - 20th Anniversary (1976), Viking 1 Mars Landing
  Jul 21 - 35th Anniversary (1961), Mercury 4 Launch
  Jul 26 - 25th Anniversary (1971), Apollo 15 Launch

January 1997

  Jan 11 - 210th Anniversary (1787), William Herschel's Discovery of 
           Uranus Moons Titania and Oberon 
  Jan 27 - 30th Anniversary (1967), Apollo 1 Fire 

February 1997

  Feb 05 - 30th Anniversary (1967), Lunar Orbiter 3 Launch 
  Feb 14 - 25th Anniversary (1972), Luna 20 Launch (Soviet Moon Sample 
  Feb 20 - 35th Anniversary (1962), Friendship 7 Launch (John Glenn)
  Feb 23 - 10th Anniversary (1987) of Supernova 1987A Explosion 

March 1997

  Mar 01 - 15th Anniversary (1982), Venera 13 Venus Flyby/Landing (USSR) 
  Mar 03 - 25th Anniversary (1972), Pioneer 10 Launch (Jupiter/Saturn  
  Mar 07 - John Herschel's 205th Birthday (1792) 
  Mar 08 - 20th Anniversary (1977), Discovery of Uranus' Rings
  Mar 27 - 25th Anniversary (1972), Venera 8 Launch (Venus Lander) 

April 1997

  Apr 15 - 25th Anniversary (1972), Apollo 16 Launch (Manned Moon Landing) 
  Apr 17 - 30th Anniversary (1967), Surveyor 3 Launch (Moon Lander) 

May 1997

  May 04 - 30th Anniversary (1967), Lunar Orbiter 4 Launch
  May 24 - 35th Anniversary (1962), Aurora 7 Launch (Scott Carpenter) 


Expressions of thanks

In addition to the author of contribution, we also wish to thank: 

Wolfgang Arlt (Berlin), Peter Brosche (Daun), Dieter Gerdes (Lilienthal),
Klaus-Dieter Herbst (Jena), Carlos Jaschek (Salamanca), Siegfried Koge
(Dresden), Wilfried Schroeder (Bremen), Lars Stephan (Heringsdorf),
Manfred Strumpf (Gotha).



Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy (ENHA)

Published by the Working Group for the History of Astronomy in the
Astronomische Gesellschaft

A translation of "Elektronische Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte"

Editor: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick 

Translated by: Mr. Donald Bellunduno <76450.1741@compuserve.com>

All items without an author's name are editorial contributions.
Articles as well as information for the several sections are appreciated.

Copyright Statement:
The Electronic Newsletters for the History of Astronomy may be freely 
re-distributed in the case that no charge is imposed. Public offer in
WWW servers, BBS etc. is allowed after the editor has been informed. 
Non-commercial reproduction of single items in electronic or printed media
is permitted when the source is indicated clearly; the editor has to be

Subscription to EMA/ENHA is free. Subscribers and readers are asked
for occasional donations to the working group.

(Printed) Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte (in German):
 Price: DM 1.50 / issue plus postage and packing costs 
        outside Germany: free
 Subscription: Send in DM 2.50 (one issue) or DM 5.00 (Nos. 8-9) in
               stamps to the editor
 Editor: Dr. W. R. Dick, Otterkiez 14, 
         D-14478 Potsdam, Germany, Tel.: (+331) 863199

Astronomische Gesellschaft / Astronomical Society:

Chairman: Prof. Dr. Hanns Ruder, University of Tuebingen, Theoretical
Astrophysics and Computational Physics, Auf der Morgenstelle 10, D-72076

Secretary: Dr. Reinhard Schielicke, Universitaetssternwarte,
Schillergaesschen 2, D-07745 Jena, Tel.: (+3641) 63 03 36,
E-mail: schie@georg.astro.uni-jena.de

Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte / Working Group for the History of

Chairman: Prof. Dr. Peter Brosche, Observatorium Hoher List der
Sternwarte der Universitaet Bonn, D-54550 Daun, Germany, 
Tel.: (+6592) 2150, Fax: (+6592) 2937

Secretary: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick, Institut fuer Angewandte Geodaesie,
Aussenstelle Potsdam, Postfach 60 08 08, D-14408 Potsdam, Germany,
Tel.: (+331) 316 619, E-mail: wdi@potsdam.ifag.de 

Treasurer: Dr. Reinhard Schielicke, Universitaetssternwarte,
Schillergaesschen 2, D-07745 Jena, Tel.: (+3641) 63 03 36,
E-mail: schie@georg.astro.uni-jena.de

Secretary for Public Relations: Dr. Gudrun Wolfschmidt, Deutsches
Museum, Museumsinsel 1, D-80538 Muenchen, Germany, Tel.: (+89) 2179 277, 
Fax: (+89) 2179 324, E-mail: t7911ac@sunmail.lrz-muenchen.de

Bank Acct. of the Working Group of the Astronomische Gesellschaft:
Acct # 333 410 41, Sparkasse Bochum (BLZ 430 500 01)
Contributions from foreign countries to: acct # 162 18-203, Postgiroamt
Hamburg, BLZ 200 400 20
Please sign all payments with: "Fuer Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte"


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Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy - Number 15

*                                                                         *
*                                                                         *
*      Published by the Working Group for the History of Astronomy        *
*                  in the Astronomische Gesellschaft                      *
*                                                                         *
*                       Number 15, June 13, 1996                          *
*                                                                         *
*                           A translation of                              *
*                                                                         *
*                        Nr. 15,  11. Juni 1996                           *
*                                                                         *
*          Edited by: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick           *
*                                                                         *
*      Translated by: Mr. Donald Bellunduno <76450.1741@CompuServe.COM>   *
*                                                                         *


1. Harry Jamieson: In Search of an Historian

2. Conference Announcement: 
   Journees Systemes de Reference Spatio-Temporels.
   Two centuries of evolution of "Systeme du Monde". Homage to Laplace

3. Bart Fried:
   Conference Announcement: Antique Telecope Society Annual Convention

4. Conference Announcement: Humanizing the Medieval Sciences

5. DISPUTATIO: An International Transdisciplinary Journal of the
   Late Middle Ages. Call for Papers

6. Conferences 1996/97

Expressions of thanks


Item 1                                           ENHA No. 15, June 13, 1996

In Search of an Historian

By Harry Jamieson, USA

The Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers is an international group
of amateur and professional astronomers (membership, about 650) devoted to
solar system astronomy.

Having Clyde Tombaugh as a founding (and current!) member is only one of
the many reasons why we have become interested in forming an Historical
Section. We would like to find someone to work with us in forming such a
Section and running it for us. As an amateur organization, all of our
staff positions are unpaid, but we are hoping to find someone with a
strong interest in working with a group of enthusiastic amateurs.  

Interested persons can find out more about our organization by writing to
me or visting our home page at http://www.lpl.arizona.edu/alpo/.

Editor's Note: Harry Jamieson is the Executive Director of the Association
of Lunar and Planetary Observers. His E-mail address is 
104145.754@CompuServe.COM .

Item 2                                           ENHA No. 15, June 13, 1996

Conference Announcement: Journees Systemes de Reference Spatio-Temporels

Deux siecles d'evolution du Systeme du Monde. Hommage a Laplace
Two centuries of evolution of "Systeme du Monde". Homage to Laplace

Scientific organizing committee : N. Capitaine (Chair), M. Amalvict, 
C. Balkowski, P. Bretagnon, S. Debarbat, J.- P. Verdet 
Local organizing committee : S. Debarbat (Chair), M. Alibert, 
L. Garin, A. Hayot, F. Medina
Venue : Henri-Mineur Amphitheatre, Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris 
& Building B, Observatoire de Paris, 75014 - Paris

23-24-25 September 1996

At the end of the fifth Journees Systemes de reference spatio-temporels 
which was organized in Paris in 1992, it was decided that future meetings 
will held alternately in Paris and other European centers. Thus, Journees 
1994 has been organized in Paris and Journees 1995 at the Space Research 
Center in Warsaw. The Journees 1996 will held in Paris on 23-25 September 
1996, in honour of the first publication (1796) of P.S. Laplace's Systeme 
du Monde.
The programme will be divided into six sessions, each of them devoted to 
a topic studied by Laplace and developed in contemporary research. Each
session will include introductory talks, oral and poster presentations. 
The participants will have the opportunity to visit the Neptune 
exhibition at Paris Observatory in commemoration of Neptune's discovery
by Le Verrier in 1846. They will also be able to observe Neptune at the 
Paris Observatory as was done for the first time on September 23 rd, 
1846 by Galle and d'Arrest in Berlin. Communications languages will be 
French, and occasionally English. 

Preliminary program

Monday 23 September

topics : Des "MOUVEMENS"  apparents  et  "MOUVEMENS" reels des  
corps celestes  consideres  par Laplace aux definitions et
realisations actuelles des systemes de reference dans le cadre de 
la Relativite Generale,  ...  


topics : De la  Figure de la Terre et de la theorie des marees de 
Laplace au geoide actuel et a la modelisation recente des
marees oceaniques a partir de la geodesie spatiale, ...

evening : Visit of Neptune's exhibition and observation of Neptune 

Thuesday 24 September

topics : La  stabilite  du  Systeme  solaire,  de Laplace a nos 
jours, de la  Mecanique  Celeste de  Laplace  aux  theories
planetaires actuelles, ...

topics : Historique des cosmologies, formation des grandes 
structures de l'Univers, ...

evening : Preliminary to session V), visit of cesium fountain of LPTF
	Buffet for the registred participants

Wenesday 25 September

topics : Le temps et sa mesure, evolution des echelles de temps 
et de la mesure du temps, ...


topics : Operateurs mathematiques en mecanique celeste et geophysique  
(Laplacien,  Lagrangien, Hamiltonien, ...), distances cosmiques et 
constante de Hubble, Grand Attracteur, ...


To be sent back not later than 30 April 1996 either to F. Medina, 
DANOF/URA 1125, Observatoire de Paris, 61 Avenue de l'observatoire, 
75014 Paris, France, or to danof@danof.obspm.fr.

First Name  .................. Last Name  ....................

Institution ..................................................

Adress .......................................................

Phone, Fax, E-Mail ...........................................

. plans to attend the Journees 1996  Systemes de Reference 
Spatio-temporels: "Two centuries of evolution of "Systeme du 
Monde". Homage to Laplace", Paris, on 23-24-25 September 1996.

   YES                  or                         NO
. and proposes to contribute by a presentation untiled

.concerning session Num. ............  (cf preliminary program)

				- oral communication	   
. Proposed form
				- poster			   

. Would like to receive the provisional program and the final registration 
form which will be send on May 1996.

   YES			or			NO

Item 3                                           ENHA No. 15, June 13, 1996

Conference Announcement: Antique Telecope Society Annual Convention

By Bart Fried, USA

Sept 27th to Oct 1st 1996

The Convention will be in two parts.  EACH WILL REQUIRE SEPARATE
REGISTRATION. The first part will be the Conference meeting from
mid-afternoon on Friday 27th September to Sunday evening the 29th of
September. The second part will be a tour of many historic sites and
instrument collections from early Monday morning 30th September to
Wednesday morning 3rd of October- See enclosed itinerary. For complete
agenda, registration and cost information, contact Dr. Walter Breyer,
whbreyer@aol.com, Dr. Ron Maddison, ronmadd@digital.net,325 Island Oaks
Place, Merritt Island, Florida 32953, (407)-453-4723, or Bart Fried,
bsfried@aol.com or 71223.3430@compuserve.com.


FRIDAY  27th Sept.  
Registration at the FRANCIS HOTEL, Bath.
Civic Reception in the Pump Room at the Roman Baths.
Welcome by the Lord Mayor or his Deputy.
Short tours of the torch-lit Roman Baths.
Banquet in the historic Pump Room.
Keynote Address by Dr. Allan Chapman.
Adjourn to Francis Hotel for informal social activities.

SATURDAY  28th Sept.
Paper Session (1)
Break for COFFEE adjoining Aix-en-Provence Room
Paper Session (2) 
Paper Session (3)
Afternoon tea
Paper Session (4)
Aperitifs, dinner
Invited  Lecture by  Dr. Patrick Moore.C.B.E.
Adjourn to Francis Hotel for social activities.

SUNDAY  29th Sept.
Juried displays and exhibits of member's and guests' antique telescopes,
books, atlases, binoculars. 
Coffee reception at the William Herschel House, Headquarters of the 
"Herschel Society".
Paper Session (5)
afternoon tea
Paper Session (6)
Aperitifs dinner, Presentation of  medals/awards
Invited Lecture (to be announced)
Adjourn to Francis Hotel for informal social events.


The following tours will be by specially designed touring coaches (two)
described as follows by the company:- 'Both coaches are equipped with
forced air ventilation, video, toilet / washroom, servery, a small 'fridge
and reclining seats. Complimentary drinks i.e. tea, coffee and chocolate
will be on board. The Coaches will stay with us throughout the two days.

MONDAY  30th  Sept.
BLYTHE HOUSE COLLECTION - The Store contains items such as: The Nasmyth
20" alt-azimuth; the Oxford Heliometer; the Smyth equatorial; the
Groombridge Circle; and the Kew photoheliograph.  There are numerous other
exhibits including the 48" Herschel speculum etc.  SCIENCE MUSEUM IN
EXHIBITION ROAD: The Rosse 72" speculum from Birr Castle and a fine scale
model of the telescope; the Complete Isaac Roberts Observatory (set up on
the roof) containing a Grubb 20" reflector with a 7" refractor on the same
mounting; and Caroline Herschel's own telescope. CARLTON HOUSE TERRACE,
which is the headquarters of the Royal Society: View the original Newton
Reflector, the Royal Society Library where a small exhibition will have
been mounted. Time for NEARBY AREAS OF INTEREST in Central London such as
Westminster, Buckingham Palace, or the main stores around the general area
of Piccadilly Circus.  There is also the main collection of Trevor Philips
(Antique Scientific Instruments etc.) close by in Jermyn Street.
UNIVERSITY OF LONDON OBSERVATORY in Mill Hill Park, North London: Several
historic instruments; The main instrument is a 24" photographic refractor,
carrying an 18" visual refractor on the same mount, both made by Grubb in
1902 originally for the Radcliffe Observatory in Oxford. There is also a
6" refractor by Cooke, known as the Joynson Telescope, and a modern 24"
(Where William Wordsworth lived when he was a student, and where John
Herschel was a student and later became a Fellow. 

TUESDAY  1st October

WHIPPLE MUSEUM in Free School Lane: This museum houses a fine collection
of many early telescopes including:- Three refractors by Jesse Ramsden (
1770, 1770 and 1785), one by J. Yarwell (1675), a Dollond of London
(1880), two reflectors by James Short (1760 and 1763), a reflector by
Nairne and Blunt of London (1793), one by John Cuthbert of London (1826),
a Herschel of (1790), a reflector by John Cuff of London (1740), A
refractor by Wray (1875) and an early object glass by Christopher Cock of
- Items available for viewing will include the following:-The 11.75"
Northumberland telescope (which originally contained a fine triplet by
Cauchoix of Paris - but now has a fine doublet by Hysom), the 8"
Thorrowgood telescope by Cooke (which was once owned by Rev. W.R. Dawes.),
the 36"reflector by Grubb, and a new design prototype 20" three-mirror,
totally achromatic, wide field fast camera by Willstrop and Hysom.  This
will be explained and demonstrated by its designer Dr. Roderick Willstrop
of Cambridge University Observatory. WOOLSTHORPE MANOR, BIRTHPLACE OF SIR
ISAAC NEWTON. During our visit light refreshments, including apple cake
and apple pie, will be provided 'Under the Apple Tree' by a group of local
ladies while smaller groups tour the house. OLD ROYAL OBSERVATORY IN
GREENWICH PARK. - The main instrument is the 28" Grubb refractor (built in
1893) which is mounted in a classical English equatorial, between an open
lattice polar yoke, inside the well known onion dome landmark. We hope to
be able to use the telescope, but this obviously depends on favorable
weather conditions. There may be time during the evening to tour some of
the other buildings, such as Flamsteed House, the Octagon Room, and the
Transit telescope marking the Prime Meridian. The Old Royal Observatory
now houses the famous collection of Harrison navigational chronometers as
well as an extensive collection of early astronomical instruments. The
Octagon Room contains several original instruments and the Airy Transit
telescope marks the Zero Meridian of longitude - marked by a brass plaque
in front of the building.

Follow-up leisurely visit to Old Royal Observatory  and / or visit to
neighboring Maritime Museum. The Maritime  Museum contains navigational
instruments and a fine collection of models and naval memorabilia.

Item 4                                           ENHA No. 15, June 13, 1996

Conference Announcement: Humanizing the Medieval Sciences

Special CEMERS Session
1996 30th Annual CEMERS Conference
Binghamton, NY
October 18 - 19, 1996

Requesting presentations on integrative and interdisciplinary research and
teaching projects linking the medieval sciences and humanities. I am
interested in practical approaches to the teaching of natural philosophy,
medicine, astronomy, astrology, quadrivial sciences, etc. in medieval
studies programs and how these pedagogies can be situated in broader
cultural patterns and linked to literary, philosophical, legal, and other
humanistic studies.  Case studies would be welcome: how is your program
teaching (or not teaching) medieval science?  What sorts of institutional
and departmental support do you receive for interdisciplinary work?  What
integrative projects have worked well for you?

NOTE: Topic extended to medieval sciences and technology exclusively.

REPLY  (early replies appreciated) by June 1, 1996 with 500 word abstract
or complete 20 minute presentation and brief description of research
interests and / or CV to:

A. S. Weber
Box 217
Department English
SUNY Binghamton
Binghamton, NY  13902
607 - 773 - 4755 (H)
607 - 777 - 2168 (W)
607 - 777 - 2408 (FAX)

Other Abstracts, Inquiries to:

Charles Burroughs, Director, CEMERS
Binghamton University
P.O. Box 6000
Binghamton, NY  13902 - 6000

TEL:  607 - 777 - 2730
E-Mail: CEMERS@bingsuns.cc.binghamton.edu

Item 5                                           ENHA No. 15, June 13, 1996

DISPUTATIO: An International Transdisciplinary Journal of the
Late Middle Ages. Call for Papers

    *Disputatio* is an international transdisciplinary annual of the
late middle ages (ca. 1300-1550) published by Northwestern University
Press.  Each issue provides exhaustive and diverse treatments of one
significant example of late medieval culture by scholars representing
various nations, approaches, and disciplines.  We feature scholarly
articles, inclusive review essays, and a comprehensive bibliography
on each issue topic.

FALL 1997 ISSUE:  *Constructions of Time in the Late Middle Ages*

SUBMISSIONS DUE:  November 1, 1996

Scholarly articles and research notes concerning all aspects of late
medieval constructions of time are welcome.  Topics may include but
are not limited to:

-Time and narrative
-Eternity and perpetuity
-Time, space, and infinity
-Time and authority
-Future contingents
-Artistic portrayals of time
-Travel and time
-Law and time
-Gender and time
-Human life cycle
-Nominalist and realist perspectives on time
-Clocks, work, and time (Werkglocken)
-The late medieval calendar
-Mysticism and time
-Meter, rhythm, and time
-Succession, inheritance, and generations
-Tense structures in late medieval languages
-Cosmology and cosmogeny
-Allegories of time

    Length is 4,000-12,000 words for articles, 2,500 words for research
notes.  If you are interested in writing review or bibliographic essays,
please contact us.  We will consider articles in English or either major
European languages or Latin with substantial abstracts in English.
Please ask for our style sheet.

ADDRESS:       Carol Poster and Richard Utz, Editors
               English Department, Baker 115
               University of Northern Iowa
               Cedar Falls, IA 50614
               e-mail: disputatio@cobra.uni.edu

Item 6                                           ENHA No. 15, June 13, 1996

Conferences 1996/97

21 - 23 June 1996, Isili, Italy
Convegno di studi "I nuraghi archeologia, astronomia, architettura"
Contacts: Compagnia dell'Arco, C.A.P. 08033 Via Dante, 50 Isili, Italy,
tel. 0782/802973-802736-802443

3 July 1996, London, UK
Annual General Meeting of the Society of Antiquaries
Place: Burlington House, Piccadily, London W1
Lectures: "Behind the Stars" by Gerard Turner, "Arithmometers" by S.
Johnston, "Weights & Measures" by A.D.C. Simpson

15 - 17 July 1996, Goettingen, Germany
VII Workshop on the History of Modern Mathematics
Information: Dr. Hans J. Becker, Niedersaechische Staats- und
Universitaetsbibliothek, Platz der Goettinger Sieben 1, D-37073 Goettingen,

15 - 20 September 1996, Jena, Germany
Annual Conference of the German Mathematical Society [Jahrestagung der 
Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung]; Session 7 "History and Philosophy of 
Mathematics" [Sektion 7 "Geschichte und Philosophie der Mathematik"]
Information: Prof. Dr. Hans-Juergen Engelbert, Fakultaet fuer Mathematik
und Informatik, Friedrich-Schiller-Universitaet Jena, D-07740 Jena,
Germany, Tel. 03641/630819 or 631107

26 October 1996, London (Greenwich), UK
Scientific Instrument Society's visit to the National Maritime Museum
Reserve Collection in The Old Observatory, Greenwich, London SE10

26 - 31 October 1996, Nice, France
121eme Congres National des Societes Historiques et Scientifiques
The session on "Histoire des sciences et des techniques" is on the topic
of "Astronomie et astronomes dans le comte de Nice et la France
meridionale". Registration had to be before March 31, 1996, but it seems
to be flexible.
Contacts: Suzanne Debarbat (Paris Observatory) and Paul
Brouzeng (LIREST, Bat307, 91405 Orsay Cedex, France)

3 - 7 March 1997, Potsdam, Germany
Colloqium on the History of Geophysics during the Annual Conference of
the German Geophysical Society [Jahrestagung der Deutschen 
Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft]
Information: Dr. Wilfried Schroeder, Hechelstr. 8, 
D-28777 Bremen-Roennebeck, Germany

28 May - 1 June 1997, Calw, Germany
4th Meeting of the Special Section "History of Mathematics" of the German
Mathematical Society [4. Tagung der Fachsektion "Geschichte der Mathematik"
der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung]
Place: Staatliche Akademie fuer Lehrerfortbildung in Calw in the Northern
Black Forest [Nordschwarzwald]
Information: Prof. Dr. Michael von Renteln, Universitaet Karlsruhe,
Mathematisches Institut I, Englerstr. 2, D-76128 Karlsruhe, Germany,
Tel. 0721/608-3037 (-2056 Sekr.)


Expressions of thanks

In addition to the authors of contribution, we also wish to thank: 

Hayot Alain (Paris), Emmanuel Davoust (Toulouse), Otfried Lieberknecht
(Berlin), Wilfried Schroeder (Bremen), Michael Toepell (Leipzig/Muenchen).



Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy (ENHA)

Published by the Working Group for the History of Astronomy in the
Astronomische Gesellschaft

A translation of "Elektronische Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte"

Editor: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick 

Translated by: Mr. Donald Bellunduno <76450.1741@compuserve.com>

All items without an author's name are editorial contributions.
Articles as well as information for the several sections are appreciated.

Copyright Statement:
The Electronic Newsletters for the History of Astronomy may be freely 
re-distributed in the case that no charge is imposed. Public offer in
WWW servers, BBS etc. is allowed after the editor has been informed. 
Non-commercial reproduction of single items in electronic or printed media
is permitted when the source is indicated clearly; the editor has to be

Subscription to EMA/ENHA is free. Subscribers and readers are asked
for occasional donations to the working group.

(Printed) Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte (in German):
 Price: DM 1.50 / issue plus postage and packing costs 
        outside Germany: free
 Subscription: Send in DM 2.50 (one issue) or DM 5.00 (Nos. 8-9) in
               stamps to the editor
 Editor: Dr. W. R. Dick, Otterkiez 14, 
         D-14478 Potsdam, Germany, Tel.: (+331) 863199

Astronomische Gesellschaft / Astronomical Society:

Chairman: Prof. Dr. Hanns Ruder, University of Tuebingen, Theoretical
Astrophysics and Computational Physics, Auf der Morgenstelle 10, D-72076

Secretary: Dr. Reinhard Schielicke, Universitaetssternwarte,
Schillergaesschen 2, D-07745 Jena, Tel.: (+3641) 63 03 36,
E-mail: schie@georg.astro.uni-jena.de

Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte / Working Group for the History of

Chairman: Prof. Dr. Peter Brosche, Observatorium Hoher List der
Sternwarte der Universitaet Bonn, D-54550 Daun, Germany, 
Tel.: (+6592) 2150, Fax: (+6592) 2937

Secretary: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick, Institut fuer Angewandte Geodaesie,
Aussenstelle Potsdam, Postfach 60 08 08, D-14408 Potsdam, Germany,
Tel.: (+331) 316 619, E-mail: wdi@potsdam.ifag.de 

Treasurer: Dr. Reinhard Schielicke, Universitaetssternwarte,
Schillergaesschen 2, D-07745 Jena, Tel.: (+3641) 63 03 36,
E-mail: schie@georg.astro.uni-jena.de

Secretary for Public Relations: Dr. Gudrun Wolfschmidt, Deutsches
Museum, Museumsinsel 1, D-80538 Muenchen, Germany, Tel.: (+89) 2179 277, 
Fax: (+89) 2179 324, E-mail: t7911ac@sunmail.lrz-muenchen.de

Bank Acct. of the Working Group of the Astronomische Gesellschaft:
Acct # 333 410 41, Sparkasse Bochum (BLZ 430 500 01)
Contributions from foreign countries to: acct # 162 18-203, Postgiroamt
Hamburg, BLZ 200 400 20
Please sign all payments with: "Fuer Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte"


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Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy - Number 16

*                                                                         *
*                                                                         *
*      Published by the Working Group for the History of Astronomy        *
*                  in the Astronomische Gesellschaft                      *
*                                                                         *
*                     Number 16, November 3, 1996                         *
*                                                                         *
*                           A translation of                              *
*                                                                         *
*                        Nr. 16,  17. August 1996                         *
*                                                                         *
*          Edited by: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick           *
*                                                                         *
*      Translated by: Mr. Donald Bellunduno <76450.1741@CompuServe.COM>   *
*                                                                         *


1. Review of: Doel, Ronald E.: Solar system astronomy in America

2. Memorials

3. Elvira Pfitzner:
   Places relating to the memories of Georg Samuel Doerffel (1643-1688)

4. History of astronomy papers presented at the German Science Historian's 
   Day, Berlin, 26-29 September 1996

5. Conference Calendar 1996/97

Expression of thanks


Addendum by the Translator: Space Calendar

Item 1                                        ENHA No. 16, November 3, 1996

Book Review

Doel, Ronald E.: Solar system astronomy in America: Communities, patronage,
and interdisciplinary science, 1920-1960. Cambridge, New York, Melbourne:
Cambridge University Press, 1996. Pp. xiv + 280, 16 unnumbered pages with
25 photographs, ISBN 0-521-41573-X, GBP 40.00, US$ 59.95 (hardbound)

The first book by the American historian of astronomy Ron Doel is based on
his dissertation at Princeton University. Using a vast number of printed
and archival sources, as well as oral-history interviews, a number of which
he carried out himself, Doel furthers a complete picture of solar system
astronomy in the USA and Canada during the first decade of this century.
Corresponding to the common definition, "solar system astronomy" excludes
solar physics. The book concentrates upon interdisciplinary works in the
overlapping zones of astronomy, geology, geophysics, and meterology. It is
also about the application of geosciences to bodies inside the solar
system, as well as about the importance of astronomical observations, e.g.,
of meteors, for studies of the Earth. Therefore, the book is of interest
not only for astronomers, but also for those working in the geosciences as
well. Astrometric measurements of solar system bodies, celestial
mechanics, cartography, and the examination of the figures of the planets
are discussed rather marginally. Since the dependence of science on social
developments of the period is also depicted, especially with respect to
financial politics, the book would also be of interest to general
historians of science.

The scientific quality of the depiction is outstanding, and the style is
demanding. Foreign readers will find it not quiet easy to comprehend; but
they will find highly interesting insights into the pre-history of the
present American scientific landscape. The interdisciplinarity of the
research described in the book was rather the source of conflicts, instead
of harmonic development, and also the Second World War and the following
Cold War caused breaks in the development.

The most often mentioned protagonists of the book are Walter S. Adams,
Ralp B. Baldwin, Dirk Brouwer, Harrison Scott Brown, Jesse Greenstein,
Gerard P. Kuiper, Armin O. Leuschner, Donald H. Menzel, Henry Norris
Russell, Harlow Shapley, Otto Struve, Harold C. Urey, Fred L. Whipple and
Rupert Wildt. Many of these researchers, as well as other astronomers
mentioned in the book, are rather known through their works in other areas.
An important realization of Ron Doel is that solar system research in no
way played the secondary role, which which was later attributed to it. Up
until the advent of space travel, astronomy was not yet separated into
specialized disciplines, and it was no problem for astronomers to work in
this and in other areas in parallel.

Biographical information is given only a limited description in the book,
and went largely unavailable within the book's index. The index also does
not refer to the footnotes, but is very carefully compiled in all other
respects. The typographical representation is excellent.

The mistakes I noted were few and do not affect the proper contents of the
book: Zoellner's first name is Karl Friedrich, not Johann (pp. 5 and
280). On page 18, it should have been written: "accuracy of fundamental
star catalogues" instead of "accuracy of fundamental star charts".
Bernhard (not Bernhardt) Schmidt was not a Soviet astronomer, but was
instead an Estonian optician and astronomer, who lived in Germany (p. 72).
The number of print errors is refreshingly marginal. Mainly, these are
contained in references to foreign-language sources.

For European readers who are not fully familiar with American history, some
of the positions in the book will only be well understood after additional
reading from other sources. One example of this is on page 152, where the
"Scopes trial" is mentioned. This was the trial of 1925 against the
teacher J. T. Scopes, who taught Darwin's theory of evolution.

All in all, the book is very worth recommending, as its price matches its

                                                  Wolfgang R. Dick, Potsdam

Item 2                                        ENHA No. 16, November 3, 1996


In ENHA No. 11 the unveiling of a commemorative plaque for Peter Andreas
Hansen on the mountain Grosser Inselsberg in the Thuringian Forest was
reported. This report was based upon an incorrect announcement in a
journal. In fact, the Hansen jubilee was only the occasion. The
inscription of the memorial unveiled on the 17th of June, 1995, reads:
"Grosser Inselsberg. First order trigonometric point for surveying. Since
the second decade of the 19th century the Grosser Inselsberg, because of
its exposed position in the central areas of Germany, has been used for
large-scale surveying measurements: for the Hanover arc measurement, the
surveyings of the Kingdom of Prussia, of the Electorate Hessen, of the
Duchies of Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha and Sachsen-Meiningen, and of the territory
of Schmalkalden, as well as for the Middle European arc measurements. With
these works, such outstanding personalities such as Carl Friedrich Gauss,
Christian Ludwig Gerling and Peter Andreas Hansen are tied together.
Deutscher Verein fuer Vermessungswesen [German Society for Surveying],
Division of Thuringia. Bund der Oeffentlich bestellten
Vermessungsingenieure [Society of German Chartered Surveyors], Division of
Thuringia. June 1995." Unfortunately, the earlier works of Franz Xaver
von Zach at the Grosser Inselberg are not mentioned. The stone is made of
black marble, and the location is marked by a stylized triginometric signal
of high-grade steel. The unveiling drew about 70 interested onlookers to
the event.
[Source: Zeitschrift fuer Vermessungswesen 120 (1995) 9, p. VII;
personal communications by G. Lencer and M. Strumpf (Gotha)]

In memory of the 250th birthday of Johann Hieronymus Schroeter (1745-1816)
a newly built street in Dresden was dedicated with his name in 1995. The
street parallel to that was given the name of Herschel. Both
recommendations came from the Heimat- und Palitzsch-Museum (Gamigstr. 24,
D-01239 Dresden, Germany). Dieter Gerdes (Lilienthal) praised Schroeters
work in an address. The street lies in the "Astronomy quarter", a section
that already comprises the Palitzschstrasse, Besselplatz, Keplerstrasse and

On the 29th of May 1996, on the former director's house next to the
observatory in Tartu (Estonia; formerly Dorpat) a commemorative plaque for
Johann Heinrich Maedler was unveiled. The tablet was donated by StD Arno
Langkavel, member of the Working Group for the History of Astronomy.

Item 3                                        ENHA No. 16, November 3, 1996

Places relating to the memories of Georg Samuel Doerffel (1643-1688)

By Elvira Pfitzner, Chemnitz

The places of activity of the theologian and astronomer Georg Samuel
Doerffel were situated in Plauen and Weida. Three streets and two objects
off our planet carry his name. In addition, there is a whole row of areas
which remind one of Doerffels achievements.

Plauen and its surroundings

The house in which Doerffel was born was located in the area of the modern
estate between the church Johanniskirche and the Topfmarkt (market place),
with one front bordering the yard of the church, and a small garden towards
the Topfmarkt. The house, situated between the Kantorgaesschen street and
a neighboring house towards Kirchgasse street, was the property of the
parents -- and went to the son after the parents died. It has not been

The Johanniskirche, in which he was baptized, and later became one of his
working estates, changed over the years. The baptismal font stems from the
life-span of Doerffel.

In the address book of 1877/78 the first mentioning of a street named after
Doerffel can be found. At the place of this street destroyed by bombs
during the Second World War on Aril 10, 1945, there is a street consisting
of two parts with new buildings. This new street has got the old name
in 1973. A small plaque is on hand to inform passers-by.

The small Doerffel Observatory on the Nussberg mountain was built by
valuntaries in the framework of the Nationales Aufbauwerk of the former
GDR. Its 3m-dome has been constructed by the Astronomy Division of the
former Kulturbund in Plauen. During the dedication of the observatory in
January of 1963 Prof. Cuno Hoffmeister took part in the ceremony.
Unfortunately, it has not been operable now for many years.

In the Vogtlandmuseum (Vogtland Museum) there exists a small showcase
reminding of Doerffel.

Since 1988 a memorial to Doerffel has stood in the Stadtpark (city park) on
the Baerenstein mountain near the train station "Oberer Bahnhof".  It was
carved by the present mayor, Dr. R. Magerkord. Besides depictions of
Doerffels life and works on five stones, there is a 5 meter tall stele with
the sculpture of a comet on top.

In Strassberg the original church has survived, in which Doerffel remained
active between 1668 to 1684. His term in office saw the consecration of
the first, i.e. the middle of the bells (ca. 1673). The chambers above
the churchs halls portray a picture from the time period as well. As in
Plauen, in Strassberg and in Oberlosa the old parish registers remained,
printed with the fine ink-draft entries from the second deacon Magister
(master of arts) Georg Samuel Doerffel (M.G.S.D.). Services in Oberlosa
were held in a small chapel, which up until 1780, remained standing on the
exact same spot as the present-day church.


Doerffel lived here in the dean's rooms up until his death. The house was
located on the ground where the present building stands today, not far from
the Stadtkirche (town church), where the ensemble's door leads up to the
edge of the river. This church also underwent renovations, but the
original altar and pulpit have been retained. Doerffel's grave lies
underneath, in the altar room. A wall epitaph with his likeness was
donated by his dependants, and can be seen hanging in the church. A look
into the parish registers clearly denotes a considerable change in quality
beginning with the year 1685. Doerffel as the new dean started registers,
and the conscientious entries made by him set an example for others. In
1988, on the ocassion of the Second Doerffel Colloqium in Plauen and Weida
in celebration of his 300th birthday, a memorial tablet was commemorated on
the front of the church.

At the Kaffee-Museum (Coffee Museum) in the street Graefenbruecker Strasse,
built between 1902 and 1904, and extended in 1914, on the side facing the
river Weida a group of reliefs can be seen, whose left side is dedicated to
Doerffel. The text is controversial.

Since 1922 Weida has had a street named Doerffelstrasse, which bends to the
right, away from the former Bismarkstrasse in the direction of river Auma.

The museum in the Osterburg castle remembered about Doerffel in the
framework of exhibits.

Since the 20th of June, 1992 the school in street Thaelmannstrasse 23 has
been known as the "Georg-Samuel-Doerffel-Gymnasium Weida". Its logo
contains a stylized comet and the name of the institution. Yearly school
festivals are given in remembrance of Doerffel.

Other places 

In Berlin, in the community of Lichtenrade, street number 27 was named
Doerfelweg on August 31, 1949. The circumstances of this naming are under

Since May 1996, in the newly refurbished permanent exhibition of the
Lutherhaus (Martin Luther House) in Eisenach, George Samuel Doerffel's life
in words and pictures can also be seen. Also, the Deutsches Evangelisches
Pfarrhaus-Archiv (German Protestant Parsonage Archives), which is located
in the Lutherhaus, holds material on Doerffel's life.


On the far side of the moon there is a crater at coordinates: 69.1 degrees
S, by 107.9 degrees W, which carries the name of Samuel Doerffel. In 1979,
the name was given it by the IAU, because the moon-mountain which was named
after Doerffel by J. H. Schroeter in 1791 could not be localized.

On the suggestion of Dr. Freimut Boerngen, an astronomer at Tautenburg, on
May 20, 1989 the IAU also named the asteroid No. 4076 discovered by him
after Doerffel.

It is possible, that there are other features which carry his name. The
research about Doerffel should also pay attention to this fact.

Additions by the editor:

Because of extensive reconstruction, the Vogtlandmuseum in Plauen (Phone:
03741-2912401) will be able to display its material about Doerffel only
after some years.

The Johanniskirche in Plauen is, dependent on weather conditions, open from
9am to 4pm. If the church is closed, one can call at the parsonage (Phone:
03741-226957). One can also inquire there as to the times for services.

The church in Plauen's district Strassberg is only open for services each
two weeks. Prospective visitors can inquire with Mrs. Christine Seeling
(Moorengasse 12, in the vicinity of the church) or call ahead to the office
at the parsonage (Phone:  03741-33241). Special Note: The parsonage is
seldom occupied, so, please call on Monday and Tuesday afternoon for the
best chance of finding someone to speak with.

The Stadtkirche in Weida is also only open for services. Prospective
visitors can either ask for admission at the neighboring church office, or
inquire for the times of services at the parsonage (Kirchplatz 4, Phone:

The medieval Osterburg castle in Weida, which is worth seeing, holds
material on Doerffel, but this is currently not on display (Phone:

The Lutherhaus with the German Protestant Parsonage Archives (Lutherplatz
8, 99817 Eisenach, Tel.:  03691-29830) is open daily 9am-5pm.

Item 4                                        ENHA No. 16, November 3, 1996

History of astronomy papers presented at the German Science Historian's 
Day, Berlin, 26-29 September 1996

Friday, 27 September 1996

Morning sessions (9am-1pm )

Changing times - and new orientations in science and society around 1600

*  Eberhard Knobloch (Berlin)
"Die gesamte Philosophie ist eine Neuerung in alter Unkenntnis" -
Keplers new orientation of astronomy around 1600

Afternoon sessions (2pm-6pm)

The new astronomy, and the order of knowledge
Organizer: Herzog August Library Wolfenbuettel

*  Barbara Bauer (Marburg)
1600 as a threshold of epochs in the dispute on the new astronomy
*  Bernd Roeck (Bonn)
Astronomy and astrology in Aby Warburg's science of cultur
*  Discussion

Saturday, 28. September 1996

Afternoon sessions (2pm-6pm)

Fin de siecle - awakening and decadence, 2nd session
Organizer: Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Geschichte der Medizin, 
Naturwissenschaft und Technik


*  Wolfgang R. Dick (Potsdam)
The transfer of the Berliner observatory to Babelsberg - a conservative
new beginning 

To find more information of the entire program, please visit this 
World Wide Web site:

Item 5                                        ENHA No. 16, November 3, 1996

Conference Calendar 1996/97

20 - 21 September 1996, Tuebingen
Meeting of the Working Group for the History of Astronomy
during the fall meeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft
Information: W.R.Dick (For address, please see the Imprint)

21 - 28 September 1996, Great Britain
National Astronomy Week 1996
Theme: the 150th anniversary of the discovery of the planet Neptune
Information: Jodrell Bank Science Centre, Macclesfield, Cheshire,
SK11 9DL, Great Britain, Telephone Hot Line: 01477 571874,
Fax: 01477 571875
URL: http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/~naw96/

27 - 28 September 1996, Toronto, Canada
2nd Annual Conference of the North American Sundial Society
Please submit title and an abstract of not more than 250 words to
Frederick W. Sawyer III, 8 Sachem Drive, Glastonbury CT 06033 USA (fax:
203-275-5295, email: 71541.1662@compuserve.com) no later than June 15,
For information on the conference, address inquiries to: 1996 NASS
Conference, Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and
Technology, Victoria College, 73 Queen's Park Crescent, Toronto, Ontario
M5S 1K7, Canada, or to the conference coordinator Phyllis Rose at
URL: http://glen-ellyn.iit.edu/~clocks/clocks/sundial/nass/ann2conf.html

1 July 1997, Birr, Co. Offaly, Ireland
Royal Astronomical Society Regional Meeting to celebrate the
reconstruction of the 72 inch telescope built by the 3rd Earl of Rosse in
the mid 19th century.
Information: Royal Astronomical Society, Burlington House, London W1V 0NL,
Great Britain, Tel: (0171) 734-4582 or (0171) 734-3307,
Fax: (0171) 494-0166


Expression of thanks

For information we thank: 

Christine and Rudolf Dick (Elsterberg), Heino Eelsalu (Tartu), Siegfried
Koge (Dresden), Gunter Lencer (Gotha), Oliver Schwarz (Gotha), Manfred
Strumpf (Gotha), Lutherhaus Eisenach, Museum der Osterburg Weida, Pfarramt
der Johanniskirche Plauen, Pfarramt Plauen-Strassberg, Pfarramt Weida,
Vogtlandmuseum Plauen.



Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy (ENHA)

A translation of "Elektronische Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte"

Published by the Working Group for the History of Astronomy in the
Astronomische Gesellschaft

Editor: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick 

Translated and Co-Edited by: Mr. Donald Bellunduno 

All news which is not quoted by name are editorial contributions.
Articles as well as information for the several sections will be gladly

Subscription for the ENHA is free.

Astronomische Gesellschaft / Astronomical Society:

Chairman: Prof. Dr. Hanns Ruder, University of Tuebingen, Theoretical
Astrophysics and Computational Physics, Auf der Morgenstelle 10, D-72076

Secretary: Dr. G. Klare, Landessternwarte, Koenigstuhl, 
D-69117 Heidelberg

Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte / Working Group for the History of

URL: http://aibn55.astro.uni-bonn.de:8000/~pbrosche/aa/aa.html

Chairman: Prof. Dr. Peter Brosche, Observatorium Hoher List der
Sternwarte der Universitaet Bonn, D-54550 Daun, Germany, 
Tel.: (+6592) 2150, Fax: (+6592) 2937

Secretary: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick, Institut fuer Angewandte Geodaesie,
Aussenstelle Potsdam, Postfach 60 08 08, D-14408 Potsdam, Germany,
Tel.: (+331) 316 619, E-mail: wdi@potsdam.ifag.de

Secretary for Public Relations: Dr. Gudrun Wolfschmidt, Deutsches
Museum, Museumsinsel 1, D-80538 Muenchen, Germany, Tel.: (+89) 2179 277, 
Fax: (+89) 2179 324, E-mail: kdq01ag@sunmail.lrz-muenchen.de

Treasurer: Dr. Reinhard Schielicke, Universitaetssternwarte,
Schillergaesschen 2, D-07745 Jena, Tel.: (+3641) 63 03 36,
E-mail: schie@georg.astro.uni-jena.de

Bank Acct. of the Working Group of the Astronomische Gesellschaft:
Acct # 333 410 41, Sparkasse Bochum (BLZ 430 500 01)
Contributions from foreign countries: acct # 162 18-203, Postgiroamt
Hamburg, BLZ 200 400 20
Please sign with: "Fuer Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte" 


Addendum by the Translator: Space Calendar

The Space Calendar covers space-related activities and anniversaries
for the upcoming year. It is also available on the World Wide Web at:


The WWW version of the Space Calendar includes over 300 links to other
home pages that have additional information on that subject.

This calendar is compiled and maintained by Ron Baalke. Please send any
updates or corrections to baalke@kelvin.jpl.nasa.gov. Note that 
anniversary dates are listed in 5 year increments only.

Non-historical items have been deleted from the original calendar.
Anniversaries from January 1996 to May 1997 have already been given in
ENHA 13 and 14. Here only additions and corrections will be presented.

November 1996
  Nov 05 - Fred Whipple's 90th Birthday
  Nov 12 - 15th Anniversary (1981), STS-2 Launch (Columbia)
  Nov 16 - 30th Anniversary (1966), Leonids Meteor Storm
  Nov 29 - 35th Anniversary (1961), Mercury Atlas 5 Launch (Enos the Chimp)

December 1996
  Dec 21 - 30th Anniversary (1966), Luna 13 Launch (Soviet Moon Lander)

March 1997
  Mar 05 - 15th Anniversary (1982), Venera 14 Venus Flyby/Landing (USSR)
  Mar 10 - 20th Anniversary (1977), Discovery of Rings Around Uranus
  Mar 16 - 35th Anniversary (1962), Maiden Launch of the Titan 2 Rocket
  Mar 22 - 15th Anniversary (1982), STS-3 Launch (Columbia)
  Mar 28 - 195th Anniversary (1802), Wilhelm Olber's Discovery of the
           2nd Asteroid, Pallas
  Mar 29 - 190th Anniversary (1807), Wilhelm Olber's Discovery of 
           Asteroid 4 Vesta

April 1997
  Apr 15 - Wilbur Wright's 130th Birthday (1867)
  Apr 16 - 25th Anniversary (1972), Apollo 16 Launch (Manned Moon Landing)
  Apr 24 - 30th Anniversary (1967), Soyuz 1 Accident, Cosmonaut Killed

June 1997
  Jun 12 - 30th Anniversary (1967), Venera 4 Launch (Soviet Venus Lander)
  Jun 14 - 30th Anniversary (1967), Mariner 5 Launch (Venus Flyby)

July 1997
  Jul 01 - 150th Anniversary (1847), Hind's Discovery of the Asteroid 6 Hebe
  Jul 06 - 310th Anniversary (1687), Isaac Newton's Principia Published
  Jul 10 - Alvan Clark's 165th Birthday (1832)
  Jul 10 - 35th Anniversary (1962), Telstar 1 Launch, First Active 
           Real-Time Communications Satellite
  Jul 13 - Langley Research Center's 80th Birthday (1917)
  Jul 19 - 30th Anniversary (1967), Explorer 35 Launch (Moon Orbiter)
  Jul 22 - 25th Anniversary (1972), Venera 8 Venus Landing

August 1997
  Aug 01 - 30th Anniversary (1967), Lunar Orbiter 5 Launch
  Aug 10 - 25th Anniversary (1972), Observation of Only Known Meteor Known
           to Enter and Leave Earth's Atmosphere (Utah, Canada)
  Aug 11 - 35th Anniversary (1962), Vostok 3 Launch
  Aug 11 - 120th Anniversary (1877), Asaph Hall's Discovery of Mars Moon 
  Aug 12 - 35th Anniversary (1962), Vostok 4 Launch
  Aug 13 - 150th Anniversary (1847), Hind's Discovery of Asteroid 7 Iris
  Aug 17 - 120th Anniversary (1877), Asaph Hall's Discovery of Mars Moon Phobos
  Aug 20 - 20th Anniversary (1977), Voyager 2 Launch
  Aug 27 - 35th Anniversary (1962), Mariner 2 Launch (Venus Flyby Mission)

September 1997
  Sep 05 - 20th Anniversary (1977), Voyager 1 Launch
  Sep 08 - 30th Anniversary (1967), Surveyor 5 Launch (Moon Lander)
  Sep 09 - 105th Anniversary (1892), Edward Barnard's Discovery of Jupiter Moon Amalthea
  Sep 17 - Konstantin Tsiolkovsky's 140th Birthday (1857)

October 1997
  Oct 03 - 35th Anniversary (1962), Zagami Meteorite Fall (Mars Meteorite)
  Oct 03 - 35th Anniversary (1962), Sigma 7 Launch (Walter Schirra)
  Oct 04 - 40th Anniversary (1957), Sputnik 1 Launch
  Oct 05 - Robert Goddard's 115th Birthday (1882)
  Oct 10 - 35th Anniversary (1962), Mariner 2 Discovery of Solar Winds
  Oct 14 - 50th Anniversary (1947), Chuck Yeager Breaks the Sound Barrier
  Oct 18 - 150th Anniversary (1847), Hind's Discovery of Asteroid Flora
  Oct 18 - 30th Anniversary (1967), Venera 4, Venus Landing
  Oct 18 - 20th Anniversary (1977), Kowall's Discovery of Chiron
  Oct 19 - 30th Anniversary (1967), Mariner 5, Venus Flyby
  Oct 20 - Sir Christopher Wren's 365th Birthday (1632)
  Oct 21 - Yerkes Observatory's 100th Birthday (1897)
  Oct 25 - Henry Russell's 120th Birthday (1877)

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Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy - Number 17

*                                                                         *
*                                                                         *
*      Published by the Working Group for the History of Astronomy        *
*                  in the Astronomische Gesellschaft                      *
*                                                                         *
*                    Number 17,  November 20, 1996                        *
*                                                                         *
*                           A translation of                              *
*                                                                         *
*                      Nr. 17,  12. September 1996                        *
*                                                                         *
*          Edited by: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick           *
*                                                                         *
*      Translated by: Mr. Donald Bellunduno <76450.1741@CompuServe.COM>   *
*                                                                         *


1. Meeting of the Working Group for the History of Astronomy during the
   Fall Meeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft

2. Exhibits

3. Conferences in 1996/97

4. New Books



Item 1                                       ENHA No. 17, November 20, 1996

Meeting of the Working Group for the History of Astronomy
during the Fall Meeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft

Tuebingen, September 20 - 21, 1996
Place: Eberhard Karls University, Lecture building of the natural sciences
faculties, Auf der Morgenstelle, lecture hall N3
Coordinator: Wolfgang R. Dick

Friday, September 20

Splinter meeting I of the AG Fall Meeting: History of Astronomy - Part 1

A - Abstract published in "Astronomische Gesellschaft Abstract Series"
    No. 12 (1996)
14.00 - 14.10: Welcome
14.10 - 14.40 W. Kokott (Bonn): Regiomontan's ephemerids for the years
   1475-1506 (A)
14.40 - 15.00 G. Oestmann (Bremen): Presentation of a research project: 
   The library of Wilhelm Olbers in Pulkovo
15.00 Demonstration of the digitized celestial globe by Johannes Stoeffler
   at the Wilhelm Schickard Institute for Informatics of the Eberhard
   Karls University by Th. Grunert; introduction into the historical
   background by G. Oestmann
16.00 - 16.30 Ch. Theis, S. Deiters, Ch. Einsel, F. Hohmann (Kiel):
   An exiled Jewish astronomer: Hans Rosenberg (A)
16.30 - 16.50 W. R. Dick, A. Zenkert (Potsdam): Paul Guthnick: A portray
   from letters to Buergel, self-portrayals and remembrances (A)
17.00 - 17.30 J. Hamel (Berlin): The first German translation of the major
   work of Nicolaus Copernicus around 1586: A research report
17.30 - 18.00 K.-D. Herbst (Jena): A general history of astronomical
   research in Germany: A project
Afterwards: Bussiness meeting of the working group, Part 1

Saturday, September 21
Splinter meeting I of the AG Fall Meeting: History of Astronomy - Part 2

 9.30 - 10.00 F. Seck (Tuebingen): The edition of Wilhelm Schickard's 
 correspondence: A working report
10.00 - 10.35 J. Rienitz (Tuebingen): Robert Hooke and atmospheric 
   refraction (A)
10.35 - 10.45 G. Wolfschmidt (Munich): Tycho Brahe (1546-1601): The best
   observing astronomer in the 16th century (poster presentation) (A)
11.00 - 11.30 H. Lichtenberg (Bonn), P. H. Richter (Bremen): Improved
   calendar calculations (A)
11.30 - 12.00 M. Strumpf, O. Schwarz (Gotha): Stress up to the physical
   limits: B. A. von Lindenau (1780-1854) and the reinstallation of the
   Seeberg Observatory (1808) (A)
12.00-12.30 O. Schwarz, M. Strumpf: P. A. Hansen (1795-1874) and the
   scientific community: The patronage of science by the Gotha astronomer
Afterwards: Bussiness meeting of the working group, Part 2

In addition, two more posters relating to history of astronomy will be on
display during the conference:
J. D. Schumann (Daun): Leonardo's telescope 
J. Wuensch (Bonn): On the measuring accuracy of Hevelius (A)
In order to take part in the meeting of the Working Group for the History
of Astronomy, one need not pay the conference fee of the AG Fall Meeting.
Guests are welcome.

Item 2                                       ENHA No. 17, November 20, 1996


From 9 January to 13 March 1996 the Cambridge University Library (England,
UK) has shown the exhibition "Eye and ear: astronomy and the psychology of
perception". For more information, please e-mail library@ula.cam.ac.uk .
Source: http://www.cam.ac.uk/Libraries/Newsletters/nl02/

Tycho Brahe - Lord of the Stars - this large international exhibition
about the scientist and the man Tycho Brahe (1546-1601) is being shown in
1996 in Landskrona, Sweden. The exhibition is a project produced in
collaboration between the Municipality of Landskrona, Lund University, the
Ole Roemer Museum in Copenhagen, Stenomuseet in Aarhus and the
Astronomical Institute at Charles University in Prague etc. The
exhibition was opened by His Majesty King Carl XVI Gustav on 12th April,
and continues until 15th September. It commemorates Tycho Brahe, the
father of modern astronomy, the landscape gardener, the alchemist, the
paper producer, the surveyor, the constructor of instruments and the
Renaissance prince. The exhibition also shows the development of astronomy
and space technology with the help of multimedia, and magnificent
scientific instruments and models from the days of the Renaissance.
Information: Landskrona Art Gallery/Tourist Information, Tel. 0418 - 79145
   (int. +46 418 791 45)
Source: http://www.landskrona.se/tychobrahe/e_index.htm

On the occasion of the 450th birthday of Tycho Brahe the Ole Roemer Museum
in Denmark shows the exhibit "The new star" from the 1st of October until
the 30th of November 1996.
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 9am-4pm, Fri 9am-3pm, Sat/Sun/holidays: 2pm-5pm
Address: Ole Romer Museet, Kroppedals Alle 3, Vridslosemagle, 
  DK-2630 Taastrup, Daenemark, Tel. + 42 52 95 85.

Item 3                                       ENHA No. 17, November 20, 1996

Conferences in 1996/97

For a comprehensive list of history of astronomy meetings see

23 - 27 September 1996, Moscow, Russia
International scientific meeting on current problems in astrophysics
in memory of three distinguished astrophysicists: 80th birthday of
Professor I.S. Shklovskii and 75th birthday of Professors S.A. Kaplan
and S.B. Pikelner
Contact: Prof. A.M. Cherepashchuk, Sternberg Astronomical Institute,
119899, Moscow, Russian Federation, Telefax: 7-095-9328841,
E-Mail: cher@sai.msu.su.

12 October 1996, Berlin, Germany
Celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Archenhold Observatory
Starting time: 8pm 
Place: Archenhold-Sternwarte, Alt-Treptow 1, D-12435 Berlin,
Tel.: (030) 5 34 80 80, Fax: (030) 5 34 80 83

27 October 1996, London, England
The 21st International Antique Scientific & Medical Instrument Fair
Radisson SAS Portman Hotel, Portman Square, London W1. 10:00 - 16:30.
Details: Peter Delehar +44 181 866 8659
Address: 146 Portobello Road, London W11 2DZ, UK

14 - 15 December 1996, Chicago, IL, USA
Symposium on Black Holes and Relativistic Stars
(dedicated to the memory of S. Chandrasekhar)
Contact: John Wald, Enrico Fermi Inst., The Univ. of Chicago,
5640 S. Ellis Ave., Chicago, IL 60637-1433, USA

7 - 10 January 1997, Padova, Italy
The Three Galileos: The Man, The Spacecraft, The Telescope
Contact: C. Bargieri, Dept. of Astronomy, Univ. of Padova,
Vicolo dell'Osservatorio 5, I-35122 Padova, Italy, phone: 39 49 875 4343
E-mail: barbieri@astrpd.pd.astro.it

27 April 1997, London, England
The 22nd International Antique Scientific & Medical Instrument Fair
Radisson SAS Portman Hotel, Portman Square, London W1, 10:00 - 16:30.
Details: Peter Delehar +44 181 866 8659
Address: 146 Portobello Road, London W11 2DZ, UK

16 - 20 June 1997, Los Alamos, NM, USA
A Half Century of Stellar Pulsation Interpretations - 
A Tribute to Arthur N. Cox
Contact: Ms. Joyce A. Guzik, Los Alamos National Laboratory, 
Los Alamos, NM, 87545, USA, E-mail: joy@lanl.gov

4 - 14 August 1997, Uppsala, Sweden
Global Change and History of Geophysics and Related Disciplines
Contact: Dr. Wilfried Schroeder, Hechelstr. 8, 
D-28777 Bremen-Roennebeck, Germany

1 - 5 September 1997, Odessa, Ukraine
International Conference on Variable Stars
(dedicated to the 90th Anniversary of V.P.Tsessevich)
Contact: Prof.V.G. Karetnikov, Astronomical Observatory,
Odessa State University, T.G. Shevchenko Park, Odessa 170014, Ukraine,
phone: 70482 228 442, E-mail: root@astro.odessa.ua

15 - 19 September 1997, Beijing, China
The Second International Symposium on Astronomical Exchange between China
and Other Countries
Place: Old Beijing Observatory
Themes: 1. The old astronomical picture of the world; 2. History of
astronomy in China; 3. Astronomical exchange between China and other
countries; 4. Chinese astronomy and the missionary work; 5. Research and
state of dicussion in museology.
Registration forms may be requested from: Dr. Eckehard Schmidt,
Postfach 4616, D-90025 Nuernberg, Germany, Fax: (++911) 5 86 55 49

Item 4                                       ENHA No. 17, November 20, 1996

New Books

Astronomichna observatoriya Kyivs'kogo universytetu imeni Tarasa
Shevchenka. 150 rokiv. Storinki istorii ta rezul'taty naukovykh
doslidzhen'. Kyjiv: Vydavno-poligrafichnyj centr "Kyivs'kij universytet",
1995. Pp. 320, ISBN 5-7707-7590-4
[Past and present of the University Observatory at Kiev. In Ukranian]

Bartha, Lajos: Portable sundials. Selected from Hungarian collections.
Catalogue of exhibitions Time-Measure (Museum of Applied Arts, Aug. 4 -
Sep. 24, 1995) and My Measure is the Sky (Budapest History Museum -
Kiscelli Museum, Sep. 12 - Nov. 12, 1995). [Budapest]: Iparmueveszati
Muzeum, Magyar Czillagaszati Egyesulet, Orzagos Muszaki Muzeum, 1995.
Pp. 68, ISBN 9-63-046050-5, DM 5.00 incl. postage
[Author's address: Frankel Leo ut 36, H-1023 Budapest II., Hungary.
Introduction and sundial names in English, descriptions in Hungarian.
The descriptions may be partly understood with the provided
translations of abbreviations used.]

Beckmann, Johann: Schwedische Reise nach dem Tagebuch der Jahre 1765-1766.
[Swedish trip according to the diaries of the years 1765-1766.]
Lengwil (Switzerland): Libelle Verlag, 1995. IV, 183 pp., ISBN
3-909081-74-6, Hb DM 35.00 including postage
[Reprint of edition of 1911, complimented by a preface and bibliographical
comments; Astronomical items: pp. 42f., 73f., 94, 126, 138f., 153;
Distribution: Johann Beckmann-Bibliothek, Schlossplatz 2, D-27318
Hoya, Germany]

Biagioli, Mario: Galileo, courtier: The practice of science in the culture
of absolutism. Chicago, London: The University of Chicago Press, 1993.
Pp. xiv, 402, $ 29.95 (hb), $ 15.95 (pb)
   Review: M.H.Shank: J. Hist. Astron. 25 (1994) 3, 236-243

Bialas, Volker; Nevskaya, Nina I. (Eds.): Kepler-Arbeiten in Russland,
Deutschland und Oesterreich [Kepler studies in Russia, Germany and Austria;
in Russian and German]. St. Petersburg: Internationaler Fond fuer die
Geschichte der Wissenschaften [International Foundation for the History of
Science], 1994. Pp. 169 (Johannes Kepler, Sammlung, No. 1)

Bianchini, Francesco: Observations concerning the planet Venus.
Translated by Sally Beaumont, assisted by Peter Fay. London:
Springer-Verlag, 1996. Pp. iv, 172, ISBN 3-540-19980-2, GBP 49.00 (hb), 
DM 128.00
[Translation of "Hesperi et Phosphori nova phaenomena sive
observationes circa planetam Veneris", 1728; appendix: results of a
recontruction and testing of Biancini's telescope]
   Review: R.Baum: J. Brit. Astron. Assoc. 106 (1996) 2, 68

Brandt, John C.; Chapman, Robert D.: Rendezvous im Weltraum. Die
Erforschung der Kometen. Basel: Birkhaeuser Verlag, 1994. 320 pp.,
DM 68.00
German translation of: Rendezvous in space. The science of comets. 1992    
   Review: Th.Schmidt-Kaler: Spektrum der Wissenschaft (1995) 5, 126

Calder, Nigel: Comets: speculation and discovery. New York: Dover
Publications, 1994. Pp. 160, ISBN 0-486-27879-4, $ 8.95 (pb)
[A history of comets prior to Comet Halley's 1985-86 apparition;
first American publication of the 1982 British book "The comet is
coming!" with new introduction]

Castleden, Rodney: The making of Stonehenge. Routledge, 1993. Pp. 305,
ISBN 0-415-08513-6, $ 35.00

Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan: Newton's Principia for the common reader.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995. Pp. 593, 25 x 20 cm, ISBN
0-198-51744-0, GBP 70.00, $ 135.00 (hb)
   Review:  L.Mestel: The Observatory 116 (1996) 1130, 36-37

Daintith, John (Ed.): Biographical encyclopedia of scientists. Second
edition. Institute of Physics Publishing, 1994. Pp. 1,075, ISBN
0-7503-0287-9, $ 190.00

Dolz, Wolfram: Erd- und Himmelsgloben. Sammlungskatalog [Terrestrial and
celestial globes. Catalogue of the collection]. Dresden: Staatlicher
Mathematisch-Physikalischer Salon [State Mathematical-Physical Salon],
1994. 128 pp., 18,50 DM
[Distribution: Mathematisch-Physikalischer Salon, Zwinger, D-01067 Dresden,
Germany, Tel. (0351) 4951364, Fax 4960201]

Fritscher, Bernhard; Brey, Gerhard (Hrsg.): Cosmographica et Geographica.
Festschrift fuer Heribert M. Nobis zum 70. Geburtstag A Festschrift for
Heribert M. Nobis on the occasion of his 70th birthday]. 2 vols. Munich:
Institut fuer Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften, 1994. Vol. 1: ca. VIII,
418 pp.; Vol. 2: ca. VIII, 395 pp.; illus., ISBN 3-89241-012-7, Pb totally
DM 49.60 (Algorismus, 13)

Gehlhar, Fritz: Wie der Mensch seinen Kosmos schuf. Eine kleine
Kulturgeschichte der Astronomie [How man created his cosmos. A short
cultural history of astronomy.]. Berlin: Aufbau Taschenbuch Verlag, 1996.
202 pp., 57 illus., ISBN 3-7466-8018-2, Pb DM 16.90 (Aufbau Taschenbuch,
[A history of astronomy from antiquity up until today from the point of
view of philosophy, with emphasis on cosmology and cosmogony.]

Genz, Henning: Die Entdeckung des Nichts. Leere und Fuelle im Universum.
[The discovery of nothingness. Emptiness and fullness in the Universe.]
Munich: Carl Hanser Verlag, 1994. 416 pp., DM 58.00
[History of the research on vacuum; it also contains a short history of
physics and cosmology.]
   Review: H.Schopper: Spektrum der Wissenschaft (1996) 1, 128-129

Hall, A. Rupert: All was light. An introduction to Newton's Opticks.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995. Pp. 252, 24 x 15 cm, ISBN
0-198-51798-X, GBP 12.95 (pb)
[paperback release of the 1993 hardbound edition]

Hamel, Juergen: Astronomie in Quellentexten. Von Hesiod bis Hubble.
[Astronomy in source texts. From Hesiod to Hubble.] Berlin: Spektrum
Akademischer Verlag, 1996. 328 pp., ca. 45 illus., ISBN 3-8274-0072-4, 
Hb DM 78.00
[The collection contains 96 texts from 73 authors from a time period
stretching two and one half thousand years. The presented authors and texts
include: Hesiod, the Holy Scriptures, pre-socratic philosophers, Plato,
Aristotle, Archimedes, Lukrez, Hyginus, Plinius, Ptolemy, Censorinus,
Augustinus, Joh. Philoponos, old Chinese astronomy, Joh. de Sacrobosco,
Thomas of Aquin, Dante Alighieri, Konrad of Megenberg, Agrippa, P. Apian,
N. Copernicus, A. Osiander, M. Luther, L.F. Plieninger, G. Bruno, Tycho
Brahe, H. Roeslin, Chr. Rothmann, J. Kepler, S. Marius, Galileo
Galilei, P. Crueger, R. Descartes, Chr. Huygens, R. Cotes, I. Newton,
E. Halley, I. Kant, J.H. Lambert, F.W. Herschel, J.E. Bode, J.H.
Schroeter, H.W.M. Olbers, P.S. Laplace, C.F. Gauss, J. Fraunhofer, F.W.
Bessel, H.S. Schwabe, A. Humboldt, J.F. Encke, J.G. Galle, G.R.
Kirchhoff, F. Zoellner, H. Helmholtz, A. Einstein, A.S. Eddington, E.
Hubble, H.A. Bethe. The book also contains "neighboring areas of
interest" like astrology and calendars.]

Harman, P.M. (Ed.): The scientific letters and papers of James Clerk
Maxwell. Volume II, 1862-1873. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
1995. Pp. 999, 28 x 22 cm, ISBN 0-521-25626-7, GBP 190.00, $ 285.00 (hb)
   Review: A.Chapman: The Observatory 116 (1996) 1130, 44-45

Hetherington, Barry: A chronicle of pre-telescopic astronomy. Chichester:
John Wiley & Sons, 1995. Pp. ca. 300, ISBN 0471959421, ca. GBP 50.00
[Record of astronomical discoveries, events, publications and biographical
details of astronomers and people connected with astronomy from all
nations from the earliest times to the year 1609 AD; entries are arranged
chronologically and are referenced; includes name and subject index]

Hodgson, John H.: The Heavens above and the Earth beneath: A history of
the Dominion Observatories, Part 2, 1946-1970. Natural Resources Canada,
Geological Survey of Canada Open File 1945, 1994. Pp. xi, 257
   Review: R.A.Jarrell: J. Roy. Astron. Soc. Can. 89 (1995) 6, 274-275

Kozhamthadam, Job: The discovery of Kepler's laws. Notre Dame,
Ind./London: University of Notre Dame Press, 1994. Pp. xii, 315, $ 39.95
   Review: S.Westfall: J. Hist. Astron. 25 (1994) 3, 244-245

Krupp, Edwin C.: Echoes of the ancient skies: the astronomy of lost
civilisations. 2nd edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995.
Pp. xvii, 386, ISBN 0-19-508801-8, GBP 12.99 (pb)
[first published in 1983]
   Review: I.Howard-Duff: J. Brit. Astron. Assoc. 106 (1996) 2, 68

Kueveler, Gerd: Zukunft gestern: wie man sich frueher die Zukunft
vorstellte. [Future yesterday: How Man imagined his future would be.]
Kommentierter Katalog mit einem Essay zur Ausstellung alter
Science-fiction- und Zukunftsliteratur im Rahmen der Ruesselsheimer
Hochschultage 1995. [Commented catalog with an essay on the exhibit of old
science-fiction and futuristic literature in the framework of
Ruesselsheimer Hochschultage 1995. Wiesbaden: Fachhochschule Wiesbaden,
1995. 118 pp., ISBN 3-923068-26-3
[Including ideas on space travel and life on Mars.]

Launius, Roger D.: NASA: a history of the U.S. civil space program.
Melbourne, Florida: Krieger Publishing, 1994. Pp. 276, ISBN
0-89464-878-0, $ 16.50

Levy, David H.: The quest for comets: An explosive trail of beauty and
danger. Avon Books, 1995. Pp. 282, ISBN 0-380-72526-6, $ 12.50
[personal view of the history and attraction of comet discovery;
paperbound edition of 1994 hardback]

Margolis, Howard: Paradigms and barriers: How habits of mind govern
scientific beliefs. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1993.
Pp. xii, 267, $ 40 (hb), $ 14.95 (pb)
[Chapters 7 to 10: about the Copernican account]
   Review: N.S.Hetherington: J. Hist. Astron. 25 (1994) 4, 325-327

Matson, Wayne R. (Ed.): Cosmonautics: a colorful history. Washington, DC:
Cosmos Books, 1994. Pp. 212, $ 54.95
[a history of the Soviet-Russian space program]
   Review:  J.McDowell: Sky & Telescope 88 (1994) 3, 52-53

Morrison, Philip: Nothing is too wonderful to be true. Woodbury, N.Y.:
American Institute of Physics, 1995. Pp. 446, ISBN 1-5639-6363-9, US $
29.95 (hb)(Masters of Modern Physics, 11) 
[Reminiscences and thoughts about physics, astronomy, and science in
   Review: J.-C.Pecker: Space Science Reviews 76 (1996) 3-4, 355-356

Pichot, A.: Die Geburt der Wissenschaft. Von den Babyloniern zu den
fruehen Griechen. [The birth of science. From the Babylonians up until
the early Greeks.] Frankfurt a.M.: Campus-Verlag, 1995. 576 pp., ISBN
3-593-35348-2, DM 98.00
[Also on astronomy and calendric calculations, for example, calculations of
planetary motions in Babylonian times.]

Pyenson, Lewis: French expansion and the exact sciences. Baltimore: The
Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993. Pp. xxii, 378, $ 45
[Focuses on meteorology, geophysics and astronomy]
   Review:  P.Dear: J. Hist. Astron. 25 (1994) 4, 331-332

Richter, Peter (Hrsg.): Sterne, Mond, Kometen: Bremen und die Astronomie.
[Stars, Moon, comets: Bremen and astronomy.] Bremen, 1995. 328 pp.,
ISBN 3-929902-84-2, Hb DM 68.00

Schenkel, Peter Michael: Johannes Kepler, Gesammelte Werke. Register zu
Band III: Astronomia Nova. [Johannes Kepler, Collected works. Register
of volume III: Astronomia Nova.] Munich: Bayerische Akademie der
Wissenschaften [Bavarian Academy of Sciences], 1995. 29 pp.
(Berichte der Keplerkommission, Heft 6 [Reports of the Kepler Commission,
volume 6])

Schmidt, Erik: Optical illusions. The life story of Bernhard Schmidt the
great stellar optician of the twentieth century. Estonian Academy
Publishers, 1995. Pp. 160 (text) + 48 (illus.), ISBN 9985-50-102-0, US$ 20
(hb) + US$ 10 postage
[First biography of B. Schmidt in English. Written by his nephew, with 74 
photos from the author's private collection.
Distribution: Mr Uelo Niine, Estonian Academy Publishers, Estonia Blvd 7,
EE-0001 Tallinn, Estonia, fax (372) 64 66 026, e-mail niine@kirj.ee
Payment: Bank transfer to Account No 22-610136, Hansabank Ltd., Tallinn,
Liivalaia 12, EE-0100 Tallinn, Estonia, S.W.I.F.T. code HABA EE 2X.
A list of the foreign correspondents of this bank in 20 countries is

Sheehan, William: The immortial fire within: The life and work of Edward
Emerson Barnard. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995. Pp. xiv,
429, ISBN 0-521-44489-6, GBP 40.00, $ 49.95 (hb)
   Review: D.diCicco: Sky & Telescope 91 (1996) 2, 54-55
              R.McKim: J. Brit. Astron. Assoc. 106 (1996) 1, 44

Strasser, Sylvia; Wuerker, Wolfgang: Sonne, Mond und Sterne. Eine
Entdeckungsreise unter geheimnisvollen Himmeln. [Sun, Moon and stars.
A travel of discovery under secret-filled skies] Munich: Wilhelm Heyne
Verlag, 1996. 272 pp., numerous color and b/w illus., ISBN 3-453-09751-3, 
Hb DM 48.00
[Companion book to the German television series of the same title.
Contains much on the history of astronomy.]

Stuhlinger, Ernst; Ordway III, Frederick I.: Wernher von Braun: Crusader
for space. A biographical memoir. Melbourne, Florida: Krieger Publishing,
1994. Pp. 375, ISBN 0-89464-842-X, $ 42.50

Stuhlinger, Ernst; Ordway III, Frederick I.: Wernher von Braun: Crusader
for space. An illustrated memoir. Melbourne, Florida: Krieger Publishing,
1994. Pp. 147, ISBN 0-89464-824-1, $ 29.50

Thorne, Kip S.: Gekruemmter Raum und verbogene Zeit. Einsteins
Vermaechtnis. Aus dem Amerikanischen von Doris Gerstner und Shaukat Khan.
Muenchen: Droemer Knaur, 1994.  720 pp., DM 58.00
[German translation of "Black Holes & Time Warps - Einstein's outrageous
legacy"; A historical introduction into the theory of relativity, and their
astronomical applications, with a short biographiesa and a timetable.]
   Review: U.Borgeest: Spektrum der Wissenschaft (1996) 3, 117-118

Tomsa, Jan: Pocitani casu (Zaklady teorie kalendare). Praha: KLP, 1995.
Pp. 71, ISBN 80-85917-11-4 (Akademie ved Ceske republiky, Astronomicky
ustav, Scripta astronomica, 7) 

Von Tondern nach Gotha: Der Astronom Peter Andreas Hansen, 1795-1874.
[From Tondern to Gotha: The astronomer Peter Andreas Hansen, 1795-1874.]
[Aabenraa, Denmark]: Bund deutscher Nordschleswiger, 1995. 48 pp.
[With contributions by M.Strumpf und G.Wolfschmidt]

Warner, Brian: Cataclysmic variable stars. Cambridge, New York,
Melbourne: Cambridge University Press, 1995. Pp. xix, 572, ISBN
0-521-41231-5 (Cambridge Astrophysics Series, 28) 
[Chapter 1: Historical Development (p. 1-26)]

Whitfield, Peter: The mapping of the heavens. London: The British
Library, 1995. Pp. x, 134, ISBN 0-7123-0402-9, GBP 20.00 (hb)
   Review: A.Chapman: J. Brit. Astron. Assoc. 106 (1996) 2, 66



For information we thank: 

Lajos Bartha (Budapest), Volker Bialas (Munich), Peter Delehar (London),
Wolfram Dolz (Dresden), Carl Ehrig-Eggert (Mainz), Helga E. Frester
(Hoya), Juergen Hamel (Berlin), Gerd Kueveler (Wiesbaden), Uelo Niine
(Tallinn), Eckehard Schmidt (Nuremberg), Gudrun Wolfschmidt (Munich).



Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy (ENHA)

A translation of "Elektronische Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte"

Published by the Working Group for the History of Astronomy in the
Astronomische Gesellschaft

Editor: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick 

Translated and Co-Edited by: Mr. Donald Bellunduno 

All news which is not quoted by name are editorial contributions.
Articles as well as information for the several sections will be gladly

Subscription for ENHA is free.

Astronomische Gesellschaft / Astronomical Society:

Chairman: Prof. Dr. Hanns Ruder, University of Tuebingen, Theoretical
Astrophysics and Computational Physics, Auf der Morgenstelle 10, D-72076

Secretary: Dr. G. Klare, Landessternwarte, Koenigstuhl, 
D-69117 Heidelberg

Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte / Working Group for the History of

URL: http://aibn55.astro.uni-bonn.de:8000/~pbrosche/aa/aa.html

Chairman: Prof. Dr. Peter Brosche, Observatorium Hoher List der
Sternwarte der Universitaet Bonn, D-54550 Daun, Germany, 
Tel.: (+6592) 2150, Fax: (+6592) 2937

Secretary: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick, Institut fuer Angewandte Geodaesie,
Aussenstelle Potsdam, Postfach 60 08 08, D-14408 Potsdam, Germany,
Tel.: (+331) 316 619, E-mail: wdi@potsdam.ifag.de

Secretary for Public Relations: Dr. Gudrun Wolfschmidt, Deutsches
Museum, Museumsinsel 1, D-80538 Muenchen, Germany, Tel.: (+89) 2179 277, 
Fax: (+89) 2179 324, E-mail: kdq01ag@sunmail.lrz-muenchen.de

Treasurer: Dr. Reinhard Schielicke, Universitaetssternwarte,
Schillergaesschen 2, D-07745 Jena, Tel.: (+3641) 63 03 36,
E-mail: schie@georg.astro.uni-jena.de

Bank Acct. of the Working Group of the Astronomische Gesellschaft:
Acct # 333 410 41, Sparkasse Bochum (BLZ 430 500 01)
Contributions from foreign countries: acct # 162 18-203, Postgiroamt
Hamburg, BLZ 200 400 20
Please sign with: "Fuer Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte" 


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Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy - Number 18

*                                                                         *
*                                                                         *
*      Published by the Working Group for the History of Astronomy        *
*                  in the Astronomische Gesellschaft                      *
*                                                                         *
*                    Number 18, December 18, 1996                         *
*                                                                         *
*                           A translation of                              *
*                                                                         *
*                      Nr. 18,  17. Dezember 1996                         *
*                                                                         *
*          Edited by: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick           *
*                                                                         *


1. Guenther Eichhorn: Scanning the Historical Literature

2. Replication of historical telescopes: request for contacts

3. A Conference in Honor of Dorrit Hoffleit's 90th Birthday

4. Conference Announcement: Third Biennial History of Astronomy Workshop

5. Call for Papers: The Second International Symposium on Astronomical 
   Exchange between China and Other Countries

6. Conferences 1997/98

7. New Books



Item 1                                       ENHA No. 18, December 18, 1996

Scanning the Historical Literature

By Guenther Eichhorn, Cambridge, MA, USA

The Astrophysics Data System has scanned most major and several minor
astronomical journals for the last 20 years. I am currently starting to
plan for scanning the historical literature. We already have issues of
Monthly Notices from 1890 to present available and the RAS told me they
would send me the older years. I am also working on getting complete sets
of PASP, ApJ, and AJ. Is there any chance that someone might be able to
find some missing volumes for us? I assume that historians of astronomy
are interested in having the historical literature on-line.

Please let me know if you have any other journals that we could scan.

The journal images are available through the ADS abstract service.
Whenever a reference is returned that has a full article, a link to the
scanned images is shown. They can also be accessed directly through the
article service page at: http://adsabs.harvard.edu/article_service.html

Dr. Guenther Eichhorn        |  E-mail, Internet:
Project Scientist            |  gei@cfa.harvard.edu
Astrophysics Data System     |  Phone: 617-495-7260
SIMBAD US Gateway            |  Fax:   617-496-7577
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
60 Garden Street, MS-83
Cambridge, MA 02138

Item 2                                       ENHA No. 18, December 18, 1996

Replication of historical telescopes: request for contacts

Jeff Hall is currently involved in the replication of an 1848 24" Newtonian
telescope (originally built by William Lassell). Please contact him if you
have any information relating to experiences replicating historical
telescopes (or any historical object). Also any opinions on the philosophy
behind replicating historical objects (e.g. the challenge, comparing old
techniques with todays) will be appreciated.  
E-mail: jeff.hall@barclays.co.uk

Item 3                                       ENHA No. 18, December 18, 1996

A Conference in Honor of Dorrit Hoffleit's 90th Birthday

First Announcement

        The Yale Astronomy Department is planning to hold a day and a half
conference in honor of Dr. Dorrit Hoffleit's 90th Birthday on March 7th
and 8th, 1997 at Yale.  We will have invited and a few additional speakers
cover the many fields in which she has worked and the balance of the
contributions will be in the form of poster papers.  The proceedings will
be published by the L. Davis Press.

        Please forward this announcement to friends and colleagues of
Dorrit's that we may have inadvertently missed as we are anxious for this
to be a large and interesting celebration.

        A second announcement will be sent to all who reply to this first


        Bill van Altena   vanalten@astro.yale.edu
        For the SOC

Scientific Organizing Committee

Pierre Demarque         demarque@astro.yale.edu
Philip Lu               lu@wcsub.ctstateu.edu
Janet Mattei            jmattei@aavso.org
A. G. Davis Philip      agdp@gar.union.edu
Horace Smith            smith@msupa.pa.msu.edu
Arthur Upgren           aupgren@eagle.wesleyan.edu
William van Altena      vanalten@astro.yale.edu
Wayne Warren            w3whw@gibbs.gsfc.nasa.gov

Principal topics to be covered in the conference

Variable stars
History of Astronomy
Education in Astronomy

Item 4                                       ENHA No. 18, December 18, 1996

Conference Announcement: Third Biennial History of Astronomy Workshop

The Third Biennial History of Astronomy Workshop will be held June 19-22,
1997 at the University of Notre Dame. Co-Program Chairs are Mike Crowe and
Steve Dick. Persons having suggestions or proposals should write as soon
as possible to either

Steven J. Dick
U.S. Naval Observatory
3450 Massachusetts Ave. NW
Washington, D.C. 20392-5420
E-mail at dick@ariel.usno.navy.mil
tel. 202-762-1438

or to

Michael J. Crowe
Program of Liberal Studies
Univ. of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556.
tel. 219-631-6212.

Registration information can be obtained from
Center for Continuing Education
Univ. of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556.

The workshop is sponsored by the History and Philosophy of Science Graduate
Program of the University of Notre Dame, the History of Astronomy Special
Interest Group of the History of Science Society, and the Historical
Astronomy Division of the American Astronomical Society.
        The fifty-five historians of astronomy who attended the second
biennial workshop, held at Notre Dame in June, 1995, praised the lively and
informed sessions, the comfortable and informal atmosphere, and the
reasonable room rates.  Further information will be forthcoming.  For the
present, please mark your calendar and pass the word!

Item 5                                       ENHA No. 18, December 18, 1996

Call for Papers: The Second International Symposium on Astronomical 
Exchange between China and Other Countries

15 - 19 September 1997, Beijing, China

The Second International Symposium on Astronomical Exchange between China
and Other Countries ist to be held of September 1997 at the Ancient Beijing
Observatory to mark the 555th anniversary of the founding of this observatory
and the 40th anniversary of the founding of Beijing Planetarium. We invite you
to attend this symposium.

Subjects of the conference are: 
1. The ancient astronomical achievements of the world
2. Studies on Chinese history of astronomy
3. Studies on astronomical exchange between China and other countries
4. Chinese astronomy and the missionary work
5. Research and discussion on museology.

The time for presentation of each paper will be restricted to 15 minutes.
The official language for the symposium is English.
Deadline for registration: 31 October, 1996.

Director Cui Shi Zhu, Beijing Ancient Observatory, Beijing, P.R. China

Registration forms and further information may also be requested from:
Dr. Eckehard Schmidt, P.O.Box 4616, D-90025 Nuernberg, Germany, 
Phone: (+49-911) 58655-12, Fax: (+49-911) 58655-49

Item 6                                       ENHA No. 18, December 18, 1996

Conferences 1997/98

Further conferences in the year 1997 have already been described in past
issues of the ENHA. For a complete list of all conferences announced up to
now, please see the following WWW address:


12-16 January 1997, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
189th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society
URL: http://www.aas.org/meetings/aas189/program/
Sunday, 12 January, 9:00am - 6:00pm: 
Historical Astronomy Division, session I - North of the Border: The 
Development of Canadian Astronomy
Organized by Richard A. Jarrell, rjarrell@yorku.ca
URL: http://www.aas.org/meetings/aas189/program/had1.html
Monday, 13 January, 10:00-11:30am, 2:00-3:30pm:
Historical Astronomy Division, session II and annual business meeting
For information, contact David DeVorkin, E-mail: nasdsh03@sivm.si.edu
URL: http://www.aas.org/meetings/aas189/program/hadmon.html

20-23 February 1997, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Mephisto 1997: Graduate Student Conference on History, Philosophy and
Sociology of Science, Technology, Medicine, and related fields
Contacts: MePHiSTos, Attn.: Karen F. Gracy, Department of Library and 
Information Science, GSE&IS Bldg., UCLA, Mailbox 951520, Los Angeles, 
CA 90095-1520, USA, E-mail: kgracy@ucla.edu or mephisto@scow.gslis.ucla.edu
URL: http://scow.gslis.ucla.edu/students_m-z/mephisto/HTML/home.html

8-11 May 1997, Delmenhorst, Germany
26th Annual Meeting of the Sundial Group [Arbeitskreises Sonnenuhren] in the
German Chronometric Society [Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie, DGC]
Fee: DGC members DM 45.00, non-members DM 55.00
Registration deadline: 31 January 1997
Contacts: Dieter Vornholz, Feldstr. 26, D-28203 Bremen, Germany,
Fax 0421-706882, e-mail: Dieter.Vornholz@t-online.de

6-10 July 1997, Lisbon, Portugal
17th International Conference on the History of Cartography
Conference themes: Cartography and Diplomacy, The Cartography of the 
Indian Ocean, The Cartography of sub-Saharan Africa,
Portuguese Cartography, Other subjects
Contacts: CNCDP, Casa dos Bicos, Rua dos Bacalhoeiros, 1100 Lisboa,
Portugal, Tel: (+351-1) 888 48 27, Fax: (+351-1) 887 33 80,
e-mail: cncdp@mail.telepac.pt

11-13 July 1997, Cambridge, UK
Natural Catastrophes during Bronze Age Civilisations:
Archaeological, Geological and Astronomical Perspectives
For further details, contact: Dr Benny J Peiser,
Liverpool John Moores University, School of Human Sciences,
Byrom Street, Liverpool L3 3AF, United Kingdom,
Tel 0151-231 2490, Fax 0151 298 1261, E-mail: B.J.Peiser@livjm.ac.uk
URL: http://www.knowledge.co.uk/xxx/cat/sis/cambconf.htm

15-18 September 1997, Munich, Germany
Workshop on History of Philosophy of Science
Information: Michael Heidelberger
Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin, Institut fuer Philosophie,
Unter den Linden 6, D-10099 Berlin, Germany
Tel.  +49-30-2093-2852 (Sekr.: -2206, Fax: -2209),
E-mail: michael=heidelberger@rz.hu-berlin.de
URL: http://scistud.umkc.edu/hopos/conf-call.html

6-19 October 1997, Pasadena, CA, USA
Society for the History of Technology Annual Meeting
Contacts: Prof. Miriam R. Levin, SHOT Program Chair,
Program in History of Technology and Science, History Department,
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH 44106, USA
Tel: 216-368-2380, Fax: 216-368-4681
URL: http://www.auburn.edu/academic/societies/shot/#Shot

12-15 March, 1998, Notre Dame, Indiana, USA
HOPOS `98: Second International History of Philosophy of Science Conference
Conference Registrar: James Maffie, Independent Scholar, 
3280 Sentinel Drive, Boulder, CO 80301-5498, USA, 
E-mail: maffiej@spot.colorado.edu
URL: http://scistud.umkc.edu/hopos/98call.html

Item 7                                       ENHA No. 18, December 18, 1996

New Books

Beitraege zum J. J. Bayer-Symposium, Berlin-Koepenick, 05. - 06. 11. 1994 
[Contributions to the Symposium in honor of J. J. Bayer, Berlin-Koepenick,
5-6 Nov. 1994]. Frankfurt am Main:  Verlag des Instituts fuer Angewandte 
Geodaesie, 1996. 179 pp., 21 x 29.5 cm, Pb DM 59.50 (Deutsche Geodaetische 
Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akad. d. Wiss. Reihe E: Geschichte und 
Entwicklung der Geodaesie, Heft Nr. 25)
[With contributions by V.Bialas, W.R.Dick, M.Engel, J.Hamel, E.Buschmann, 
H.Pieper, K.Reich, and others on J.J.Baeyer, F.W.Bessel, C.G.Gauss and on 
other items from the history and current situation of geodesy, in many 
cases with relations to the history of astronomy;
Distribution: Institut fuer Angewandte Geodaesie, Aussenstelle Berlin, 
Stauffenbergstrasse 13, D-10785 Berlin, Germany.]

Brosche, Peter; Tucholke, Hans-Joachim (Eds.): Peter Andreas Hansen (1795
- 1874). Gemeinsame Gedenkveranstaltung zum 200. Geburtstag von Peter
Andreas Hansen [Joint memorial meeting in occasion of the 200th birthday
of Peter Andreas Hansen]. Historische Sternwarten Gotha e.V., Arbeitskreis
Astronomiegeschichte in der Astronomischen Gesellschaft und Akademie
gemeinnuetziger Wissenschaften zu Erfurt. Gotha, 16-17 September 1995.
Erfurt: Akademie gemeinnuetziger Wissenschaften zu Erfurt, 1996. 132 pp.,
DM 12.00 + postage (Sonderschriften der Akademie gemeinnuetziger
Wissenschaften zu Erfurt, Bd. 5)
[With contributions by P.Brosche, M.Strumpf, O.Schwarz, W.R.Dick, J.Kiefer,
R.Bien, H.Lenhardt, H.J.Kummer und C.Hopf. Distribution: Dr. O.Schwarz,
Uthmannstr. 8, D-99867 Gotha, Germany.]

Brown, Laurie M.; Pais, Abraham; Pippard, Brian (Eds.): Twentieth century
physics. 3 volumes. Woodbury, N.Y.: American Institute of Physics, 1995.
Pp. 2576, ISBN 1-56396-314-0, $ 375.00 
[Overview of the advancements in physics, including astrophysics,
throughout the 20th century, written by 31 authors. Includes several
page-long biographies of selected scientists.]

Dalitz, D.H. (Ed.): The collected works of P.A.M. Dirac 1924-1948.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995. Pp. 1310, ISBN
0-521-36231-8, GBP 175, $ 250
[includes also his work on cosmological constants]
   Review:  M.J.Seaton: The Observatory 116 (1996) 1134, 340-342

Daxecker, Franz: Das Hauptwerk des Astronomen P. Christoph Scheiner SJ
"Rosa Ursina sive Sol" - eine Zusammenfassung [The main work of the
astronomer P. Christoph Scheiner SJ "Rosa Ursina sive Sol": a summary]. 
Innsbruck: Universitaetsverlag Wagner, 1996. 82 pp., ISBN 3-7030-0300-6, 
Pb OeS 250.00, DM 35.00 (Berichte des Naturwissenschaftlich-Medizinischen 
Vereins in Innsbruck. Supplementum, 13)
[This work by Scheiners, originally of 784 pages in Latin, concerns
mainly solar observations and sunspots; Distribution:
Naturwiss.-Mediz. Verein, Technikerstr. 25, A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria]

Die 100 des Jahrhunderts: Naturwissenschaftler. [The 100 of the century:
Scientist] Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, 1994.                     
208 pp., illus., ISBN 3-499-16451-5, DM 16.90
[Edwin Hubble is the only astronomer who has been included.]
   Review:  H.J.Roeser: Sterne u. Weltraum 34 (1995) 5, 413

Ehtreiber, Joerg; Hohenester, Adolf; Rath, Gerhard: Originalliteratur von
Johannes Kepler und seiner Zeit [Original publications by Johannes Kepler 
and from his time]. Katalog zur Ausstellung an der Universitaetsbibliothek
der Karl-Franzens-Universitaet Graz [Catalogue of the exhibition at the
Karl Franzens University of Graz]. Graz: Foto- und Offsetstelle der 
Universitaetsbibliothek der Karl-Franzens-Universitaet Graz, 1994. 42 pp.
["In memoriam Johannes Kepler. 11 April 1594: Arrival of Johannes Kepler 
at Graz."]

Englisch, Brigitte: Die Artes liberales im fruehen Mittelalter (5.-9.Jh.)
[The Artes liberales in the early Middle Ages (5th-9th c.)].
Das Quadrivium und der Komputus als Indikatoren fuer Kontinuitaet und
Erneuerung der exakten Wissenschaften zwischen Antike und Mittelalter
[The Quadrivium and the Komputus as indicators for continuation and
renewal between antiquity and Middle Ages].
Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1994. 494 pp. (Suddhoffs Archiv.
Beihefte, Heft 33)
[See particularly section 3.3, "Die Astronomie" (p. 182-279),
and section 4, "Der Komputus - Element oder Komplement des
Quadriviums?" (p. 280-469).]

Fantoli, Annibale: Galileo. For copernicanism and for the church. 2nd
edition. Vatican City: Vatican Observatory and University of Notre Dame,
IN, 1996. Pp. 567, ISBN 0-268-01032-3, $ 22.95 (pb)
   Review:  A.Chapman: The Observatory 116 (1996) 1134, 318-319

Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel. Beitraege ueber Leben und Werk des bekannten
Astronomen [Contributions on life and work of the well-known astronomer]. 
Redaktion [Editors]: Klemens Adam, Gerd Huneke, Heinrich Rademacher.
Minden: Besselgymnasium der Stadt Minden, 1996. 150 pp., 21 x 24 cm, 
Pb DM 20.00 including postage (100. Besseljubilaeum - Band II)
[with several new findings and partially using previously not or less
known sources; Distribution: Besselgymnasium, Hahler Str. 134, 
D-32427 Minden, Germany, Tel.: 0571/22869, Fax 25329]

Herbst, Klaus-Dieter: Die Entwicklung des Meridiankreises 1700 -1850
[The development of the meridian circle 1700 -1850].
Genesis eines astronomischen Hauptinstrumentes unter Beruecksichtigung des
Wechselverhaeltnisses zwischen Astronomie, Astro-Technik und Technik
[Genesis of a main astronomical instrument considering the interaction
between astronomy, astronomical technology and technology].
Bassum, Stuttgart: Verlag fuer Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften und der
Technik, 1996. 255 pp., 63 illus., ISBN 3-928186-21-3, Pb DM 70.00

Iven, Mathias (Ed.): "Seid nicht 'gerecht', sondern guetig!" 
["Be not 'righteous', but kindhearted!"]. Beitraege von und ueber Bruno 
H. Buergel [Contributions by and about Bruno H. Buergel. Berlin, Milow:
Schibri-Verlag, 1996. 242 pp., ISBN 3-928878-45-X, Pb DM 24.80
[Selective readings from the works of Buergel (especially on general and
philosophical questions); letters and documents; articles on Buergel by
M.Iven, A.Zenkert, O.Luehrs, R.Koenig, W.R.Dick, and others.]

Klare, Gerhard (Ed.): Astronomische Gesellschaft. Portraetgalerie.
Hamburg, 1996. 118 pp., Pb DM 15,00
[Short biographies and portraits of c. 500 from 800 members of the
Astronomische Gesellschaft. Distribution: J. Gochermann,
Optikzentrum NRW, Universitaetsstr. 141, D-44799 Bochum, Germany]

Moore, Patrick: The Guinness book of astronomy. Enfield: Guinness, 1995.
Pp. 288, ISBN 0-851-12643-X, GBP 17.95 (hb)
[includes also sections on "The history of astronomy" and "Astronomers"]
   Review:  R.Pickard: The Observatory 116 (1996) 1134, 325

Neal, Valerie (Ed.):  Where next Columbis? The future of space
exploration. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994. Pp. 231, index, 
$ 35.00
["In the opening piece, Stephen Pyne puts the space program in its
historical context: the continuation of a tradition of geographical
discovery embarked upon by Western civilization half a millenia ago."
   Review:  R.Landis: Mercury 25 (1996) 5, 33-34

Nones, Giacomo: Al Sol Misuro I Passi. Arte e Tecnica dell' Orologio
Solare. Trento (Italia): Edizione Arco, 1994. Pp. 154, 86 illus., 
22 x 23 cm, Lire 38000
[In Italian. Sundials of the Province Trento, and introduction into

Reeves, Robert: The superpower space race: An explosive rivalry through
the inner solar system. New York: Plenum Press, 1994. Pp. 437,
endnotes, index, $ 28.95
   Review:  R.Landis: Mercury 25 (1996) 5, 33-34

Schramm, Jochen: Sterne ueber Hamburg. Die Geschichte der Astronomie in
Hamburg [Stars over Hamburg. The history of astronomy in Hamburg]. 
Hamburg: Kultur- & Geschichtskontor, 1996. 278 pp., 247 illus., 
20 x 26.5 cm, ISBN 3-9803192-6-1, Pb DM 29.80
[The history of astronomy in Hamburg, Altona und Hamburg-Bergedorf from
1538 to 1996, partially on the basis of archival documents; with many

Schroeder, Wilfried (Ed.): Physics and geophysics with special historical
case studies. (A Festschrift in honour of K.-H. Wiederkehr).
Bremen-Roennebeck, 1996. Pp. 400, illus., tabls., Pb DM 30.00
[With contributions by S.Debarbat, K.v.Meyenn, H.-J.Treder and others about
physics and history of physics, geophysics, meteorology, astronomy,
astrophysics, teaching of science, history and philosophy of science.
Distribution: Dr. W.Schroeder, Hechelstr. 8, D-28777 Bremen, Germany]

Schroeder, Wilfried (Ed.): Catalogue of Aurorae Borealis (502 to 1735).
[Bremen-Roennebeck], 1996. 43 pp., 2 illus., DM 15.00 + postage 
(Mitteilungen des Arbeitskreises Geschichte der Geophysik 
[der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft] 15 (1996) 5)
[Contains: Einleitung [introduction] (p. 6-7), Christfried Kirch 
"Catalogus von Nordscheinen, zur Historia Aurora borealis dienlich"
(Facsimile of the manuscript from Kirch's nachlass in the Archives of the
Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences; without transcription, without 
exact indication of the source; p. 10-34), Christfried Kirch "Beschreibung
des besondern Nord-Scheins, welcher in der Nacht zwischen dem 16 und 17 
Novemb. anno 1729 erschienen [...]", Berlin s.a. (facsimile, p. 35-43).
Distribution: Dr. W.Schroeder, Hechelstr. 8, D-28777 Bremen, Germany]

Sharratt, Michael: Galileo: Decisive innovator. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1996. Pp. 247; ISBN 0-521-56219-8,
GBP 35.00, $ 54.95 (hb); ISBN 0-521-56671-1, GBP 12.95, $ 18.95 (pb)
   Review:  D.W.Hughes: The Observatory 116 (1996) 1134, 319

Teichmann, Juergen: Wandel des Weltbildes. Astronomie, Physik und
Messtechnik in der Kulturgeschichte [Change of the world view. Astronomy,
physics and measuring techniques in cultural history]. (1) Stuttgart, 
Leipzig: B.G.Teubner Verlagsgesellschaft; (2) Zuerich: vdf, 
Hochschulverlag an der ETH; 1996. 231 pp., 106 illus., 20,5 x 13,7 cm, 
(1) ISBN 3-8154-2508-5, (2) ISBN 3-7281-2312-9, Pb DM 24.80
(Einblicke in die Wissenschaft: Astronomie)

Patkos, Laszlo; Vargha, Magda: St. Gellert's Hill Observatory's
chronicle. The correspondence of Johann Pasquich and of Paul Tittel.
Budapest:  Konkoly Observatory, 1996. Pp. 231, ISBN 963-8361-46-8
(Konkoly Observatory of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. 
Monographs, No. 2)
[Letters from and to Gauss, Littrow, Schumacher, and others, as well as
other documents; introduction and comments in English, dokuments in their
original language (mostly German, partially also in French or Latin);
published letters and articles as facsimiles.]

Vornholz, Dieter: Bremer Sonnenuhren. Bremen: Verlag H. M. Hauschild,
1995. 32 pp., 37 illus., 16 x 23.5 cm, ISBN 3-929902-89-3, DM 9.80
[Description of historically valuable and gnomonically interesting 
sundials in and around Bremen, Germany.]

Walker, Christopher (Ed.): Astronomy before the telescope. With a
foreword by Patrick Moore. London: British Museum Press, 1996. Pp. 352,
130 illus., 10 maps, 25 x 19 cm, ISBN 0-7141-1746-3, GBP 25.00 (hb)
[An account for the non-specialist reader, written by 18 experts. From
archaeoastronomy to the Renaissance, also about traditional astronomical

Williams, Kay: Under an English Heaven (A biography of G. E. D.
Alcock). Guildford (UK): Genesis Publications, 1996. Pp. 229, 
ISBN 0-904351-55-6, GBP 29.95
   Review:  M.Mobberley: J. Brit. Astron. Assoc. 106 (1996) 5, 288



For information we thank: 

Klemens Adam (Bad Oynhausen), Michael J. Crowe (Notre Dame), Franz
Daxecker (Innsbruck), Steven J. Dick (Washington, D.C.), Klaus-Dieter
Herbst (Jena), Eckehard Schmidt (Nuremberg), Jochen Schramm (Hamburg),
Wilfried Schroeder (Bremen), William H. van Altena (New Haven), Magda
Vargha (Budapest), Dieter Vornholz (Bremen).



Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy (ENHA)

A translation of "Elektronische Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte"

Published by the Working Group for the History of Astronomy in the
Astronomische Gesellschaft

Editor: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick 

All items without an author's name are editorial contributions.
Articles as well as information for the several sections are appreciated.

Subscription for ENHA is free. Readers and subscribers are asked for
occasional voluntary donations to the working group.

Copyright Statement:
The Electronic Newsletters for the History of Astronomy may be freely 
re-distributed in the case that no charge is imposed. Public offer in
WWW servers, BBS etc. is allowed after the editor has been informed. 
Non-commercial reproduction of single items in electronic or printed media
is possible only with the editor's permission.

The electronic newsletters are complement the printed "Mitteilungen zur 
Astronomiegeschichte" (in German) which currently appear semi-annually:
 Price: DM 1.50 / issue plus postage and packing costs 
        outside Germany: free
 Subscription: Send in DM 2.50 (one issue) or DM 5.00 (Nos. 8-9) in
               stamps to the editor
 Editor: Dr. W. R. Dick, Otterkiez 14, 
         D-14478 Potsdam, Germany, Tel.: (+331) 863199
Please ask for a free trial issue.

Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte / Working Group for the History of

URL: http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/aa/aa.html

Chairman: Prof. Dr. Peter Brosche, Observatorium Hoher List der
Sternwarte der Universitaet Bonn, D-54550 Daun, Germany, 
Tel.: (+6592) 2150, Fax: (+6592) 985140

Secretary: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick, Institut fuer Angewandte Geodaesie,
Aussenstelle Potsdam, Postfach 60 08 08, D-14408 Potsdam, Germany,
Tel.: (+331) 316 619, E-mail: wdi@potsdam.ifag.de

Bank Acct. of the Working Group of the Astronomische Gesellschaft:
Acct # 333 410 41, Sparkasse Bochum (BLZ 430 500 01)
Contributions from foreign countries: acct # 162 18-203, Postgiroamt
Hamburg, BLZ 200 400 20
Please sign with: "Fuer Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte" 


zum Seitenanfang top of page
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Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy - Number 19

*                                                                         *
*                                                                         *
*      Published by the Working Group for the History of Astronomy        *
*                  in the Astronomische Gesellschaft                      *
*                                                                         *
*                      Number 19,  April 9, 1997                          *
*                                                                         *
*                           A translation of                              *
*                                                                         *
*                      Nr. 19,  19. Dezember 1996                         *
*                                                                         *
*          Edited by: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick           *
*                                                                         *
*      Translated by: Mr. Donald Bellunduno <76450.1741@CompuServe.COM>   *
*                                                                         *


1. Armin Huettermann: Tobias Mayer Museum in Marbach am Neckar
2. Thomas Kloeti: A transparent celestial atlas (1826) by 
                  Franz Niklaus Koenig
3. Authors for history of science essays needed
4. Request for material on the history of lunar studies

5. Conferences 1997


Item 1                                           ENHA No. 19, April 9, 1997

Tobias Mayer Museum in Marbach am Neckar
By Armin Huettermann, Marbach
Tobias Mayer, Marbach's "second most important son" (next to Friedrich
Schiller), will be honored in the form of a permanent museum, which will be
situated in the house of his birth. The present owner of the house, Prof.
Roth, will, after being gone 15 years, leave Marbach. Roth acquired the
dilapidated house in 1979 from the city of Marbach, and renovated it
considering the rules for preservation of historic buildings. In 1981 he
founded the Tobias Mayer Museum Society and was able in the following years
to erect a small exhibit on the ground floor commemorating Tobias Mayer.

While taking over the house by January 1, 1996, the society can bring to
life a plan which it had wished for for years: a museum dedicated to this
universal genius of science. Mayer earned a steady reputation working in
the fields of mathematics, astronomy, geography, and cartography. Forbes'
biography shows that Mayer was not only respected as one amongst many good
mathematicians and astronomers of his time, but was considered by Euler to
be of oustanding competence, and was numbered by Delambre as one of the
greatest astronomers of all times in all lands. He was also noted for
being an extraordinary geographer, cartographer, and inventor of scientific

The Tobias Mayer House is described in the list of cultural monuments at
the state monument office (Landesdenkmalamt) of Baden-Wuerttemberg as
follows: "Built around 1700, former craftsman house; two story, with
massive ground floor, that was once comprised of a cartwright's workshop,
and half-timbered upper floor. [...] The simple craftsman house, which
was built in 1711 for the well attendant and cartwright Tobias Mayer, whose
son Tobias Mayer was born here on February 17, 1723. Tobias Mayer was
known as mathematician and astronomer especially for the enhancements he
made upon astronomical instruments and the development of a method of
navigation. As a well preserved minor craftsman house and as the birth
house of Tobias Mayer, the building is a cultural monument for both
scientific and local heritage reasons; its preservation is of public
interest due to its documentary and exemplary worth." After at least one
total renovation in the year 1859, and a huge repair job, including a
renovation of the cellar (1920-1930?), another thorough renovation started
in 1979, along with the set-up of a memorial room on the ground level
for Tobias Mayer.

Last and not least, on the grounds of his pioneering work he accomplished
in the field of ship navigation, and for the solving of certain difficult
navigation problems, Tobias Mayer can be seen as a pioneer of modern car
piloting and navigation systems. From April 27 to May 21, 1995, an exhibit
took place in the town hall in Marbach. The theme: Tobias Mayer - Pionier
of positioning - pioneering the way towards modern systems of navigation.
This exhibition will also be shown next year in Esslingen and in the
Planetarium at Nuremberg. The exhibit also boasts a beautiful catalog
(price DM 25.00; can be acquired from the society).

After completely acquiring the museum, the Tobias Mayer Museum Society has
plans to expand the museum in the house's main floor and add space for
upcoming exhibits. The present permanent exhibit, dedicated to Tobias
Mayer's life, will be complimented by changing exhibits which will portray
different aspects of his life and works, for example, cartography,
astronomy, moon maps, instrument making, the art of measurement, the theory
of colour, etc. Roth's collection portrays already a basic foundation of
his work. The museum should be manned voluntarily (for example, on the
first and third Sunday of each month) which will make the house accessable
to the general public; at present access is being granted only by
appointment. The upper floors of the house will be used as a scientific
work area, or rented out to persons working on the same goals as the
society; through which the operating costs of the house / museum will be

At this time, the society is searching for sponsors, which could finance
the buying of the house. In this, the society is getting support from the
city and the Mayor of Marbach, Heinz Georg Keppler.
(Donation account: No. 309 12 43 at Kreissparkasse Ludwigsburg, 
BLZ 604 500 50)

Suggested reading:
Forbes, E.G.: Tobias Mayer (1723-62): Pioneer of enlightened science in
Germany. Goettingen 1980 (engl. original), Marbach 1993 (German
Roth, E.: Tobias Mayer 1723-1762. Vermesser des Meeres, der Erde und des
Himmels. Esslingen in alten und neuen Karten. Esslingen 1985
Anthes, E. et al. (Hrsg.): Tobias Mayer und die Zeit der Aufklaerung.
Marbach 1990
Reprints of Mayer's maps by the State Surveying Office
(Landesvermessungsamt) of Baden-Wuerttemberg: Circulus Austriacus
1747/1984; Mappierung der Landkarten 1745/1984; Mappa Critica 1750/1987;
Circulus Sueviae 1743-48/1989.

Editor's notes:
This essay appeared in "Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte" (the German
printed version of this newsletter) No. 7, December 1995, p. 1. Since
the beginning of the year 1996 the society has been in possession of the
birth house of Tobias Mayer. It was bought for DM 350,000 from E. Roth,
to which the city of Marbach contributed DM 52,000. A part of the sum was
finanzed through an interest free loan with members of the society. The
society is therefore interested in donations, in order to offset the credit
they have had to take out in order to finance the acquiring of the house.
Please contact the society, if you want to either donate funds, or become a

A list of the deliverable publications (31 in all) can be obtained with the
society: Torgasse 13, D-71672 Marbach a. N., Germany, Tel.: (07144) 16942

Item 2                                           ENHA No. 19, April 9, 1997

A transparent celestial atlas (1826) by Franz Niklaus Koenig
By Thomas Kloeti, Bern
On the occassion of the special exhibit "Sensations: World-Views on the
Road" (see WWW page http://www.mso.ch/PTT-Museum/Speciald.htm),
reproductions from the 'Atlas celeste' (1826) by Bernese artist Franz
Niklaus Koenig are shown from November 23, 1996, to August 24, 1997, in the
Swiss PTT Museum (Schweizerisches PTT-Museum) in Bern.

The pages of this nearly unknown atlas, as well as the essay "Die Welt, 
eine Augenweide: Transparente Landschafts- und Sternbilder von Franz 
Niklaus Koenig" (in German) are available in the exhibit catalog 
(pgs. 35-40) as well as on through the Internet server of the City and
University Library of Bern:
http://www.stub.unibe.ch/stub/koenig/koenig.html (essay, in German)
http://www.stub.unibe.ch/stub/koenig/celestial.html (pictures, with 
English text)
As fas as I am aware, there were no comparable products at that time.
The Bernese professor of mathematics Trechsel wrote in the foreword to the

"King's idea - to have a small celestial atlas for lovers of the knowledge
of the stars, which is broken up into several sections, where the fixed
stars, from the first to the fifth magnitude, would show up transparently
on a black background - is inspired, ingenious, and for the most part, a
new concept. It will also receive approval and encouragement from experts
and learned men in this field."

The purpose of the celestial atlas is well described in the foreword by
Prof. Trechsel, who adds that it can also be used for (home) teaching of
the young. The sheets may be viewed in reflected or in transmitted light.
It is probable that the atlas was also viewed in a peep show box.
I assume that King copied from the stellar atlas of Fortin (1776).
King compiled different types of his work. Examples may be found in the
City and University Library of Bern, in the Museum of Art in Bern, as well
as at the ETH Library in Zurich. The Swiss National Library
(Schweizerische Landesbibliothek) owns a copy called called "Aestrognosie
..."  containing an additional dedication page.

I would gladly hear about other copies of this atlas, and how King's
celestial atlas is regarded from the point of view of historians of

Exhibit Catalog:
Sensationen. Welt-Schau auf Wanderschaft
Kurt Stadelmann (Ed.)
Bern: PTT-Museum, 1996. 90 pp.
(Schriftenreihe des PTT-Museums)
ISBN 3-908231-05-1, Price 20 SFr. including shipping
Distribution: PTT-Museum, Helvetiastrasse 16, CH-3000 Bern 6, 
Switzerland, Fax: ++41 (0)31 338 39 27
Author's address:
Dr. Thomas Kloeti
Stadt- und Universitaetsbibliothek Bern
Sammlung Ryhiner
Muenstergasse 61-63
CH-3000 Bern 7
Tel. ++41 31 320 32 48
Fax  ++41 31 320 32 99
E-Mail: kloeti@stub.unibe.ch
URL: http://www.stub.unibe.ch/stub/ryhiner/ryhiner.html

Item 3                                           ENHA No. 19, April 9, 1997

Authors for history of science essays needed
[Editor's note:
This request had been intended for German-speaking readers, since 
only German manuscripts may be accepted. It appears here only for
completeness, because ENHA is a 1:1 translation of EMA, the German

Ladies and Gentlemen,
The monthly journal "Schweizerische Technische Zeitschrift STZ" is
planning starting from May 1997 to add a page dedicated to the history of
science or technology. For this, we are searching for competent authors
who would like to make a contribution.

The content of the contribution have not necessarily to be connected with
Switzerland. All themes be it people, institutions, events, or instruments,
are admissable subjects, so long as the topic does not be of interest only
for a very local place outside Switzerland.
The editors have a strong interest, that each contribution is supplemented
by an attractive illustration (photo or graph).

The authors will be paid an honorary of 150 to 200 Swiss Franks, depending
on expenses.

I invite all those interested to please get in contact with me. 
The best to do so is to send me a short email, or post card. 
Or you can give me a call at:  Tel. 07071 - 29 78 605.
I look forward to many submissions!
With warm wishes!
Frank Krull
Redaktor STZ
Charlottenstr. 11
D-72070 Tuebingen
Tel. 07071 - 29 78 605 (university)
or   07071 - 44 00 19  (home)
e-mail: krull@ait.physik.uni-tuebingen.de
Item 4                                           ENHA No. 19, April 9, 1997

Request for material on the history of lunar studies

A student and I are beginning work on a WWW homepage dealing with the Moon.
We want this page to be comprehensive, including information on and links
to sites dealing with the history of lunar studies. We would be pleased to
receive the URLs for appropriate links and would welcome the loan of any
relevant material that could be digitized and added in toto to the site.
We will include examples of all historic lunar maps that we can access,
references to publications dealing with lunar science and history, a
digital atlas of the Moon, a comprehensive bibliography of lunar books, a
complete list of all lunar craters with names or diameters >20 km (with
depths and diameters), and, hopefully, complete texts of some of the
classic selenography books. We welcome all help and suggestions.  

Thank you, Charles A. Wood

Charles A. Wood       Tel: 701-777-3167;          Fax 701-777-3711
Space Studies, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND 58202-9008, USA
Space.Edu: www.space.edu         VolcanoWorld: volcano.und.nodak.edu
E-mail: cwood@badlands.nodak.edu

Item 5                                           ENHA No. 19, April 9, 1997

Conferences 1997
Further conferences in the year 1997 have already been described in past
issues of the ENHA. For a complete list of all conferences announced up to
now, please see the following WWW address:


An annual "Polish School for the History of Mathematics" is being held
in each summer in Poland.
Information: Dr. Stanislaw Fudali, Uniwersytet Szczecinski, Instytut
Matematyki, ul. Wielkopolska 15, PL-70-451 Szczecin

19 - 20 March 1997, Munich, Germany
VIIth Conference on the History of Physics about "100 years of discovery of
radioactivity and the electron - the controversal entrance to the 
microworld", in the framework of the 61th Physicists' Conference of the
Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (German Physical Society)
Information: Dr. Dieter Hoffmann, MPI fuer Wissenschaftsgeschichte,
Wilhelmstr. 44, D-10117 Berlin, Germany, Tel.: 030/22667-117,
Fax: 22667-299, e-mail: dh@mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de

21 - 25 April 1997, Vienna, Austria
Symposium "Pioneers in Solar-Terrestrial Physics during the 19th and 20th
Centuries", to be held during the Meeting of the European Geophysical
Deadline for abstracts: 1 December 1996
Convener: Dr. Wilfried Schroeder, Hechelstr. 8, D-28777 Bremen-Roennebeck,

28 May - 1 June 1997, Calw, Germany
4th Meeting of the Section for the History of Mathematics (Fachsektion
Geschichte der Mathematik) of the German Mathematical Association 
(Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung)
The cultural programme includes also a visit to the Kepler Museum at
Weil der Stadt.
Place: Staatliche Akademie fuer Lehrerfortbildung
4-day accomodation (full board and lodging): 300 DM,
single-room supplement 20 DM, conference fee 30 DM
Registration by Febrary 15, 1997, to: Prof. Dr. Michael von Renteln, 
Mathematisches Institut I, Universitaet Karlsruhe, Englerstr. 2, 
D-76128 Karlsruhe, Germany, Tel.: 0721/608-3337 or -2056 (secretarian), 
Fax: 608-6214

10 - 11 October 1997, Schloss Seggau near Leibnitz (Steiermark), 
Annual Meeting of the Working Group for Sundials in the Austrian
Astronomical Society (Arbeitsgruppe Sonnenuhren im Oesterreichischen
Astronomischen Verein)
Information: Karl Schwarzinger, Am Tigls 76A, A-6073 Sistrans, Austria,
Phone and Fax: 0512 / 37 8 68



Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy (ENHA)

A translation of "Elektronische Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte"

Published by the Working Group for the History of Astronomy in the
Astronomische Gesellschaft

Editor: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick 

Translated and Co-Edited by: Mr. Donald Bellunduno 

All items without an author's name are editorial contributions.
Articles as well as information for the several sections are appreciated.

Subscription for ENHA is free. Readers and subscribers are asked for
occasional voluntary donations to the working group.

Copyright Statement:
The Electronic Newsletters for the History of Astronomy may be freely 
re-distributed in the case that no charge is imposed. Public offer in
WWW servers, BBS etc. is allowed after the editor has been informed. 
Non-commercial reproduction of single items in electronic or printed media
is possible only with the editor's permission.

The electronic newsletters are complement the printed "Mitteilungen zur 
Astronomiegeschichte" (in German) which currently appear semi-annually:
 Price: DM 1.50 / issue plus postage and packing costs 
        outside Germany: free
 Subscription: Send in DM 2.50 (one issue) or DM 5.00 (Nos. 10-11) in
               stamps to the editor
 Editor: Dr. W. R. Dick, Otterkiez 14, 
         D-14478 Potsdam, Germany, Tel.: (+331) 863199
Please ask for a free trial issue.

Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte / Working Group for the History of

URL: http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/aa/aa.html

Chairman: Prof. Dr. Peter Brosche, Observatorium Hoher List der
Sternwarte der Universitaet Bonn, D-54550 Daun, Germany, 
Tel.: (+6592) 2150, Fax: (+6592) 985140

Secretary: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick, Institut fuer Angewandte Geodaesie,
Aussenstelle Potsdam, Postfach 60 08 08, D-14408 Potsdam, Germany,
Tel.: (+331) 316 618, E-mail: wdi@potsdam.ifag.de

Bank Acct. of the Working Group of the Astronomische Gesellschaft:
Acct # 333 410 41, Sparkasse Bochum (BLZ 430 500 01)
Contributions from foreign countries: acct # 162 18-203, Postgiroamt
Hamburg, BLZ 200 400 20
Please sign with: "Fuer Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte" 


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