Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy - Number 6

*                                                                         *
*                                                                         *
*      Published by the Working Group for the History of Astronomy        *
*                  in the Astronomische Gesellschaft                      *
*                                                                         *
*                      Number 6, August 25, 1994                          *
*                                                                         *
*                           A translation of                              *
*                                                                         *
*                        Nr. 6,  2. August 1994                           *
*                                                                         *
*          Edited by: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick           *
*                                                                         *
*      Translated by: Mr. Donald Bellunduno <76450.1741@CompuServe.COM>   *
*                                                                         *


New issues of "Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte"

Fred Sawyer: The North American Sundial Society

Arno Langkavel: Memorials for Astronomers in London

Museums and exhibits

Meeting of the Working Group for the History of Astronomy

Conference Calendar 1994


New books

New Antiquarians catalog

Expression of thanks


Addendum by the translator: 
Space Anniversaries (from the SPACE CALENDAR)
Space Pioneer Fred Whipple to talk to Tucson group


New issues of "Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte"

In June 1994 number 4 of the printed edition of "Mitteilungen zur
Astronomiegeschichte" (Newsletter for the History of Astronomy) was 
published. In addition to the contributions and other information already 
published in the "Electronic Newsletters" it contains also a list of 
jubilee years for the year 1995 (Birthdays and death-notices of 
astronomers) as well as congratulations on the occasion of various 
birthdays of members and friends of the Working Group for the History of 
Astronomy. In addition, further data about other societies and working 
groups that have a relationship to the history of astronomy were also 
included. In comparison to the "Electronic Newsletter", the printed edition 
appears only in the German Language, but despite that fact it reaches a 
larger number of readers.

At the same time, two new special editions of the "Mitteilungen zur
Astronomiegeschichte" with bibliographies of astronomical history 
publications of members of the working group (J.Hamel, J.Helfricht, 
D.B.Herrmann, G.D.Roth, M.Holl, F.Krafft and E.Pfitzner) had also been 
issued. The 1st special edition (December 1993) contained the personal 
bibliographies of K.-R.Biermann, L.Brandt, E.-M.Stiegler, I.Keil, Th.Marold 
and K.Waelke.

Together with number 4, the members of the working group received the 
brochure "Wilhelm Olbers in an exchange of letters with astronomers of his 
time" by Prof. Diedrich Wattenberg (cp. section "New books") as a gift of 
the author.

The "Mitteilungen" can be ordered from the Secretary of the working group 
(for the address, see the Imprint section). For members outside Germany the 
subscription is free of charge. Inside Germany the 4th edition costs 1.50 
DM, and each of the special issues 1 DM, and shipping costs have to be 
added. In addition, any issues that you may have missed (Numbers 1 - 3 and 
the Special issues) can be back-ordered.


The North American Sundial Society

By Fred Sawyer, Glastonbury (USA)

The North American Sundial Society is an association of people from a wide
variety of disciplines who are interested in the study, development,
history, and preservation of sundials and the art of dialing throughout
the North American continent.

The North American Sundial Society is an association (convened in 1994)
for those who view the sundial as something more than a simple garden
decoration.  There was a time, not that long ago, when an appreciation of
dials in all their various forms was an integral part of the scientific
and mathematical training of any well-educated person.

NASS hearkens back to such a time and offers sundial enthusiasts at all
levels of expertise an opportunity to learn, to interact, and to exchange
ideas and information.

As essayist Hilaire Belloc once noted: 

"Civilisation loses its treasures by an unconscious process.  It has lost
them before it has appreciated that they were in the way of being lost:
and when I say 'its treasures' I mean the special discoveries and crafts
of mankind."

Dialing is fast becoming a lost art and a forgotten science.  By
participating in NASS you can slow this unconscious process and even help
to regain and advance the forgotten science.

The Society was convened in February 1994 by Ross McCluney, Fred Sawyer
and Bob Terwilliger in the hope of fostering communication and
coordination among dialists.

Recognizing that many of its members are already associated with one or
more of its European counterparts, the Society has adopted a role which
complements the work already being done by other organizations.

The Society produces a regular newsletter in both print and digital
formats. Requirements for the digital edition include an IBM compatible
computer with 640K RAM, EGA or VGA color, MS-DOS 3.1 or higher, a
hard-drive and a Logitech or Microsoft compatible mouse.

Join now!  Participate!  Discover new concepts; share your favorite ideas,
techniques and sources.  Whether you design, construct, study, collect, or
simply enjoy dials, it all comes together in the North American Sundial

                              SUBSCRIPTION FORM 
A subscription entitles you to receive all regular issues of COMPENDIUM
for the current volume year. We anticipate releasing a total of 4 issues
in 1994, including the inaugural issue which is being provided as an
evaluation copy to prospective members. Back issues are available [$3 for
members and $7 for nonmembers] from the Editor.

A subscription also entitles you to vote in the Fall 1994 elections for
the By-Laws and first slate of officers of the society.

Please check the box for the subscription option you wish.  For mailing
addresses outside of North America, please add a $10 airmail surcharge.
We welcome and encourage additional monetary contributions to help cover
the startup costs of the society.  If you would like to contribute an
amount in addition to your dues, please enter that amount below.

Most of our foreign members have found it easier and cheaper to send their
dues in US dollars cash, however we can accept checks in most convertible
foreign currencies, as long as they are drawn on a bank in the country
whose currency is being sent. Please add a conversion fee equivalent to
$2.00, in addition to the air mail postage costs of $10.00, to your check.
You may want to contact the Treasurer first, before sending a check.

Unfortunately, our bank makes significant additional charges for
converting the currencies of Italy and The Netherlands, and members from
these countries might want to consider sending cash or making other
arrangements to pay in US funds. Checks in Dutch guilders require, in
addition to all of the above, a surcharge equivalent to $10.00.  Checks in
Italian lire require a surcharge of $20.00, and must not be marked
 [ ] 1994 Membership with the print edition of Compendium    $25.00     
 [ ] 1994 Membership with the Digital Compendium             $25.00 
 [ ] 1994 Membership with both print and digital editions    $35.00 
	       Air Mail [outside of North America]           $10.00 
	       Bank Charges [if applicable]                         
	       Additional Donation                                  
	       TOTAL enclosed                                        
Note: The digital edition requires an IBM compatible computer with 640K
RAM, MS DOS 3.1 or higher, EGA/VGA color graphics, a hard disk, and a
Logitech or Microsoft compatible mouse.  It will be mailed on a 3 1/2"
 Please provide the following information :
 Name :                  _________________________________________________
 Street [1st line] :     _________________________________________________
 Street [2nd line] :     _________________________________________________
 City, State or Prov. :  _________________________________________________
 Postal Code, Country :  _________________________   
 E-mail address [if applicable] :  __________________________
Please make your check for the above total payable to Robert Terwilliger,
Treasurer NASS, and mail it to the society at 2398 SW 22nd Avenue, Miami
FL 33145.  As a new society relying on the dedication of volunteers, we
very much welcome contributions. If you can contribute time, information,
or articles, please contact us at

North American Sundial Society
Fred Sawyer, Editor
8 Sachem Drive
Glastonbury CT 06033 USA



Memorials for Astronomers in London

By Arno Langkavel, Loeningen (Germany)

Adams, John Couch (1819-1892): Medalion in Westminster Abbey, just a few 
steps from Newton's Grave.

Eddington, Sir Arthur (1882-1944): Memorial tablet in Bennett Park 4,
Blackheath, Greenwich.

Halley, Edmond (1656-1742): Burial in the old graveyard in the Lee Terrace 
in Greenwich (SE 3), across from the Parish Church of St. Margaret. One can 
obtain the key to the door from the Father in charge. The original cover 
can be presently found - impressed into a wall - not far from zero degrees 
on the grounds of the Old Observatory in Greenwich. In 1854 this original 
was replaced by the present one, which, over time, has become worn from the 
weather. On the reverse side of the sarcophagus, one can recognize the name 
of the astronomer Pond.

Herschel, Sir John (1792-1871): Burial Plate in Westminster Abbey,
just a few steps from Newton's Grave. In close proximity to the grave an 
engraving on the ground offers remembrance to Wilhelm Herschel.

Horrox, Jeremiah (1617-1641): Memorial plaque in Westminster Abbey,
across from Newton's grave, to the left and behind the west-entrance.

Newton, Sir Isaac (1643-1727): Memorial plaque in Jermyn Street 87
(between the underground-stations "Green Park" and "Picadilly Circus") in
Westminster; memorial plaque in St. Martin's Street 35 (WC 2, Underground
"Leicester Square"); Bust on a small green lawn on "Leicester
Square"; burial in Westminster Abbey.

Comments by the Editor:

In the crypt of St. Paul's Cathedral there lies the grave of Sir 
Christopher Wren. In the cloister of Westminster Abbey (South side) a 
plaque for Edmund Halley was erected; and carries the encryption "This 
Memorial marks the Comets Return in 1986".

Who else is aware of other memorial sights in London?


Museums and Exhibits

On the 12th of November 1992 at his former home in the Wolgaster Strasse 
144 in Greifswald (Germany), a memorial tablet which honors Emil Cohen 
(1842-1905), a famous meteor explorer was unveiled. Cohen was from 1885 to 
1905 a Professor of Mineralogy and Geology at the University of Greifswald. 
[Source: Nachrichtenblatt zur Geschichte der Geowissenschaften Nr. 2, 1992 
[1994], S. 53]

The exhibit on display from June 25, 1993, to July 3, 1994, in Lugano 
(Italy), Vienna (Austria) and Berlin (Germany) "Die schwarze Stadt an
der Seidenstrasse: Buddhistische Kunst aus Khara Khoto, 10.-13.
Jahrhundert" ["The Black City on the Silk Way: Buddhist Art from Khara 
Khoto, 10.-13. Century"] portrayed treasures from the Hermitage in St. 
Petersburg, which were discovered at the beginning of our century by 
Russian archeologists in Mongolia. The exposition also showed the cult of 
the planets and stars of the Tanguts, a Central-Asian nation. For the 
exhibit, a catalog under a similar name was published in 1993 by Electa 
publishers (Milan, Italy). 

From March 5th to the 5th of June 1994 in Lucern (Switzerland) a special 
exhibit entitled "China - Wiege des Wissens: 7000 Jahre Erfindung und
Entdeckungen" ["China - Cradle of Knowledge: 7000 years of discovery and 
invention"] took place. Amongst the theme-filled rooms there was also one 
dedicated to Astronomy in which an armillar sphere was on exhibit. Also, 
there was a special program in the planetarium which portrayed China's 
contributions to the History of Astronomy. There appeared also a 300 page, 
richly illustrated catalog. 
[Source: Vermessung, Photogrammetrie, Kulturtechnik 3/1994, S. 138, 5/1994, 
S. 235]

An important collection of astronomical, navigational, and meteorological 
instrumentation occupies the Museo di Storia della Scienza in Florence. 
Amongst the most important pieces of the collection belong the two original 
telescopes, which demonstrably, were used by Galileo Galilei. With them 
Galileo discovered Jupiter's four largest moons between 1609 - 1610. Many 
of the objects are not meant for practical use however, but instead were 
built from top to bottom for decoration purposes. For example the 
gold-plated bronze astrolabium that Galilei is credited with making. 
Gold-plated bronze was extraordinarily expensive at the time. For the 
practice, one ordinarily used wooden instruments which were less expensive 
and lighter to use and to produce. Galileo's telescopes are also made of 
wood. The transitory material explains the circumstances as to why so few 
instruments have survived up until today. 
(Museo di Storia della Scienza, Piazza dei Giudici 1, Florence, Italy) 
[Source: Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau 47(1994)2, S. 77; abridged 
version, by courtesy of Verlag Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau]

From the 28th to the 30th of October the People's Observatory in the old 
Physics building in Frankfurt on the Main River, will show the exhibit 
"Astronomy in Frankfurt for the last 170 years and into the future." In 
addition to information on actual explorations and discoveries made, 
historical instruments and books as well as stamps will be on display. The 
Physics Society will be releasing a special edition-stamp for the occasion. 
Opening times: Friday 3 - 8 pm, Saturday/Sunday 10 am - 8 pm.
(People's Observatory, Robert-Mayer-Str. 2-4, D-60054 Frankfurt, Germany,
Tel. (069) 704630) 


Meeting of the Working Group on the History of Astronomy

The yearly Autumnal meeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft [Astronomical 
Society] will take place from the 26th to the 30th of September in Potsdam. 
Within this framework the working group will present in a splinter 
meeting, on the theme "Astronomy in Berlin and Potsdam". As in Jena and 
Bochum, other presentations and posters in accordance with other themes 
will also be on hand. The scientific direction will be lead by P. Brosche, 
and the placement and organisation will be handled by G. Scholz 
(Astrophysics Institute, Potsdam) and W. Dick. In conclusion of the 
scientific conference an all encompassing sight-seeing program will be set 
up in Berlin and Potsdam.

Advanced registrations should be forwarded to P. Brosche (For address see 
the Imprint). Please give along with your registration your complete travel 
plan arrival/departure schedule, along with your interests in the planned 
programs. All of those who have pre-registered will receive by the end of 
August/beginning of September information on the program, planned events, 

Participants who take part in the entire Astronomical-Society Conference 
and wish the help or assistance of the Organising Committee in the way of 
bookings of hotel reservations, or other related items, please use the 
following address:

Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam 
AG-Tagungsbuero, An der Sternwarte 16 
D-14482 Potsdam 
The participant fee is 100 DM for non Astronomical-Society-members.

For those who wish to book their hotel rooms themselves, but also want to 
nevertheless take part in the meeting of the working group, please register 
with P. Brosche. In all other cases, one must pay the entire participant 
fee for the A.S. conference.

The conference meeting sight is the Potsdam-Babelsberg park on the grounds 
of the University of Potsdam, which lies in close proximity to the 
Observatory Babelsberg.
It can be easily reached by bus or by foot from the Babelsberg bus-stop or 
from the area where the tramway arrives (from Potsdam) or the S-Bahn (from 

Preliminary Program for the Working Group on the History of Astronomy:

Thursday, 29 September

4pm until 6-7 pm: Splinter meeting begin / Part 1 

8 pm: Public lecture of the Astronomical Society (R.-P.Kudritzki: The 
Hubble Space Telescope)

Friday, 30 September

10 - ca. 3 pm: Splinter meeting / Part 2 

3 - 5 pm: Viewing at the Babelsberg Observatory, with eventual visit to the 
graves of Hermann Struve or Bruno H. Buergel in Babelsberg

7 pm: Meeting in a hotel-pub (as long as desired)

Saturday, 1 October

Before noon: Viewing at the Astrophysical Observatory in Potsdam and the
Solar Observatory "Einstein Tower" on the Telegrafenberg (Telegraf 
Mountain) in Potsdam; along with a tour afterwards to the graves of the old 
and the new graveyard at the foot of the Telegrafenberg.

Afternoon (or on Sunday): Viewing at the Archenhold-Observatory in 
Berlin-Treptow with an astronomical and historical tour of the museum 
During the evening (by individual): Visit to the Berlin Planetariums.

Sunday, 2 October

Viewing of the temporary Copernicus-Exhibit in Zeiss-Grossplanetarium in 
Berlin; with the option of an individuel walk through Berlin, and eventual 
tour to astronomical and historicaly important areas.

According to areas of interest in the points of the program and on the 
number of participants, we can change any facets of the program at any 
given time. Please give therefore as detailed a list of your interests and 
your time schedule as you possibly can.


Conference Calendar 1994

24 July - 14 August, Schaephuysen (Germany)
30th International Astronomical Youth Camp
Among working groups: Ancient Astronomy
for amateur astronomers from 16 to 24 years old
Participation fee: DM 620.00
(IWA e.V. c/o Erwin van Ballegoij, Dirkje Mariastraat 17 bis,
NL-3551 SK Utrecht, The Netherlands)

26 - 30 October, Berlin (Germany)
International Congress "Galileo Galilei"
(Istituto Italiono di Culturo Berlino, c/o Italienisches Generalkonsulat,
Hiroshimastr. 1, D-10785 Berlin, Tel. 0049-30-261 78 75, Fax 264 09 41)



The NATURWISSENSCHAFTLICHE RUNDSCHAU (Natural Science Magazine) offers 
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sciences and some areas of medicine.

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Please order your personal free sample copy from:

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Tel.: 0711/25820, Fax 0711/2582-290


New Books

Arias de Greiff, Jorge: La astronomia en Colombia.  Santafe de Bogota,
1994.  Pp. 196. 

Bach, Henri; Rieb, Jean P.; Wilhelm, Robert: Die drei astronomischen Uhren
des Strassburger Muensters [The Three Astronomical Clocks of the  
Strasbourg Cathedral].  Introduction by: Rene R. Rohr. Bearb. v. Christel 
Seidensticker. Aus d. Franz. v. Robert Wilhelm.  Lahr: Moritz Schauenburg 
Verlag, 1994.  236 pp., 200 ill.  ISBN 3-7946-0297-8. DM 148

Euler, Leonard: Leonhardi Euleri Opera Omnia. Series secunda. Opera
mechanica et astronomica. Vol. 31. Commentationes mechanice et
astronomicae ad physicam cosmicam pertinentes.  H.Ch. ImHof, W. Habicht,
T. Steiner, G.A. Tammann (Eds.).  Basel: Birkhaeuser Verlag, 1994.  Pp. ca.
464.  ISBN 3-7643-1459-1. ca. DM 250, SFr 220

Fauvel, John; Flood, Raymond; Wilson, Robin (Eds.): Mobius and his band:
Mathematics and Astronomy in Nineteenth-Century Germany.  Oxford, New
York: Oxford University Press, 1993.  Pp. 172, ill., bibl. ref., index.
ISBN 019853969X.

Fauvel, John; Flood, Raymond; Wilson, Robin (Hrsg.): Moebius und sein Band.
Der Aufstieg von Mathematik und Astronomie im Deutschland des 19.
Jahrhunderts. [Translation of the previous book]
Translated from English by Gisela Menzel.  Basel, Boston,
Berlin: Birkhaeuser Verlag, 1994. Pp. 224, ca. 150 ill. ISBN 3-7643-2990-4.
DM 78

Golvers, Noel: The Astronomia Europaea of Ferdinand Verbiest, S. J.
(Dillingen, 1687).  Text, translation, notes and commentaries.  Ed.:
Institut Monumenta Serica, Sankt Augustin, Ferdinand Verbiet Foundation,
Leuven.  (Monumenta Serica Monogr. Ser., 28) Nettetal: Steyler
Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1993.  Pp. 550. Faks., 43 Abb.  Cloth DM 80

Hertzsprung-Kapteyn, Henrietta: The life and works of J.C.Kapteyn.  An
annotated translation with preface and introduction by E. Robert Paul.
Dordrecht, Boston, London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994.  Pp. 104.
ISBN 0-7923-2603-2. $ 38.50 
[English translation of the 1928 Dutch biography; appeared also in Space
Science Reviews 64 (1993) 1/2, pp. V-XIX, 1-92]

Hu, B.L.; Ryan Jnr., M.P.; Vishveshvara, C.V. (Eds.): Directions in
General Relativity. Volume I: Papers in honor of Charles Misner.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993.  Pp. 423.  ISBN
0-521-45266-X. L 35 
   Review:  F.Mellor: The Observatory 114 (1994) 1119, 64-65

Hu, B.L.; Jacobsen, T.A. (Eds.): Directions in General Relativity. Volume
II: Papers in honor of Dieter Brill.  Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 1993.  Pp. 369.  ISBN 0-521-45267-8. L 35
   Review:  F.Mellor: The Observatory 114 (1994) 1119, 64-65

Hunt, Garry E.; Moore, Patrick: Atlas of Neptune.  Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1994.  Pp. 84.  ISBN 0-521-37478-2. 
[contains also the chapters: The discovery of Neptune, Pre-discovery
observations, Early theories of Neptune]

Karow, Otto: Kinder der Sonne. Vom Erwachen menschlichen Geistes [Children 
of the Sun. From the awakening of the Human Spirit].  (Imago
mundi. Studienreihe des Kult-Ur-Instituts e.V., Bd. 4) Warmsroth:
Pulsar-Verlag, 1993.  ISBN 3-929068-04-4. DM 14
[Archaeoastronomy and symbolic-research; the meanings of the pictures are 
nevertheless a bit over-drawn - use with caution]

Kippenhahn, Rudolf: Discovering the secrets of the Sun.  Translated by
Storm Dunlop.  Chichester, New York, Brisbane, Toronto, Singapore: John
Wiley & Sons, 1994.  Pp. xvii, 262.  ISBN 0-471-94160-3 (cloth),
[contains some historical notes]

Kuehne, Andreas: Nicolaus Copernicus Gesamtausgabe [Nicholas Copernicus 
Collected Works]. Bd. VI, 1. Copernicus, Nicholaus: Briefe. Texte und 
Uebersetzungen [Letters. Texts and Translations]. Prepared by Andreas
Kuehne.  H.M. Nobis, M. Folkerts (Eds.).  Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1994.

Levy, David H.: The man who sold the Milky Way: a biography of Bart Bok.
Tucson: The University of Arizona Press, 1993.  Pp. xiii, 246, ill., bibl.
ref., index.  ISBN 0-816-51149-7. $35 (hb) 
   Review:  D.Stickland: The Observatory 114 (1994) 1120, 125

Malville, J. McKim; Putnam, Claudia: Prehistoric astronomy in the
Southwest.  Rev. ed.  Boulder, Colo.: Johnson Books, 1993.  Pp. 108, ill.,
bibl. ref.  ISBN 1-5556-6116-5. $ 9.95

Means, Laurel (Ed.): Medieval lunar astrology: a collection of
representive Middle English texts.  Lewiston, NY: E. Mellen, 1993.  Pp.
viii, 352.  ISBN 0773492992. 

Mosimann, Martin: Die "Mainauer Naturlehre" im Kontext der
Wissenschaftsgeschichte [The "Mainauer Naturlehre" in Context to the 
History of Science].  (Basler Studien zur deutschen Sprache und
Literatur [Basler Studies on the German Language and Literature], Bd. 64) 
Tuebingen: Verlag A. Francke, 1994.  Pp. 418, ill., bibl. ISBN 
3-7720-1982-X. DM 120
[On Science during the Middle Ages, Astronomy and Calendars]

Paul, E. Robert: The Milky Way galaxy and statistical cosmology,
1890-1924.  Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1993.  Pp.
xiv, 262, ill., bibl. ref., index.  ISBN 0-521-35363-7. L 30.00

Peterson, Ivars: Newton's clock: chaos in the solar system.  W.H.Freeman
and Co., 1994.  Pp. 317.  ISBN 0-7167-2396-4. $22.95
   Review:  A.M.Killian: Sky & Telescope 87 (1994) 3, 59-60

Ragep, F. Jamil: Nasir al-Din al-Tusi's Memoir on astronomy (al-Tadhkira
fi 'ilm al-hay'a).  Vol. 1: Introduction, edition, and translation. Vol.
2: Commentary and apparatus.  (Sources in the history of mathematics and
pysical sciences, 12) Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1993.  Pp. XV, 656. 96
figs., bibl. ref., indexes.  ISBN 3-540-94051-0, New York: ISBN
0-3879-4051-0. DM 178
[English and Arabic on opposite pages.]

Shostak, G. Seth (Ed.): Third decennial US-USSR conference on SETI.
(Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, Vol. 47) San
Francisco, Ca.: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 1993.  Pp. xvi, 444.
ISBN 0-937707-66-X. [contains three contributions on the history of SETI: 
Drake: A brief history of SETI; Litvinenko and Arkhipov: Bioastronomy in
the Ukraine; Gindilis: Andrei Dmitriyevich Sakharov and the search for
extraterretrial intelligence]

Sonnenuhren in Sachsen. Verzeichnis, Text, Sinnsprueche [Sun Dials in 
Saxony. Register, Text, and Sayings].  Editors: G.Dusil and Working Group 
"Sun Dials in Saxony".  Publisher: Freundeskreis "Sonnenuhren in 
Sachsen [Sun Dials in Saxony]".  [Without place], 1993.  (Without page 
[Address of the working group: Helmut Saendig, Lommatzscher Str. 69,
D-01139 Dresden]

Stolz, R.; Wittig, Joachim (Eds.): Carl Zeiss und Ernst Abbe - Leben,
Wirken und Bedeutung [Carl Zeiss and Ernst Abbe - Lives,
Works and Influence].  Jena: Universitaetsverlag Jena Druckhaus Mayer,
1993.  566 S.  DM 68.80
[Contains also: R.Schielicke: Astronomy and Zeiss-Werk; G.Wolfschmidt:
The further Development of Abbes Devices in Zeiss Jena and their meaning
for Astronomy in the first half of the 20th Century]

Van Allen, James A.: Cosmic rays, the sun and geomagnetism: The works of
Scott E. Forbush.  Washington, D.C.: American Geophysical Union, 1993.
Pp. xviii, 472.  ISBN 0-87590-833-0. 

Wattenberg, Diedrich: Wilhelm Olbers im Briefwechsel mit Astronomen seiner
Zeit [Wilhelm Olbers in an exchange of letters with Astronomers of his 
time].  (Quellen der Wissenschaftsgeschichte [Sources in History of 
Science], Vol. 2) Stuttgart: Verlag fuer Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften 
und der Technik, 1994.  49 S.  ISBN 3-928186-19-1. DM 18

White, Michael; Gribbin, John: Stephen Hawkin. Die Biographie [Stephen 
Hawkin. The Biography].  Translated into German by Hainer Kober.  Reinbeck 
near Hamburg: Rowohlt Verlag, 1994.  Pp. 352. DM 42

Witthoeft, Harald (Ed.): Handbuch der historischen Metrologie [Handbook of 
Historical Metrology]. 
Vol 1. Deutsche Bibliographie zur historischen Metrologie [German 
Bibliography on Historical Metrology].  
St. Katharinen: Scripta Mercaturae Verlag, 1991. Pp. XXVIII, 431.  ISBN 
3-922661-94-7. DM 84    
   Review:  H.Minow: Verm.-Ing. 45 (1994) 2, 83

Witthoeft, Harald (Ed.): Handbuch der historischen Metrologie [Handbook of 
Historical Metrology]. 
Vol 2. Deutsche Masse und Gewichte des 19. Jahrhunderts [German Measures 
and Weights of the 19th Century]. 
Part 1: Die Orts- und Landesmasse [The Local and Regional Measures].  
St. Katharinen: Scripta Mercaturae Verlag, 1993.  Pp. 688,
numerous tables.  ISBN 3-928134-78-7. DM 146

Witthoeft, Harald (Ed.): Handbuch der historischen Metrologie [Handbook of 
Historical Metrology]. 
Vol 3. Deutsche Masse und Gewichte des 19. Jahrhunderts [German Measures 
and Weights of the 19th Century]. 
Part 2:  Die Mass- und Gewichtseinheiten [The Unities of Measures and 
Vol 4. Deutsche Masse und Gewichte des 19. Jahrhunderts [German Measures 
and Weights of the 19th Century]. 
Part 3: Korpus der Masse und Gewichte nach den Rechtsquellen des 
19. Jahrhunderts [Inventory of the Measures and Weights according to the 
legal sources of the 19th Century].                                        
St. Katharinen: Scripta Mercaturae Verlag, 1994.                           

Wolfschmidt, Gudrun (Hrsg.): Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) -
Revolutionaer wider Willen [Nicholas Copernicus (1473-1543) -
Revolutionary against his Wills].  Stuttgart: Verlag fuer Geschichte der
Naturwissenschaften und der Technik, 1994. Pp. 352.  ISBN 3-928186-16-7. 
DM 39.80 (Paperback DM 25 in the exhibit) 
[With contributions by G.Wolfschmidt, H.M.Nobis, F.Krafft, F.Schmeidler, 
M.Folkerts, V.Bialas, M.Segre, A.Kuehne, E.Knobloch, I.Schneider, 
R.Baasner, K.Maerker, and others, as well as an exhibits catalog]


New Antiquarians Catalog

Antiquariat Gerhard Renner, Postfach [P.O. Box] 1648, D-72461 
Albstadt-Tailfingen, Germany:
Antiquariats-Katalog 76 "Astronomy", Pp. 72, free of charge.
[Contains many primary and secondary literature on the History of 


Expression of Thanks

For information we thank: 
V.Bialas (Munich), G.Dick (Potsdam), E.Knobloch (Berlin), K.Kocher
(Dannstadt-Schauernheim), K.Waelke (Darmstadt), B.Ziegs (Berlin).



Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy (ENHA)

Published by the Working Group for the History of Astronomy in the
Astronomische Gesellschaft

A translation of "Elektronische Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte"

Editor: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick 

Translated by: Mr. Donald Bellunduno <76450.1741@compuserve.com>

All news which is not mentioned by name are editorial contributions.
Articles as well as information for the several sections will be gladly

Subscription for the ENHA is free. In order to obtain a subscription
inside Germany, one must first obtain a subscription for the
printed Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte (MA).

[Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte:

 Price: DM 1.50 / issue plus postage and packing costs 
        outside Germany: free
 Subscription: Send in DM 2.50 (one issue) or DM 5.00 (Nos. 4-5) in
               stamps to the editor
 Editor: Dr. W. R. Dick, Otterkiez 14, 
         D-14478 Potsdam, Germany, Tel.: (+331) 863199

Astronomische Gesellschaft / Astronomical Society:

Chairman: Prof. Dr. Hanns Ruder, University of Tuebingen, Theoretical
Astrophysics and Computational Physics, Auf der Morgenstelle 10, D-72076

Secretary: Dr. G. Klare, Landessternwarte, Koenigstuhl, D-69117

Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte / Working Group for the History of

Chairman: Prof. Dr. Peter Brosche, Observatorium Hoher List der
Sternwarte der Universitaet Bonn, D-54550 Daun, Germany, 
Tel.: (+6592) 2150, Fax: (+6592) 2937

Secretary: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick, Institut fuer Angewandte Geodaesie,
Aussenstelle Potsdam, Postfach 60 08 08, D-14408 Potsdam, Germany,
Tel.: (+331) 316 619, E-mail: wdi@potsdam.ifag.de 
(in the event I am not reachable at this address, please try the following
address: dick@gfz-potsdam.de)

Secretary for Public Relations: Dr. Gudrun Wolfschmidt, Deutsches
Museum, Museumsinsel 1, D-80538 Muenchen, Germany, Tel.: (+89) 2179 277, 
Fax: (+89) 2179 324, E-mail: t7911ac@sunmail.lrz-muenchen.de

Bank Acct. of the Working Group of the Astronomische Gesellschaft:
Acct # 261 917, Sparkasse Mannheim (BLZ 670 501 01)
Contributions from foreign countries, please sign with: "Fuer
Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte" to: acct # 162 18-203, Postgiroamt
Hamburg, BLZ 200 400 20


Addendum by the translator: 

Space Anniversaries (from the SPACE CALENDAR)

     The Space Calendar is compiled by Ron Baalke and covers
space-related activities and anniversaries for the coming year.  The
latest copy of the calendar is available at explorer.arc.nasa.gov as
pub/SPACE/FAQ/space.calendar. It is also available on the World Wide
Web at:


Please send any updates or corrections to Ron Baalke
(baalke@kelvin.jpl.nasa.gov).  Note that anniversary dates are listed in
5 year increments only, and launch dates are subject to change.

                               SPACE CALENDAR
                               July 31, 1994

July 1994
  Jul 31 - 25th Anniversary (1969), Mariner 6, Mars Flyby

August 1994
  Aug 05 - 25th Anniversary (1969), Mariner 7, Mars Flyby
  Aug 25 - 5th Anniversary (1989), Voyager 2, Neptune Flyby
  Aug 28 - 205th Anniversary (1789), William Herschel's Discovery of 
           Enceladus (Saturn Moon)

September 1994
  Sep 01 - 15th Anniversary (1979), Pioneer 11, Saturn Flyby
  Sep 12 - 35th Anniversary (1959), Luna 2 Launch (Russian Moon Impact 
  Sep 21 - 20th Anniversary (1974), Mariner 10, 2nd Mercury Flyby

October 1994
  Oct 04 - 35th Anniversary (1959), Luna 3 Launch (Russian Moon Flyby)
  Oct 12 - 30th Anniversary (1964), Voskhod 1 Launch (1st 3-Man Space 
  Oct 18 - 5th Anniversary (1989), Galileo Launch
  Oct 28 - 20th Anniversary (1974), Luna 23 Launch (Russian Moon Lander)

November 1994
  Nov 14 - 25th Anniversary (1969), Apollo 12 Launch
  Nov 20 - Edwin Hubble's 105th Birthday (1889)
  Nov 28 - 30th Anniversary (1964), Mariner 4 Launch (Mars Flyby Mission)

December 1994
  Dec 03 - 20th Anniversary (1974), Pioneer 11, Jupiter Flyby
  Dec 15 - 10th Anniversary (1984), Vega 1 Launch (Halley Flyby, Venus 
  Dec 21 - 10th Anniversary (1984), Vega 2 Launch (Halley Flyby, Venus 

January 1995
  Jan 07 - 385th Anniversary (1610), Galileo's Discovery of Moons around
  Jan 07 - 10th Anniversary (1985), Sakigake Launch (Halley's Comet Flyby)
  Jan 24 - 5th Anniversary (1990), MUSES-A (Hiten) Launch (Japan Moon 

February 1995
  Feb 09 - 5th Anniversary (1990), Galileo, Venus Flyby
  Feb 14 - 5th Anniversary (1990), Voyager 1, Family Portrait of Solar 
  Feb 18 - 65th Anniversary (1930), Clyde Tombaugh's Discovery of Pluto
  Feb 20 - 30th Anniversary (1965), Ranger 8 Launch (Moon Impact Mission)

March 1995
  Mar 11 - 35th Anniversary (1960), Pioneer 5 Launch (Solar Orbiter)
  Mar 13 - Percival Lowell's 140th Birthday (1855)
  Mar 16 - 20th Anniversary (1975), Mariner 10, 3rd Mercury Flyby
  Mar 18 - 30th Anniversary (1965), 1st Space Walk, Leonov on Voskhod 2
  Mar 23 - 30th Anniversary (1965), Gemini 3 Launch
  Mar 24 - 30th Anniversary (1965), Ranger 9 Launch (Moon Impact Mission)
  Mar 25 - 340th Anniversary (1655), Huygen's Discovery of Titan (Saturn 

April 1995
  Apr 11 - 25th Anniversary (1970), Apollo 13 Launch
  Apr 25 - 5th Anniversary (1990), Hubble Space Telescope Deployment

May 1995
  May 30 - European Space Agency's 20th Birthday (1975)

June 1995
  Jun 03 - 30th Anniversary (1965), Gemini 4 Launch
  Jun 08 - Giovanni Cassini's 370th Birthday (1625)
  Jun 11 - 10th Anniversary (1985), Vega 1 Landing on Venus (Russian)
  Jun 15 - 10th Anniversary (1985), Vega 2 Landing on Venus (Russian)
  Jun 26 - Charles Messier's 265th Birthday (1730)

July 1995
* Jul 02 - 10 Anniversary (1985), Giotto Launch (Halley's Comet Flyby)
* Jul 15 - 30th Anniversary (1965), Mariner 4, Mars Flyby
* Jul 15 - 20th Anniversary (1975), Apollo 18 Launch (Apollo-Soyuz)
* Jul 17 - 20th Anniversary (1975), Apollo-Soyuz Handshake
* Jul 18 - 30th Anniversary (1965), Zond 3 Launch (Russian Moon Flyby)



Please send any additions/corrections to 
Alan Gould  

We especially need info on planetarium society conferences

An acronym legend is at the end of the calendar.


Sept 2-10 -- Seminar: "Ancient Skies, Ancient Lives: 
Archaeology and Astronomy of the Southwest." (See above.)


July 10-15 (dates tentative) IPS CONFERENCE at Osaka
Science Museum, Osaka, Japan. Also, 8-9 July--optional
pre-conference tour of ancient temples of Kyoto and Nara
as well as the Shogun's Palace in Kyoto; 16-19 July--travel
to Tokyo for optional Post-conference tour of planetariums,
Minolta testing/production facilities, National Solar and
Radio Astronomy Observatories in Nagano.


IPS:  International Planetarium Society


Celebrating the Dawn of the Space Age and Contributions to Astronomy;
Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association Marks Forty Years 


CAMBRIDGE, MA--Fred Lawrence Whipple, director emeritus of the
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, author of the "dirty snowball"
theory of comets, and namesake of the Smithsonian's major research 
facility in Arizona, will address the Tucson Amateur Astronomy
Association September 10 in celebration of that group's fortieth
anniversary and its contributions to the nation's early satellite
tracking efforts. 

In 1956, just two years after its founding, the Tucson amateur group
became one of the prime members of the Moonwatch Program, an
international network of volunteer visual observers organized by
Whipple to support the Smithsonian's worldwide effort to track
artificial satellites.  The next year, when the Soviet Union launched
Sputnik I, the Smithsonian's optical camera network, assisted by teams
of amateur astronomers such as the one in Tucson, was one of the few
American systems ready and able to track the first satellites. 

Whipple will recall the exciting and hectic days of the early Space
Age, as well as other highlights from his long career, in a talk
entitled "Vignettes from My Sixty-Seven Years in Astronomy." 

Whipple, 87, is Phillips Professor of Astronomy (emeritus) at Harvard
University and Senior Scientist at the Smithsonian Astrophysical
Observatory. Internationally known for his research on the Moon, 
meteors, and comets, he received his Ph.D. from the University of
California at Berkeley in 1931 and joined the faculty of Harvard
University that same year. He is perhaps best known for his early 
description of comets as "dirty snowballs," hard-packed frozen
conglomerates of gas, water, and dust--a prediction confirmed by space
observations of Comet Halley in 1986. 

As director of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory from 1955 to
1973, Whipple established a worldwide network of cameras that stood
ready to track the first artificial satellites, an effort  supported
by teams of volunteer observers, including members of the TAAA. In
1968, he established an astronomical research site on Mt. Hopkins in
the Santa Rita Mountains near Amado, Arizona. That observatory has
become the Smithsonian's major field installation for ground-based
astronomy, and the site for the Multiple Mirror Telescope, an
innovative approach to large telescope design initiated by Whipple and
now operated jointly by the Smithsonian and the University of Arizona.
In 1981, in recognition of his contributions to astronomy, the Regents
of the Smithsonian Institution renamed the Mt. Hopkins facility as the
"Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory." 

The TAAA, a non-profit educational organization with some 200 members,
has continued its long association with Fred Whipple--and the
Smithsonian---today by holding quarterly public telescopic observing
sessions at the Whipple Observatory's Visitor Center in the foothills
of the Santa Ritas.  The TAAA's anniversary banquet featuring
Whipple's lecture will be held at the Viscount Suite Hotel, 4855 E.
Broadway, Tucson, beginning at 6 pm, Saturday, September 10.  The
banquet and lecture are open to the public; however, tickets must be
purchased in advance, either through the mail (by August 31), or
directly from the TAAA at their Friday, September 2, 7:30 pm meeting
at Steward Observatory, Tucson. 

The cost for the banquet dinner and lecture is $25.00. Checks should
be made payable to the Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association and mailed
to PO Box 41254, Tucson, AZ  85717. A vegetarian meal is av ailable
for $13; and a child's plate for $10. For additional information about
the banquet and lecture, please call the Whipple Observatory at (602)
670-5707, or Sharon Niehaus (TAAA banquet committee member) at (602)

    # # #


Amateur Astronomy in the Astronomy Capital of the USA

The Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association, Inc. (TAAA) is a nonprofit,
tax-exempt organization devoted to astronomy and related sciences.
Founded in 1954 and incorporated in 1985, the organization holds
monthly lectures, which are open to the public, on the first Friday of
each month in the lecture hall at Steward Observatory, University of
Arizona, Tucson.  Speakers come from both the local professional and
amateur astronomical community. 

In cooperation with the United States Forest Service, the TAAA
schedules public observing sessions three or four times a year at
Sabino Canyon. And, with the Smithsonian's Whipple Observatory at
Amado, the group organizes quarterly observing sessions for residents
of the Santa Cruz Valley. 

As part of Astronomy Day each spring, the TAAA "brings astronomy to
the public" with a display at a local shopping mall and a public
observing session later in the evening.  Each fall since 1988, the 
TAAA has scheduled a one-night observing session at the Chiricahua
National Monument, and the group frequently shows the night sky to
Tucson area school children by bringing telescopes to their schools. 

Since 1991, the TAAA has also organized a Grand Canyon Star Party in
cooperation with the United States National Park Service. This
week-long observing program is attended by the general public and 
amateur astronomers from all over the United States.  Some nights,
nearly 300 people come to view the night sky from Yavapai Point on the
south rim of the Grand Canyon. 

All public activities of the TAAA are free of charge.  The annual
membership fee is $25.00.  The group currently has about 200 members.
For more information, contact: Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association,
PO Box 41254, Tucson, AZ 85717 (602) 579-0185. 

Contact:    Teresa Lappin, TAAA,  (602) 579-0185
                 James Cornell, Smithsonian,  (617) 495-7461
                 Dan Brocious, Whipple Observatory, (602) 670-5706

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