Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy - Number 4

*                                                                         *
*                                                                         *
*        Published by the Work Group for the History of Astronomy         *
*                  in the Astronomische Gesellschaft                      *
*                                                                         *
*                       Number 4, April 15, 1994                          *
*                                                                         *
*                           A translation of                              *
*                                                                         *
*                        Nr. 4,  8. April 1994                            *
*                                                                         *
*          Edited by: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick           *
*                                                                         *
*      Translated by: Donald Bellunduno <76450.1741@CompuServe.COM>       *
*                                                                         *

Honorarium for Rudolf Wolf in Zurich

By Thomas K. Friedli, Schliern (Switzerland)

In memory of the 100 anniversary of the death of Zurich Astronomer,
Geodesist, Mathematician, and Science Historian Joh. Rudolf Wolf
(1816-1893), a memorial celebration took place on the 3rd of December in
the main building of the Swiss Technical High school (Eidgenoessische
Technische Hochschule, ETHZ) in Zurich. During the celebration, Wolf's
accomplishments as an Astronomer, especially as founder and director of the
former Swiss Observatory in Zurich, as researcher of solar activitys, as a
long time teacher at the Realschule in Bern, as cultural and Scientific
Historian of Switzerland, and as Chief Librarian of Swiss Polytechnics was
honored. In conclusion of the celebration an exhibition was opened in the
Foyer of the ETHZ-main building which will be open until the end of April 
1994. It shows not only his diverse first publications, but also the
original drawings of Zurich researcher's observations of the sun. Also on
hand is a hand held telescope which was used by Wolf to determine his
theories on the relative numbers of sun spots observed by him.

The notes on the speaches given during the memorial celebration can be
found in the News for the Rudolf Wolf Society (Mitteilungen der Rudolf Wolf
Gesellschaft) Number 3, and can be ordered at the following address:

Rudolf Wolf Gesellschaft, H.U.Keller, Kolbenhofstr. 33, CH-8045 Zuerich.

3 new studies on Wolf's Biography have been released in time for the 100th 
anniversary of his death:

Lutstorf, H.: Professor Rudolf Wolf und seine Zeit. Schriftenreihe der ETH
Bibliothek Nr. 31, Zuerich 1993, 57 Seiten.

Larcher, V.: Rudolf Wolfs Jugendtagebuch 1835 - 1841. Schriftenreihe der 
ETH Bibliothek Nr. 30, Zuerich 1993, 130 Seiten.

Vierteljahrsschrift der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zuerich (1993):
Jahrgang 138, Heft 4 (Dezember) - "Prof. Rudolf Wolf gewidmet", with
contributions by Hans Heinrich Bosshard, Markus Schnitter, Johann Jakob
Burckhardt, Verena Larcher, Heinz Balmer, Heinz Lutstorf, Thomas Karl
Friedli, Hans Ulrich Keller, and Robert Ineichen.

All three works can be obtained through the Rudolf Wolf Society. 


History of Astronomy in the Waller Collection

In 1950 the Swedish surgeon Erik Waller (1875-1955) decided to donate to
Uppsala University Library his collection of books dealing with the
history of medicine and science. A few years later, the Library was able
to purchase Waller's collections of letters, manuscripts, alba amicorum,
medals and engravings. Among the 20.500 book titles we find the first
editions of Copernicus' "De revolutionibus orbium coelestium", Kepler's
"Epitome astronomiae Copernicanae", Galileo's "Dialogo sopra i due massimi
sistemi del mondo", and Newton's "Pricipia mathematica". The collection of
autographs and letters, exceeding 30.000 items, lists also items by
astronomers such as T.Brahe, Kepler, Galileo, Newton, Fontenelle, Cassini,
Maupertuis, Laplace, Herschel and Gauss. Unfortunately, this part of the
collection is not yet catalogued. An informal commission has been formed
to examine the possibility of producing a general catalogue of the


[1] Sallander, Hans: Bibliotheca Walleriana: The Books Illustrating the
History of Science Medicine and Science collected by Erik Waller and
bequeathed to the Library of the Royal University of Uppsala.  
Uppsala, 1955.

[2] Beretta, Marco: A History of Non-Printed Science: A select catalogue
of the Waller collection.  (Acta Bibliothecae R. Universitatis
Upsaliensis, vol. 31; Uppsala studies in the history of science, 14)
Uppsala, 1993.  ISBN 91-554-3070-8. 

[Source: Beretta, Marco: "A Mecca for the History of Science".  
Uppsala Newsletter History of Science (1993) 19, 1-3; 
Waller-Exhibition, ibd. p. 4]


Conference Calendar 1994

11. April, Munich (FRG)
4.30 pm, Deutsches Museum: Lecture by Dr. Lis Brack-Bernsen,
University of Regensburg, On the Theme of "Babylonian Moon texts - Theories 
and Observations"

17. May, Tartu (Estonia)
Meeting of the Academic Society for German-Baltic culture in
Tartu (Akademische Gesellschaft fuer deutschbaltische Kultur zu
Tartu), on the occassion of the 200th birthday of Johann Heinrich Maedler
(Dr. H. Eelsalu, Nooruse 42, EE-2484 Tartu 4, Estonia)

27. May, Strasbourg (France)
La dix-septieme reunion "Astronomie et Sciences Humaines"
10 H, Salle de la Table Ronde - Sciences Sociales, 22, rue Descartes
R.Pillorget: Les ecrits astrologiques parus a Paris sous le regne
             personnel de Louis XIV
A.Popova: Les saints du calendrier orthodoxe
M.E.Halter: Cosmogonie meso-americaine dans les tissages mayas
R.Triomphe: Reflexions sur les interferences historiques entre les
            cosmologies et les religions
F.Puel: Pedro de Medina: un cosmographe a l'epoque des grandes decouvertes
(Dr.G.Jasniewicz, Observatoire Astronomique, 11, rue de l'Universite, 
F-67000 Strasbourg, France, Tel. (33) 88 35 82 18, Fax (33) 88 25 01 60)

June, Hamburg (FRG)
Planetarium in Hamburg, Sundays at 11am, 2.30pm, and 4pm, Wednesdays at 
4pm, and 6pm, Fridays at 6pm: lectures by Herwart Noeldeke "Weltbild im 
Wandel" (World scene in transformation) on the occassion of the 
Warburg-Exhibit (see Section "Museums and Exhibits")

1.-4. September, Prague (Czechoslovakia)
VIIIth Symposium of the International Coronelli-Society on the Theme 
"The older globe or the Armillar sphere"
Conference languages include: German and English
Entrance fee: oe.S. 700,-/ DM 100,-
(Internationale Coronelli-Gesellschaft fuer Globen- und Instrumentenkunde,
Dominikanerbastei 21/28, A-1010 Vienna, Austria, Tel.: 0222/533 32 85,
Fax: 0222/532 08 24)

See also the Addendum by the translator (PLANETARIANS' CALENDAR) 
at the end of this file.


Museums and Exhibits

Beginning May 31, 1994, as a lasting exhibit once again, the restored 
"Collection of pictures portraying the history of belief in the stars and 
astronomy" will be reopened, which was shown once before in Vienna and 
Berlin. This exhibit was put together originally by Humanity Scholar Aby 
Warburg (1869-1929) and shown for the first time on the 15th of April 1930 
in the Hamburg Planetarium. Many of the exhibits were thought to be lost 
for a long time, but were nevertheless rediscovered. Other exhibits were 
also portrayed in the Hamburg Planetarium, and can now as a result be 
considered again a complete exhibit. With over 100 objects - especially 
photographs of illustrated handwritings, books, drawings, and wood 
carvings, plaster casts, show cases, and models, alltogether lead the 
planetarium visitor through 4000 years of astrological and cosmological 
time. Starting with the Babylonian, and leading up to the time of Kepler, 
the visitor is lead through a visual tour of 17 chronological rooms 
characterizing the concepts of the world of the stars and along with that, 
the question of Man's role in the Cosmos.
In June, the month the exhibit opens, along with the scheduled lectures 
entitled "Weltbild im Wandel" (see section "Conference Calendar 1994"), 
also Warburg-concerts und lectures on Warburg will be given.
Opening times: June 1994: Wed - Fr 12 - 8pm, Sun 12 - 5 pm
Beginning in July: Wed - Fr  6 - 7, Sun 12 - 5 pm
From November until April the exhibit will be closed.
Catalogue: Aby Warburg - Bildersammlung ... (Aby Warburg - picture 
collection ..) Doelling und Galitz Verlag 1993, DM 98,-
(Planetarium Hamburg, Hindenburgstrasse Oe1, 22303 Hamburg, 
Tel. 040/51 49 85 - 0)

The exhibition on Nicholas Copernicus which is being put on by 
G.Wolfschmidt (see the printed "Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte" 
No. 2 p. 3, and No. 3 p. 6) will be able to be viewed from the 22nd of July 
1994 until the end of September in the Zeiss-Grossplanetarium in Berlin.

The new private Raumfahrt-Museum (Space Travel-Museum) Mittweida near 
Chemnitz in Saxony (FRG) also contains exhibits to the History of Astronomy 
which reflects and details the activities of Bernhard Schmidt in Mittweida 
at the beginning of the century. On that theme, a glass rob and an 
experimental mirror from the workshop of Bernard Schmidt are shown and 
addended by pictures and documents.   
Opening times: Thursday 2pm - 6pm, Sunday 3pm - 5pm
Address of exhibit: Rochlitzer Strasse 62, Mittweida 
Address for information: Ursula Roemisch, Rochlitzer Str. 47, 
                         D-09648 Mittweida, Germany, Tel.: 03727/90811
(Source: T.Roemisch, Raumfahrt-Museum Mitweida, Astronomie+Raumfahrt
30(1993)16, pp. 400-401)

The Museum of Surveying Instruments (Vermessungstechnisches Museum) in 
Dortmund, in addition to exhibits from geodesics and cartography, is also 
showing pieces of interest for the history of astronomy: For example, 
theodolites, an astrolabium (origin and time unknown), an 
astronomical-geometrical quadrant (1619), an octant, a sextant, a Dutch 
circle (cir. 1655) as well as the copy of a quadrant from 1669 in it's 
original size, and the recreation of a Jacob-Staff.
Up until the Geodaetentag (Geodesists' Day) 1995 the exhibit in Bochum will 
be under renovation.
A short time ago, it became possible to bring the exhibits, which were not 
being shown in the museum, down to the newly renovated rooms of the former 
bunker "Am Westpark" in the Rittershausstrasse. The magazine of exhibits is 
accessible for the public, and should serve scientific research. In the 
same building there is also a special museum library. 
Address for information: Vermessungstechnisches Museum (in the Museum fuer 
          Kunst und Kulturgeschichte Dortmund - Museum for the Art and
         Cultural History of Dortmund), Hansastrasse 3, D-44137 Dortmund
Opening times: Tues - Sun 10am - 6 pm, There is no entrance fee.
In order to arrange a tour by telephone: Tel. 0231/50-22622 Herr Kioscha
                                              0231/529912 Herr Gombel
Attention! Because of the upcoming renovations, the museum could be closed 
for various periods of time. Please phone before visiting! 
Catalogue of the museum: Museum fuer Kunst und Kulturgeschichte Dortmund,
Museumshandbuch, Teil 2, Vermessungsgeschichte. 2. Aufl. 1989, ISBN
[Sources: Catalogue; Foerderkreis Vermessungstechnisches Museum e.V.,
Nachrichten 2/1993 = Beilage der Zeitschrift AVN Allgemeine
Vermessungs-Nachrichten 10/1993]

The Museum for travel and technology (Museum fuer Verkehr und Technik) in 
Berlin will display on the 22nd of March, 1994 the new collection 
"Treasures of Geodesy," which will demonstrate astronomical-geodetic 
instruments as well as mathematical instruments and chronometers. Including 
in that, theodolits (1670 - 1870), a telescope (cir. 1725) and a 
see-astrolabium (cir. 1600). The aquisition of the collection came from a 
private-owner through a lottery in Berlin for 1 million DM. The exhibit 
will be gradually expanded in the next few years. 
Address for information: Museum fuer Verkehr und Technik, (Museum for
           Travel and Technology) Trebbiner Strasse 9, D-10963 Berlin, 
           Tel.: 030/25484-0, Fax 030/25484-175
Opening times: Tues - Fri  9 - 5.30 pm, Sat - Sun 10 - 6 pm


New Books

Butzer, P.L.; Lohrmann, D. (Eds.): Science in Western and Eastern
Civilization in Carolingian Times.  Basel, Boston, Berlin: Birkhaeuser
Verlag, 1993.  Pp. 605. ISBN 3-7643-2863-0. DM 98,-
[Contributions on history of astronomy by J.Fleckenstein, D.Lohrmann,
D.O.Croinin, A.Borst, S.C.McCluskey, B.Eastwood, P.Kunitzsch, W.Schlosser
and B.Hoffmann, J.Wiesenbach, P.L.Butzer]

Hamel, Juergen: Nicolaus Copernicus. Leben, Werk und Wirkung. (Life and 
works) Heidelberg, Berlin, New York: Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 
1994.  360 S. ISBN 3-86025-307-7. DM 68,-

Moss, Jean Dietz: Novelties in the Heavens: Rhetoric and science in the
Copernican Controversy.  Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1993.
Pp. XIV, 353. L 14.25 (pb)

Schmadel, Lutz D.: Dictionary of Minor Planet Names.  
2nd rev. and enl. ed.  Berlin, Heidelberg, New York etc.:
Springer-Verlag, 1994.  Pp. IX, 741. ISBN 3-540-57260-0. DM 118,-

Taub, Liba C.: Ptolemy's Universe: The natural philosophical and ethical
foundations of Ptolemy's astronomy.  Chicago: Open Court, 1993.  
Pp. XVI, 188. $35.95 (hc)/$14.95 (pb)

Thurston, Hugh: Early astronomy.  Berlin, Heidelberg, New York etc.:
Springer-Verlag, 1994.  Pp. X, 268. ISBN 3-540-94107-X. DM 86,-

Westfall, Richard S.: The life of Isaac Newton.  Cambrige: Cambridge
University Press, 1993.  Pp. 328. ISBN 0-521-43252-9. L 16.95/$ 24.95


Publications by and about the Work Group for the History of 

(1992 to March 1994)

SuW = Sterne und Weltraum

1. Group Publications

Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte [News on the History of Astronomy]: 
Nr. 1, Dez. 1992; Nr. 2, Juni1993; Nr. 3, Dec. 1993; Special issue 1, Dec. 

Elektronische Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte (EMA) [Electronic News 
on the History of Astronomy]: 
Nr. 1, 25.1.1994; Nr. 2, 6.2.1994; Nr. 3, 4.3.1994

Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy (ENHA, translation
of EMA): No. 1, 23 Feb 1994; No. 2, 28 Feb 1994; No. 3, 10 Mar 1994

Membership Directory: December 1993

2. Publications on the occasion of meetings of the work group
(Abstracts and texts of lectures)

Astronomical Society Abstract Series: No. 7, 1992; No. 9, 1993

Die Sterne vol. 69 (1993) Nos. 3 and 5

3. News on the work group and their activities

Astronomische Gesellschaft, Rundbriefe: 1/92, 2/92, 2/93

W.R.Dick: Tagung zur Astronomie in der Goethe-Zeit [Conference on Astronomy 
in time of Goethe]. SuW 32 (1993) 3, pp. 168-169

SuW 32 (1993) 4, p. 316

Mitteilungen der Lichtenberg-Gesellschaft, Brief 6, April 1993, p. 7

Astronomie & Philatelie 17 (1993), Nr. 66, pp. 25-26

Physikalische Blaetter 49 (1993) 6, pp. 540-541

Nachrichtenblatt der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Geschichte der Medizin,
Naturwissenschaft und Technik e.V. 43. Jg. (1993) No. 2, pp. 101-102

W.R.Dick: Astronomie + Raumfahrt 30 (1993) 16, p. 401

Mitteilungen der Gauss-Gesellschaft 30 (1993), pp. 71-72

NTM, New Series, 1 (1993) 4, pp. 262-263

Arbeitskreis Geschichte der Geophysik in der Deutschen Physikalischen
Gesellschaft, Mitteilungen 13(1994)1, p. 24

HASTRO-L, 27 Sep 1993 (W.R.Dick), 1 Feb 1994 (W.R.Dick), 
           8 Mar 1994 (W.R.Dick), 9 Mar 1994 (S.McCluskey),
          12 Mar 1994 (S.McCluskey)

P.Brosche, W.R.Dick: [Yearly report 1992]. Mitt. Astron. Ges. Nr. 76
(1993), pp. 15-16

Klare, G.: Die Herbsttagung 1992 in Jena [The Autumn Meeting 1992 in Jena]. 
Ibd., p. 469

Klare, G.: Protokoll der 66. Ordentlichen Mitgliederversammlung [Minutes of 
the 66th regular meeting of members]. Ibd., p. 489

4. Short biographies on the occasion of jubilees
Author: Wilhelm Brueggenthies, in tasks of the work group 

SuW [Section "Notizen"]: 
33 (1994) 1, pp. 13; 2, pp. 91/92; 3, p. 201; 4, pp. 264/269/287

5. Publications mediated by the work group

Th. Schmidt-Kaler: Erinnerungen an Walter Baade. Ein Aufruf [Memories of 
Walter Baade. A plea]. SuW 32 (1993) 4, p. 251

[E.Pfitzner:] Doerffel-Tage 1993 in Plauen. SuW 32 (1993) 8-9, p. 654


Special thanks

For information we are grateful to: J.Blunck (Berlin), P.Brosche (Daun),
H.Eelsalu (Tartu, Estonia), J.Hamel (Berlin), H.Noeldeke (Hamburg),
G.Wolfschmidt (Muenchen), Foerderkreis Vermessungstechnisches Museum 
(Society of Friends of the Museum of Surveying Instruments) e.V.
(Dortmund), Museum fuer Verkehr und Technik Berlin (Museum for Travel and 
Technology Berlin), Observatoire Astronomique Strasbourg



Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy (ENHA)

Published by the Work Group for the History of Astronomy in the
Astronomische Gesellschaft

A translation of "Elektronische Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte"

Editor: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick 

Translated by: Mr. Donald Bellunduno <76450.1741@compuserve.com>

All news which is not mentioned by name are editorial contributions.
Articles as well as information for the several sections will be gladly

Subscription for the ENHA is free, in order to obtain a subscription
inside Germany, one must first obtain a subscription for the
Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte (MA).

[Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte:

 Price: DM 1.50 / issue plus postage and packing costs 
        outside FRG: free
 Subscription: Send in DM 2.50 (one issue) or DM 5.00 (Nos. 4-5) in
               stamps to the editor
 Editor: Dr. W. R. Dick, Otterkiez 14, 
         D-14478 Potsdam, Germany, Tel.: (+331) 863199

Astronomische Gesellschaft / Astronomical Society:

Chairman: Prof. Dr. Hanns Ruder, University of Tuebingen, Theoretical
Astrophysics and Computational Physics, Auf der Morgenstelle 10, D-72076

Secretary: Dr. G. Klare, Landessternwarte, Koenigstuhl, D-69117

Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte / Work Group for the History of

Chairman: Prof. Dr. Peter Brosche, Observatorium Hoher List der
Sternwarte der Universitaet Bonn, D-54550 Daun, Germany, 
Tel.: (+6592) 2150, Fax: (+6592) 2937

Secretary: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick, Institut fuer Angewandte Geodaesie,
Aussenstelle Potsdam, Postfach 60 08 08, D-14408 Potsdam, Germany,
Tel.: (+331) 316 619, E-mail: wdi@potsdam.ifag.de 
(in the event I am not reachable at this address, please try the following
address: dick@gfz-potsdam.de oder wdick@aip.de)

Secretary for Public Work: Dr. Gudrun Wolfschmidt, Deutsches
Museum, Museumsinsel 1, D-80538 Muenchen, Germany, Tel.: (+89) 2179 277, 
Fax: (+89) 2179 324, E-mail: t7911ac@sunmail.lrz-muenchen.de

Bank Acct. of the Work Group of the Astronomische Gesellschaft:
Acct # 261 917, Sparkasse Mannheim (BLZ 670 501 01)
Contributions from foreign countries, please sign with: "Fuer
Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte" to: acct # 162 18-203, Postgiroamt
Hamburg, BLZ 200 400 20


Addendum by the translator



Please send any additions corrections or updates to 
Alan Gould  

We especially need info on planetarium society conferences

An acronym legend is at the end of the calendar.



January 3-8 AAPT Winter Meeting in San Diego, CA featuring 
sessions on Astronomy Software; Astronomy Teaching (student 
projects, innovation in classroom/laboratories, or observing 
in astronomy); Science Teachers Working With Science Museums. 
Contact Karen Johnston, Physics Dept., North Carolina State 
Univ., Raleigh, NC 27695-8202 or Nicole Wagschal, AAPT 
Exec. Office, 5112 Berwyn Rd., College Park, MD 20740-4100. 

Mar 30-April 2. NSTA National Convention, Anaheim: 
Contact: JoAnne Vasquez-Wolf, Program Coordinator, Mesa 
Public Schools, 143 S. Alma School Road, Mesa, AZ 85202-1103

April 16. Astronomy Day
Astronomy Day Handbook with ideas for innovative Astronomy 
Day activities available from the Astronomical League: 
Astronomy Day Headquarters, Public Museum of Grand Rapids, 
54 Jefferson SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503.

May 18-21. MAPS Conference (Middle Atlantic 
Planetarium Society) at the Southworth Planetarium on the 
campus of the University of Southern Maine in Portland, 
Maine. Invitations will be sent out in 12/93 or 1/94. Contact 
Laura Deines, Conference Organizer - MAPS in Maine '94, 
Southworth Planetarium, 96 Falmouth St., Portland, ME 
04103, Phone: 207-780-4249, Fax: 207-780-4051

June 7-11 (1994), '94 SEPA Conference at the Kelly Space 
Voyager Planetarium at Discovery Place in Charlotte, NC. The 
planetarium opened in 1991 and features a Spitz Voyager 
instrument and associated special effects and automation 
controls together with an OMNIMAX film system in a 79' tilted 
dome.  Discovery Place, a 160,000sqft science and technology 
center, includes a Challenger Learning Center and hands-on 
exploration. Attendees will view recently released OMNIMAX 
films. Contact Sue Griswold, Discovery Place, 704-337-2618, 
704-337-2670fax, 301 N. Tryon Street, Charlotte, NC 28202.

June 25-30. The 106th meeting of the Astronomical 
Society of the Pacific will be held at Northern Arizona 
University, Flagstaff, AZ Meeting coincides with the 100th 
anniversary of the founding of Lowell Observatory. Events 
will be public lectures, seminars, and close to 100 vendors 
and exhibitors of astronomical items. Theme is "Completing 
the Inventory of the Solar System." Also a two day workshop 
on teaching astronomy in grades 3-12. Contact ASP at Universe 
'94, 390 Ashton Ave., San Francisco, CA 94112 to be placed on 
the mailing list for further info.

July 10-16 IPS '94 CONFERENCE at Cocoa Beach (Mike Hutton 
host). 25th anniverary of Apollo 11. The theme will be 
Reflections. IPS Silver Anniversary and Apollo Silver 
Anniversary. Brevard Community College sports a 
planetarium with Infinium and Digistar. This will also be a 
60s type affair so dig out your Nehru jackets and bell-
bottom pants. We will probably spend some time at Cape 
Kennedy/Canaveral. It will be like no other IPS Conference 
ever held! For info, call 407-631-7889, fax 407-633-4564, 
or write Mike Hutton, Brevard Community College, 1519 
Clearlake Rd., Cocoa, FL 32922.

October 13-15. PPA CONFERENCE at the Ruben H. Fleet 
Planetarium in San Diego, CA. The invitation was first 
published in the Summer '92 Panorama. Mt. Palomar Observatory 
is located nearby, a 40" reflector is located in the area. 
Across the Mexican border, there is the Tijuana Culture 
Center planetarium and other attractions.

October 26-29 GLPA CONFERENCE in Wheeling West Virginia

Expeditions to Total Solar Eclipse of November 3, 1994

Astronomical League '94 Bolivia Eclipse Tour Cost approx 
$2400 contact: Ken Willcox 918-333-1966 after 5pm CST 
Ken Wilcox, AL Eclipse Coordinator, Route 2, Box 940, 
Bartlesville, OK 74006

Travel Bug International: 2 to Bolivia, 1 to Paraguay, 2 to 
Brazil and Argentina. $1195 to $2495. Pre & post extension 
tours: Galapagos Islands, Chile, or Peru. Travel Bug International, 
PO Box 178247 San Diego, CA 92177-8247
619- 268-8687; 800-247-1900; fax 619-279-8687

ASP: The Grand Magellan Solar Eclipse Options: Buenos Aires, 
Argentina, or Rio de Janeiro, Brazil-Valparaiso, Chile. $3575 
to $7110. Contact Robert J. Havlen, PhD Executive Director 
390 Ashton Ave. San Francisco, CA 94112 415-337-1100 or 
Grouptrav National, Inc. 408-458-3700 / 800-877-3703

Twilight Tours trip to Bolivia. Minimum cost from Miami 
$1875 for 6 days. Contact: Joel Harris, (818) 841-8245, 
3316 W Chandler Blvd, Burbank, CA 91505.

20 day cruise on the Sagafjord starting at $3744. 
1) Associated Travel, 3465 West Mill Rd., 
Milwaukee, WI 53209, 800- 535-2045 
2) Cruises Cruises Cruises, 5330 Derry Ave., Suite F, 
Agora Hills, CA 91301, 800-745-7545.

Wilderness Travel, 801 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA 94710, 
800-368- 2794. Camp in Northern Chile. Prices start at 
$995 without airfare. (Airfare estimated $1218.)

California Academy of Science & Morrison Planetarium - A 
Total Solar Eclipse Expedition to Iguazu Falls, Brazil, 
10/29-11/5/94. Cost $783/person, + airfare from 
San Francisco- $1384. Escorts: Lonny Baker (Morrison 
Planetarium), Todd Hansen, Dr. Chris McKay (NASA Ames 
Research Center). Contact Travel Dept. Calif. Academy of 
Sciences, Golden Gate Prk, San Francisco, CA 94118.

Carlson Travel Network, Spears Travel -- Eclipse 1994 
Oct.27-Nov.6. 2 nights at Hotel Inca Utama at Lake Titicaca, adjust to 
altitude. Tour Tiwanacu ruins & other places. Train ride to eclipse center. 
$2495. $600 deposit required. Carlson Travel Network/Spears Travel, 500 S. 
Keeler, Bartlesville, OK 74003. 800-668-8031



March 30-April 1 PPA CONFERENCE in Yosemite Valley 
(where PPA last met in 1989) 

Fall GLPA CONFERENCE in Grand Rapids, Michigan.  



July 11-15 (dates tentative) IPS CONFERENCE at Osaka 
Science Museum, Osaka, Tokyo. Also, 8-9 July--optional 
pre-conference tour of ancient temples of Kyoto and Nara 
as well as the Shogun's Palace in Kyoto; 16-18 July--travel 
to Tokyo for optional Post-conference tour of planetariums, 
Goto testing/production facilities; 19-20 July --optional 
post-post-conference tour of National Solar and Radio 
Astronomy Observatories


AAPT: American Association of Physics Teachers
GLPA: Great Lakes Planetarium Association
GPPA: Great Plains Planetarium Association
ILDA: International Laser Display Association
IPS: Internation Planetarium Society
MAPS: Middle Atlantic Planetarium Society
NSTA: National Science Teachers Association
PPA: Pacific Planetarium Association
RMPA: Rocky Mountain Planetarium Association
SWAP: Southwest Association of Planetariums
SEPA: Southeast Planetarium Association

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