Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy - Number 61

*                                                                         *
*                                                                         *
*      Published by the Working Group for the History of Astronomy        *
*                  in the Astronomische Gesellschaft                      *
*                                                                         *
*                     Number 61, August 23, 2005                          *
*                                                                         *
*           Edited by: Wolfgang R. Dick and Hilmar W. Duerbeck            *
*                                                                         *


1. Acta Historica Astronomiae

2. Conferences in 2005-2006


Item 1                                         ENHA No. 61, August 23, 2005

Acta Historica Astronomiae

An introduction to this series of books on the history of astronomy was
given in ENHA No. 46 (April 20, 2001, Item 1), which also lists the titles
of the first 11 volumes.

The contents of volumes 12 - 25 are shown below. For books published in
German, the translated book titles and titles of contributions are given
in square bracketts. All books and articles are listed and abstracted
(in English) in the ADS database (www.adsharvard.edu).

Information concerning book orders is found in ENHA 46. In addition, all
books are available through www.amazon.de which also serves customers
in other countries.

Vol. 12:

Peter Brosche: Der Astronom der Herzogin. Leben und Werk von Franz Xaver
von Zach 1754-1832 [The astronomer of the duchess - Life and work of Franz
Xaver von Zach 1754-1832]. 2001, 304 p., numerous figs., 8 in color,
ISBN 3-8171-1656-X, EUR 24.80, sFr 38.80
This monograph gives, for the first time, a complete and scientific
biography of Franz Xaver von Zach. The astronomer from Gotha has given
organisatorial services to his science that are equivalent to a major
scientific result. He had a very colorful character, visited many countries
in a time of turmoil, and had relations to many colleagues and historical
personalities. Images from his life always provide at the same time
perspectives and interrelations; thus this book also provides astronomical
and cultural history for the time around 1800.

Vol. 13:
Wolfgang R. Dick, Juergen Hamel (eds.): Beitraege zur Astronomiegeschichte,
Bd. 4 [Contributions to the History of Astronomy, Vol. 4]. 2001, 259 p.,
45 figs., ISBN 3-8171-1663-2, EUR 18.80, sFr 29.40
Contents: Olaf Hein, Rolf Mader: Pierre-Francois Tonduti-De-Saint-Legier.
Ein vergessener Astronom [Pierre-Francois Tonduti-De-Saint-Legier. A
forgotten astronomer]; Franz Daxecker: "Ueber das Fernrohr" und weitere
Mitschriften von Vorlesungen Christoph Scheiners ["About the Telescope" and
other manuscripts of lectures by Christoph Scheiner]; Franz Daxecker,
Florian Schaffenrath: Ein Nachruf auf Christoph Scheiner aus dem Jahr 1650
[An obituary of Christoph Scheiner from the year 1650]; Hans Gaab: Johann
Gabriel Doppelmayr (1677-1750) [Johann Gabriel Doppelmayr (1677-1750)];
Elvira Pfitzner: Christian Friedrich Scheithauer und die Astronomie in
Chemnitz am Anfang des 19. Jahrhunderts [Christian Friedrich Scheithauer
and astronomy in Chemnitz at the beginning of the 19th century]; Gebhard
Falk: Jakob Wilhelm Heinrich Lehmann (1800-1863) - Theologe, Astronom und
48er Demokrat. Eine biographische Skizze [Jakob Wilhelm Heinrich Lehmann
(1800-1863) - theologian, astronomer and democrat of 1848. A biographical
sketch]; Gisela Muenzel: Ladislaus Weinek (1848-1913) [Ladislaus Weinek
(1848-1913)]; Theodor Schmidt-Kaler: Drei Goettinger Vorlesungen Karl
Schwarzschilds 1904-1905 [Three Goettingen lectures by Karl Schwarzschild,
1904-1905]; Arnold Zenkert: Zwei Ehrungen fuer Bruno H. Buergel [Two
tributes to Bruno H. Buergel]; Wolfgang R. Dick, Arno Langkavel, Juergen
Hahn: Gedenkstaetten fuer Astronomen in Berlin, Potsdam und Umgebung -
Ergaenzungen und Korrekturen [Memorial places for astronomers in Berlin,
Potsdam and surroundings - additions and corrections]; short notes;
Obituary - Winfried Petri (1914-2000); Book reviews; Corrections and
supplementary information to Acta Historica Astronomiae, Vol. 3 to 11;
About the authors; Tables of contents of "Beitraege zur
Astronomiegeschichte" Vols. 1 to 3.

Vol. 14:
Wolfgang R. Dick, Juergen Hamel (eds.): Astronomie von Olbers bis
Schwarzschild. Nationale Entwicklungen und internationale Beziehungen im
19. Jahrhundert [Astronomy from Olbers to Schwarzschild. National
developments and international relations in the 19th century].
2002, 243 p., 68 figs., ISBN 3-8171-1667-5, EUR 16.80, sFr 26.90
Contents: Preface; Guenther Oestmann: Astronomischer Dilettant oder
verkanntes Genie? Zum Bild Johann Hieronymus Schroeters in der
Wissenschaftsgeschichte [Astronomical dilettante or misunderstood genius?
On Johann Hieronymus Schroeter's image in the history of science]; Felix
Luehning: Johann Hieronymus Schroeters 25fuessiges Teleskop in Lilienthal -
Bau, Funktion und seine Nachbildung im Modell [The 25-foot telescope of
Johann Hieronymus Schroeter in Lilienthal - Construction, operation, and
its model-size replica]; Hans-Joachim Leue: Johann Gottlieb Schrader und
der Lilienthaler Fernrohrbau [Johann Gottlieb Schrader and the construction
of telescopes in Lilienthal]; Klaus Schillinger: Zur Geschichte der
Herschel-Teleskope im Mathematisch-Physikalischen Salon Dresden [On the
history of the Herschel telescopes in the Mathematisch-Physikalischer Salon
of Dresden]; Peter Brosche: Die Wiederauffindung der Ceres im Jahre 1801
[The rediscovery of Ceres in 1801]; Juergen Hamel: H.C. Schumacher -
Zentrum der internationalen Kommunikation in der Astronomie und Mittler
zwischen Daenemark und Deutschland [H.C. Schumacher - Center of
international communication in astronomy and mediator betwen Denmark and
Germany]; Juergen Hamel: Der Briefwechsel zwischen H.C. Schumacher und H.C.
Oersted [The correspondence between H.C. Schumacher and H.C. Oersted];
Wolfgang Kokott: Bodes Astronomisches Jahrbuch als internationales
Archivjournal [Bode's Astronomisches Jahrbuch as an international archive
journal]; Theodor Schmidt-Kaler: Karl Schwarzschild und die
Professionalisierung der Astrophysik [Karl Schwarzschild and the
professionalization of astrophysics]; Peter Harbison: Leo de Ball und seine
Beitraege zu internationalen Astronomieprojekten um 1900 [Leo de Ball and
his contributions to international astronomical projects around 1900];
Gudrun Wolfschmidt: Internationalitaet von der VAG (1800) bis zur
Astronomischen Gesellschaft [Internationality from the VAG (1800) to the
Astronomische Gesellschaft]; Hilmar W. Duerbeck: Nationale und
internationale astronomische Aktivitaeten in Chile (1849-2001) [National
and international astronomical activities in Chile (1849-2001)]; Arno
Langkavel: Auf den Spuren von Astronomen in Bremen und Lilienthal [In the
footsteps of astronomers in Bremen and Lilienthal]; About the authors.

Vol. 15:
Wolfgang R. Dick, Juergen Hamel (eds.): Beitraege zur Astronomiegeschichte,
Bd. 5 [Contributions to the History of Astronomy, Vol. 5]. 2002, 255 p.,
33 figs., ISBN 3-8171-1686-1, EUR 16.80, sFr 26.90
Contents: Preface; Guenther Oestmann, Historische Horoskope als Quelle der
Wissenschaftsgeschichte [Historical horoscopes as a source of the history
of science]; Franz Daxecker, Die Zeitberechnung und die Astronomie in
Athanasius Kirchers Organum Mathematicum [Chronology and astronomy in
Athanasius Kircher's Organum Mathematicum]; Franz Daxecker, Christoph
Scheiners Lebensjahre zwischen 1633 und 1650 [Christoph Scheiner's life
between 1633 and 1650]; Hans Gaab, Johann Philipp von Wurzelbau
(1651-1725) [Johann Philipp von Wurzelbau (1651-1725)]; Klaus-Dieter
Herbst, Der Societaetsgedanke bei Gottfried Kirch (1639-1710), untersucht
unter Einbeziehung seiner Korrespondenz und Kalender [Gottfried Kirch's
(1639-1710) concept of an astronomical society - an investigation also
based on his correspondence and calendars]; Peter Brosche: Koehlers
Sternphotometer von 1786 [Koehler's stellar photometer of 1786]; Alberto
Meschiari, Briefe von Franz Xaver von Zach an Ranieri Gerbi und Pompilio
Pozzetti [Letters by Franz Xaver von Zach to Ranieri Gerbi and Pompilio
Pozzetti]; Karin Reich, Bessels Rezension von Gauss' "Theoria Motus"
[Bessel's book review of Gauss' "Theoria Motus"]; Hans-Joachim Ilgauds,
Georg Koch - ein vergessener Leipziger Astronom des 19. Jahrhunderts
[Georg Koch - a forgotten 19th century astronomer from Leipzig]; Hans
Scholl und Lutz D. Schmadel: Discovery Circumstances of the First
Near-Earth Asteroid (433) Eros; Lutz D. Schmadel, Biographische Notizen
zu Felix Linke - ein unbekannter Mitentdecker des Kleinen Planeten
(433) Eros [Biographical notes on Felix Linke - an unknown co-discoverer
of the minor planet (433) Eros]; Short notes; Book reviews; About the
authors; Corrections and supplementary notes to Acta Historica Astronomiae
Vol. 12 and 13; Tables of contents "Beitraege zur Astronomiegeschichte"
Vol. 1 to 4.

Vol. 16:
John Robert Christianson, Alena Hadravova, Petr Hadrava und Martin Solc
(eds.): Tycho Brahe and Prague: Crossroads of European Science. 2002,
392 p., numerous figs., ISBN 3-8171-1687-X, EUR 29.80, SFr 47.70
Contents: List of participants; Owen Gingerich, Tycho Brahe: Observational
Cosmologist; John Robert Christianson, Tycho and Sophie Brahe: Gender and
science in the late sixteenth century; John Richard Shackelford,
Providence, power, and cosmic causality in early modern astronomy: The case
of Tycho Brahe and Petrus Severinus; Adam Mosley, Tycho Brahe and John
Craig: The dynamic of a dispute; Guenther Oestmann, Tycho Brahe's attitude
towards astrology and his relations to Heinrich Rantzau; Michel-Pierre
Lerner, Tycho Brahe Censured; Gerhard Betsch, Michael Maestlin and his
relationship with Tycho Brahe; Yas Maeyama, Tycho Brahe's stellar
observations. An accuracy test; Giorgio Strano, Testing tradition: Tycho
Brahe's instruments and praxis; Volker Bialas, Kepler as astronomical
observer in Prague; Felix Luehning, The great quadrant of Lindholm - an
astronomical instrument from the time of Tycho Brahe; Zdislav Sima und Jiri
Valeska, Analysis of Tycho's handwritings; Carlo Triarico, Tycho Brahe and
Egnazio Danti. Observations and astronomical research at Prague and
Florence at the end of the 16th century; Mara Miniati, Medicean telescopes.
The collection of the Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza, Florence;
Luisa Pigatto, Tycho Brahe and the Republic of Venice: a failed project;
Gudrun Wolfschmidt, The observatories and instruments of Tycho Brahe;
Joseph P. McEvoy, The death of Tycho and scientific revolution; Josef
Smolka, Briefwechsel zwischen Tycho Brahe und Thaddaeus Hagecius -
Anfaenge; Alena Hadravova und Petr Hadrava, Tycho Brahe and Iohannes
Sindel; Beatriz Porres de Mateo, Astronomy between Prague and Vienna in the
15th century: the case of John Sindel and John of Gmunden; Andrea Bubenik,
Art, Astrology and Astronomy at the Imperial Court of Rudolf II
(1576-1612); Bohdana Divisova-Bursiakova, Physicians at the Prague Court of
Rudolf II; Beket Bukovinska, Scientifica in der Kunstkammer Rudolfs II
[Scientific items in the "art chamber" of Rudolf II]; Eliska Fucikova, The
Belvedere in Prague as Tycho Brahe's Musaeum; Vladimir Urbanek, The comet
of 1618: eschatological expectations and political prognostications during
the Bohemian Revolt; Georg Schuppener, The relations between Tycho Brahe
and the Jesuits in Prague; Robert Warren, Tycho and the telescope;
Giancarlo Truffa, The first printed edition of Tycho's 1004 star catalogue;
Owen Gingerich, Recent notes on Tycho Brahe's library; Martin Solc,
Bibliotheca Tychoniana - books from Tycho Brahe's possession in the
National Library of the Czech Republic in Prague Clementinum; Jens Vellev,
Tycho Brahe's paper mill on Hven and M.A. Moeller Nicolaisen's excavations,
1933-1934; Michal Simunek, Anthropologische Untersuchung der koerperlichen
Ueberreste Tycho Brahes im Jahr 1901 [Anthropological investigation of the
bodily remains of Tycho Brahe in 1901]; Jan Munzar and Jan Parez, Tycho
Brahe as a meteorologist; Ivan Stoll, Giordano Bruno to Rudolph II, Michal
Svatos, Teaching astronomy at Prague University in the 14th and 15th
century; Borek Neskudla, Astronomy and astrology at Prague University
before the battle at White Mountain.

Vol. 17:
Gerhard Betsch und Juergen Hamel (eds.): Zwischen Copernicus und Kepler -
M. Michael Maestlinus, Mathematicus Goeppingensis 1550-1631. Vortraege auf
dem Symposium, veranstaltet in Tuebingen vom 11. bis 13. Oktober 2000 von
der Fakultaet fuer Physik der Universitaet Tuebingen [Between Copernicus
and Kepler - M. Michael Maestlinus, Mathematicus Goeppingensis 1550-1631 -
Talks given at a symposium in Tuebingen on October 11 - 13, 2000, organized
by the physics faculty of Tuebingen University]. 2002, 247 p., 38 figs.,
ISBN 3-8171-1688-8, EUR 18.80, sFr 30.10
Contents: Preface; Friedemann Rex, Keplers Lehrer Michael Maestlin und sein
Lehrbuch der Astronomie (1582) [Kepler's teacher Michael Maestlin and his
textbook of astronomy (1582)]; Juergen Hamel, Die Rolle Michael Maestlins
in der Polemik um die Kalenderreform von Papst Gregor XIII [Michael
Maestlin's role in the polemic against the calendar reform of pope Gregor
XIII]; Matthias Schramm, Zu den Beobachtungen von Maestlin [On Maestlin's
observations]; Gerd Grasshoff, Maestlins Beitrag zu Keplers "Astronomia
Nova" [Maestlin's contribution to Kepler's "Astronomia Nova"]; Friedrich
Seck, Der Briefwechsel zwischen Kepler und Maestlin [The Kepler - Maestlin
correspondence]; Josef Smolka, Michael Maestlin und Galileo Galilei
[Michael Maestlin and Galileo Galilei]; Gerhard Betsch, Parerga Maestlini
[Parerga Maestlini]; Karin Reich und Eberhard Knobloch, Die Kreisquadratur
Matthias Hafenreffers [Matthias Hafenreffer's quadrature of the circle];
Volker Bialas, Nicht mit fremden Augen sehen wollen - Maestlins Stellung
zum wissenschaftlichen Fortschritt seiner Zeit [Unwilling to see with
others' eyes - Maestlin's position to the scientific progress of his time];
Johannes Michael Wischnath, Michael Maestlin als Tuebinger Professor -
akademischer Alltag an der Schwelle zum 17. Jahrhundert [Michael Maestlin
as a Tuebingen professor - academic everyday life at the beginning of the
17th century]; Roland Mueller und Johannes Michael Wischnath,
Dokumentation: Maestliniana in Tuebingen [Documentation: Maestliniana in
Tuebingen]; About the authors.

Vol. 18:
Wolfgang R. Dick, Juergen Hamel (eds.): Beitraege zur Astronomiegeschichte,
Bd. 6 [Contributions to the History of Astronomy, Vol. 6]. 2003, 238 p.,
43 figs., ISBN 3-8171-1717-5, EUR 18.80, sFr 30.10
Contents: Michael Weichenhan, Die Erfindung der Erdscheibe. Ein Kapitel
copernicanischer Apologetik [The invention of the Earth's disk-shape. A
chapter of Copernican apologetics]; Johann Wuensch, Die Messgenauigkeit
von Tycho Brahes grossem Sextanten [The measuring accuracy of Tycho's
large sextant]; Franz Daxecker, Der Astronom Christoph Grienberger und
der Galilei-Prozess [The astronomer Christoph Grienberger and the Galilei
trial]; Hans Gaab, Georg Friedrich Kordenbusch und die Astronomie in
Nuernberg in der zweiten Haelfte des 18. Jahrhunderts [Georg Friedrich
Kordenbusch and astronomy in Nuremberg in the second half of the 18th
century]; Dietmar Fuerst, Die Geschichte des Heliometers der Sternwarte
Koenigsberg. 1. Teil: Anschaffung und Aufstellung des Instrumentes [The
history of the heliometer of Koenigsberg Observatory. Part 1: Purchase
and setting to work of the instrument]; Reinhold Haefner and Rolf Riekher,
Die Pioniere der Sternspektroskopie: die stellarspektroskopischen
Untersuchungen von Fraunhofer (1816-1820) und Lamont (1836) [The pioneers
of stellar spectroscopy: the investigations of Fraunhofer (1816 - 1820)
and Lamont (1836) into stellar spectroscopy]; Manfred Strumpf, Evaluation
im 19. Jahrhundert - wie Astronomen fuer die Sternwarte Gotha ausgesucht
wurden [Evaluation in the 19th century - how astronomers were chosen for
Gotha observatory]; Endre Zsoldos and Peter Brosche, Zwischen Handwerk
und Wissenschaft: Friedrich Schwab (1858-1931) [Between handicraft and
science: Friedrich Schwab (1858 - 1931)]; short notes; Obituary -
K. K. Lavrinovich (1941-2002); Book reviews; Corrections and supplementary
informations to Acta Historica Astronomiae, Vol. 8 to 15; About the

Vol. 19:
Miguel A. Granada, Juergen Hamel und Ludolf von Mackensen (Hrsg.):
Christoph Rothmanns Handbuch der Astronomie von 1589 [Christoph
Rothmann's compendium of astronomy of 1589]. 2003, 231 p., numerous figs.,
ISBN 3-8171-1718-3, EUR 19.80, sFr 31.70
Between 1584 and 1590, Christoph Rothmann was active at the observatories
of landgrave Wilhelm IV. of Hesse, in Kassel. His researches were essential
for Kassel becoming a center of astronomical research. In the latin
manuscript "Observationum stellarum fixarum liber primus", Kassel 1589,
edited here, Christoph Rothmann describes the construction and the use of
astronomical instruments, develops his concepts of the constitution of the
world on a heliocentric base, without solid planetary spheres, discusses
the relation between astronomy and theology, and reports on his fundamental
work on the Kassel star catalog. This work, here edited for the first time,
is a compendium of theoretical and practical astronomy in the late 16th

Vol. 20:
Susanne Utzt: Astronomie und Anschaulichkeit - Die Bilder der populaeren
Astronomie des 19. Jahrhunderts [Astronomy and pictorial descriptiveness
- images in 19th century popular astronomy]. 2004, 112 p., numerous figs.,
ISBN 3-8171-1730-2; EUR 12.80
Initiated by a debate on regaining a pictorial descriptiveness of the
sciences, but also by technical developments, popular astronomy was
mediated more and more by visual means in the 19th century. Based on
illustrations in popular German and French astronomical treatises, this
work investigates in what context certain pictures originated, where and
for which purpose they were used in publications, how they interacted with
accompanying texts, and to what degree they reflect the collision of two
contrary aspects which are typical for popular science: the intention to
entertain as well as to instruct.

Vol. 21:
Dietmar Fuerst, Ekkehard Rothenberg (eds.): Wege der Erkenntnis -
Festschrift fuer Dieter B. Hermann zum 65. Geburtstag [Paths of
knowledge - Festschrift for Dieter B. Hermann on the occasion of his
65th birthday]. 2004, 242 p., numerous figs. ISBN 3-8171-1744-2;
EUR 19.80
Contents: Eckehard Rothenberg, Laudatio [Laudation]; Klaus Staubermann,
Planetoiden, Sternkarten und instrumentelle Sternhelligkeiten [Planetoids,
star maps, and instrumental stellar magnitudes]; Oliver Schwarz,
Meteorologie und Sonnenphysik [Meteorology and solar physics]; Hilmar W.
Duerbeck, Die deutschen Expeditionen von 1874 und 1882 zur Beobachtung der
Venusdurchgaenge - Planung und Durchfuehrung eines wissenschaftlichen
Grossprojektes [The German expeditions of 1874 and 1882 to observe the
transits of Venus - the planning and the execution of a major scientific
project]; Dieter Hoffmann, Erwin Finlay-Freundlich (1885-1964) und seine
Bemuehungen um die Institutionalisierung der Astrophysik [Erwin
Finlay-Freundlich (1885-1964) and his attempts to institutionalize
astrophysics]; Guenter Kroeber, Wachstum der Zahl wissenschaftlicher
Einrichtungen [Growth of the number of scientific institutions]; Juergen
Hamel, Johannes de Sacroboscos Handbuch der Astronomie - Kommentierte
Bibliographie der Drucke der "Sphaera", 1472 bis 1656 [John de Sacrobosco's
textbook of astronomy - a commented bibliography of the printed editions of
the "Sphaera" from 1472 to 1656]; Eberhard Knobloch, Otto von Guericke und
die Kosmologie im 17. Jahrhundert [Otto von Guericke and 17th century
cosmology]; Gerd-Diedrich Schmidt, Auf dem Weg zu modernen Schulbuechern
fuer den Astronomieunterricht - ein besonderer Anspruch zwischen
Popularitaet und Wissenschaftlichkeit [On the way to modern textbooks for
the teaching of astronomy - a special demand between popularity and
science]; Johannes V. Feitzinger, Was Planetarier voneinander lernen
koennen - oder Planetarien und Kulturpolitik [What planetarians can learn
from each other - or planetaria and cultural politics]; Helmut Bernhard,
Zur astronomischen Bildung in der Schule [On astronomical education in
school]; Dieter B. Herrmann, DAL - Bericht ueber ein gescheitertes Projekt
[DAL - report on a doomed project]; Dietmar Fuerst, Dieter B. Herrmann -
Bibliographie wissenschaftlicher Veroeffentlichungen [Dieter B. Herrmann -
bibliography of scientific publications]

Vol. 22:
Hans Gaab, Pierre Leich, Guenter Loeffladt (eds.): Johann Christoph
Sturm (1635-1703) [Johann Christoph Sturm (1635-1703)]. 2004, 348 p.,
numerous figs. ISBN 3-8171-1746-9; EUR 29.80
Contents: Pierre Leich, Guenter Loeffladt, Einfuehrung [Introduction]; Hans
Gaab, Zur Biographie von Johann Christoph Sturm (1635-1703) [On the
biography of Johann Christoph Sturm (1635-1703)]; Kai Thomas Platz,
Hilpoltstein zu Zeiten Johann Christoph Sturms [Hilpoltstein at Johann
Christoph Sturm's times]; Stefan Kratchovil, Johann Christoph Sturm und
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz [Johann Christoph Sturm and Gottfried Wilhelm
Leibniz]; Michael Albrecht, Hypothesen und Phaenomene - Zu Johann Christoph
Sturms Theorie der wissenschaftlichen Methode [Hypotheses and phenomena -
On Johann Christoph Sturm's theory of scientific method]; Knut Radbruch,
Der Beitrag von Johann Christoph Sturm zum Saeculum Mathematicum [Johann
Christoph Sturm's contribution to the saeculum mathematicum]; Ulrich G.
Leinsle, Universalmathematik und Metaphysik bei Johann Christoph Sturm
[Johann Christoph Sturm's universal mathematics and metaphysics]; Gerhard
Wiesenfeldt, Das Collegium experimentale sive curiosum und die Anfaenge
experimenteller Naturlehre in Deutschland [The collegium experimentale sive
curiosum and the beginnings of experimental natural philosophy in Germany];
Klaus-Dieter Herbst, Der Beitrag von Johann Christoph Sturm zur
astronomischen Forschung [Johann Christoph Sturm's contribution to
astronomical research]; Klaus Matthaeus, Sturm als Kalendermacher [Sturm as
a calendar-maker]; Hans Gaab, Bibliographie zu Johann Christoph Sturm [A
bibliography on Johann Christoph Sturm]

Vol. 23:
Wolfgang R. Dick, Juergen Hamel (eds.): Beitraege zur Astronomiegeschichte,
Bd. 7 [Contributions to the History of Astronomy, Vol. 7]. 2004, 304 p.,
numerous figs., ISBN 3-8171-1747-7; EUR 24.80
Inhalt: Olaf Hein, Rolf Mader, Die Umwandlung gleichfoermiger Kreisbewegung
in geradlinige Bewegung nach Nasir al din al-Tusi - Ein geniales Modell zur
bewussten Beibehaltung eines Mangels der Ptolemaeischen Mondtheorie [The
transformation of regular circular motion into straight motion according to
Nasir al din al-Tusi - a genious model for the conscious preservation of a
defect of Ptolemy's lunar theory]; Karin Reich, Eberhard Knobloch:
Melanchtons Vorreden zu Sacroboscos "Sphaera" und zum "Computus
ecclesiasticus" [Melanchton's prefaces to Sacrobosco's "Sphaera" and
"Computus ecclesiasticus"]; Inge Keil, Helmut Zaeh: Tycho Brahes Aufenthalt
in Augsburg (1569-1570 und 1575) [Tycho Brahe's stay in Augsburg (1569-1570
and 1575)]; Franz Daxecker, Die Disputatio des Astronomen Christoph
Scheiner [The disputation of the astronomer Christoph Scheiner];
Klaus-Dieter Herbst, Die Kalender von Gottfried Kirch [The calendars of
Gottfried Kirch]; Dietmar Fuerst, Ein weiteres Exemplar des
Bessel-Portraits von Christian Albrecht Jensen [Another copy of the Bessel
portrait by Christian Albrecht Jensen]; Karl Ventzke, Fraunhofers
Nachfolger im Optischen Institut zu Muenchen [Fraunhofer's successors in
the Optical Institute in Munich]; Tobias Jung, Einsteins kosmologische
Ueberlegungen in den "Vier Vorlesungen ueber Relativitaetstheorie"
[Einstein's cosmological ideas in the "Four Lectures on the Theory of
Relativity"]; Hans G. Beck, Meine Erinnerungen an Alfred Jensch und unsere
gemeinsame Zeit [My recollections of Alfred Jensch and the time that we
spent together]; Arno Langkavel, Auf den Spuren von Maximilian Hell [On the
tracks of Maximilian Hell]; Wolfgang R. Dick, Thomas Jefferson Page
(1808-1899) [Thomas Jefferson Page (1808-1899)]; Dieter B. Herrmann,
Einstein sprach wirklich in der Archenhold-Sternwarte [Einstein really gave
a talk at Archenhold Observatory]; Ansgar Korte, Ein Denkmal fuer Walter
Baade [A memorial for Walter Baade]; Hilmar W. Duerbeck, Historische
Venusdurchgaenge - eine bibliographische Nachlese [Historical Venus
transits - a bibliographical review]; Andre Heck, Strasbourg Astronomical
Observatory: its people through its multinational history; Jaroslaw
Wlodarczyk, Historian of Astronomy and Astronomer: Jerzy Dobrzycki
(1927-2004); Book reviews; About the authors; Corrections and supplementary

Vol. 24:
Lajos G. Balazs, Peter Brosche, Hilmar W. Duerbeck, Endre Zsoldos (eds.):
The European Scientist - Symposium on the era and work of Franz Xaver von
Zach (1754 - 1832). 2004, 241 p., numerous figs.; ISBN 3-8171-1748-5;
EUR 19.80
Contents: Preface; Joachim Truemper, Freiherr Franz Xaver von Zach and the
Bavarian Academy of Sciences in Munich; Arpad Szallasi, The military health
service around 1800; Andras Koltai, The role of the Piarist order in
developing the scientific way of thinking in Hungary; Anita McConnell,
Franz Xaver von Zach in England; Katalin Barlai, Astronomical measurements
by Jesuit Fathers in China in the year 1772; Hilmar W. Duerbeck, Zach,
Gotha and the Venus transits of the 18th and 19th centuries; Balint Erdi,
The development of celestial mechanics up to Laplace; Jozsef Kovacs, The
discovery of the first minor planets; Gudrun Wolfschmidt, Zach's
instruments and their characteristics; Istvan Jankovics, Astrogeodesic
instruments in Hungary; Oliver Schwarz, Zach as a surveyor of Thuringia;
Attila Mesko, The development of our understanding of the geoid; James
Caplan, Zach and geodesy in the south of France; Endre Zsoldos, Variable
star astronomy in Hungary; Lajos G. Balazs, Theoretical astrophysics in the
19th century (Homage to Rado von Koevesligethy); Alberto Meschiari, Franz
Xaver von Zach and Giovanni Battista Amici; Laszlo Patkos, The Pasquich
affair; Bela Balazs, The role of managers of science; Clifford J.
Cunningham, A project to publish the collected correspondence of Baron
Franz Xaver von Zach; Magda Vargha, The relationship of Carl Friedrich
Gauss with his Hungarian scientist friends; Hilmar W. Duerbeck, A modern
bibliographical access to the content of F.X. von Zach's journals; Andras
Holl, From the AGE to the electronic IBVS: the past and the future of
astronomical journals; Peter Brosche, Zach's impact on the sciences.

Vol. 25:
Axel D. Wittmann, Gudrun Wolfschmidt, Hilmar W. Duerbeck (eds.):
Development of Solar Research/Entwicklung der Sonnenforschung.
2005, 309 p., numerous figs., ISBN 3-8171-1755-8; EUR 24.80
Contents: Preface; Andreas Haenel, Were megalithic tombs solar
observatories?; Wolfhard Schlosser, Die Himmelsscheibe von Nebra - Sonne,
Mond und Sterne [The sky-disk of Nebra - sun, moon and stars]; Rahlf
Hansen, Antike Sonnenkulte [Ancient cults of the sun]; Klaus-Peter Herbst,
Briefe als Quelle fuer Beobachtungsdaten von Sonnenflecken: dargestellt am
Beispiel des Briefwechsels zwischen Gottfried Kirch und Gottfried Schultz
von 1681 bis 1692 [Letters as a source of observational data of sunspots:
exemplified by the exchange of letters between Gottfried Kirch and
Gottfried Schultz in the years 1681 to 1692]; Robert H. van Gent, Mapping
the lunar shadow - the earliest solar eclipse maps; Reinhard Schielicke,
Axel D. Wittmann, On the Berkowski daguerreotype (Koenigsberg, 1851 July
28): the first correctly-exposed photograph of the solar corona; Hilmar W.
Duerbeck, The beginnings of German governmental sponsorship in astronomy:
the solar eclipse expeditions of 1868 as a prelude to the Venus transit
expeditions of 1874 and 1882; Gudrun Wolfschmidt, Development of solar
tower observatories; Michael P. Seiler, Solar research in the Third Reich;
Hubertus Woehl: Die Archive solarer Integralaufnahmen und von
Spektroheliogrammen des frueheren Fraunhofer-Instituts (jetzt:
Kiepenheuer-Institut fuer Sonnenphysik) in Freiburg und ihre teilweise
Aufloesung [The archives of solar integral exposures and of
spectroheliograms of the former Fraunhofer Institute (now: Kiepenheuer
Institute for Solar Physics) in Freiburg and its partial dissolution];
Wolfgang Mattig, Peter N. Brandt, The first decades of JOSO - the Joint
Organization for Solar Observations; Axel D. Wittmann, The June 1973 site
testing expedition at Roque de los Muchachos, La Palma; Manuel Vazquez,
Axel D. Wittmann, Solar research with stratospheric balloons; Jacques M.
Beckers, Sunspots, gravitational redshift and exo-solar planet detection.

All volumes were published by Verlag Harri Deutsch, Frankfurt am Main,
softcover, size 15 x 21 cm.

Item 2                                         ENHA No. 61, August 23, 2005

Conferences in 2005-2006

(From: "Elektronische Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte" Nr. 76,
19. August 2005, Item 3.)

August 22-26, 2005, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
A Life with Stars - In Honor of Ed van den Heuvel
Several papers will present historical perspectives.
Contacts: Ralph Wijers, Lex Kaper, Michiel van der Klis,
Astronomical Institute 'Anton Pannekoek', Kruislaan 403,
1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
phone +31-20-5257491, fax, +31-20-5257484,
e-mail: secr-astro@science.uva.nl
URL: http://www.astro.uva.nl/stars2005/

September 6-10, 2005, Oviedo (Asturies), Spain
XXVIII Spanish Relativity Meeting-A Century of Relativity Physics
The topics include "Historical and philosophical perspective".
Contacts: L. Mornas, Departamento de Fisica, Universidad de Oviedo,
Avda Calvo Sotelo 18, 33007 Oviedo, Spain,
phone +34 985 10 29 51, fax +34 985 10 33 24,
e-mail ere05@fisi24.ciencias.uniovi.es
URL: http://fisi24.ciencias.uniovi.es/ere05.html

September 8-11, 2005, Kefallinia Island, Lixourion, Greece
7th International Astronomy Conference of the Hellenic Astronomical
Society: Trends & Advances in Astrophysics
Session SE6: History and Education in Astronomy
Contacts: Dr. Nikolaos Solomos, Physics Laboratories, Hellenic Naval
Academy, Hatzikyriakeion, 18503 Piraeus, Greece,
phone +30 210 4581319, fax +30 210 9211764,
e-mail nsolom@snd.edu.gr
URL: http://comas.interzone.gr/cgi/article.cgi?s=8;lang=en

September 12-18, 2005, Crimea, Ukraine
60 Years of Crimean Astrophysical Observatory
Contacts: Nadezhda Shakhovskaya, Crimean Astrophysical Observatory,
Nauchny, 98409, Crimea, Ukraine, phone 8-10-380-6554-164,
fax 8-10-380-6554-71004, e-mail crao60@crao.crimea.ua

January 8-9, 2006, Washington, DC, USA
Meeting of the Historical Astronomy Division (HAD)
of the American Astronomical Society (AAS) in the framework of the
207th Meeting of the AAS
Contacts: Ronald S. Brashear, Smithsonian Institution, P.O. Box 37012,
Dibner Library NMAH 1041, MRC 672, Washington, DC 20013-7012, USA,
phone 202-633-3870, fax 202-633-9102, e-mail brashearr@si.edu



Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy (ENHA)

Published by the Working Group for the History of Astronomy in the
Astronomische Gesellschaft

Editors: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick  and Dr. Hilmar
W. Duerbeck 

All items without an author's name are editorial contributions.
Articles as well as information for the several sections are appreciated.

Subscription for ENHA is free. Readers and subscribers are asked for
occasional voluntary donations to the working group.

Copyright Statement:
The Electronic Newsletters for the History of Astronomy may be freely
re-distributed in the case that no charge is imposed. Public offer in
WWW servers, BBS etc. is allowed after the editor has been informed.
Non-commercial reproduction of single items in electronic or printed media
is possible only with the editor's permission.

Archives: Previous issues of ENHA are to be found at
http://www.astrohist.org/aa/enha/ .

Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte / Working Group for the History of

URL: http://www.astrohist.org/

Chairman: Prof. Dr. Peter Brosche, Observatorium Hoher List der
Sternwarte der Universitaet Bonn, 54550 Daun, Germany,
Tel.: +49(0)6592 98258-0, Fax: +49(0)6592 98258-58

Secretary I: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick, Vogelsang 35 A, 14478 Potsdam,
Germany, e-mail: wdick@astrohist.org

Secretary II: Prof. Dr. Hilmar W. Duerbeck, Postfach 1268,
54543 Daun, Germany, e-mail: hduerbec@vub.ac.be

Bank Acct. of the Astronomische Gesellschaft:
Acct # 310 330 402, Volksbank Coesfeld-Duelmen (BLZ 401 631 23)
Contributions from foreign countries: acct # 162 18-203, Postbank
Hamburg, BLZ 200 100 20
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