The Working Group for the History of Astronomy organizes a colloquium each year and sometimes participates in the organization of other meetings.
Next Colloquia:
2025, September 19-21, Görlitz:
Colloquium of the Working Group History of Astronomy in the German Astronmical Society
Astrophotography - From the Beginnings (1839) to CCD and Detectors
organized by Gudrun Wolfschmidt;
The proceedings will be published in Nuncius Hamburgensis; Vol. 63 (2026)
Meetings and Colloquia in the past:
2024, September 9-10, Köln:
Colloquium of the Working Group History of Astronomy in the German Astronmical Society
Auf den Spuren historischer Sternwarten (On the Trail of Historical Observatories)
organized by Gudrun Wolfschmidt;
The proceedings will be published in Nuncius Hamburgensis; Vol. 62 (2025)
2023, September 10 -11, Berlin:
Colloquium of the Working Group History of Astronomy in the German Astronmical Society
Entwicklung der Astrophysik (Evolution of Astrophysics)
organized by Gudrun Wolfschmidt;
The proceedings will be published in Nuncius Hamburgensis; Vol. 59 (2024)
2022, September 16 -18, Bremen:
Colloquium of the Working Group History of Astronomy in the German Astronmical Society
Instrumente, Methoden und Entdeckungen für innovative Entwicklungen in der Astronomie
organized by Gudrun Wolfschmidt
and meeting of the members of the working group (election of president and secretary).
Booklet of Abstracts
The proceedings will be published in Nuncius Hamburgensis; Vol. 52 (2023).
2022, May 7, Jena:
Small colloquium on the 450th anniversary of Kepler.
Meeting location: restaurant and hotel "Haus im Sack", Jena, Oberlauengasse 14-17
This is the originally in November 2021 planned meeting that had to be cancelled
due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The program is available here
. (in German)
Virtual Splintermeeting at the AG meeting between September 13 - 17, 2021,
Astronomy in Culture - Cultures of Astronomy,
organized by Susanne M Hoffmann and Gudrun Wolfschmidt
under the auspices of the Working Group History of Astronomy (AKAG).
This splinter meeting replaces the planned colloquium in times of Covid-19!
The proceedings have been published in: Nuncius Hamburgensis; Vol. 57 (2022).
Cancelled due to Covid-19!
2020, August 30/31 , Berlin:
Entscheidende Ereignisse/Entdeckungen für innovative Entwicklungen in der Astronomie
Replaced by a virtual splinter meeting on September 25 at the 2020 AG meeting
Title: "Applied and Computational Historical Astronomy",
organized by Gudrun Wolfschmidt and Susanne M. Hoffmann.
The talks have been published in the proceedings:
Nuncius Hamburgensis; Vol. 55 (2021). (in German)
2019, September 15/16, Stuttgart:
Kosmochemie - Geschichte der Entdeckung und Erforschung der chemischen Elemente im Kosmos
(in German)
Booklet of Abstracts
Proceedings: Nuncius Hamburgensis; Vol. 50 (2022)
2018, August 18/19, Wien
Colloquium: Internationalität in der astronomischen Forschung des 18. bis 20. Jahrhunderts
(in German)
Booklet of Abstracts
Proceedings: Nuncius Hamburgensis, Vol 49 (2020)
2017, September 17/18, Göttingen
Colloquium: Astronomie und Astrologie im Kontext von Religionen (in German)
Booklet of Abstracts
Proceedings: Nuncius Hamburgensis, Vol 32 (2018)
2016, September 16/17/18, Bochum
Colloquium: Popularisierung der Astronomie (in German)
Proceedings: Nuncius Hamburgensis, Bd. 41 (2017)
2015, 13. bis 14. September, Kiel
Kolloquium: Astronomie im Ostseeraum
Booklet of Abstracts
Proceedings: Nuncius Hamburgensis, Bd. 38 (2018)
2014, 21. bis 22. September, Bamberg
Kolloquium: Astronomie in Franken
Program ,
Booklet of Abstracts (contains also the abstracts of the Nürnberg meeting the day before)
Proceedings: Nuncius Hamburgensis, Bd. 31 (2015)
2014, 20. September, Nürnberg
Tagung: Simon Marius und seine Zeit
Booklet of Abstracts (contains also the abstracts of the Bamberg meeting the next days)
Proceedings: Acta Historica Astronomiae, Vol. 57 (2016)
2013, 22. bis 23. September, Tübingen
Kolloquium: Der Himmel über Tübingen;
Barocksternwarten - Landesvermessung - Hochenergieastrophysik
Booklet of Abstracts
Proceedings: Nuncius Hamburgensis, Bd. 28 (2014)
2013, 9. März, Bonn
Gedenkkolloquium für Hilmar W. Duerbeck
Proceedings: Acta Historca Astronomiae, Vol. 64 (2018)
2012, 23. bis 24. September, Hamburg
Kolloquium: Kometen, Sterne, Galaxien - Astronomie in der Hamburger Sternwarte
Proceedings: Nuncius Hamburgensis, Bd. 24 (2014) und Bd. 29 (2013)
2010, 12. bis 13. September, Bonn
Kolloquium: Bonn und die Astronomische Gesellschaft
2010, March 06, Berlin
Kirch-Kolloquium (300. Todestag)
Proceedings: Acta Historica Astronomiae, Vol. 41
2009, September 21, Potsdam
Kolloquium: Geschichte der Astronomie und Astrophysik in Potsdam
Programm mit Abstracts
2009, May 09, Weil der Stadt
Kepler-Kolloquium in Verbindung mit der Kepler-Gesellschaft:
Kepler, Galilei, das Fernrohr und die Folgen
Proceedings: AcHA, Vol. 40
(hrsg. v. Karsten Gaulke und Jürgen Hamel)
2008, 12. bis 13. September, Wien
Sonderkolloquium um Rahmen der JENAM 2008: 400 Jahre Fernrohr - der Beitrag Europas
Proceedings: Astronomische Nachrichten Vol. 330, 2009, No. 6
2007, 23. bis 24. September, Würzburg
Kolloquium: Astronomie in neuen Wellenlängen - historische Studien
Proceedings: Nuncius Hamburgensis, Bd. 12; in Vorbereitung (2024)
2006, 29. September bis 1. Oktober, Wien
Kolloquium: Astronomie in Wien. 250 Jahre Eröffnung der Universitätssternwarte
Proceedings: Communications in Asteroseismology, Vol. 149 (2008)
Link zu den einzelnen Beiträgen
2005, 26. September, Köln
Kolloquium: Entwicklung der Astrophysik
Proceedings: Nuncius Hamburgensis, Bd. 4 (2011)
2005, 1. bis 3. April, Nürnberg
Fachtagung: Astronomie in Nürnberg
Proceedings: Nuncius Hamburgensis, Bd. 3 (2010)
2004, 20. September, Prag
Kolloquium: Astronomie in und um Prag
Proceedings: Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Mathemaica et Physica, Vol. 46 (2005), Supplementum
2003, 15. September, Freiburg/Br.
Kolloquium: Entwicklung der Sonnenforschung
Proceedings: Acta Historica Astronomiae, Vol. 25 (2005)
2002, September 27 and 28, Berlin
Kolloquium: Geschichte und Perspektiven der Astronomiegeschichtsschreibung
Summary in AN 324 (2003) Suppl. 2, S. 49-51
Report on the Meeting in: Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 26 (2003), S. 67f.
(in German)
2001, 29. September, Hamburg
Tagung im Rahmen der Jahrestagung der DGGMNT :
Anfänge, Kontinuität und Umbrüche in der Meteorologie, Meeresforschung, Astronomie und Meeresnutzung
Publikation: Historisch-Meereskundliches Jahrbuch (History of Oceanography Yearbook) - Schriftenreihe des Deutschen Meeresmuseums Stralsund (DMM) und der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Meeresforschung e.V. (DGM) Band 9 (2003).
2001, September 14 and 15, München
Spezielles Kolloquium im Rahmen der JENAM 2001:
Europäische Astronomie im 20. Jahrhundert
Abstracts in AG Abstract Series No. 18, 2001
Proceedings: Astronomische Nachrichten Vol. 323, 2002, No. 6
2000, September 18, Bremen/Lilienthal
Kolloquium: Internationale Beziehungen in der Astronomie
Abstracts in AG Abstract Series No. 17, 2000
Proceedings: Acta Historica Astronomiae, Vol. 14 (2002)
1999, September 20, Göttingen
Kolloquium: Geschichte und Funktion nicht-verbaler Repräsentationen in der astronomischen und astrophysikalischen Forschungspraxis
Abstracts: Abstracts in AG Abstract Series No. 15, 1999
Proceedings: Acta Historica Astronomiae, Vol. 9 (2000)
1998, September 14, Heidelberg
Kolloquium, Splinter Meeting Geschichte der Astronomie
Abstracts in AG Abstract Series No. 14, 1998
1998, May 11 to 15, Gotha
Meeting: International Spring Meeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft
Proceedings: Acta Historica Astronomiae, Vol. 3 (1998)
1997, 22. September, Innsbruck
Kolloquium: Splinter Meeting Geschichte der Astronomie
Abstracts in AG Abstract Series No. 13, 1997
1996, September 20 and 21, Tübingen
Kolloquium; Splinter Meeting Geschichte der Astronomie
Abstracts in AG Abstract Series No. 12, 1996
1995, September 18, Bonn
Splinter Meeting: Geschichte der Astronomie
Abstracts in AG Abstract Series No. 11, 1995
1995, 16. bis 17. September, Gotha
Meeting on occasion of the 200th anniversary of the birthday of Peter Andreas Hansen
Tagungsband: Sonderschriften der Akademie gemeinnütziger Wissenschaften zu Erfurt, Bd. 27, 1996
* 1994, September 29 and 30, Potsdam
Astronomie in Berlin und Potsdam
Abstracts in AG Abstract Series No. 10, 1994, pp. 84-88 , 248-249
* 1993, October 1, Bochum
Entwicklung der Astrophysik
Abstracts in AG Abstract Series No. 9, 1993, pp. 83-94 , 204-206
* 1992, 14. September , Jena
Astronomie in der Goethezeit
(foundation meeting)
Proceedings: Die Sterne Bd. 69, 1993, Heft 3
Summaries of the talks and posters have been published in in the series Nuncius Hamburgensis and in various publications of the German Astronomical Society (
Publikationen der Astronomischen Gesellschaft (i.e. Astronomische Gesellschaft Abstract Series, Supplementary Issues of the Astronomischen Nachrichten)).
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last update 2025-01-16 by H. Steinle