* *
* *
* Published by the Working Group for the History of Astronomy *
* in the Astronomische Gesellschaft *
* *
* Number 26, March 6, 1998 *
* *
* Edited by: Wolfgang R. Dick *
* *
1. Colloquium: Harmony of the Heavens
2. Exhibitions
3. Conferences 1998/99
4. New Books
Item 1 ENHA No. 26, March 6, 1998
Colloquium: Harmony of the Heavens
(From: "Elektronische Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte" Nr. 28,
6. Maerz 1998, Item 2.)
13th and 14th March 1998
The British Museum and the Warburg Institute, London
This interdisciplinary colloquium will consider the interaction of
astronomy and other disciplines, the crafts of mathematical practitioners,
music and art, and how this interaction contributed to changing perceptions
of the world. It will involve the discussion of both text-based and
object-based studies.
Friday 13 March 1998
9.30 Doors open: registration
Welcome by Robert Anderson
Chaired by Nicholas Mann
Rob van Gent
The unknown author of the 'Harmonia Macrosmica' (1600);
the life and career of the Dutch cosmographer Andreas Cellarius
10.45 Coffee
11.15 Benno van Dalen
Islamic astronomical tables and their transmission to Europe
and China
Silke Ackermann
Heaven and earth in harmony: calendars on scientific instruments
12.45 Lunch
Chaired by W.F. Ryan
David King
Sacred geography of Islam: from folk astronomy to Mecca-centred
world maps
Anthony Turner
Henrician heavens: clocks, instruments and alien craftsmen at
the court of Henry VIII
3.30 Tea
4.00 Koen Van Cleempoel
The Louvain school of instrument makers, 1540-1600
Gerard Turner
Humphrey Cole and Elizabethan instrument-making
5.30 Reception (Gallery 69a, with view of the Humphrey Cole exhibition)
7.00 Buffet supper (Warburg Institute, for invited guests)
Saturday 14 March 1998
9.45 Doors open: registration
Chaired by Silke Ackermann
Bruce Stephenson
Musica mundana in Kepler's astronomy
Penelope Gouk
Changing musical models: cosmic and human harmonies in
the Scientific Revolution
11.30 Coffee
11.45 John North
Holbein's The Ambassadors. Is time really out of joint?
Kristen Lippincott
Astronomy, astrology and the problem with pictures
1.15 Lunch
Chaired by Martin Kemp
Alison Morrison-Low
A heavenly library: early instruments in the Crawford Library
Liba Taub
Astrometeorology in antiquity: tradition and prediction
3.45 Tea
Guenther Oestmann
In the service of astrology: instruments belonging to
Count Heinrich Rantzau (1526-1598)
Final discussion
Full fee: GBP 20; students and unwaged: GBP 10 (proof required).
Lunch, Friday 13 March: GBP 10
Conference fee includes coffee, tea and biscuits on both days, entry to
reception and exhibition on Friday and lunch on Saturday. Lunch on Friday
13 March is by ticket only and must be booked by 1 March.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Title (Prof., Dr, Mr, Mrs, Ms):
Name (capital letters):
Institution (if applicable):
Home address:
daytime tel no:
I wish to attend the colloquium/*and the lunch
on Friday 13 March/ and enclose my cheque for GBP
made payable to "British Museum".
*delete as appropriate
Please return completed form and payment to:
Sovati Smith, Dept of Medieval and Later Antiquities,
The British Museum, London WC1B 3DG
tel. 0171 323 8626
fax 0171 323 8496
email MLA@British-museum.ac.uk
Item 2 ENHA No. 26, March 6, 1998
(From: "Elektronische Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte" Nr. 25,
16. Januar 1998, Item 5. Translations by Donald Bellunduno and the editor.)
On May 11, 1998, during the conference of the Astronomische Gesellschaft in
Gotha, two exhibits will be opened. In the Spiegelsaal [Mirror Hall] of
the Forschungs- und Landesbibliothek Gotha [Research and State Library
Gotha] in Schloss [Palace] Friedenstein, the exhibit "Gotha Astronomers"
will be on display approximately until the 31st of August. The biographies
of the most important astronomers and their work pertaining to the Gothaer
observatories will be on display both in manuscript and publication form.
The materials for the exhibit come from the library's collection. For
more information about the library and its collection of globes, please see
also ENHA 14, Item 2.)
Opening hours of the library: Monday 1-5 pm, Tuesday-Thursday 9 am - 5 pm,
Friday 10 am - 7 pm. With exception of lunch time (12 am - 1 pm) the
exhibit can be visited up until 4 pm. Entrance is free of charge.
For more information: Forschungs-und Landesbibliothek Gotha,
Postfach 30, 99851 Gotha, Germany, Phone: (03621) 3080-0,
Fax: (03621) 3080-38
"Sternstunden in Gotha" [Great Moments in Gotha] is the title of the second
exhibit in the Museum der Natur [Natural Museum] in Gotha which is devoted
to the history of the observatories. Observational instruments, as well as
original documents from the Thueringer Staatsarchiv [Thuringian State
Archives] in Gotha and from other institutions will be on display. The
exhibition focuses on the astrometric research carried out at Gotha.
Another item will be the first astronomical conference held at Gotha in
1798. The exhibit can be seen up until August 23.
For more information: Museum der Natur, Parkallee 15, Gotha, Germany,
Phone (03621) 8230-0.
Opening hours: Tuesday - Sunday 10 am -5 pm
At least up until the end of February 1998 the small exhibition
"Astronomische Instrumente - gestern und heute" [Astronomical instruments -
yesterday and today] will be on display in the Zeiss-Grossplanetarium in
Berlin. Historical instruments from the collection of the Archenhold
Observatory are among the items shown.
For more information: Zeiss-Grossplanetarium, Prenzlauer Allee 80,
D-10405 Berlin, Germany, Phone (030) 42 18 45 12
The Heimat- und Palitzsch-Museum [Local and Palitzsch Museum] in Dresden
celebrates its 10th anniversary on June 6, 1998.
For information: Heimat-und Palitzsch-Museum, Gamigstr. 24,
D-01239 Dresden, Germany, Tel. (0351) 2843030
"Poder y Tecnologa en el Siglo XVI: Lovaina como centro de difusion de los
instrumentos cientificos" [Power and Technology in the XVIth Century:
Louvain as the centre of diffusion of scientific instruments] was the title
of an exhibition at the Real Diputacion San Andres de Los Flamencos,
Fundacion Carlos de Amberes, Claudio Coello 99, 28006 Madrid, Spain, which
was open from November 25, 1997, to February 2, 1998. Several scientific
books, engravings and manuscripts formed the backdrop for about 60 Flemish
and Spanish scientific instruments from the 16th and the beginning of the
17th centuries. A catalogue is available in Spanish, possibly also in
Further information: Phone +34 (9) 1 4352201, Fax +34 (9) 1 5781092.
From April 16 to May 30, 1998 , the Staats- und
Universitaetsbibliothek Hamburg [State and University
Library in Hamburg] will house an exhibition displaying information and
events on the life of Johann Georg Repsold. The exhibition was formed by
Juergen Koch.
Inauguration: April 15, 5 pm.
Place: Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Hamburg, Von-Melle-Park 3,
20146 Hamburg, Germany, Phone (040) 4123-2233; for information, please
contact Frau Dr. Engelhorn, Phone 4123-5857.
Opening hours: Mo - Fr 9 am - 9 pm, Sa 10 am - 1 pm
From May 28 and up until October 1998 the special exhibition "The Art of
Mapmaking - of Globemaking - and of Instrument Making from the 16th to the
18th centuries", a choice of artifacts from the Mathematisch-Physikalischer
Salon, the State Library of Saxonia, Dresden, and the collections of Rudolf
Schmidt and Heide Wohlschlaeger, Vienna, will be on display at the
Mathematisch-Physikalischer Salon in Dresden.
Address: Staatlicher Mathematisch-Physikalischer Salon, Zwinger,
D-01067 Dresden, Germany, Phone: +49 (3 51) 4 95 13 64
Opening hours: Mon - Wed, Fri - Son: 9.30 am - 5.00 pm
Item 3 ENHA No. 26, March 6, 1998
Conferences 1998/99
(From: "Elektronische Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte" Nr. 26,
18. Februar 1998, Item 3. Partially translated by the editor.)
Further conferences in the years 1998 and 1999 were reported in previous
issues of ENHA. For a complete list of all conferences announced see the
following URL:
17-19 April 1998, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Midwest Junto for the History of Science
Contacts: Ed Layton, Chair of Local Arrangements, c/o Barbara Eastwold,
Program in History of Science and Technology,148 Tate Laboratory of
Physics, University of Minnesota, 116 Church Street SE, Minneapolis,
MN 55455, USA, E-mail: eastwold@physics.spa.umn.edu
URL: http://www.physics.umn.edu/groups/hsci/junto.html
17-21 May 1998, Grand Junction, Colorado, USA
The Seventy Fourth Annual Meeting of the Southwestern and Rocky Mountain
Division, American Association for the Advancement of Science
A scientific session "In Search of Extraterrestrial Life: Past, Present
and Future" will take place on Wednesday, May 20.
Contacts: Alexander A Gurshtein, E-mail: alex@MESA7.MESA.COLORADO.EDU
22-23 May 1998, Wittenberg, Germany
"Geodesy, Surveying und Belief". The influence of religion and
Reformation on education, science and technology. Working Meeting of the
Fachgruppe Geschichte des Vermessungswesens [Division for the History of
Surveying] in the Bildungswerk des Verbandes Deutscher
Vermessungsingenieure [Education Foundation of the Association of
German Surveying Engineers]
Informationen: Dipl.-Ing. Heinz Juergen Lagoda, Westfaelische Str. 30,
D-47169 Duisburg, Germany, Phone 0203/59 82 47
August 14-16, 1998, Paderborn, Germany
International Conference on the History of Computing (ICHC'98)
Contacts: Prof. Dr. Raul Rojas, ICHC'98, Freie Universitaet Berlin,
Takustr. 9, 14195 Berlin, Germany, Tel.: 49/30/83875100,
FAX: 49/30/83875109, E-mail: rojas@inf.fu-berlin.de
URL: http://www.inf.fu-berlin.de/~widiger/ICHC/
14 September 1998, Heidelberg, Germany
Splinter Meeting "History of Astronomy" in the framework of the Annual
Meeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft. The Annual Meeting of the AG
will be held in Heidelberg on occasion of the 100th anniversary of the
Landessternwarte [State Astronomical Observatory] Heidelberg-Koenigstuhl
(1898 to 1998).
Coordinator: Dr. Reinhold Bien, Astronomisches Rechen-Institut,
Moenchhofstr. 12-14, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany, Phone: (06221) 405-120,
Fax: (06221) 405-297, E-mail: reinhold@relay.ari.uni-heidelberg.de
URL: http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/aa/treffen1998.html
September 17-20, 1998, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Mephistos 1998: 17th Annual Graduate Student Meeting for the History,
Philosophy, and Sociology of Science, Technology, Medicine, and
related fields
Contacts: Mark Largent, Program in History of Science and Technology,
Tate Laboratory of Physics, 116 Church Street S.E., Minneapolis, MN 55455,
USA, Tel.: (612) 626-8722, Fax: (612) 624-4578,
E-mail: larg0007@tc.umn.edu
URL: http://home.att.net/~Olorin/mephistos/meph2.htm
28-29 September 1998, Stockerau, Austria
Annual Meeting of the Working Group for Sundials in the Austrian
Astronomical Society (Arbeitsgruppe Sonnenuhren im Oesterreichischen
Astronomischen Verein)
Information: Frau Dr. Ilse Fabian, Hietzinger Hauptstr. 152/2/8, A-1130
Vienna, Austria, Phone: 01 - 713 44 23/Kl. 29; Mag. Franz Vrabec,
Giessergasse 4/16, A-1090 Vienna, Austria, Phone: 01-408 40 98 (at
evenings only)
10 October 1998, Weida, Germany
Colloquium about Georg Samuel Doerffel
Information: Georg-Samuel-Doerffel-Gymnasium, Ernst-Thaelmann-Str. 23,
D-07570 Weida, Germany, Phone: (036603) 62272
15-17 January 1999, Vinius-Kaunas, Lithuania
19th Baltic Conference on the History of Science
Among the subjects: History of mathematics and astronomy
Language: English, other languages in special cases (in workshops if
motivated by the subject matter)
Deadline: May 1, 1998
Contacts: Prof. J.A. Krikstopaitis, Saltoniskiu 58, 2600 Vilnius,
Lithania, Fax: 370-2-751898, 370-2-749719, e-mail: lfsi@ktl.mii.lt
Item 4 ENHA No. 26, March 6, 1998
New Books
(From: "Elektronische Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte" Nr. 26,
18. Februar 1998, Items 4 and 5. Partial translations by the editor.)
Baiada, Enrica; Bonoli, Fabrizio; Braccesi, Alessandro: Museo della
Specola. Catalogo. Italiona - Inglese. Bologna: Bologna University
Press, 1995. Pp. 204, numerous illus., partly in colour,
ISBN 88-7794-073-5, Lire 40,000
[Catalogue of the museum of the Bologna Astronomical Observatory. With an
introduction on the history of astronomy in Bologna. All texts in Italian
and English.
Distribution: Editrice Compositori s.r.l., via Stalingrado 97/2,
I-40128 Bologna, tel. (0039) 51 327811, fax 327877. Credit cards are
Bialas, Volker: Vom Himmelsmythos zum Weltgesetz. Eine Kulturgeschichte
der Astronomie [From the celestial myth to the world law. A cultural
history of astronomy; in German] Wien: Ibera Verlag, 1998. ca. 600 pp.,
ISBN 3-900436-52-5, DM 75.00 (hb)
Brack-Bernsen, Lis: Zur Entstehung der babylonischen Mondtheorie :
Beobachtung und theoretische Berechnung von Mondphasen. [On the origin of
the Babylonian lunar theory : Observations and theoretical calculations
of lunar phases; in German] Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1997.
VIII, 142 pp., ISBN 3-515-07089-3, DM 48.00 (pb) (Boethius, vol. 40)
[Also: Frankfurt (Main), University, Habilitations-Schrift (Dissertation
for the Venia Legendi), 1997.]
Chapman, Allan: Astronomical instruments and their users. Aldershot:
Variorum, 1996. Pp. 332, 23 x 15 cm, ISBN 0-860-78584-X, GBP 52.50 (hb)
[Collection of previously published papers.]
Review: C.Jenkins: The Observatory 117 (1997) 1140, 318-319
Christianson, Gale E.: Edwin Hubble: Mariner of the Nebulae. Chicago: The
University of Chicago Press, 1996. Pp. 420, ISBN 0226105210, $ 18.95 (pb)
Christianson, Gale E.: Edwin Hubble: Mariner of the Nebulae. Bristol:
Institute of Physics Publishing, 1997. Pp. xi, 420, 24 x 16.5 cm, ISBN
0-7503-0423-5, GBP 19.50 (hb)
Review: I.Howard-Duff: J. Brit. Astron. Assoc. 107 (1997) 5, 288-289
Review: D.Stickland: The Observatory 117 (1997) 1140, 325-326
Cocks, E.E.; Cocks, J.C.: Who's who on the Moon. A biographical dictionary
of lunar nomenclature. Greensboro, NC (USA): Tudor Publishers, 1995.
Pp. ix, 600, ISBN 0-936389-27-3, US$ 45.00
[Biographical sketches, 1,586 entries. Appendix: Key lists, including the
women who have been honored, the countries of birth and the professions of
all the honorees; two lists of lunar features by size and by location;
maps of the Moon.]
Doering, Detlef: Der Briefwechsel zwischen Gottfried Kirch und Adam A.
Kochanski : 1680-1694. Ein Beitrag zur Astronomiegeschichte in Leipzig
und zu den deutsch-polnischen Wissenschaftsbeziehungen. [The
correspondence between Gottfried Kirch and Adam A. Kochanski : 1680-1694.
A contribution to the history of astronomy in Leipzig and the German/
Polish scientific relations; in German] Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1997.
94 pp., 3 illus., ISBN 3-05-003223-5, ca. DM 48.00 (pb)
(Abhandlungen der Saechsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig,
Philologisch-Historische Klasse, Bd. 74, H. 5)
Fischer, Daniel; Duerbeck, Hilmar W.: Hubble: A new window to the
Universe. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer-Verlag, 1996.
Pp. x, 175, ISBN 0-387-94672-1, DM 48.00
[Translation of: Hubble: Ein neues Fenster zum All (1995); contains also a
short history of telescopes in general and of the HST.]
Review: J.Rendtel: Sterne 72 (1996) 5, 306
Forbes, Eric G.; Murdin, Lesley; Willmoth, Frances (Eds.): The
correspondence of John Flamsteed, first Astronomer Royal. Vol. 2:
1682-1703. Bristol: Institute of Physics Publishing, 1997. Pp. xlvii,
1095, 25 x 19 cm, ISBN 0-750-30391-3, $ 280.00, GBP 140.00 (hb)
Review: D.W.Hughes: The Observatory 117 (1997) 1139, 234
Review: T.Mahoney: J. Brit. Astron. Assoc. 117 (1997) 4, 223
Grant, Edward: Planets, Stars, and Orbs. The Medieval Cosmos, 1200-1687.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996. xxiii, 816 pp., 16 x 30 cm;
ill., bibl., index, GBP 45.00/$ 69.95 (hb)
Review: R.C.Brooks: J. Roy. Astron. Soc. Can. 91 (1997) 5, 233-234
Hentschel, Klaus: The Einstein Tower : an intertexture of dynamic
construction, relativity theory, and astronomy. Translated by Ann M.
Hentschel. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1997.
Pp. xiv, 226, ill., bibliographical references (p. [191]-219), index,
ISBN 0-8047-2824-0, $ 45.00 (hb) (Writing science)
[Extended and revised English translation of "Der Einstein-Turm", 1992]
Hernschier, Wolfgang: Ich wollte, ich waere ein guter Schuhflicker: Das
unglueckliche Leben des bayerischen Astronomen Johann Nepomuck Fischer
(1749-1805). Eine dokumentarische Biographie. [I wished I was a good
cobbler. The unfortunate live of the Bavarian astronomer Johann Nepomuck
Fischer (1749-1805). A documentary biography; in German]
Bassum: Verlag f. Geschichte d. Naturwiss. u. d. Technik, 1997.
77, XXIII pp., ISBN 3-928186-34-5, DM 25.00 (pb)
Hoskin, Michael A. (Ed.): The Cambridge illustrated history of astronomy.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997. Pp. ix, 392, 26 x 21 cm,
ISBN 0-521-41158-0, GBP 24.95 (hb)
Review: A.J.Kinder: J. Brit. Astron. Assoc. 107 (1997) 2, 94-95
Review: P.D.Hingley: Astronomy and Geophysics 38 (1997) 1, 32
Review: R.Argyle: The Observatory 117 (1997) 1140, 323
Lankford, John; Slavings, Ricky L.: American astronomy : community,
careers, and power, 1859-1940. John Lankford ; with the assistance of
Ricky L. Slavings. Chicago, London: The University of Chicago Press,
1997. Pp. xxvi, 447, ill. ; 24 cm, ISBN 0-226-46886-0, $ 65.00 (hb)
Lorenz, Martina (Ed.): Im Turm, im Kabinett, im Labor. Streifzuege durch
die Regensburger Wissenschaftsgeschichte. [In the tower, in the chamber,
in the laboratory. Excursions through the history of sciences at
Regensburg.] With contributions by Michaelo Haberkorn, Martin Kirschke,
Michael Klein, Martina Lorenz, Petra Schachtner, Markus Tanne, Willi
Unglaub, Sandra Wilde und Klaus Zeitler. Regensburg: Universitaetsverlag
Regensburg, 1995. 183 pp., ISBN 3-930480-60-3, DM 19.80 (pb)
[Contains also several remarks on the history of astronomy, as well as
a chapter on "Johannes Kepler in Regensburg".]
Luminet, Jean-Pierre (Ed.): Alexandre Friedmann, Georges Lemaitre :
"Essais de Cosmologie". Preceded by Jean-Pierre Luminet : "L'invention du
Big Bang". Paris: Ed. du Seuil, 1997. Pp. 320, ISBN 2-02-023284-7,
169 French Francs
[Presentation, translation and comments on "The universe as space and
time" by A. Friedmann (1923), Friedmann's cosmological articles (1922,
1924), cosmological papers by Georges Lemaitre (1927, 1931, 1946), various
letters and historical material. General introduction by J.-P. Luminet.
In French.]
Mett, Rudolf: Regiomontanus. Wegbereiter des neuen Weltbildes.
[Regiomontanus. Pioneer of the new world view; in German] Stuttgart,
Leipzig: B.G.Teubner Verlagsgesellschaft, 1996. 204 pp., 38 illus., ISBN
3-8154-2510-7, DM 24.80 (pb) (Series: Einblicke in die Wissenschaft :
[also: Zuerich: vdf, Hochschulverlag an der ETH. ISBN 3-7281-2311-0]
Review: H.-J.Felber: Astron. Nachr. 318 (1997) 3, 172
North, John D.: Viewegs Geschichte der Astronomie und Kosmologie.
Braunschweig, Wiesbaden: Friedrich Vieweg & Sohn Verlagsgesellschaft,
1997. XIII, 463 pp., ISBN 3-528-06644-X, DM 78.00 (hb)
[German translation of: "Fontana history of astronomy and cosmology", 1994]
Review: T.Buehrke: Physik in unserer Zeit 28 (1997) 5, VIII-IX
Schaldach, Karlheinz: Roemische Sonnenuhren. Eine Einfuehrung in die antike
Gnomonik. Geschichte und Vielfalt der roemischen Sonnenuhren. [Roman
sundials. An introduction into ancient gnomonics. History and variety of
Roman sundials; in German] Frankfurt am Main: Verlag Harri Deutsch, 1997.
123 pp., 66 illus., tables, ISBN 3-8171-1537-7, DM 29.80 (pb)
[This books gives an insight into the history and variety of the types of
Roman sundials, as well as into the scientific foundations needed for an
assessment of a Roman sundial. The possibilities and limits of a
mathematical analyses are demonstrated with the help of selected examples.]
Schroeder, Wilfried; Treder, Hans-Juergen (Ed.): Theoretical meteorology,
weather prediction, cosmology, and general applications. Selected
scientific papers by Hans Ertel. Bremen-Roennebeck, 1995. Pp. 156
(Newsletter of the Interdivisional commission on history of IAGA, No. 29)
[p. 108-129: H.-J. Treder, W. Schroeder: Hans Ertel und die Kosmologie.
p. 130-154: H. Ertel's publications in astronomy. All these publications
are in German.]
Taton, Rene; Wilson, Curtis (Eds.): Planetary astronomy from the
Renaissance to the rise of astrophysics. Part B: The eighteenth and
nineteenth centuries. Cambridge, New York, Melbourne: Cambridge
University Press, 1995. Pp. xiii, 281, ISBN 0-521-35168-5, GBP 45.00,
US$ 69.95 (hb) (The General History of Astronomy, Vol. 2B)
Review: S.J.Dick: Sky & Telescope 92 (1996) 2, 54-55
Review: M.Connors: J. Roy. Astron. Soc. Can. 90 (1996) 5/6, 365-366
Thurston, Hugh: Early astronomy. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1996.
Pp. X, 268, 23.5 x 15.5 cm, ISBN 0-387-94822-8, DM 48.00, GBP 22.50 (pb)
[Paperback edition; first published in 1994.]
Review: A.F.Aveni: The Observatory 117 (1997) 1139, 244-245
Zenkert, Arnold: Bruno Hans Buergel (1875-1948). Ein Lebensbild. [A
biography; in German] Velten: Reinhardt Becker Verlag, 1996.
VIII, 221 pp., ISBN 3-89597-267-3, DM 25.00 (pb)
Review: M.Iven: PUTZ. Die Potsdamer Universitaetszeitung (1996) 5, 26
Review: M.Iven: Sterne 72 (1996) 5, 304-305
Zenkert, Arnold: Zaehl die heitren Stunden nur: Sinnsprueche auf
Sonnenuhren. [Count the bright hours only: aphorisms on sundials;
in Latin/German] Illus. by Rudolf Peschel. 4th ed. Berlin: Eulenspiegel
- Das Neue Berlin, 1996. 96 pp., ISBN 3-359-00317-9, DM 14.80 (hb)
For information we thank all authors and in addition:
Silke Ackermann (London, UK), Volker Bialas (Munich, Germany), Juergen
Blunck (Berlin, Germany), Lis Brack-Bernsen (Regensburg, Germany), Peter
Brosche (Daun, Germany), Fabrizio Bonoli (Bologna, Italy), Detlef Doering
(Leipzig, Germany), Hilmar W. Duerbueck (Muenster, Germany), Heino Eelsalu
(Tartu, Estonia), Mrs. Engelhorn (Hamburg, Germany), Klaus Hentschel
(Goettingen, Germany), Klaus-Dieter Herbst (Jena, Germany), Cornelia Hopf
(Gotha, Germany), Juergen Koch (Hamburg, Germany), Siegfried Koge (Dresden,
Germany), Heinz Juergen Lagoda (Duisburg, Germany), Jean-Pierre Luminet
(Meudon, France), Guenther Oestmann (Hamburg, Germany), Elvira Pfitzner
(Chemnitz, Germany), Karin Reich (Hamburg, Germany), Klaus Schillinger
(Dresden, Germany), Oliver Schwarz (Gotha, Germany), Karl Schwarzinger
(Sistrans, Austria), Museum der Natur Gotha.
Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy (ENHA)
Published by the Working Group for the History of Astronomy in the
Astronomische Gesellschaft
Editor: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick
All items without an author's name are editorial contributions.
Articles as well as information for the several sections are appreciated.
Subscription for ENHA is free. Readers and subscribers are asked for
occasional voluntary donations to the working group.
Copyright Statement:
The Electronic Newsletters for the History of Astronomy may be freely
re-distributed in the case that no charge is imposed. Public offer in
WWW servers, BBS etc. is allowed after the editor has been informed.
Non-commercial reproduction of single items in electronic or printed media
is possible only with the editor's permission.
Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte / Working Group for the History of
URL: http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/aa/aa.html
Chairman: Prof. Dr. Peter Brosche, Observatorium Hoher List der
Sternwarte der Universitaet Bonn, D-54550 Daun, Germany,
Tel.: (++6592) 2150, Fax: (++6592) 985140
Secretary: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick, Bundesamt fuer Kartographie und
Geodaesie, Aussenstelle Potsdam, Postfach 60 08 08, D-14408 Potsdam,
Germany, Tel.: (++331) 316 618, E-mail: wdi@potsdam.ifag.de
Bank Acct. of the Working Group of the Astronomische Gesellschaft:
Acct # 333 410 41, Sparkasse Bochum (BLZ 430 500 01)
Contributions from foreign countries: acct # 162 18-203, Postgiroamt
Hamburg, BLZ 200 400 20
Please sign with: "Fuer Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte"