AG News
The Square Kilometre Array Observatory (SKAO) is born
Launch of international Observatory signals new era for radio astronomy.
Statement on Satellite Constellations
The German Astronomical Society (AG), the German association of amateur astronomers (VdS) and the Society of German-Speaking Planetariums (GDP) comment on the rapid increase in the number of satellites in the night sky. Artificial satellites have significant impact on the perception of the natural starry sky and the exploration of our universe.
German Astronomical Society welcomes new president and board members
At the virtual annual meeting of the German Astronomical Society (AG) 2020, the general assembly elected its former vice president Prof. Dr. Michael Kramer as its new president and Prof. Dr. Stefanie Walch-Gassner as its new vice president. Prof. Dr. Jörn Wilms completes the new board as counsellor.
Nobel Prize for Black Hole Research
The Astronomical Society congratulates its member Reinhard Genzel together with Roger Penrose and Andrea Ghez on the Nobel Prize for Physics 2020.
Ludwig Biermann Award 2020
Paola Pinilla is being honoured with the 2020 Ludwig Biermann Award for her contributions to the understanding of the evolution of small solid particles in gas disks around young stars.
Karl Schwarzschild Medal 2020
The most prestigious prize in Germany in the field of astronomy and astrophysics, the Karl Schwarzschild Medal, is awarded to Friedrich-Karl Thielemann in honour of his research on the boundary of nuclear physics and astrophysics.
Doctoral Thesis Prize 2020
Anna-Christina Eilers is awarded the 2020 Doctoral Thesis Prize for her studies on quasars in the early Universe and the dynamics of the Milky Way.
Astrophysical Software Award 2020
Til Birnstiel received the 2020 Astrophysical Software Award for the software he developed for modelling the temporal and spatial evolution of dust in protoplanetary disks.
Awards 2020
The award winners 2020 will be presented at the virtual conference of the AG in September.
Reimar Lüst (1923 - 2020)
The German Astronomical Society mourns the loss of its honorary member Reimar Lüst.