Junge AG invites to summer school

Summer school of the Junge AG from June 2nd till June 4th, 2025 at the AIP

Through the jAG schools the AG aims to support the next generation of young astronomers in Germany. In the 2025 the fifth edition of the jAG school, the fourth jAG summer school, will be hosted by the AIP in Potsdam. For three days the participants will have the opportunity to meet fellow scientists and discuss ideas. "We are very happy to host this years jAG summer school here at AIP, which will be the first expended edition of this format.", says Janine Fohlmeister, Press Officer of the AG and head of the press and outreach department of AIP.

"Through the expansion of the summer school to three days and by inviting more science and job talks, as well as offering a dedicated workshop on Bayesian methods, we are able to address the wants of the community and make the school even more attractive than ever before ", explains Sabina Bahic, co-chair of the organizing committee. The program of the school will include a workshop on Bayesian methods, held by Johannes Buchner (MPE, Garching), invited Science highlight talks, as well as contributed talks and poster by the participants during the jAG Kolloquium. Job talks will be a central part of the program, with contributions by OHB, DLR and Stiftung Planetarium Berlin. "Potsdam has a rich history in astronomical research,", explains Steven Hämmerich, co-chair of the organizing committee, "therefore, it is only appropriate to include excursions to important places in Potsdam into the program.".

There is no registration fee. Up to roughly 30 Students, PhD students and early postdocs in astrophysics are invited. For this purpose, the AG can reimburse up to 80% of  the costs for up to 30 young AG members in justified cases. This includes travel by train and local transport as well as accommodation, taking into account economic viability.

If there are still places available, registrations are still possible. For registration and details please visit the dedicated jAG summer school 2025 website.