Annual Meeting 2022

The next annual meeting of the German Astronomical Society is scheduled for September 12-16 in Bremen, Germany, under the theme "Astrophysics from Ground to Space."

After two annual meetings of our society, which due to the pandemic were conducted as purely virtual events, we are pleased to announce that this meeting, hosted by the University of Bremen, will be an in-person event.

The location Bremen and its Center of Applied Space Technology and Microgravity (ZARM) at the University of Bremen is dedicated to basic research and the development of technologies for space missions and microgravity experiments. With the Bremen Drop Tower, ZARM operates a research laboratory for short-term experiments under high-quality microgravity conditions that is the only laboratory of this kind in Europe. There will be an opportunity to tour the facility as part of the meeting.

The program and further information about the AG meeting 2022 is published on the meeting website: