Star Formation Across Cosmic Time

Annual Meeting of the German Astronomical Society in Cologne, September 9-13, 2024

We are pleased to announce the Annual Meeting of the German Astronomical Society, set to take place from September 9-13, 2024, at the University of Cologne.

Our topic this year is "Star Formation Across Cosmic Time”. Star formation shapes the structure and evolution of galaxies across cosmic time. The birth of stars not only represents a key aspect of the life cycle of cosmic structures but also influences the overall composition, dynamics, and radiative properties of galaxies. Observational advancements, coupled with theoretical models and simulations, have provided a wealth of information on star formation processes across various cosmic epochs. The Annual Meeting of the German Astronomical Society 2024 aims to bring together researchers from diverse backgrounds to present and discuss the latest findings, methodologies, and challenges in the study of star formation across cosmic time.

Key highlights of the meeting are:

  • Plenary Sessions and award ceremony: Keynote speakers will give invited review talks and AG prize winners will provide insights on their scientific work. On Wednesday afternoon, we will discuss the Status and Perspectives of German Astronomy “Denkschrift der Astronomie in Deutschland”.
  • Scientific Presentations: A rich program of 16 splinter meetings and a combined poster session.
  • Networking Opportunities: Events designed to foster collaboration and the exchange of ideas among participants. In particular, we welcome young astronomers and we will have a networking event for all women in astronomy. The AG Member’s Assembly will take place on Tuesday afternoon. We also encourage all participants to join the reception and poster session on Monday afternoon, which is included in the conference fee, as well as the conference dinner on Wednesday evening.
  • Public Outreach Lecture: In collaboration with the Volkssternwarte Köln, we will feature a public talk (in German) on Thursday evening.

Further information on the conference and registration can be found at:
