Internationales Frühjahrstreffen der Astronomische Gesellschaft, 11. - 15. Mai 1998, Gotha, Deutschland

International Spring Meeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft

Gotha (Germany), May 11 - 15, 1998

The conference took place in commemoration of the first astronomical congress held in 1798 at the Seeberg observatory. Therefore history of astronomy was one of two special fields of the meeting, with a natural focus on the 18th and 19th centuries. The other field was modern astrometry.

The meeting was organized by the Astronomische Gesellschaft, its Working Group for the History of Astronomy, and the Verein »Historische Sternwarten Gotha e.V.«.

About 93 participants from 14 countries took part in this conference. The language was the »lingua franca« of our times, English. Especially characteristic quotations in French and German could be presented in the original version as well. There were invited lectures as well as short oral/poster contributions.

Scientific Organizing Committee:

Peter Brosche (Daun/Bonn), Wolfgang R. Dick (Potsdam), Roland Wielen (Heidelberg)

Chairman of the Local Organizing Committee:

Oliver Schwarz, Uthmannstr. 8, D-99867 Gotha, Germany, e-mail:

Announcement of the meeting:
Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy (ENHA) 24 (English)
Elektronische Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte (EMA) 24 (deutsch)


Proceedings (with abstracts)