Members of the AG are professional astronomers and astrophysicists as well as astronomy enthusiasts. These include teachers, amateur astronomers and all those interested in the history of astronomy.
Members of the AG have the right to vote in the General Assembly. They receive AG publications and updates and have access to all internal networking platforms and working groups. New members are accepted by the Executive Committee, based on a written application supported by two current AG members who act as guarantors. The two guarantors sign to endorse the written application. Details are laid down in paragraphs 5 and 6 of the AG’s statutes.
The annual membership fee is currently €75. Members of the German Physical Society (DPG) or the German Geographical Society (DGG) are charged a reduced fee of €60. Upon request, this fee can be further reduced to €50 per year for retirees and €30 for students and low income earners. Members of the AG can become a member of the European Astronomical Society (EAS) free of charge. For new AG members who also belong to the EAS, the EAS annual fees no longer apply.
The AG currently has around 800 members. To mark the 150th anniversary of the German Astronomical Society, a complete list of all members of the AG was compiled and published in 2013 by Reinhard E. Schielicke (in German): »Wer zählt die Völker – nennt die Namen ...« Die Astronomische Gesellschaft und ihre Mitglieder 1863 bis 2013. Astronomische Gesellschaft, Hamburg 2013. This book can be obtained by contacting the secretary of the AG.