EMA 20

*                                                                         *
*                                                                         *
*          Herausgegeben vom Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte            *
*                  in der Astronomischen Gesellschaft                     *
*                                                                         *
*                        Nr. 20,  27. Maerz 1997                          *
*                                                                         *
*         Redaktion: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick            *
*                                                                         *


1. History of Astronomy at the XXIIIrd General Assembly
   of the International Astronomical Union

2. The 6th SEAC Conference, Gdansk 1997: First Circular

3. Annual Meeting of the North American Sundial Society: Announcement

4. Ausstellungen

5. Tagungen 1997/98


Item 1                                           EMA Nr. 20, 27. Maerz 1997

History of Astronomy at the XXIIIrd General Assembly
of the International Astronomical Union

Date and place: August 18-30, 1997, Kyoto International Conference Hall
(KICH), Takaraga-ike, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606, Japan

JD = Joint Discussion


Among Co-Supporting Commissions: 41 (History of Astronomy)

Contact Address: Dr. Edward F. Guinan, Dept. of Astronomy and
Astrophysics, Villanova University, Villanova, PA 19085, USA, Phone: 1 610
519 4823, Fax: 1 610 519 6132 (University) & 1 610 325 9788 (Home),
E-mail: guinan@ucis.vill.edu, and Robert Koch, e-mail:

From the preliminary programme: 

Friday August 22 afternoon

Part I - Stellar Evolution - Observation, Theory, and History

Stellar Evolution from Historical Data: J. Hearnshaw (New Zealand)
The Problem of "Red" Sirius- Evolutionary or Spurious? K. Brecher (USA)
and other papers

Because of the the severe time limitations of this JD, some important
topics could not be included. To help alleviate this problem and to
broaden the scope of the JD, there will be a poster session connected with
this meeting. Papers are invited on topics that relate to the theme of
observational and theoretical aspects of stellar evolution that can be
discerned from the scrutiny of historical data as well as telescopic
observations made over the last 200 yrs. In particular papers on historic
supernovae and novae, the problem of the "Red Sirius", Eta Carinae, P
Cygni, and related topics, as well as solar variability will be especially
welcome. An appreciation of the poster papers will made during the oral


Supporting Commission: 41 (History of Astronomy): a joint commission of
Co-Supporting Commission:  46 (Astronomy Education)

SOC: S. M. R. Ansari (Chairperson, India), S. Debarbat (France), S. J.
Dick (USA, Co-Chairperson), B. Hidayat (Indonesia), O. Gingerich (USA), Y.
Maeyama (Germany), Il-S. Nha (Korea), D. Pingree (USA), Y. Sobouti (Iran)
& Xi Zezong (China)

Contact addresses: Prof. S. M. R. Ansari, c/o Physics Dept. Aligarh Muslim
University, Aligarh 202002, India, Phone: 91 571 40 1952 (res.), Fax: 91
571 40 0105, 40 0848 or 40 0466, Telex: 564 230 AMU IN
Dr. S. J. Dick, US Naval Observatory, Washington, DC 20392-5420, USA,
Phone: 1 202 762 1438, Fax: 1 202 762 1461, E-mail:

Preliminary programme:

Monday August 25 morning: Sessions I & II

Oriental Astronomy during the Ancient and Medieval Period

Development of Astronomy in Ancient China: Y. Maeyama (Germany)
Islamic Astronomy in in China: B. van Dahlen (Netherlands/Japan)/
An Arabic commentary on al-Tusi's
Tadhkirah and its Sanscrit translation: T. Kusuba (Japan)
Assimilation of observational instruments       
of Islamic Astronomy in Indian Astronomy: V.N. Sharma (USA)
Ancient Indian Astronomy in China: J. Xiao-Yuan (China)
Korean Star Maps of the 18th Century: Il-S. Nha (Korea)
Eclipse records in early Korean History: F.R. Stephenson (UK)
The Samguk Sagi and Koryo-sa Knowledge of Starry Sky
and agricultural activities in Indonesia:
A review: B. Hidayat (Indonesia)
The Projection Method of the Star Map
in the Song Dinasty: K. Miyajima (Japan)

Monday August 25 afternoon: Session III

Oriental Astronomy during the Ancient and Medieval Period (Cntd)

Astronomical development in the Orient 
down to the 12th-13th centuries: Kwan-Yu Chen (USA)
On the Vedanga Astronomy: Y. Ohashi (Japan)
Spherical trigonometry in the Astronomy 
of Medieval Kerala School: K. Plofker (USA)
The solar altitude below horizon at dusk and 
dawn according to Ancient Chinese
astronomical records: W. Shou-Xian (China)
Burmese Star maps: M. Nishiyama (Japan)

Session IV: Modern Astronomy in the Orient

The Drkpaksasarani: A Sanskrit version
of de la Hire's Tabulae Astronomicae D. Pingree (USA)
Modern Astronomy in Indo-Persian sources: S.M.R. Ansari (India)
Takamine and Saha: Contacts with western Astrophysics: D.H. DeVorkin (USA)
East Asian historical records and modern Astronomy: Xi Zezong (China)
Astronomy education in the East: S. Isobe (Japan)

Tuesday, August 26, 9:00-10:30: Session I

Keplers's Laws in China: K. Hashimoto (Japan)
Possible identification of some periodic comets       
before AD 1760: Zh. Weifeng (China)
Contemporary Astronomy in Iran: A status report: Y. Sobouti (Iran)
Changing historical trends in Astronomy education
in Australia and New Zealand: W. Orchiston (New Zealand)
History of Oriental Astronomy: An overview: S. Nakayama (Japan)


Among Co-Supporting Commissions: 41 (History of Astronomy)

Contact Address: Dr. A. H. Batten, Dominion Astrophysical Observatory,
5071, W. Saanich Rd, Victoria, B.C., Canada V8X 4M6, Phone: 1 250 363
0009, Fax: 1 250 363 0045, E-mail: batten@dao.nrc.ca


Among Co-Supporting Commissions: 41 (History of Astronomy)

Contact address: Prof I.P.Williams, Astronomy Unit, Queen Mary & Westfield
College, Mile End Rd, London E1 4NS, UK, Phone: 44 171 975 5452, Fax: 44
181 981 9587, E-mail: I.P.Williams@qmw.ac.uk

From the preliminary programme: 

Wednesday August 27 morning

History of the Leonid Meteor Storms

Early observations of the Leonids     
and other storms in east Asia:  I. Hasegawa (Japan)
Observations of the Leonids over the last millennium: S. Dick (USA)
Comet 55P/Tempel-Tuttle: its orbit and history: D.K. Yeomans (USA)
The Leonids and the comet history and theory: I.P. Williams (USA)

For inquiries concerning the XXIIIrd General Assembly in general and the
Scientific Programme, please contact:
Prof. Immo Appenzeller, General Secretary, International Astronomical
Union (IAU), 98 bis, bd Arago, F 75014 Paris, France, 
Phone: 33 1 43 25 8358, Fax: 33 1 43 25 2616, E-mail: iau@iap.fr

For all inquiries concerning registration and local arrangements in Kyoto
except hotel/tour reservations, please contact:
Prof. T. Fukushima, Chair, Local Organizing Committee, the XXIIIrd General
Assembly of the IAU, National Astronomical Observatory, 2-21-1, Ohsawa,
Mitaka, Tokyo 181, Japan, Phone: 81 422 34 3027, Fax: 81 422 34 3027,
E-mail: iau97@tenmon.or.jp
The URL of the LOC WWW page is: http://www.tenmon.or.jp/iau97/

For all inquiries concerning hotel/tour reservations in Kyoto, please
Japan Travel Bureau, Inc., International Travel Division, Convention
Center (CD100993-543), 5-5-2, Kiba, Koto-ku, Tokyo135, Japan,
Phone: 81 3 5620 9429, Fax: 81 3 5620 9499,
E-mail: jtbiau@mxd.meshnet.or.jp

Source (and more information): IAU Information Bulletins No. 78 and 79
URLs: http://www.lsw.uni-heidelberg.de/iau/IB78.html

Item 2                                           EMA Nr. 20, 27. Maerz 1997

The 6th SEAC Conference, Gdansk 1997: First Circular

	     Societe Europeenne pour l'Astronomie dans la Culture
		  European Society for Astronomy in Culture
	   (Tuesday the 2nd to Saturday the 6th of September, 1997)
				First Circular

The Organizing Committee:

Honorary President: M. Andrzej Zbierski, Director of the Central
	Maritime Museum, Gdansk
President: Dr. Mariusz Ziolkowski, Warsaw University
	Mgr. Marek Wysoczynski, Central Maritime Museum, Gdansk
	Dr. Arnold Lebeuf, Jagiellonian University, Krakow
	Arkadiusz Soltysiak, Warsaw University
Members of the Organizing Committee:
	Dr. Elzbieta Siarkiewicz, Warsaw University
	Dr. Stanislaw Iwaniszewski, State Museum of Archaeology, Warsaw
	Mgr Robert M. Sadowski


*       Dr. Arnold Lebeuf, SEAC Conference, Department of the Historical
	Anthropology, Warsaw University, Krakowskie Przedmiescie 26/28,
	Warsaw, Poland
	Fax: (48-22) 826-90-30, (48-22) 826-75-20
*       Dr. Marek Wysoczynski, SEAC Conference, Central Maritime
	Museum, ul. Szeroka 67/68, 80-835 Gdansk, Poland
	Fax: (48-58) 31-84-53
*       Dr. Mariusz Ziolkowski, phone (48-22) 620-03-81 ext. 129
*       Arkadiusz Soltysiak

	Dear Colleagues,

Over the past two decades we, the Europeans, as well as their guests from
other continents had had many opportunities, apart from the Oxford
International Conferences, to meet together to present results of their
work and discuss them in numerous cities and countries, originally solely
on the private and independent initiatives of various organizers. Let us
recall here at least a few of those events:
*  1988: The First National Symposium on Archaeoastronomy, Academy
	 of Sciences, Tolbukhin, Bulgaria
*  1989: Archeologia e Astronomia, Institute of Archaeology and Oriental
	 Studies, University of Venice and Astronomical Observatory in
	 Padova, Italy
*  1990: Current Problems and Future of Archaeoastronomy, State
	 Archaeological Museum and Department of the Historical
	 Anthropology, Warsaw, Poland
*  1991: Archaeoastronomy, Lorand Eotvos Astronomical Observatory,
	 Budapest and King Stephan Museum, Szekesfehervar, Hungary
*  1992: Time and Astronomy at the Meeting of Two Worlds (conference
	 on the 500th anniversary of the "discovery" of America), Warsaw
	 University and Town of Frombork, Poland
*  1994: The Inspiration of Astronomical Phaenomena, The Vatican
	 Astronomical Observatory, Castel Gandolfo, Italy
*  1994: Archeologia e Astronomia, Academia dei Lincei, Rome, Italy
*  1996: Problems of Archaeoastronomy, Academy of Sciences, Moscow,
However, Prof. Carlos Jaschek who, having already since 1986
established succesfully the regular conferences being held at Strasbourg
Observatory under name of Astronomie et Sciences Humaines, had put
forward many years ago the idea to bring into life an association which
would be able to unite all the hitherto dispersed efforts in order to
preserve records of our past achievements as well as to facilitate current
exchange of thoughts and regular publication of the works of all our
colleagues. For this purpous, he called at Strasbourg for an enlarged
meeting in 1992 where were established the basis of SEAC. That is why,
although it was not until during the next meeting in Bulgaria in 1993
when the said association became officially constituted under the french
name of  Societe Europeenne pour l'Astronomie dans la Culture (SEAC)
with the votes of its founding members, we shall justly consider Prof. C.
Jaschek as the founder of our society and the meeting  of 1992 at
Strasbourg as the 1st SEAC Conference.
It was our intention to hold conferences each year in different country,
alternatively in the West or in the East, to facilitate contacts between
scholars of the both parts of the continent, so long separated.
*  1992: Astronomie et Sciences Humaine, the 1st founder's SEAC
	 conference, Strasbourg Observatory and the European Science
	 Foundation, Strasbourg, France
*  1993: Astronomical Traditions in Past Cultures, the 2nd SEAC
	 conference, Smolyan Astronomical Observatory, Smolyan, Bulgaria
*  1994: SEAC `94, Astronomy and Culture, the 3rd SEAC conference,
	 Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany
*  1995: SEAC `95, the 4th SEAC conference, Sibiu University, Sibiu,
*  1996: SEAC `96, the 5th SEAC conference, Salamanca University,
	 Salamanca, Spain
*  1997: SEAC `97, the 6th SEAC conference is to be held in Gdansk,
	 Poland on initiative of Dr. Mariusz Ziolkowski of the Department
         of Historical Anthropology, Warsaw University and the Central
	 Maritime Museum in Gdansk

    We invite you to take part in that meeting and present the most recent
results of your work in that area. Due to the location and time of our
conference (Gdadsk, the great harbour on the Baltic Sea, will celebrate in
1997 a millenium anniversary of its foundation and of the martyrdom of
St. Adalbertus, the baptist of that land), we believe it only right to 
focus its scope on the three principal subjects:
	*       the stars and the sea
	*       the celestial maps from antiquity to Johan Hevelius
	*       medieval astronomy
Of course, the papers on other subjects referring to the astronomy in
culture will also be accepted and located separately in the special session.
As in all previous cases, the conference proceedings will be published.
The conference will be held in english and french.
*  the deadline for applications is March 31, 1997
*  the confirmations will be mailed back together with a provisional
   invitation, necessary for the candidates in their applying for grants or
   other sources of financing
*  the final approval will be decided upon by the Organizing Committee
   and communicated to all the concerned before April 15
*  the approval shall not come into effect until reception of the inscription
   fee (25 Ecus or equivalent) which should reach us before May 15, the
   final date to confirm the hotel reservations.

		  The 6th SEAC Conference, Gdansk, Poland
			     Application Form

Full name:

Professional affiliation:

Exact current address, phone, fax, email:

Tentative title (together with a short abstract on the separate sheet, if

Taking into account the expected high level of activities in Gdadsk in the
year of its celebration we have managed to book only 50 places in the
hotel, so please let us know your choice as soon as possible.
Accommodations will be provided by MIRAMAR, a three stars class hotel.
*       Single room: 22 Ecus
*       Double room: 26 Ecus
*       Double with bathroom: 34 Ecus

Item 3                                           EMA Nr. 20, 27. Maerz 1997

Annual Meeting of the North American Sundial Society: Announcement

Call for Papers

The North American Sundial Society will hold its annual meeting on 11-14
September 1997 in Chicago. Highlights will include visits to the Adler
Planetarium and Astronomy Museum (Chicago) and the Time Museum (Rockford)
in order to inspect their early time-finding instruments. A tour of
modern sundials in the Chicagoland area is also planned. The program
committee invites papers on all aspects of dialling, including the
history, culture, design, fabrication, and science of sundials. Exhibits
and short show-and-tell demonstrations are also welcome. Abstracts (up to
500 words) must be submitted by June 1st. For details, please contact:
Sara Schechner Genuth, National Museum of American History, Room 1040, MRC
605, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20560; fax (202) 786-2851;
internet sgenuth@sil.si.edu.

The North American Sundial Society was established in 1994 and publishes a
quarterly journal, "The Compendium," in both print and digital formats.
The first two annual meetings were held in Washington, D.C. and Toronto.
Membership is international and currently stands at close to 400. For
more information about NASS and membership, please contact: George
McDowell, 24 Indian Lane, One West, Baltimore, MD 21210; telephone (410)
528-1282 and (410) 435-8306; internet 104076.1373@compuserve.com.

Item 4                                           EMA Nr. 20, 27. Maerz 1997


Till 26 March 1997 the Museum of the History of Science at Oxford, UK,
displayed the exhibition "The Noble Dane: Images of Tycho Brahe". It was
centred on an historical genre painting from the mid-nineteenth century,
recently restored, but moved on to consider the image of Tycho in a
variety of forms and senses.
An on-line Web version is still availabe at http://www.mhs.ox.ac.uk/tycho/

The celebration of the Three Galileos will continue through June 15, 1997,
with an exhibition, "Voyage to the Cosmos", in Padua, Italy. The
exhibition is housed in the 13th century Palazzo del Raggion, a medieval
hall with walls covered by an astrological cycle painted in the 15th
century. The show covers our astronomical conquests from the first
telescopic observations by Galileo Galilei, to the technological wonders
of the TNG and other modern telescopes, up to the last astounding feats of
space exploration with spacecraft and probes. Informatics and virtual
reality also have a major role in the exhibition, as well as real-time
connections with astronomical sites for remote conferences. Highlights of
the exhibition include a replica of Galileo's telescope, a 1/10th scale
model of the Galileo spacecraft and a book of Galileo's results, printed
in 1630.
Additional information in Italian about the exhibition is available at

An exhibition based on the pioneering voyage of Captain Cook in the
Endeavour opens at the Queen's House in the grounds of the National
Maritime Museum, Greenwich (London, UK) at Easter 1997. The exhibition -
"Captain Cook and the Endeavour" (24 March to 21 September 1997) - is a
blend of original artefacts used by Cook on his first voyage of discovery
and stunning paintings of newly discovered lands by British artist and
draughtsman, William Hodges. - In July 1768, Cook set sail in Endeavour to
observe the Transit of Venus on Tahiti, but also with secret instructions
to investigate the existence of the Great South Land. By 1769, Cook had
reached New Zealand, where he charted the north and south islands before
continuing west. In April 1770, he sighted the east coast of what we now
know as Australia, anchoring in Botany Bay. Cook was the first European to
accurately chart the Pacific and to open up Australia and New Zealand to
later settlement. His navigational skills were exceptional, even before
the invention of Harrison's chronometer. His concern for the health of his
crew ensured no one died of scurvy and in choosing to convert a Whitby
collier he made a sound decision - Endeavour proved an excellent vessel
for exploration. - Among the exhibits in Cook and the Endeavour are Cook's
personal journal of the voyage; charts so accurate that they can still be
used today; an intricate scale model of Endeavour featuring each crew
member and the stores taken on board. Additional navigational instruments
will be on display at the Old Royal Observatory. - The exhibition
coincides with the arrival at Greenwich of the full-size working replica
of HM Bark Endeavour. The ship will be on display and open for visitors at
Greenwich Pier from 28 March to 13 April 1997, before beginning a 14-port
tour of the UK. Endeavour is currently bound for Britain, sailing from
Australia via South Africa. To mark the opening of Cook and the Endeavour,
a statue of Captain Cook by sculptor Anthony Stones will be unveiled by a
special guest in the Museum grounds.
Opening hours: Daily 10:00-17:00
Sourcea: http://www.nmm.ac.uk/ee/exhib/index.html

Noch bis 11. Mai 1997 zeigt das Mainfraenkische Museum in Wuerzburg,
Deutschland, die Sonderausstellung "Zeit und Raum: Sonnenuhren und
wissenschaftliche Instrumente", die auch astronomische Instrumente umfasst.
Katalog: 25 DM + 7 DM Versandkosten (gegen Verrechnungsscheck)
Anschrift: Mainfraenkisches Museum, Festung Marienberg, 97082 Wuerzburg,
           Tel. 0931-43016
Oeffnungszeiten: Di - So 10 - 17 Uhr

Item 5                                           EMA Nr. 20, 27. Maerz 1997

Tagungen 1997/98

Weitere Tagungen in den Jahren 1997 und 1998 wurden in den vorangegangenen
Ausgaben angekuendigt. Fuer eine komplette Liste aller bisher gemeldeten
Tagungen siehe:


21 March 1997, London, UK
Symposium on the Foundations of Newtonian Scholarship,
including history of astronomy
Place: Royal Society
Information: Prof. M. Nauenberg, University of California, 
   Santa Cruz, CA 95064, USA, e-mail: michael@mike.ucsc.edu 
URL: http://physics.ucsc.edu/people/personal/nauenberg.html

4.-5. April 1997, Berlin, Deutschland
Interdisziplinaere Fachtagung zu Karl Friedrich Zoellner, dem ersten
deutschen Astrophysiker 
Ort: Archenhold-Sternwarte Berlin-Treptow
Information: Klaus Staubermann, Department of History and Philosophy of 
Science, Free School Lane, Cambridge CB2 3RH, England, Fax 
+44-1223-334554, e-mail kbs20@cus.cam.ac.uk 

11-12 April 1997, London, UK
Conference "The Centenary of the Electron", sponsored by the British
Society for the History of Science, the Royal Society and the Science
Information: Wing Commander Geoffrey Bennett, 31 High St, 
Stanford in the Vale, Faringdon, Oxon SN7 8LH, UK,
tel: 01367 710223, fax: 01367 718963, 
email: G.Bennett@hidex.demon.co.uk

25.-27. April 1997, Pulsnitz und Radeberg, Deutschland
Regionaltagung der Vereinigung der Sternfreunde e.V. (VdS)
Im Programm u.a.: J. Hamel "Alte Kometendrucke", K.-G.Steinert "Johannes
Classen und die Sternwarte Pulsnitz"; Eroeffnung der Meteoritenausstellung
in Pulsnitz (Sammlung Classen)
Anmeldung: Astroclub Radebeul e.V., Auf den Ebenbergen 10a, D-01445
Radebeul, Tel./Fax 0351/8381907

28 April - 4 May 1997, Aussois, France
New Perspectives On Solar prominences, A Memorial Colloquium to Lucien
Contact address: D.M. Rust, The Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics
Laboratory, Johns Hopkins Road, Laurel, MD 20723, USA,
Phone: 1 301 953 5414, Fax: 1 301 953 6670, E-mail: david.rust@jhuapl.edu

30.-31. Mai 1997, Bremerhaven, Deutschland
Seminar "Die Entwicklung von Navigation, Kuesten- und Seevermessung in der
Tagungsgebuehr: 120,- DM
Informationen: VDV-Bildungswerk, FG Geschichte des Vermessungswesens,
Heinz Juergen Lagoda, Westfaelische Str. 30, D-47169 Duisburg, 
Tel. 0203/59 82 47

9-12 September, Mykolayiv, Ukraine
International Conference "The Role of Ground-Based Astrometry in the 
Post-HIPPARCOS Period", to be held in honour of the 175th anniversary
of the Mykolayiv [Nikolaev] Astronomical Observatory.
The history of the observatory is one of the programme topics.
Organizing Committee: Ukraine, 327030, Mykolayiv,
   Observatorna 1, Mykolayiv Astronomical Observatory,
   fax: (380512) 35 25 56, e-mail: mao175@mao.nikolaev.ua
URL: http://aries.usno.navy.mil/ad/iau/nikol.html

26.-28. September 1997, Regensburg, Deutschland
80. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Geschichte der Medizin,
Naturwissenschaft und Technik zum Thema "Experiment - Instrument"
Informationen: Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel,
Lehrstuhl fuer Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Universitaet Regensburg,
D-93040 Regensburg, Germany, Tel. +49-941-943-3661/59, 
Fax +49-941-943-4992, E-mail: Christoph.Meinel@psk.uni-regensburg.de

26.-28. September 1997, Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Deutschland
Tagung: "Astronomie, Astrologie und Geschichte"
Wie ernst "Astrologie" heute zu nehmen ist und welche Bedeutung ihr
Philipp Melanchthon beimass, soll in einem interdisziplinaeren Disput
geklaert werden.
Informationen: Evangelische Akademie Sachsen-Anhalt, Schlossstr. 15, 
D-06886 Lutherstadt Wittenberg

25.-27. September 1998, Wolfenbuettel, Deutschland
81. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Geschichte der Medizin,
Naturwissenschaft und Technik zum Thema "Antikenrezeption in Medizin,
Naturwissenschaft und Technik"
Informationen: Herzog August Bibliothek, PF 1364, D-38299 Wolfenbuettel,
Tel.: 05331/808-0, Fax: 808-266



Elektronische Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte (EMA)

Herausgegeben vom Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte in der Astronomischen

Redaktion: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick 

Alle nicht namentlich gekennzeichneten Mitteilungen sind redaktionelle
Beitraege. Aufsaetze sowie Mitteilungen fuer die Rubriken werden gern

Der Bezug der EMA ist kostenlos. Abonnenten und Leser werden um
gelegentliche freiwillige Spenden an den Arbeitskreis gebeten.

Die Elektronischen Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte duerfen unbegrenzt
weiterverbreitet werden, sofern dafuer keine Gebuehr erhoben wird. Ein
oeffentliches Abgebot in WWW-Servern, BBS etc. ist gestattet, sofern die
Redaktion informiert wird. Die Reproduktion von Auszuegen in elektronischen
oder Druckmedien ist nur mit Genehmigung der Redaktion gestattet.

Die Elektronischen Mitteilungen ergaenzen die gedruckten Mitteilungen zur
Astronomiegeschichte, die derzeit halbjaehrlich erscheinen:
 Preis: 1,50 DM/Ausgabe zzgl. Versandkosten 
        Ausserhalb der BRD: kostenfrei, Spenden erwuenscht
 Bezug: Einsendung von 2,50 DM (Einzelheft) oder 5,- DM (Nr. 10-11) in
        Briefmarken an die Redaktion
 Redaktion: Dr. W. R. Dick, Otterkiez 14, 
            D-14478 Potsdam, Tel.: (+331) 863199
Kostenlose Probeexemplare koennen bei der Redaktion angefordert werden.

Anschriften des Arbeitskreises Astronomiegeschichte:

URL: http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/aa/aa.html

Vorsitzender: Prof. Dr. Peter Brosche, Observatorium Hoher List der
Sternwarte der Universitaet Bonn, D-54550 Daun, Tel.: (+6592) 2150, 
Fax: (+6592) 985140

Sekretaer: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick, Institut fuer Angewandte Geodaesie,
Aussenstelle Potsdam, Postfach 60 08 08, D-14408 Potsdam, 
Tel.: (+331) 316 618, E-mail: wdi@potsdam.ifag.de

Spendenkonto der Astronomischen Gesellschaft:
Konto-Nr. 333 410 41, Sparkasse Bochum (BLZ 430 500 01)
Ueberweisungen aus dem Ausland: Konto Nr. 162 18-203, Postgiroamt Hamburg, 
BLZ 200 400 20
Alle Einzahlungen bitte mit Vermerk
"Fuer Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte"
