* *
* *
* Herausgegeben vom Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte *
* in der Astronomischen Gesellschaft *
* *
* Nr. 59, 18. Dezember 2001 *
* *
* Redaktion: Wolfgang R. Dick *
* *
1. Ausstellungen
2. Kolloquium zur Astronomiegeschichte in Wien
3. Conference Announcement: Ethnoastronomy in the West African Sub-Region
4. Conference Announcement:
Figures de l'antinewtonianisme/Faces of anti-Newtonianism, 1672-1832
5. Call for Papers:
Nathaniel Bowditch and the Art and Science of Navigation, 1802-2002
6. Peter D. Hingley: Transit of Venus Conference, 2004
7. Tagungen 2002-2004
Item 1 EMA Nr. 59, 18. Dezember 2001
(Aus: Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy, No. 48,
December 17, 2001, Item 2. Fuer EMA bearbeitet.)
From 22 November to 21 December 2001, the Royal Library of Belgium
(Brussels) displays a small exposition entitled "From the Roman to the
16th Century Surveyor" (Van de Romeinse tot de 16de-eeuwse landmeters/
Des agrimensores romains aux arpenteurs du XVIe siecle). Although mainly
concerned with books there are also astrolabes and reconstructions of
Roman measuring instruments. Admission free.
Koninklijke Bibliotheek van Belgie/Bibliotheque royale de Belgique,
Nassaukapel/Chapelle de Nassau, phone: 02/519.53.55
Further information:
The Israel Museum in Jerusalem has been staging an exhibition entitled
"Written in the Stars - Art and Symbolism of the Zodiac" from 20 March
to 31 December 2001. A large number of exhibits illustrated the role of
the astrological signs in art painting and sculpture, literature and
religion, but also in connection with everyday artefacts. Celestial
globes from the 17th and 18th centuries (on loan from Vienna) complete
the lively exhibition with its very useful English-language
inscriptions. The catalogue, also in English, is another addition to the
museum's list of internationally known publications.
Catalogue: Written in the Stars. Art and Symbolism of the Zodiac.
Catalogue No. 452. 144 pp., 85 illustrations. ISBN 965-278-273-4. Soft
cover $27.50 + shipping. Can be ordered online from:
The Israel Museum, POB 71117, Jerusalem 91710, Israel,
Tel: 972-2-6708811, Fax: 972-2-5631833. URL: http://www.imj.org.il/
Opening hours: Monday, Wednesday, Saturday and holidays: 10 am - 4 pm;
Tuesday: 4 - 9 pm; Thurs: 10 am - 9 pm; Friday and holiday eves: 10 am -
2 pm; Sunday: closed.
A web version of the exhibition can be seen at:
[Source: The International Coronelli Society for the Study of Globes,
News 2001, p. 19; Web site]
Derzeit wird eine Ausstellung ueber Leben und Werk von Werner Heisenberg in
Leipzig und Muenchen gezeigt. Die Ausstellung soll dem Beschauer einem
konzentrierten Eindruck in Leben und Werk des grossen Physikers und
Menschen Heisenberg vermitteln. Verwendet wurden die folgenden historischen
Dokumente: Fotos aus allen Lebenjahren und Wirkungsorten; Zeugnisse und
Urkunden; Briefe zu freudigen und leidvollen Ereignissen; Ausschnitte aus
Zeitungen, Manuskripten und gedruckten Arbeiten; Deklarationen und
Meinungsaeusserungen. Die Aussstellung wurde am Universitaetsarchiv der
Universitaet Leipzig (Gerald Wiemers) und am Max-Planck-Institut fuer
Physik (Helmut Rechenberg) zusammengestellt. Sie wird im naechsten Jahr als
Wanderausstellung durch Deutschland fortgesetzt.
3. Dezember 2001 - 15. Januar 2002:
Physikalisches Institut, Linnestrasse 5, Leipzig
Oeffnungszeiten: Taeglich von 10.00 bis 17.00 Uhr, ausser an Sonn- und
5. Dezember 2001 - 7. Januar 2002:
Max-Planck-Haus, Hofgartenstr. 8, 80539 Muenchen
Oeffnungszeiten: Taeglich von 10.00 bis 17.00 Uhr, ausser an Sonn- und
Weitere Informationen:
There is a small exhibition from 20 November 2001 to February 2002 at the
Musee des Arts et Metiers in Paris, "Time in the temples of ancient Egypt",
centered upon a recently acquired statuette, formerly in the Time Museum,
Musee des Arts et Metiers, 60, rue Reaumur, 75003 Paris, France
URL: http://www.cnam.fr/museum/
[Source: Minutes of the 20th Plenary Session of the Scientific Instrument
Commission, http://www.sic.iuhps.org/conf2001/se_mins.htm]
"Footprints of the lion: Isaac Newton at work" is the title of an
exhibition at the Cambridge University Library from 9 October 2001 to 23
March 2002. It is the first to illustrate the complete range of Newton's
intellectual activities in physics, astronomy, mathematics, natural
philosophy, theology, and alchemy. It is also the first time that some of
Newton's earliest letters and papers, preserved in the Macclesfield
Collection and recently purchased by the University Library, have been
placed on public display.
Cambridge University Library, West Road, Cambridge, CB3 9DR, England,
Phone: 01223 333000, Fax: 01223 333160, e-mail: exhibitions@lib.cam.ac.uk,
URL: http://www.lib.cam.ac.uk/
Opening hours: Monday-Friday 09.00-18.00, Friday 09.00-16.30
Admission free.
"Exploring Space" is the title of a special exhibitions in two museums in
Hampshire, England. Plenty of models and hands-on experiments as well as
historic astronomic instruments are on display.
15 September 2001 - 5 January 2002:
Westbury Manor Museum, West Street, Fareham, Hampshire, UK,
phone: (01329) 824895
Opening times: Monday to Friday 10am - 5pm, Saturday 10am - 4pm
Admission is free.
19 January to 27 April 2002:
Eastleigh Museum, 25 High Street, Eastleigh, Hampshire UK,
phone: (02380) 643026
Opening times: Tuesday to Friday 10am - 5pm, Saturday 10am - 4pm
Admission is free.
More information: http://www.hants.gov.uk/museum/exhibitions/space.html
On October 10, 2001, Philosophical Hall (American Philosophical Society,
Philadelphia, PA) launched its first ongoing exhibition program in 190
years with the opening of the exhibition "From the Laboratory to the
Parlor: Scientific Instruments in Philadelphia, 1750-1875." On view until
31 March 2003, this exhibition draws on the Society's fine arts and objects
collections along with period books and archival materials from the
library. Objects include surveying instruments used to draw the Mason-Dixon
American Philosophical Society, 104 South Fifth Street,
Philadelphia, PA 19106-3385, USA, phone (215) 440-3400
URL: http://www.amphilsoc.org/exhibitions/
Item 2 EMA Nr. 59, 18. Dezember 2001
Kolloquium zur Astronomiegeschichte in Wien
Ort: Kuffner-Sternwarte, Johann Staud-Strasse 10, 1160 Wien, Oesterreich
Termin: Freitag, 18. Januar 2002
Zeit: 14.00-19.00 Uhr
Tagungsbeitrag: frei
14.00: Begruessung
14.15: "Mensch im Kosmos - Vision und Realitaet im Ablauf von
Juergen Hamel
15.15: "Astronomie von Olbers bis Schwarzschild - Buchpraesentation"
Juergen Hamel, Peter Habison
15.30: "Die Sternwarte des Bierbrauers Moriz von Kuffner"
Peter Habison
16.30: Kaffeepause
17.00: "Sterne ueber dem Nil - Vortrag und Buchpraesentation"
Dieter B. Herrmann
18.00: "Datierung einer aegyptischen Klepsydra aus Ephesos"
Maria G. Firneis
18.30: Schlussworte
Kontakte: Peter Habison, Kuffner-Sternwarte, Johann Staud-Strasse 10,
1160 Wien, Oesterreich, Tel.: +43 1 9148130, Fax: +43 1 9148130/31
e-mail: phabison@kuffner.ac.at
[Der Text wurde von Peter Habison zur Verfuegung gestellt.]
Item 3 EMA Nr. 59, 18. Dezember 2001
Conference Announcement:
Ethnoastronomy in the West African Sub-Region
(Aus: Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy, No. 48,
December 17, 2001, Item 3)
The Centre for Advanced Humanities and Social Research,
Faculty of Arts, University of Nigeria, Nsukka
Presents an International Conference on
Date: 2002 May 8 - 11
Venue: University of Nigeria, Nsukka
The Organising Committee of the International Conference on Ethno-Astronomy
in West African Sub-region (Africa_ethnoastro 2002) invites you to
participate at the Conference.
The aims of the Conference include the following:
* To unearth the body of traditional knowledge of astronomy by peoples of
the West African sub-region.
* To re-interprete this body of knowledge in the light of modern/western
* To understand the ways and degrees through which this knowledge and
beliefs shaped the lived realities of the people of this region.
* Sub-Themes:
- Theoretical and Methodological Issues in the study of Ethno-Astronomy
- Cosmogonies and Creation Myths
- Indigenous Lore of Celestial Bodies
- Ethno-Astronomy and indigenous calendars, cycles, seasons, and
- Cultural Representations of Ethno-Astronomy
- Comparative Studies on Ethno-Astronomy
- Ethno-Astronomy and the Environment
Registration/Participation fee: US $100.00.
Payment for local participants shall be made in cash or certified bank
draft payable to:
Damian Opata
Centre for Advanced Humanities & Social Research,
Faculty of Arts,
University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
Foreign participants should pay on arrival.
Intending participants are invited to submit titles and abstracts of papers
(preferably by e-mail), which must be in English and not more than 200
words. Choice of presentation (oral or poster) should be indicated. The
abstract should bear the title of the work, name(s) (surname first) and
address(es) of the author(s). The name of the presenter for a jointly
authored abstract should be underlined. Acceptance for presentation shall
be based on the content, relevance to the theme of the conference and time
of receipt. Deadline for submission shall be December 22, 2001.
Download the plain text Registration Form from the conference's web site
(see below), complete it and e-mail to:
Johnson Urama
Secretary, LOC Africa_ethnoastro 2002
Dept. of Physics & Astronomy
University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
e-mail: johnson@hartrao.ac.za or johnsonurama@yahoo.com
First Announcement - 2001 Aug. 15
Deadline for submission of abstracts - 2001 Dec. 22
Second announcement - 2002 Mar. 05
Submission of full paper - 2002 May 08
Publishing of the Proceedings - 2003 Feb.
Depending on the availability of funds, there could be partial sponsorship
of some participants. All those needing sponsorship are requested to e-mail
the organiser not later than the end of October, 2001.
More information: www.hartrao.ac.za/conferences/ethno2002/ethno2002.html
[Source: Web site]
Item 4 EMA Nr. 59, 18. Dezember 2001
Conference Announcement:
Figures de l'antinewtonianisme/Faces of anti-Newtonianism, 1672-1832
(Aus: Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy, No. 48,
December 17, 2001, Item 4)
24-25 May 2002
Center for History and Philosophy of Science, Department of Philosophy,
University of Paris-X (Nanterre), France
CALL FOR PAPERS: Historians have often regarded the opposition encountered
by Newtonianism during its triumphal progress in the 18th and 19th
centuries as little more than conservative reaction or temporary
misunderstanding. Yet from Leibniz and Berkeley to Goethe and the
Naturphilosophen, powerful critics manifested profound dissatisfaction with
both the scientific content and the philosophical foundations of
Newtonianism. The aim of the colloquium is to engage in a critical
reexamination of anti-Newtonianism by exploring its diverse origins, the
content of its arguments and practices, and its scientific and
philosophical consequences. The colloquium will be organized around four
major themes (subthemes listed are indicative, not exhaustive):
1. The principals of Newtonian mechanics. Cartesian reactions to the
publication of the Principia Mathematica; critiques of Leibniz, Huygens,
Fontenelle, and others of central Newtonian concepts (attraction, force,
relative and absolute motion, space and time.)
2. Theories of matter. Reception of and resistance to the research program
of the Queries in Newton's Opticks; the encounter of Newtonianism with
established research traditions in chemistry.
3. Hypothesis and experiment. The 18th century epistemological debate
regarding the legitimacy of the experimental method and inductive
generalization, the proscription of hypotheses, the relation of mathematics
to experience, and the validity of the method of fluxions; competing forms
of experimental practice in the work of Rizetti, Mariotte, Goethe, and
4. Scientific knowledge and human culture. The evolving (post-Principia)
image of the cultural role of natural science; philosophical (Berkeley) and
poetical (Swift, Coleridge, Blake, Goethe) critiques of the Newtonian
conception of nature; theological objections to Newtonianism.
To propose a paper (30 minutes, either in French or English), please send a
short abstract and a curriculum vitae to either:
Philippe Hamou
Universite de Paris X - Nanterre, Departement de Philosophie
200, avenue de la Republique, 92001 Nanterre, France
tel/fax : (+33)-1-40-97-75-17 or (+33)-1-42-23-38-32
e-mail: PhilippeHamou@aol.com
Neil Ribe
Institut de Physique du Globe
4 Place Jussieu, 75252 Parix cedex 05, France
tel (+33)-1-44-27-24-79
fax (+33)-1-44-27-24-81
e-mail: ribe@ipgp.jussieu.fr
[Text provided by Neil Ribe.]
Item 5 EMA Nr. 59, 18. Dezember 2001
Call for Papers:
Nathaniel Bowditch and the Art and Science of Navigation, 1802-2002
(Aus: Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy, No. 48,
December 17, 2001, Item 5)
Salem State College, 8-10 November 2002
The Bowditch Institute of Salem will celebrate the bicentennial of
Nathaniel Bowditch's "The New American Practical Navigator" with a
conference on the topic, "Nathaniel Bowditch: The Art and Science of
Navigation, 1802-2002" to be held at Salem State College in Salem,
Massachusetts, November 8-10, 2002. The conference will use Bowditch as
a touchstone for exploring the state of the maritime sciences and
commerce of his age, as well as the legacy of his contributions into the
21st century.
Befitting the broad range of Bowditch's activities - five commercial
voyages to the East, advancement of celestial navigation and maritime
cartography, contributions to the development of insurance and civic
institutions - we welcome papers and panel proposals that address a
broad range of aspects of the topic, historical or current, in both the
humanities and sciences. Interdisciplinary approaches are encouraged,
and the Bowditch Institute warmly invites participation by scholars,
teachers, and museum and historic site professionals to join us in
exploring the interconnections between maritime history, science, and
commerce in the Early Republic, as well as Bowditch's legacy in these
areas today.
The conference will take place in historic Salem seaport, and will
feature venues at the home of Nathaniel Bowditch (under restoration),
the Peabody Essex Museum, the Salem Athaneum, the Salem Maritime
National Historic Site, and Salem State College. Attendant activities
will include museum and historic site visits, including tours of the
replica 1797 merchant vessel "Friendship".
Proposals of not more than 250 words and a one-page c.v. must be
received by March 31, 2002. Send to: Dr. Dane Morrison, Chair,
Department of History, Salem State College, 352 Lafayette Street, Salem,
MA 01970, USA. E-mail: .
Phone: (978) 542-7134. Website: www.nathanielbowditch.org
[Source: Press Release distributed through the Rete discussion group.]
Item 6 EMA Nr. 59, 18. Dezember 2001
Transit of Venus Conference, 2004
By Peter D. Hingley, London, England
This is the first announcement of a conference planned to take place in
Preston, Lancashire, England area in June 2004, to coincide with the
first Transit of Venus for 121 years, on the 7th of that month (Monday).
The main organiser is Professor Gordon Bromage of the University of
Central Lancashire. The conference will cover all aspects of distance
measurement in Astronomy, with a substantial historical element covering
subjects such as Kepler's Laws, Planetary Distances, Stellar Parallaxes,
and the Astronomical Unit problem, as well as transits as such. The
conference will also cover all aspects of modern astronomical and
cosmological distance measurement. The exact status of the conference
and the form of its publication(s) are yet to be decided. Professor
Bromage has kindly invited me to represent the historical interest on
the Committee but somebody more appropriate may be found to take over
It is hoped to make arrangements for participants to safely observe the
Transit, and also, if the Lancashire weather is its usual summer self,
to arrange transmission of images from a more favoured site.
It is of course singularly appropriate for this Conference to be held in
Preston; as well as the burgeoning astronomical programme of the
University, including participation in the SALT project, there are the
historical associations; only a few miles away is Much Hoole, where
Jeremiah Horrocks made the first recorded observation of a Transit of
Venus in 1639 (see Chapman, QJRAS, 31, 333-357), and not many more miles
away is Stonyhurst College, the institution to which Father Stephen
Perry SJ gave a lifetime of service.
The Preston area is also replete with scenic beauty and historical
interest and if sufficient interest is shown by those accompanying the
delegates it may be possible to arrange visits to areas of interest such
as the Lake District, Trough of Bowland, Fylde, Bronte Country, etc.
There is more to North Lancashire than Blackpool!
Author's address: P D Hingley, Librarian, Royal Astronomical Society,
Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1V 0NL, England,
Tel 0171 734 4582/3307, FAX 0171 494 0166, e-mail pdh@ras.org.uk
Source: The ICHA Newsletter, No. 1, June 2001, p. 26-27.
Item 7 EMA Nr. 59, 18. Dezember 2001
Tagungen 2002-2004
(Aus: Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy, No. 48,
December 17, 2001, Item 6)
Weitere Tagungen in den Jahren 2002 und 2003 wurden in den vorangegangenen
Ausgaben angekuendigt. Fuer eine komplette Liste aller bisher gemeldeten
Tagungen siehe:
January 6-10, 2002, Washington, DC, USA
199th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society
Session 1. HAD I: New Views of Historical Research in the 21st Century
Session 15. HAD IV: New Views of Historical Topics
Session 31. HAD II: The Development of American Astrophysics: Ideas,
Instruments, Observatories and Astronomers
Session 40. HAD III: Some Controversies in the History of Astronomy
Registration: AAS 199th Meeting, American Astronomical Society, 2000
Florida Ave., NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20009-1231, USA, Tel:
202-328-2010, FAX: 202-234-7850, E-mail: reg-help@aas.org
URL: http://www.aas.org/meetings/aas199/program/
30. Mai - 2. Juni 2002, Nuernberg, Deutschland
Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Sonnenuhren der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer
Organisation: Ludwig Engelhardt, Hohenzollernstr. 38, 90475 Nuernberg,
Tel. (0911) 837445, Fax (0911) 9837579, e-mail: nbg@planet-interkom.de
September 9-14, 2002, Athens, Greece
XXI Scientific Instrument Symposium
Contacts: Eftymios Nicolaidis (e-mail: efnicol@eie.gr) and Giorgi
Vlahakis (e-mail: gvlahakis@eie.gr), National Helenic Research
Foundation, Vassileos Constantinou 48, 11635 Athens, Greece.
URLs: http://www.sic.iuhps.org/conf2002/
23.-25. September 2002, Nuernberg, Deutschland
X. Symposium der Internationalen Coronelli-Gesellschaft fuer Globenkunde
Informationen: Internationale Coronelli-Gesellschaft,
c/o Oesterreichische Nationalbibliothek, Josefsplatz 1, 1015 Wien,
Oesterreich, Fax: +43-1-53410319, e-mail: vincenzo@coronelli.org
23.-28. September 2002, Berlin, Deutschland
Wissenschaftliche Tagung der Astronomischen Gesellschaft,
mit Kolloquium zur Geschichte der Astronomie
(wahrscheinlich am 27. und 28. September)
Details werden demnaechst mitgeteilt.
June 19-22, 2003, Notre Dame, IN, USA
Sixth Biennial History of Astronomy Workshop
Contacts: Matthew F. Dowd, Univ. of Notre Dame, Hist. & Phil. of
Science, 346 O'Shaughnessy Notre Dame, IN 46556, USA,
e-mail: Matthew.F.Dowd.11@nd.edu
July 14-26, 2003, Sydney, Australia
IAU General Assembly
Several history of astronomy sessions are planned, such as Working Group
Meetings, Business Meetings, Science Meetings, a joint C41/C46 session
on the history of astronomy education activities, and possibly a Joint
Discussion. Details will be announced later.
Contacts: Dr. Wayne Orchiston, Australia, e-mail: wo@aaoepp.aao.gov.au
September 30 - October 4, 2003, Newport News, Virginia, USA
XXII Scientific Instrument Symposium
Details will be announced later.
September 2004, Dresden, Germany
XXIII Scientific Instrument Symposium
Details will be announced later.
Neben dem Autor, Peter D. Hingley, sei fuer Informationen gedankt:
Ludwig Engelhardt, Peter Habison, Wayne Orchiston, Neil Ribe, Cambridge
University Library, Internationale Coronelli-Gesellschaft.
Elektronische Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte (EMA)
Herausgegeben vom Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte in der Astronomischen
Redaktion: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick
Alle nicht namentlich gekennzeichneten Mitteilungen sind redaktionelle
Beitraege. Aufsaetze sowie Mitteilungen fuer die Rubriken werden gern
Der Bezug der EMA ist kostenlos. Abonnenten und Leser werden um
gelegentliche freiwillige Spenden an den Arbeitskreis gebeten.
Die Elektronischen Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte duerfen unbegrenzt
weiterverbreitet werden, sofern dafuer keine Gebuehr erhoben wird. Ein
oeffentliches Abgebot in WWW-Servern, BBS etc. ist gestattet, sofern die
Redaktion informiert wird. Die Reproduktion von Auszuegen in elektronischen
oder Druckmedien ist nur mit Genehmigung der Redaktion gestattet.
Die Elektronischen Mitteilungen ergaenzen die gedruckten Mitteilungen zur
Astronomiegeschichte, die derzeit halbjaehrlich erscheinen:
Preis: 1,50 DM/Ausgabe zzgl. Versandkosten
Ausserhalb der BRD: kostenfrei, Spenden erwuenscht
Bezug: Einsendung von 2,50 DM (Einzelheft) oder 5,- DM (Nr. 18-19) in
Briefmarken an die Redaktion
Redaktion: Dr. W. R. Dick, Otterkiez 14,
D-14478 Potsdam, Tel.: (++331) 863199
Kostenlose Probeexemplare koennen bei der Redaktion angefordert werden.
Anschriften des Arbeitskreises Astronomiegeschichte:
URL: http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/aa/aa.html
Vorsitzender: Prof. Dr. Peter Brosche, Observatorium Hoher List der
Sternwarte der Universitaet Bonn, D-54550 Daun, Tel.: +49(0)6592 2150,
Fax: +49(0)6592 985140
Sekretaer: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick, Bundesamt fuer Kartographie und
Geodaesie, Aussenstelle Potsdam, Postfach 60 08 08, D-14408 Potsdam,
e-mail: wdi@potsdam.ifag.de
Spendenkonto der Astronomischen Gesellschaft:
Konto-Nr. 333 410 41, Sparkasse Bochum (BLZ 430 500 01)
Ueberweisungen aus dem Ausland: Konto Nr. 16218-203, Postbank Hamburg,
BLZ 200 100 20
Alle Einzahlungen bitte mit Vermerk
"Fuer Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte"