EMA 73

*                                                                         *
*                                                                         *
*          Herausgegeben vom Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte            *
*                  in der Astronomischen Gesellschaft                     *
*                                                                         *
*                        Nr. 73, 20. Maerz 2005                           *
*                                                                         *
*           Redaktion: Wolfgang R. Dick und Hilmar W. Duerbeck            *
*                                                                         *


1. Tagung "Astronomie in Nuernberg"

2. Symposium "Time and astronomy in past cultures"

3. Fifth International Conference on the Inspiration of Astronomical

4. Seventh Biennial History of Astronomy Workshop

5. Summer School "Instruments at Work"

6. Albert Einstein Century International Conference

7. XXIV Scientific Instrument Symposium

8. Symposium "Sharing the Celestial Sphere"

9. Studienreise zu den Astronomischen Monumentaluhren



Item 1                                           EMA Nr. 73, 20. Maerz 2005

Tagung "Astronomie in Nuernberg"

Eine Tagung anlaesslich des 500. Todestags von Bernhard Walther (1430-1504)
und des 300. Todestags von Georg Christoph Eimmart (1638-1705),
ausgerichtet vom Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte in der Astronomischen
Gesellschaft und vom Cauchy-Forum Nuernberg.

2.-3. April 2005, Nicolaus Copernicus Planetarium Nuernberg


    * Germanisches Nationalmuseum Nuernberg (www.gnm.de)
    * Bildungszentrum Nuernberg, FB Naturwissenschaft
    * Nicolaus Copernicus Planetarium Nuernberg
    * Nuernberger Astronomische Arbeitsgemeinschaft (NAA) e.V.

Referenten und Themen:

    * Uwe Lemmer, Planetarium Nuernberg

    * Prof. Dr. Gudrun Wolfschmidt, Universitaet Hamburg:
      Astronomie in Nuernberg

Astronomie um 1500

    * Dr. Thomas Posch, Wien:
      Regiomontans Herausgabe/Druck von Peurbachs "Theoricae novae
      planetarum", Nuernberg (1473)
    * Prof. Dr. Uta Lindgren, Universitaet Bayreuth: Bedeutung von
      Regiomontans Tafelwerken fuer die Entdeckung Amerikas
    * Prof. Dr. Richard L. Kremer, Hanover, New Hampshire:
      Bernhard Walther (1430-1504)
    * Rosemarie Eichinger, Wien: Johannes Werner
    * Mag. Monika Maruska, Wien: Johannes Schoener
    * Dr. Reiner Reisinger, Schwarzachtaler Heimatmuseum: Historische
    * Thony Christie, Universitaet Erlangen: Die Veroeffentlichung des
      Hauptwerks von Copernicus in Nuernberg
    * Dr. Klaus Matthaeus, Erlangen: Die offiziellen Nuernberger
    * Prof. Dr. Barbara Mahlmann-Bauer, Universitaet Bern:
      Flugblaetter und Einblattdrucke aus Nuernberg
    * Dr. Wolfgang Kokott, Universitaet Muenchen: Kometen ueber Nuernberg
    * Dr. Andreas Kuehne, Nicolaus-Copernicus-Forschungsstelle,
      Universitaet Muenchen: Wenzel Jamnitzer
    * Dr. Eckehard Schmidt, Nuernberg: Finsternisbeobachtungen in
    * Hans Gaab, Nuernberg: Conrad Heinvogel

Astronomie der Eimmart-Zeit

    * Hans Gaab, Nuernberg: Georg Christoph Eimmart und seine
      Sternwarte auf der Nuernberger Burg
    * Dr. Doris Gerstl, Akademie der Bildenden Kuenste Nuernberg:
      Georg Christoph Eimmart (1638-1705) als Kuenstler
    * Inge Keil, Augsburg: Ueberblick ueber den Eimmart-Nachlass in
      St. Petersburg
    * Klaus Herbst, Jena/TU Berlin: Georg Christoph Eimmarts
      Briefwechsel mit Gottfried Kirch
    * Stefan Kratochwil, Jena: Beitraege von Georg Christoph Eimmart in
      den "Acta Eruditorum"
    * Dr. Reinhard E. Schielicke, Universitaets-Sternwarte Jena:
      Erhard Weigel (1625-1699) und die Armillarsphaere fuer Eimmarts
      Observatorium in Nuernberg
    * Dr. Antal Andras Deak, Donau-Museum Esztergom: Johann Christoph
      Mueller (1673-1721) (und C.M. Eimmart)
    * Robert H. van Gent, Utrecht: Finsternisse (Doppelmayr, 1706)
    * Siegfried Kett, Bildungszentrum Nuernberg: Johann Gabriel
      Doppelmayr (1677-1750) und Johann Baptist Homann
    * Dr. Johannes Willers, Germanisches Nationalmuseum Nuernberg:
      Peter Kolb (1675-1726)
    * Simon Olafs, Muenchen: Johann Leonhard Rost (1688-1727) als
    * Prof. Dr. Hans-Tobias Deinzer, Universitaets-Sternwarte
      Goettingen: Johann Philipp von Wurzelbau (1651-1725) - von wo aus
      hat er beobachtet?
    * Prof. Dr. Karin Reich, Universitaet Hamburg: Die Wirkung von
      Johann Philipp von Wurzelbau, Uebersetzer von Huygens "Cosmotheoros"


    * Fr 16-18 Uhr event. Fuehrung "Astronomie in Nuernberg" von Hans
      Gaab und Ludwig Engelhardt (Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie)
    * Fr abend Fuehrung im Kaiserburgmuseum
    * Sa Essen im Germanischen National-Museum, Sa 14 Uhr Fuehrung

Proceedings sind geplant.


      Gudrun Wolfschmidt (e-mail: wolfschmidt@math.uni-hamburg.de)
      Pierre Leich (e-mail: leich@rt-nuernberg.de)

Weitere Informationen:


Item 2                                           EMA Nr. 73, 20. Maerz 2005

Symposium "Time and astronomy in past cultures"

Torun, March 30 - April 1, 2005

The Department of Historical Anthropology at the Institute of Archaeology,
Warsaw University, together with Torun Planetarium is organising a
symposium entitled "Time and astronomy in past cultures", in memory of
Professor Andrzej Wiercinski (1930-2003). The symposium will take place in
Torun, March 30 - April 1, 2005 under the auspices of Societe Europeenne
pour l'Astronomie dans la Culture (SEAC, www.iac.es/SEAC/SEAC.html).

1. Main topics.
Our aim is to provoke an interdisciplinary discussion about the time
reckoning and astronomical tools of time measuring and calendars in past
cultures, with special focus on ancient civilizations of the Old and New
World. Proposed (but not obligatory) topics are:
1) calendars and calendar festivals,
2) solar vs. lunar calendars and their arranging,
3) time reckoning and historical perspective.
The symposium will be dedicated to the memory of Professor Andrzej
Wiercinski, pioneer Polish researcher of astronomy in culture.

2. The location.
The symposium will be held in Torun, the city where Nikolaus Copernicus
was born (cf. www.um.torun.pl/torun/baza/pierwsza_en.php).
The symposium events will take place in the Old Town: the planetarium,
Copernicus' House and the City Hall.

3. Fees and grants.
The conference fee is EUR 20 (accompanying persons EUR 15, students EUR
15). It will cover symposium materials as well as refreshments during
sessions. It can be paid upon arrival. The lunches and dinners during three
days of symposium will cost about EUR 7 each. Colleagues from Eastern
Europe can apply for a grant covering the travel and accommodation costs,
as well as the conference fee. There will be at least 5 such grants of EUR
120 each, alloted by the Organizing Committee on the grounds of abstracts.
One-day optional trip to the Iron Age stone circles of Odry and Wesiory is
planned after the symposium; its cost will be about EUR 40 (including
transportation & meals).

4. Accommodation.
The participants may select their preferred accommodation from the
following list of hotels and hostels (the prices may have slightly

Mercure-Helios ***, about half kilometer apart from the Old Town
(single room 320 PLN, double room 380 PLN, app. EUR 70 / 80)
Heban ***, a baroque house in the Old Town
(single room 190 PLN, double room 300 PLN, app. EUR 40 / 65)
Trzy Korony [Three Crowns] **, located close to the City Hall in the Old
(single room 150 PLN, double room 190 PLN, app. EUR 35 / 40)
Polonia **, 200 meters from the City Hall in the Old Town
(single room 150 PLN, double room 190 PLN, app. EUR 35 / 40)
Wodnik [Aquarius] **, close to the Old Town, on Vistula river
(single room 100 PLN, double room 140 PLN, app. EUR 22 / 30)

PTTK [Polish Tourism Society] hostel, about one and half kilometer apart
from the Old Town, bath in the corridor
(single room 60 PLN, double room 70 PLN, app. EUR 13 / 15)

7. Publication.
The proceedings of the symposium will be published in a reviewed volume,
in collaboration with SEAC and Torun's City Hall.

8. Organizing Committee.
Mariusz S. Ziolkowski (Department of Historical Anthropology, Warsaw
Lucjan Broniewicz (Torun Planetarium)
Arkadiusz Soltysiak (Department of Historical Anthropology, Warsaw

The correspondence should be sent to Arkadiusz Soltysiak,
Department of Historical Anthropology, Institute of Archaeology, Warsaw
University, ul. Krakowskie Przedmie cie 26/28, 00-927 Warszawa, Poland,
phone (48 22) 5520129, fax (48 22) 826 90 30, e-mail

[Source: text provided by Arkadiusz Soltysiak]

Item 3                                           EMA Nr. 73, 20. Maerz 2005

Fifth International Conference on the Inspiration of Astronomical Phenomena

Inspiration of Astronomical Phenomena Conference ("INSAP V"),
Adler Planetarium & Astronomy Museum, Chicago, June 26 - July 1, 2005

INSAP conferences explore the rich and diverse ways in which people of the
past and present incorporate astronomical events into literary, visual, and
performance arts. This emphasis distinguishes INSAP from other conferences
that focus on archeoastronomy, ethnoastronomy, or cultural astronomy. INSAP
provides a mechanism for a broad sampling of artists, writers, musicians,
historians, philosophers, scientists, and others to talk about the
diversity of astronomical inspiration.

INSAP V will be based at the Adler Planetarium & Astronomy Museum in
Chicago from June 26 - July 1, 2005. Mornings and early afternoons are
devoted to conference presentations. Afternoons and evenings will include
field trips and artistic performances. Venues include the University of
Chicago's Oriental Institute, the Art Institute of Chicago, and the Adler

Invited speakers at INSAP V include Barbara Stafford, Professor of Art
History, University of Chicago; Jim Kaler, Professor Emeritus of Astronomy,
University of Illinois; John Carswell, former curator of Islamic art at the
Oriental Institute and Sotheby's; Donna Cox, Professor of Art and Design,
University of Illinois; Mary Quinlan, Professor of Art History, Northern
Illinois University; and Michael Shank, Professor of the History of
Science, University of Wisconsin.

INSAP V is dedicated to the memory of one of its founders and strong
supporters, Ray White, Jr.

Further information are available on the INSAP website:

Questions should be sent to INSAPV@adernet.org or:

History of Astronomy Department
Adler Planetarium & Astronomy Museum
1300 South Lake Shore Drive
Chicago, Illinois 60605

[Source: Rolf Sinclair to HASTRO-L, the History of Astronomy Discussion
Group, 1 Dec 2004]

Item 4                                           EMA Nr. 73, 20. Maerz 2005

Seventh Biennial History of Astronomy Workshop

The Seventh Biennial History of Astronomy Workshop will be held at the
University of Notre Dame on 7-10 July 2005. The Biennial History of
Astronomy Workshops typically attract about 60-65 scholars interested in
the history of astronomy. Comfortable and economical accommodation is
available in the dormitories of Notre Dame, and provide an intimate setting
for a weekend devoted to scholarship. This year's invited speaker will be
Clive Ruggles, Professor of Archaeoastronomy in the School of Archaeology &
Ancient History at the University of Leicester.

Poster paper proposals will be accepted until April 1, 2005.
Details for submitting a proposal can be found at:

Fuller information on the upcoming conference can be found at:


Matthew F. Dowd
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556

[Source: Matt Dowd to HASTRO-L, 5 and 6 Oct 2004, 3 Jan 2005]

Item 5                                           EMA Nr. 73, 20. Maerz 2004

Summer School "Instruments at Work"

First Dutch International Summer School in the History of Science 2005,
Utrecht, The Netherlands, 3 - 16 July 2005

This Summer School will be organized around the rich collection of
historical scientific instruments from the last 500 years kept at Utrecht,
and all sessions will employ actual instruments. The emphasis will be on
hands-on experience. Examination and testing of historical instruments will
be combined with an investigation of the historical records surrounding
their employment, the functions they fulfilled within the evolution of
scientific disciplines, the rituals of which they formed part, and their
wider societal significance.

Participants will be invited to carry out actual experiments with
historical tools and to consider both tools and experimental results from a
series of methodological angles. They will be exposed to the whole range of
instruments from serially fabricated scientific machinery to paper tools.
They will be shown the complex and often problematic role of a given
instrument within the formation, dissemination or refutation of a
scientific theory. They will also be introduced to new ways of
understanding instruments as agents of scientific change, as problematic
oracles of silent nature, and as icons of cultural identity. Furthermore,
they will hear about curatorial aspects of instrument accessing and
restoration. Finally, they will be involved in discussions surrounding the
functions of science museums and collections of historical instruments.

The summer school, which is jointly organized by historians of science and
curators of scientific instruments, is intended for graduate students and
young scholars interested in historic scientific instruments. The Summer
School will take place at Utrecht. The program includes sessions at
Leiden's Museum Boerhaave, Amsterdam's Scheepvaartmuseum (Nautical Museum),
Haarlem's Teylers Museum, and the private Collection Peter Louwman.

Speakers include:
William Andrewes, Paolo Brenni, Thomas Dohmen, Sven Dupre, Marian Fournier,
Albert van Helden, Anke te Heesen, Peter Heering, Jan Hogendijk, Stephen
Johnston, Christoph Luethy, Frans van Lunteren, Bert Nederbragt, Rob van
Gent, Peter Louwman, Willem Maerzer Bruyns, Lodewijk Palm, Carla Rita
Palmerino, Jutta Schickore, Henning Schmidgen, Klaus Staubermann, Diederick
Wildeman, and others.

Utrecht Institute for the History and Foundations of Science &
University Museum Utrecht

Target group:
Graduate students and young academics and curators interested in the
history of scientific instruments

Number of participants:
Maximum 15

895 Euro (includes tuition, accommodation, lunches, and excursions)

Arranged through the University

Utrecht, The Netherlands

3-16 July 2005

Further information and application forms:

Dr. Klaus Staubermann, E-mail: k.b.staubermann@museum.uu.nl
Dr. Christoph Luethy, E-mail: luethy@phil.ru.nl

[Source: Klaus Staubermann to Rete mailing list, 5 Jan 2005]

Item 6                                           EMA Nr. 73, 20. Maerz 2005

Albert Einstein Century International Conference

"Albert Einstein Century International Conference" will be held in Paris,
France from July 18 - 22, 2005. The conference will take place at the
Palais de l'Unesco in Paris.

The main purpose of this international conference is to put in perspective
the work of Einstein and the recent developments of the following
(potential) scientific and philosophical topics: Cosmology, Theory of
Unification, Theory of the Gravitation and Nature of Space - Time, Compact
Objects and high energies phenomena in the Universe, Nature of the Quantum
World, Brownian Motion, Philosophy, Politics, Biography and other aspects.
It will be a question of seeing how the questions raised by Einstein,
approximately one century ago, guided the scientific research though
sometimes the answers were founded in a way which was not considered by

Web site: http://einstein2005.obspm.fr
E-Mail:   meeting.einstein2005@obspm.fr

[Source: George Gale to HASTRO-L, 5 Feb 2005]

Item 7                                           EMA Nr. 73, 20. Maerz 2005

XXIV Scientific Instrument Symposium

Beijing, China, 24-30 July 2005

Meeting Announcement and Call for Papers

The Scientific Instrument Commission of the International Union for the
History and Philosophy of Science (hereafter referred to as SIC) will hold
its next (24th) annual meeting in Beijing, China, 24-30 July 2005, as part
of the 22nd International Congress for the History of Science (hereafter
referred to as the 22nd ICHS). Globalization and Diversity: Diffusion of
Science and Technology throughout History has been selected as the theme
for this conference.

For further information on this Congress, please consult these websites:

(a) general: http://2005bj.ihns.ac.cn/

(b) forms for registration, submission of abstracts, and hotel
reservations; discount airfare; information on Beijing; and tours
available: http://www.conference.ac.cn/ichs05.htm

How to Attend the SIC Symposium:

Those wishing to participate in the SIC meetings must register for the full
Congress. Early registration ends on 15 March 2005; after this date, there
will be a higher fee. The registration form can be completed online, or
downloaded, filled out, and mailed or emailed to the Secretariat of the
22nd ICHS.

Please also send a copy of your registration form to the Secretary of the
Scientific Instrument Commission (address below), so that we will know how
many SIC members plan to attend and can keep you informed of any special
SIC events or excursions that we arrange.

How To Deliver a Paper:

Those wishing to deliver a paper on scientific instruments as part of the
"scientific sessions" organized by SIC, must submit their abstracts
directly to the Secretariat of the 22nd ICHS on a special form before 15
March 2005. The form can be downloaded from the Congress website. These
abstracts will be peer reviewed, as are all abstracts submitted to this
Congress. The abstracts should be marked with the phrase "Scientific
Section 11", which is the section dealing with scientific instruments.
Speakers who want their papers to appear in the same session as those of a
colleague should also indicate to the Secretariat the names of the speakers
whose papers are to be grouped together.

(Note: the abstract form still says that the deadline is April 15, but
recent statements by the local organizers say that abstracts will not be
accepted after March 15th.)

Please also send a copy of your abstract to the Secretary of the Scientific
Instrument Commission (e-mail address below), so that we will know what
papers are to be presented and can help the local organizers to group them

We look forward to seeing you in Beijing!

Sara Schechner (schechn@fas.harvard.edu)
Secretary, Scientific Instrument Commission

Sara Schechner, Ph.D.
David P. Wheatland Curator
Collection of Historical Scientific Instruments
Department of the History of Science
Harvard University, Science Center 251c
Cambridge, MA 02138
Tel: 617-496-9542
Fax: 617-496-5932

[Source: Sara Schechner to Rete mailing list, 27 Oct 2004, 26 Nov 2004,
3 March 2005]

Item 8                                           EMA Nr. 73, 20. Maerz 2005

Symposium "Sharing the Celestial Sphere"

On July 24-30, 2005 in Beijing, the People's Republic of China, the next
International Congress on History of Science will take place. The Congress
is organized under auspice of the Division of History of Science - the body
of the International Union for History and Philosophy of Science

The Organizing Committee for the Congress approved a Symposium dedicated to
the history of astronomy under the title Sharing the Celestial Sphere. The
sponsor of this Symposium is the Inter-Union Commission for History of
Astronomy (ICHA) jointly established by the International Astronomical
Union and the IUHPS. In my capacity as the ICHA President, it is my great
pleasure to invite all interested scholars to attend this Symposium. The
basic program of the Symposium is approved but, nevertheless, it is not too
late to include some more new papers.

If you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to contact
Dr. Rajesh Cochhar  or me

The ICHA hopes to see the interested scholars in Beijing.

Alexander Gurshtein

[Source: Alexander Gurshtein to HASTRO-L, 13 Jan 2005]

Item 9                                           EMA Nr. 73, 20. Maerz 2005

Studienreise zu den Astronomischen Monumentaluhren, Brahe und Roemer

Studienreise um die westliche Ostsee mit Exkursionen zu den Astronomischen
Uhren u.a. in Luebeck, Rostock, Lund und Kopenhagen sowie zu den
Wirkungsstaetten von Tycho Brahe auf der Insel Ven und Ole Roemer in und
bei Kopenhagen. Erstmals wird es bei dieser bewaehrten Rundreise eine
Besichtigung des neu eroeffneten Gottorfer Globus in Schleswig geben.

Termin: 6.-14.8.2005.

Informationen bei Dr. E. Schmidt, Brunhildstr. 1a, 90461 Nuernberg,
Tel+Fax 0911-4720978, eMail Info@wissenschaftsreisen.de,
Internet: www.wissenschafts-reisen.de



Fuer die direkte Zusendung von Informationen danken wir Juergen Hamel,
Eckehard Schmidt, Arkadiusz Soltysiak und Gudrun Wolfschmidt.



Elektronische Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte (EMA)

Herausgegeben vom Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte in der Astronomischen

Redaktion: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick  und Dr. Hilmar
W. Duerbeck 

Archiv bisheriger Ausgaben: http://www.astrohist.org/aa/ema/

Alle nicht namentlich gekennzeichneten Mitteilungen sind redaktionelle
Beitraege. Aufsaetze sowie Mitteilungen fuer die Rubriken werden gern

Der Bezug der EMA ist kostenlos. Abonnenten und Leser werden um
gelegentliche freiwillige Spenden an den Arbeitskreis gebeten.

Die Elektronischen Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte duerfen unbegrenzt
weiterverbreitet werden, sofern dafuer keine Gebuehr erhoben wird. Ein
oeffentliches Abgebot in WWW-Servern, BBS etc. ist gestattet, sofern die
Redaktion informiert wird. Die Reproduktion von Auszuegen in elektronischen
oder Druckmedien ist nur mit Genehmigung der Redaktion gestattet.

Die Elektronischen Mitteilungen ergaenzen die gedruckten Mitteilungen zur
Astronomiegeschichte, die in der Regel halbjaehrlich erscheinen:
 Preis: 1,- Euro/Ausgabe zzgl. Versandkosten
        Ausserhalb von Deutschland: kostenfrei, Spenden erwuenscht
 Bezug: Einsendung von 1,50 Euro (Einzelheft) oder 3,- Euro (Nr. 20-21) in
        Briefmarken an die Redaktion
 Redaktion: Dr. W. R. Dick, Anschrift siehe unten
Kostenlose Probeexemplare koennen bei der Redaktion angefordert werden.

Anschriften des Arbeitskreises Astronomiegeschichte:

URL: http://www.astrohist.org/

Vorsitzender: Prof. Dr. Peter Brosche, Observatorium Hoher List der
Sternwarte der Universitaet Bonn, D-54550 Daun, Tel.: +49(0)6592 2150,
Fax: +49(0)6592 985140, e-mail: pbrosche@astro.uni-bonn.de

Sekretaer: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick, Vogelsang 35 A, D-14478 Potsdam,
e-mail: wdick@astrohist.org

Spendenkonto der Arbeitskreises Astronomiegeschichte:
Empfaenger: Astronomische Gesellschaft, Konto-Nr.: 310 330 402,
Volksbank Coesfeld-Duelmen, BLZ 401 631 23
Ueberweisungen aus dem Ausland: Konto Nr. 16218-203, Postbank Hamburg,
BLZ 200 100 20
Einzahlungen auf letzteres Konto bitte mit Vermerk
"Fuer Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte".
