* *
* *
* Herausgegeben vom Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte *
* in der Astronomischen Gesellschaft *
* *
* Nr. 72, 5. Juni 2004 *
* *
* Redaktion: Wolfgang R. Dick und Hilmar W. Duerbeck *
* *
1. Astronomie in und um Prag - Kolloquium des AK Astronomiegeschichte
2. The European Scientist - Second announcement
3. "The Scientific Instrument Collections in the University"
Conference (SICU)
4. Fifth International Conference on Oriental Astronomy (ICOA-5)
5. Annual meeting of the Austrian sundial group
6. Weitere Tagungen 2004
Item 1 EMA Nr. 72, 5. Juni 2004
Astronomie in und um Prag - Kolloquium des AK Astronomiegeschichte
Die naechste Internationale Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der
Astronomischen Gesellschaft (AG) findet vom 20. bis 25. September 2004
in Prag statt: Thema "From Cosmological Structures to the Milky
Way", Tagungs-Web-Seite:
Der Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte plant in diesem Zusammenhang ein
Kolloquium mit dem Thema: "Astronomie in Prag", das am Montag, dem 20.
September 2004, stattfindet. Bei diesem Thema "Astronomie in und um Prag"
denkt man zunaechst an die Bluete der Wissenschaften unter Kaiser Rudolf
II., besonders an Tycho Brahe (1546-1601), Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) und
an Marco Marci de Kronland (1595-1667). Doch schon im Mittelalter finden
sich - besonders in der Zeit Wenzels - wichtige astronomische
Handschriften. Ein Highlight instrumenteller Art ist die Astronomische Uhr
am Rathaus am Altstaedter Markt; aber auch die Instrumente von Jost Buergi
und Erasmus Habermel (Tychos Sextanten), die sich im Technischen
Nationalmuseum (Narodni Technicke Muzeum) in Prag befinden.
Aus der Barockzeit ist das Clementinum wichtig, das fruehere Jesuitenkolleg
(1556; Josef Stepling (1716-1778), Direktor seit 1751), heute
Nationalbibliothek (u.a. mittelalterliche astronomische Handschriften). Auf
die ehemalige Sternwarte deutet noch der Astronomische Turm (1751) hin.
Im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert waeren folgende Namen zu erwaehnen: Christian
Doppler (1803-1853), Josef Petzval (1807-1891), Ernst Mach (1838-1916),
Erwin Finlay-Freundlich (1885-1964) und Albert Einstein (1879-1955), der
1910/11 in Prag taetig war.
Sonntag, 19. September 2004, ab 19 Uhr gemuetliches Treffen in einem
Restaurant in Prag. Wahrscheinlich wird vorher, etwa um 16 Uhr, ein
astronomiehistorischer Stadtrundgang in Prag angeboten.
Montag 20. September 2004, 10 bis 17 Uhr
Tagung in der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Prag, Vorlesungssaal
Nr. 206, 2. OG, Raum Nr. 20
Adresse: Akademie ved CR (Presidium), Narodni 3, Praha 1
(gegenueber dem Nationaltheater)
Tagungsgebuehr: 20.- EUR, davon soll der Tagungsband mitfinanziert
Koordinatoren der Tagung:
Prof. Dr. Gudrun Wolfschmidt, IGN, Universitaet Hamburg
e-mail: wolfschmidt@math.uni-hamburg.de
Tel. +49-40-42838-5262, Fax +49-40-42838-5260
Prof. Dr. Peter Brosche, Observatorium Hoher List der
Sternwarte der Universitaet Bonn, D-54550 Daun
e-mail: pbrosche@astro.uni-bonn.de
Tel.: +49-6592-2150, Fax: +49-6592-985140
Doc. RNDr. Martin Solc, Astronomisches Institut der Karlsuniversitaet
e-mail: Martin.Solc@mff.cuni.cz
Tel. +420 22191 2572, Fax: +420 22191 2577.
Bitte richten Sie Anfragen und Ihre Anmeldung zum Kolloquium an Frau
Wolfschmidt und (mindestens) einen der beiden anderen Koordinatoren, mit
ihnen ist auch die Redezeit (voraussichtlich nicht mehr als 20 min)
abzusprechen. Bitte melden Sie sich auch an, wenn Sie keinen Vortrag
halten, damit Ihnen das Programm mitgeteilt werden kann.
Die Vortraege koennen in Englisch, in besonderen Faellen auch in Deutsch
oder Tschechisch gehalten werden.
Deadline der Abstracts - in englischer Sprache - einzureichen per
e-mail bis 18. Juni 2004 - unter Verwendung des Abstract-Formblattes
der AG (das neue LaTex-Macro ist auf der Tagungsweb-Seite der AG
herunterzuladen) - bei Herrn Reinhard E. Schielicke,
Universitaets-Sternwarte Jena, e-mail: schie@astro.uni-jena.de und bei
Frau Wolfschmidt und (mindestens) einem der beiden anderen Koordinatoren.
Jeder Beitrag kann wieder eine ganze Druckseite lang sein - mit maximal
einer Abbildung (Grauton oder s/w); die Abstracts ("Short Contributions")
werden bei Wiley als Sonderheft der AN erscheinen.
Weitere Informationen:
Local Organizing Committee:
Martin Solc, Astronomisches Institut der Karlsuniversitaet
e-mail: Martin.Solc@mff.cuni.cz
Unterkunft in Prag - Accomodation in Prague
Bisher angemeldete Vortraege (TBC = noch nicht bestaetigt)
* Alena and Petr Hadrava: Astronomy in Prague in medieval time
* Josef Smolka (Prague): Tycho Brahe and Tadeas Hajek z Hajku (TBC)
* Zdislav Sima (Academy of Sciences, Prague): The Prague Sextants
(Habermel, Buergi), the Astronomical Clock
* Guenther Wuchterl und Klaudia Einhorn (Universitaets-Sternwarte
Jena): Ueber Johannes Kepler
* Rahlf Hansen (Planetarium Hamburg): Kepler und der Stern von
* Ingrid Guentherodt (Konstanz): Augenschein und Finsternisse - zur
Sprache der Astronomin Maria Cunitia (1604-1664)
* Franz Daxecker (Innsbruck): Der Briefwechsel des Astronomen
Christoph Scheiner
* Georg Schuppener (Leipzig): Jesuitische Astronomie in Prag
* Peter Brosche (Daun/Bonn): Father David's Correspondence with Franz
Xaver von Zach
* Gudrun Wolfschmidt (IGN Universitaet Hamburg): Josef Petzval
(1807-1891) (TBC)
* N.N.: Vortrag ueber Christian Doppler (TBC)
* Franz Kerschbaum und Thomas Posch (Institut fuer Astronomie Wien):
* Dieter Hoffmann (MPI fuer Wissenschaftsgeschichte Berlin): Erwin
Finlay-Freundlich (1885-1964) in Prag
* Burkard Steinruecken (Sternwarte Recklinghausen): The Dynamical
Interpretation of the "Sky Disc of Nebra"
Im Anschluss an die Vortraege findet eine Mitgliederversammlung des
Arbeitskreises Astronomiegeschichte statt (Gaeste sind willkommen).
Aktuelle Informationen zu dem Kolloquium finden sich unter
Item 2 EMA Nr. 72, 5. Juni 2004
The European Scientist (Second Announcement)
Symposium on the era and work of Franz Xaver von Zach (1754-1832)
Budapest 15-17 September 2004
This symposium celebrates the era and work of Franz Xaver von Zach on
the 250th anniversary of his birth. The meeting will bring together
international experts in the history of science to present papers on
the following topics:
Biographical aspects
Scientific periodicals
Meetings of scientists
Enlightenment, freemasonry and religious orders
Interaction with politics
The role of "managers of science"
Gauss and the Hungarian science
The evolution of star catalogues
Minor planets and celestial mechanics
Astrogeodetic instruments
Local and global geodesy and navigation
Civil and military cartography
Geography and geophysics
Sept. 15 to Sept. 17, 2004. The symposium precedes the autumn meeting
of the Astronomische Gesellschaft, held in Prague during Sept 20-25, 2004.
The meeting will take place in the main building of the Hungarian
Academy of Sciences in Budapest, Hungary.
There are several hotels of different categories spread over the whole
city. The LOC recommends the following hotels of medium category. All the
hotels have their own rules of cancellation of the reservations. The LOC
can help in the booking but the cancellation and the eventual charges are
the responsibilities of the participants.
Best Western Hotel Orion ***
H-1013, Budapest, Doebrentei u. 13
Phone:36 1 356 8933
Fax: 36 1 375 6418
e-mail: orionhot@axelero.hu
URL: www.bestwestern-ce.com/orion
single room 80 Euro/night
double room 95 Euro/night
The price includes the breakfast and 10% discount. All the rooms have
bathroom. The hotel is located at the Danube on the opposite side from
the Academy. It is at 15 minutes walking distance or by one change with
public transport.
Hotel Pest ***
H-1061, Budapest, Paulay Ede utca 31
Phone: 36 1 343 1198
Fax: 36 1 351 9164
e-mail: hotelpest@hotelpest.hu
single room 75 Euro/night
double room 90 Euro/night
The prices includes breakfast and 10% discount. All the rooms have
bathroom. The hotel is located at the Pest side in the heart of the city
within 10 minutes walking distance from the venue of the meeting.
Fabius Panzio ***
H-1122, Budapest, Varosmajor u. 88
Phone: 36 1 489 3325
Fax: 36 1 489 3327
e-mail: fabiushotel@hotmail.com
single room 50 Euro/night
double room 61 Euro/night
The price includes the breakfast and 10% discount. All the rooms have
shower. The hotel is located in the Buda side of the city at 15-20
travel distance by one change with public transport.
Oktatasi Miniszterium I.sz Vendeghaza (Guest House of the Ministry of
H-1122 Budapest, Maros u. 16/a
Phone: 36 1 356 4246
Fax: 36 1 356 7846
1 room apartment (a small kitchen, bathroom)
for 1 person 9959 HUF/night
for 2 persons 11385 HUF/night
2 rooms apartment (a small kitchen, bathroom)
for 1 person 12817 HUF/night
for 2 persons 14226 HUF/night
for 3 persons 15640 HUF/night
The apartment includes no breakfast but there is a restaurant in the
house and shops within few minutes of walking. The guest house is
located on the Buda side of the city at 15 minutes travel distance.
The present exchange rate is about 250 HUF/Euro.
The period of the conference is still in the high season. All the
participants are asked therefore to make their final decision soon in
order to find accommodation at their convenience.
Participation is open for everybody who is interested in this subject.
We welcome accompanying persons.
We want to publish proceedings of the symposium. The necessary means
have been granted, however, only for this year. Therefore we have to
request that authors should at latest bring their manuscripts ready to
the conference, most desirably in electronic form. We encourage
earlier delivery of drafts (in .tex, .doc or plain ascii format, with
separate figures in .tif, .gif, or .jpg format) to the two editors
Hilmar Duerbeck (hduerbec@vub.ac.be) and Endre Zsoldos
Peter Brosche (Daun/Bonn, chairman)
Jim Caplan (Marseille)
Anita McConnell (London)
Gudrun Wolfschmidt (Hamburg)
Bela Balazs
Lajos G. Balazs (chairman)
Laszlo Patkos
Magda Vargha
Endre Zsoldos
Preliminary programme
Wednesday, September 15
(chair: L. G. Balazs)
Peter Brosche (Daun/Bonn): Pictures from Zach's worldline
Arpad Szallasi (Esztergom): The military health service around 1800
Andras Koltai (Budapest): The role of the Piarist order in developing
the scientific way of thinking
Anita McConnell (London): Zach in England
The astronomical background
(chair: G. Wolfschmidt)
Katalin Barlai (Budapest): Moon occultation measurements of Jesuit
astronomers in China, published in the Viennese Ephemerides
Balint Erdi (Budapest): Laplace and the development of celestial mechanics
Lajos G. Balazs (Budapest): Theoretical astrophysics in the XIXth century
(chair: P. Brosche)
Istvan Jankovics (Budapest): Astrogeodesic instruments in Hungary
Klaus-Dieter Herbst (Jena): The advent of the meridian circle
Gudrun Wolfschmidt (Hamburg): Instruments and their problems
Alberto Meschiari (Modena): Franz Xaver von Zach and Giovanni Battista
(chair: A. McConnell)
Hilmar Duerbeck (Brussels): Venus transits of the 18th century and the
astronomical unit
Imre Toth (Budapest): The discovery of the first minor planets
Endre Zsoldos(Budapest): Variable star astronomy in Zach's time
Thursday, September 16
Sciences of the Earth (chair: H. Duerbeck)
Attila Mesko (Budapest): The development of our understanding of the geoid
Oliver Schwarz (Landau): Zach as surveyor of Thuringia
James Caplan (Marseille): Zach and the geodesy of Southern France
Istvan Klinghammer (Budapest): Cartography in Hungary at the turn of
the XVIII-XIXth century
The Organisation of Science
(chair: J. Caplan)
Bela Balazs (Budapest): The role of "managers of science"
Laszlo Patkos (Budapest): The Pasquich affair
Clifford Cunningham (Sunny Isles Beach): A project to publish the
collected correspondence of Baron Franz Xaver von Zach
Magda Vargha (Budapest): Gauss and the Hungarian science
Peter Brosche (Daun/Bonn): Zach's impact on the sciences
Friday, September 17
Inauguration of the memorial tablet
Please provide name, first name, postal address, fax number, e-mail
address, and number of accompanying persons. (Or use the registration form
- see EMA 70, the Web site or contact the LOC). There is no registration
In case you want to present a paper, please give title, author(s),
duration, and abstract.
Return this information to:
Prof. L. G. Balazs, Konkoly Observatory, P. O. Box 67,
H-1525 Budapest, Hungary.
Fax: (36)(1)275-4668
e-mail: balazs@konkoly.hu
Meeting's web site: http://www.konkoly.hu/zach2004/
Item 3 EMA Nr. 72, 5. Juni 2004
"The Scientific Instrument Collections in the University" Conference (SICU)
(Aus: Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy, No. 57,
May 23, 2004, Item 7)
Scientific Instrument Collections in the University
An International Conference at Dartmouth College, 24-27 June 2004
Co-sponsored by Dartmouth College and the Scientific Instrument Commission,
International Union of the History and Philosophy of Science
Funded by the National Science Foundation and the Dickey Center for
International Understanding at Dartmouth College
Thursday, 24 June
18:30 Keynote address
Paolo Brenni,
Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza, Florence, and President, SIC
"Sleeping beauties: Historical collections of scientific instruments at
European universities"
Friday, 25 June
9:00 Session 1: The political economy of university collections (workshop)
Topics to include:
- recognizing the value of university collections, defining collection
- promoting collections at departmental, university, and wider levels
- relationships with other university collections, i.e., museums,
libraries, archives
- uses for collections and the fostering of traditional and new clienteles
10:45 Session 2a: University collections and university histories (papers)
* Julian Holland, University of Sydney, "University Collections of
Scientific Instruments: An Australian Perspective"
* Mott Linn, Clark University, "Photographic record of Clark's new
laboratories in 1892"
* Dalibor Voboril and Petr Kveton (NC), Academy of Sciences of the Czech
Republic, "Collections of historical psychological devices in Czech
10:45 Session 2b: Using university collections for research (papers)
14:00 Session 3: Collection management (workshop)
Topics to include:
- organizing and cataloguing collections
- storage, proper handling, conservation, security
- environmental safety
- creating policies for on-going acquisition and de-accession
- dealing with large objects
15:45 Session 4a: Can university collections survive their founders?
* M. Eugene Rudd, University of Nebraska, "The making of a collection:
Historic scientific instruments at the University of Nebraska"
* Norman Heckenberg, University of Queensland, "Avoiding infant mortality"
* Joseph Bellina, St. Mary's College, "Does St. Mary's collection have a
* Sebastian Soubiran, University of Strasbourg, "Getting started:
Preservation and valorisation of scientific instruments at the University
of Strasbourg"
15:45 Session 4b: Curatorial challenges (papers)
* Aysen Savan, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, "Cataloguing and
classifying: From a gyroscope to a mission statement"
* David Brock and Robert Lukens, Chemical Heritage Foundation,
"Chemistry's revolutionary tools: Collecting and interpretating
post-war chemical instrumentation"
* Jim Moss, Horological conservator, "The mercurial relationship
between David and Goliath"
* Yaakov Zik, University of Haifa,
"Instrument: An interaface among theory, symbolic representation and the
real world"
20:00 Session 5: Digital projects and exhibitions (workshop)
Saturday, 26 June
9:00 Session 6: Teaching with university collections (workshop)
10:45 Session 7a: Introducing hidden collections (papers)
* Jose Bertomeu, University of Valencia, "Scientific Instruments at
Secondary Schools in Spain, 1845-1939"
* Thomas B. Greenslade, Keynon College, "Hidden collections"
* Anne McMahon, Santa Clara University, and Dana Freiburger, University
of Wisconsin, "The Santa Clara Scientific Instrument Collection"
* Jean-Francois Loude (NC), University of Lausanne, "Historic physics
instruments at the University of Lausanne"
* Frank Winkler and Matthew W. Motley, Middlebury College, "Scientific
instruments at Middlebury College"
10:45 Session 7b: Introducing hidden collections (papers)
* Richard Paselk, Humboldt State University, "From virtual to reality:
The making of the Robert A. Paselk Scientific Instrument Museum"
* Bernard Ziomkiewicz, Queen's University, "The physics collection of
Queen's University"
* Michael Littman (NC), Princeton, "Joseph Henry's artifacts at Princeton"
* Andrew Bell, private scholar, "Skeletons in the closet: Optical
artifacts from the Dartmouth King Collection"
14:00 Session 8: Whither university astronomical observatories? (workshop)
Sunday, 27 June
9-17 Optional excursion to the American Precision Museum, Windsor, Vt, and
to the Russell Porter Museum and turret telescopes in Springfield, VT, with
lunch at the Hartness House Planned excursions
We plan to have a day of optional field trips. In the morning we will visit
the American Precision Museum in Windsor, VT where we can inspect two
floors of precision machines. We hope to make special arrangement to visit
the stores, which are filled with additional machines. Of special interest
are several ruling engines.
The American Precision Museum
We will then travel to Springfield, VT and lunch at the Hartness House. An
underground tunnel connects the Hartness House with the Hartness Turret
Telescope (refractor) which will be open for our inspection.
The Hartness Turret Telescope
We are making arrangements to visit the restored Porter Turret Telescope
(reflector) located on a nearby hill. The building is large enough to
accommodate several people and the instrument is used in the daytime to
project the solar image.
Our web address is:
The SICU Organizing Committee (Richard Kremer, Frank Manasek, Dave
Pantalony, Sara Schechner)
[Source: David Pantalony to Rete discussion group, 21 March 2004;
Sara Schechner to HASTRO-L, 3 April 2004]
Item 4 EMA Nr. 72, 5. Juni 2004
Fifth International Conference on Oriental Astronomy (ICOA-5)
Venue: Chiang Mai Hills Hotel, 18, Huay Kaew Road, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Date: October 4-8, 2004.
1. To celebrating 40 years of Chiang Mai University and featuring sessions
to commemorate:
- 200th anniversary of the birth of King Rama IV, father of Thai Science
- 400th anniversary of the galactic Supernova of 1604
2. To present various interesting topics on oriental astronomy.
3. To encourage the future development of cooperative researches in various
countries in the region.
4. To experience culture and tradition of Thailand.
Topics of Interest:
Among the topics to be covered are
- Historical records & observations
- Observations & instruments
- Atlases
- Star Catalogues
- Calendars
- Calendar making
- Exchange of astronomical information
- Teaching of astronomy
- Poster session
Language: Language used in the ICOA-5 is English.
Scientific Organizing Committee:
S.M. Ansari, K.-Y. Chen (Co-chair), K.-W. Fung., B. Hidayat, C.-Y. Liu,
D.L. Lu, T. Nakamura, I.-S. Nha, F. Rahimi, B. Soonthornthum,
F.R. Stephenson, R.G. Strom (Co-chair)
General Information:
Chiang Mai: This is one of Thailand's largest cities. It is situated in
northern Thailand on the bank of the Ping river, about 720 km north of
Bangkok. There is frequent air-link to and from Bangkok. Chiang Mai was
founded in 1296 on the site of an 11th-century settlement as a capital and
religious center of Lanna Thai kingdom. It is the main economic center for
the northern part of the country and attracts many tourists by its famous
temples, mountains and comfortable climate. Wat Phra Dhat Doi Suthep is one
of the famous places in Thailand and claims to contain relics of Buddha.
There are many beautiful scenic places and colorful ethnic minorities in
Chiang Mai and surrounding areas. Besides tourism, industries include trade
in locally produced agricultural products, and production of traditional
silverware, lacquer ware, pottery and other handicraft items. Chiang Mai
University is the major academic institute in the region.
Climate: Temperature in October: approximately 20C or 68F to 25C or 77F in
the morning and about 35C or 95F in the afternoon. Rain is sometimes
Cultural Excursions: Sightseeing and cultural excursions will be organized
during the conference. A Kan-toke dinner (typical northern-style dinner
with beautiful northern performances) is planned for the banquet.
Internet Services: Internet services are available at the conference.
Conference Registration Fee: US $ 200
(for students : US $ 100, for accompany guests : US $ 50)
Registration Forms:
A registration forms is available at
http://www.science.cmu.ac.th/icoa-5/icoaregis.html or from:
Prof. B. Soonthornthum (LOC Chair),
Faculty of Science,
Chiang Mai University,
Chiang Mai 50200,
PHONE : 66 53 943301
FAX : 66 53 222268 or 66 53 892274
E-mail: boonraks@chiangmai.ac.th
Further information is available at:
[Source: Web site]
Item 5 EMA Nr. 72, 5. Juni 2004
Annual meeting of the Austrian sundial group
This year the annual meeting of the Austrian sundial group takes place in
Oberperfuss near Innsbruck. This is the birthplace of Peter Anich, a farmer
and surveyor of the 18th century. There are still 8 or 9 sundials by Peter
Anich preserved in this area. They belong to the most beautiful sundials in
The meeting is from Sept. 23 to 25, 2004. If anybody of you is interested
to join, please write to:
Helmut Sonderegger
Sonnengasse 24, A-6800 Feldkirch, Austria
email: h.sonderegger@utanet.at
Homepage: http://web.utanet.at/sondereh
[Source: Helmut Sonderegger to the Sundial Discussion Group, 9 March 2004]
Item 6 EMA Nr. 72, 5. Juni 2004
Weitere Tagungen 2004
June 4-6, 2004, Preston, Lancashire, England
Jeremiah Horrocks and transits ancient and modern
Student and amateur astronomy weekend conference at Alston Hall College
and Alston Observatory, Alston, Longridge, Preston
Contacts: Gordon Bromage, UCLan, Fax 01772 892996, e-mail
July 15-17, 2004, Kiev, Ukraine
Astronomy in Ukraine - Past, Present and Future
Contacts: Main Astronomical Observatory of the National
Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
27 Akademika Zabolotnoho St., 03680 Kiev, Ukraine,
E-mail: mao-2004@mao.kiev.ua,
Phone: 380 (44) 266-31-10, Fax: 380 (44) 266-21-47
Fuer die direkte Zusendung von Informationen und fuer Hinweise danken wir
Peter Brosche, Kwan Yu Chen und Gudrun Wolfschmidt.
Elektronische Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte (EMA)
Herausgegeben vom Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte in der Astronomischen
Redaktion: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick und Dr. Hilmar
W. Duerbeck
Archiv bisheriger Ausgaben: http://www.astrohist.org/aa/ema/
Alle nicht namentlich gekennzeichneten Mitteilungen sind redaktionelle
Beitraege. Aufsaetze sowie Mitteilungen fuer die Rubriken werden gern
Der Bezug der EMA ist kostenlos. Abonnenten und Leser werden um
gelegentliche freiwillige Spenden an den Arbeitskreis gebeten.
Die Elektronischen Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte duerfen unbegrenzt
weiterverbreitet werden, sofern dafuer keine Gebuehr erhoben wird. Ein
oeffentliches Abgebot in WWW-Servern, BBS etc. ist gestattet, sofern die
Redaktion informiert wird. Die Reproduktion von Auszuegen in elektronischen
oder Druckmedien ist nur mit Genehmigung der Redaktion gestattet.
Die Elektronischen Mitteilungen ergaenzen die gedruckten Mitteilungen zur
Astronomiegeschichte, die in der Regel halbjaehrlich erscheinen:
Preis: 1,- Euro/Ausgabe zzgl. Versandkosten
Ausserhalb von Deutschland: kostenfrei, Spenden erwuenscht
Bezug: Einsendung von 1,50 Euro (Einzelheft) oder 3,- Euro (Nr. 20-21) in
Briefmarken an die Redaktion
Redaktion: Dr. W. R. Dick, Anschrift siehe unten
Kostenlose Probeexemplare koennen bei der Redaktion angefordert werden.
Anschriften des Arbeitskreises Astronomiegeschichte:
URL: http://www.astrohist.org/
Vorsitzender: Prof. Dr. Peter Brosche, Observatorium Hoher List der
Sternwarte der Universitaet Bonn, D-54550 Daun, Tel.: +49(0)6592 2150,
Fax: +49(0)6592 985140, e-mail: pbrosche@astro.uni-bonn.de
Sekretaer: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick, Vogelsang 35 A, D-14478 Potsdam,
e-mail: wdick@astrohist.org
Spendenkonto der Arbeitskreises Astronomiegeschichte:
Empfaenger: Astronomische Gesellschaft, Konto-Nr.: 310 330 402,
Volksbank Coesfeld-Duelmen, BLZ 401 631 23
Ueberweisungen aus dem Ausland: Konto Nr. 16218-203, Postbank Hamburg,
BLZ 200 100 20
Einzahlungen auf letzteres Konto bitte mit Vermerk
"Fuer Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte".