EMA 68

*                                                                         *
*                                                                         *
*          Herausgegeben vom Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte            *
*                  in der Astronomischen Gesellschaft                     *
*                                                                         *
*                       Nr. 68, 10. Dezember 2003                         *
*                                                                         *
*           Redaktion: Wolfgang R. Dick und Hilmar W. Duerbeck            *
*                                                                         *


1. Peter Brosche: Stiftung fuer Geschichte der Astronomie

2. The Society for the History of Astronomy

3. Commission for the History of Ancient and Medieval Astronomy

4. Foerderpreis der DGGMNT

5. Gamow Memorial Conference

6. Solar Eclipse Conference

7. Anfrage zu astronomischen Tafeln um 1700



Item 1                                            EMA Nr. 68, 10. Dez. 2003

Stiftung fuer Geschichte der Astronomie

Von Peter Brosche, Daun

(Aus: "Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte" Nr. 19, Januar 2002, S. 1;
Kontoangabe aktualisiert.)

Eine solche Stiftung habe ich kuerzlich unter dem Namen "Seeberg-Stiftung"
mit dem kleinen Start-Kapital von 50 TDM gegruendet. Sie ist eine
unselbstaendige Stiftung. Ich bin der Ernst-Abbe-Stiftung in Jena dafuer
dankbar, dass sie die Funktion des Treuhaenders uebernommen hat. Fuer die
naechsten drei Jahre werden alle Ertraege in das Stiftungsvermoegen
fliessen - also bitte noch keine Foerderantraege stellen! Das ist eher ein
Scherz, denn jeder kann sich die Hoehe normaler Zinsen selbst ausrechnen.
Es wird also das erste Ziel sein, das Kapital auf 100 TDM zu bringen. Mit
den einigen tausend Mark Zinsen, die dann zur Verfuegung stehen, koennen
wir aber schon etwas anfangen. Ich denke vor allem an
Druckkostenzuschuesse, die fuer unsere Aktivitaeten ja essentiell sind. Ein
allgemeiner Beweggrund fuer die Gruendung war der, ueberhaupt einen Anfang
zu machen, damit eine Art Hafen vorhanden ist, wohin potentielle Zustifter
und Spender in petto vielleicht schon zugedachte Mittel senden koennen. Wir
halten Ausschau nach ihnen!

Die gemeinnuetzige Natur der Stiftung wurde mit der vorlaeufigen
Bescheinigung des Finanzamtes Gera vom 20.6.2001 anerkannt (Steuer-Nr.

Das Konto der Seeberg-Stiftung bei der Filiale Jena der Deutschen Bank
(BLZ 820 700 00) hat die Nr. 3940 111.

Item 2                                            EMA Nr. 68, 10. Dez. 2003

The Society for the History of Astronomy

(Aus: Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy, No. 53,
November 17, 2003, Item 1)

As 2003 begins to wind down, the Society for the History of Astronomy is
looking back on a time of worthwhile progress and significant achievements.

Founded on June 29, 2002 at Wadham College, Oxford, by Stuart Williams,
FRAS and well-known astronomy historian Dr. Allan Chapman of Wadham
College, with the able assistance of Ken Goward, FRAS, the UK's new
national society for the history of our great science has already passed a
few milestones in its short but memorable history!

The SHA's first Council was elected at the Founding Meeting, and consisted
of Chair Emily Winterburn, Secretary Stuart Williams, FRAS, Treasurer Ken
Goward, FRAS, and Councillors Roger Jones, Kevin Kilburn, FRAS and Dr. Nick
Kollerstrom. Honorary Councillors Hon. President Dr. Allan Chapman and Hon.
Vice Presidents Sir Patrick Moore and Dr. Michael Hoskin were appointed
shortly thereafter.

The Society began in earnest by setting up an Archive at the Library of the
Institute of Astronomy in Cambridge, under the supervision of Institute
Librarian and SHA member, now Archivist, Mark Hurn. In parallel with this,
a Members' Lending Library was founded by professional Librarian Madeline
Cox, FRAS. Both have gone from strength to strength in following months and
will be developed in 2004.

A Newsletter and Website were created by Callum Potter, the Society's
Editor, both essential tools of communication and outreach to SHA members
and the public, especially as 90% of SHA members use email. The Newsletter
will continue to be developed in 2004 by a new editorial team. Our outreach
to local astronomical societies and the Regions was begun successfully by
Kevin Kilburn, FRAS, of Manchester Astronomical Society, and has been
strongly followed up by Martin Lunn, MBE, of Yorkshire Museum, who replaced
Kevin on Council during summer 2003.

The Society's Survey of the Astronomical Geography of the UK, a core
element of its work, was swiftly set up by SHA Councillor Roger Jones with
the assistance of Stuart Williams, FRAS. The Survey aims to reveal the
depth of local history of astronomy in particular across the UK over coming
months and years.

The SHA held its first Members' Meeting on November 2, 2002 at Soho House
in Handsworth, Birmingham, 18th century home of Matthew Boulton and The
Lunar Society, where new discoveries by SHA member Andrew Lound relating to
Boulton's astronomy and his connections with William Herschel were revealed
for the first time.

Reaching more than a hundred members across the UK and beyond by the end of
the year, the SHA went on to hold its historic first AGM & Conference on
February 22, 2003 at the old Royal Observatory Greenwich and National
Maritime Museum in February. The Conference provided the first opportunity
for Members' research papers to be presented and saw the formal launch of
the SHA Survey. As a matter of principle, the Society makes its meetings
accessible nationwide, and in 2004 the AGM & Conference moves to the
Institute of Astronomy in Cambridge, heading further north in 2005.

The Society was delighted to be invited to organise Session 51: History of
Astronomy, at the National Astronomy Meeting in Dublin on April 10, 2003.
This successful session, chaired by SHA Chair Emily Winterburn, Curator of
Astronomy at the Royal Observatory Greenwich and co-organised by SHA
Secretary Stuart Williams, FRAS, set the tone for future such sessions and
the SHA has been invited to do the same at NAM 2004, being held at the Open
University in Milton Keynes.

A fine social event was held on July 5, 2003 with the SHA's first Annual
Picnic, returning to the home of its founding at Wadham College, Oxford.
Future Annual Picnics, celebrating the founding, will alternately tour the
UK, with the birthplace of Sir Isaac Newton, Woolsthorpe Manor, being the
venue proposed for 2004, and the Picnic will return to Wadham College in

The SHA has made a point of participating in events dedicated to 'grass
roots' astronomy, and has fielded stands at the British Astronomical
Association Exhibition Meetings, Federation of Astronomical Societies
Conferences, Leeds AstroMeets and Orwell Astronomical Society events since
its foundation, now with a spectacular new 'Baroque' display, complete with
William Herschel organ music! These public appearances will continue in
similar vein and we look forward to making many more new friends around the
UK as a result.

National Astronomy Week 2003 was very enjoyable for the SHA. The Society
was particularly pleased to be invited to organise a morning Open Session
at the Centenary Astro Day of Manchester Astronomical Society on August 30,
following lectures organised jointly with The Planetary Society at Soho
House, Handsworth, the previous weekend. The Open Session of talks and
presentations by SHA members provided a wonderful opportunity to prove the
SHA's commitment to the Regions and the chance for SHA members to meet
like-minded friends from the historic Manchester AS and the rest of the
north of England. It was also the occasion of the official Public Launch of
the SHA Survey and its online presence on the SHA website.

Finally, the SHA ends the year with a special visit of the SHA Council and
guests to the Royal Astronomical Society Library at Burlington House in
December. We aim to foster cordial relations with the RAS at all times, as
well as the other national, regional and local groups. We have already
affiliated to the British Astronomical Association, and will in future be
maintaining a working relationship with the Historical Section of the BAA.
We would welcome contact with any group with which we have common
interests, and new members of course continue to be welcome.

The Society for the History of Astronomy does not plan to rest on its
laurels. There is much to do in 2004, which will see the launch of our
annual journal 'The Antiquarian Astronomer' under the Editorship of Callum
Potter. We will continue to tour the UK and proceed apace with our national
Survey, the first of its kind in the history of astronomy. We exist to help
preserve astronomy's history for posterity, and look to the future with
great anticipation and enthusiasm.


Stuart Williams, FRAS, Secretary, SHA, 26 Matlock Road, Bloxwich, WS3 3QD,
UK (please enclose a stamped s.a.e. if a reply is required).
Email: secretary@shastro.org.uk
Website: www.shastro.org.uk

[Source: Society for the History of Astronomy, Press Release,
6 October 2003]

Item 3                                            EMA Nr. 68, 10. Dez. 2003

Commission for the History of Ancient and Medieval Astronomy

(Aus: Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy, No. 54,
November 24, 2003, Item 7)

The 21st International Congress of History of Science (ICHS) was held in
Mexico, July 8-14, 2001. The Congress was sponsored by the International
Union of History and Philosophy of Science (IUHPS), which in turn is
adhered to UNESCO through the International Scientific Union (ICSU).
ICHS is held every fourth year. The next Congress will be held in China
in 2005. As a matter of fact, ICHS is organised with the help of a large
number of symposia and meetings of its scientific sections. At the 21st
Congress, 67 symposia were organised, 28 sectional meetings and 4
special sessions. More than 1000 historians of science contributed in the
Mexico Congress.

The international community of historians of science cannot become
individually members of the IUHPS. Its constitution allows only
countries (through national committees) and history of science
associations/academies as members. At present, 49 countries adhere to
it. For the individual historians of science, there are a number of
historical commissions, that are a sort of working-groups of specialised
research fields, and the members of which interact among themselves.
For instance, there are 11 historical commissions before the Mexico
Congress. At the General Assembly (GA) of IUHPS (i.e. the business
meetings of the Executive Council and General Body of IUHPS), which is
held at each ICHS, the presidents of the Historical Commissions are also
elected, besides the election of the Executive Council. Proposals of new
commissions are also approved at GA. At the 21st ICHS in Mexico two new
commissions were created, namely, "Commission for the History of Ancient
and Medieval Astronomy" (President, S.M. Razaullah Ansari, Aligarh
/India), and "Commission for the History of Science and Cultural
Diversity" (President, Paulus Gerdes, Mozambique).

The proposal for the creation of the Commission for the History of
Ancient and Medieval Astronomy (CHAMA) was moved by Prof. S.M.R. Ansari
(Aligarh/India). He stated the rationale underlying the proposal of this
commission as follows:

"The main aim and objective of this Commission is to bring under its
purview research in the astronomical heritage of all cultural areas of
the world. This idea is in consonance with the theme of this 21st
Congress, namely, Science and Cultural Diversity. As historians of
science, we know that astronomy was the most significant science during
the ancient and medieval period. The majority of the world historians of
astronomy are expert not only of astronomy, but they are also scholars
of classical languages: Chinese, Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, Hebrew, Arabic
and Persian etc., in the sources of which enormous amount of
astronomical data is locked in. For these historians of astronomy
particularly a forum is required, so that its members could interact
among themselves, and acquaint themselves particularly with the
work-in-progress of their colleagues. To achieve this end, this
Commission is proposed."

The Commission wishes to organise under its auspices a Symposium at the
22nd ICHS (China), in 2005. Further it publishes a Newsletter,
under the Editorship of Prof. Ansari, and Ms. Anne Tihon, the Secretary
of the Commission, who is a well-known historian of Greek astronomy. The
Newsletter will be published in electronic version as well as printed

The Commission requests all historians of astronomy, particularly of
ancient and medieval period, to register themselves and to send the
President / Secretary information regarding their work-in-progress,
publications and news items for the Newsletter. For contact, e-mail
addresses are: Raza.Ansari@gmx.net, Raza.Ansari@vsnl.com, and

Postal addresses:

Prof. S.M. Razaullah Ansari, Roshan Villa, Muzammil Manzil Compound,
Dodhpur, Aligarh 20002, India, Tel. +91-571-703952, fax: 400466

Anne Tihon, Universite Catholique de Louvain, 28 rue Ferme du Coq,
Court-St-Etienne, 1490, Belgium

Website of CHAMA: http://chama.fltr.ucl.ac.be/

[Based on text provided by S.M. Razaullah Ansari and Anne Tihon,
also printed in more extended form in Journal of Astronomical History and
Heritage 5, 2002, p. 102]

Item 4                                            EMA Nr. 68, 10. Dez. 2003

Foerderpreis der DGGMNT

Die Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Geschichte der Medizin, Naturwissenschaften
und Technik e.V. (DGGMNT) vergibt im Jahr 2004 zum dritten Mal ihren
Foerderpreis. Durch den Foerderpreis sollen Forschungsarbeiten von
Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen und -wissenschaftlern (in der Regel nicht
aelter als 40 Jahre) aus dem Gebiet der Geschichte der Medizin,
Naturwissenschaft und Technik anerkannt und gefoerdert werden. Der
Foerderpreis besteht aus einem Beitrag von 1.250,- Euro sowie einer Urkunde

Zur Teilnahme aufgefordert und berechtigt sind junge Wissenschaftlerinnen
und Wissenschaftler aus allen Gebieten der Geschichte der Medizin,
Naturwissenschaften oder Technik. Die eingereichten Arbeiten sollen einen
innovativen Beitrag zur Geschichte der Medizin, Naturwissenschaft und
Technik leisten; dies gilt gleichermassen fuer theoretisch, methodisch oder
empirisch ausgerichtete Arbeiten. Die Forschungsergebnisse sollen aktuell
und daher nicht aelter als zwei Jahre sein. In der Regel sollen die
Arbeiten in deutscher Sprache abgefasst sein. Der Bewerbung sind zwei
Exemplare beizulegen.

Die Bewerbungen muessen bis zum 31.12.2003 beim Vorsitzenden des
Preisvergabekomites der DGGMNT (Prof. Dr. Helmuth Albrecht, Institut fuer
Wissenschafts- und Technikgeschichte der TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Reiche
Zeche, Fuchsmuehlenweg 9, 09596 Freiberg) eingegangen sein.

[Quelle: Christoph Meinel an Diskussionsgruppe "Wissenschaftsgeschichte
in Deutschland", oldenburg@listserv.ngate.uni-regensburg.de, 5.12.2003]

Item 5                                            EMA Nr. 68, 10. Dez. 2003

Gamow Memorial Conference

(Aus: Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy, No. 54,
November 24, 2003, Item 5)

Astrophysics and Cosmology after Gamow - Theory and Observations

International Gamow Memorial Conference dedicated to the
100th anniversary of George Gamow

Odessa, Ukraine, August 8-14, 2004


Odessa National University, Department of Astronomy of the Odessa
National University, Ukrainian Astronomical Association, Euro-Asian
Astronomical Society, Odessa Astronomical Society, Russian Gravitational


Professor G.S. Bisnovatyi-Kogan (Moscow, Russia)

Professor S.A. Silich (Puebla, Mexico - Kiev, Ukraine),
Professor A.I. Zhuk (Odessa, Ukraine)

Scientific committee members:
N.G. Bochkarev (Moscow, Russia), R. McCray (Boulder, Colorado, USA),
P.I. Fomin (Kiev, Ukraine), Pedro Gonzales-Diaz (Madrid, Spain),
J. Franco (Mexico), N.S. Kardashev (Moscow, Russia), A.A. Konovalenko
(Kharkov, Ukraine), R. Lovelace (Cornell University, USA), V.N. Melnikov
(Moscow, Russia), V.N. Rudenko (Moscow, Russia), J. Silk (Oxford, UK),
A.A. Starobinsky (Moscow, Russia), R. Terlevich (Puebla, Mexico),
J.C. Wheeler (Austin, Texas, USA), V.G. Zhotikov (Moscow, Russia)

Conference secretary: O.D. Toropina (Moscow, Russia)


Rector of a Odessa National University, professor V.A. Smyntyna

Memorial committee members:
A.M. Cherepashchuk (Moskow, Russia), A.D. Chernin (Moscow, Russia ), J.
Einasto, (Tartu, Estonia), I.R. Gamow (Colorado University, USA), V.G.
Karetnikov (Odessa, Ukraine), V.N. Obridko (Moscow, Russia), J. Palous
(Prague, Czech. Republic), I.B. Pustylnik (Tartu, Estonia), M.I. Ryabov
(Odessa, Ukraine), V. Trimble (IAU), M. Valtonen (Turku, Finland), I.A.
Vakarchuk (Lviv, Ukraine), Ya.C. Yatskiv (Kiev, Ukraine)


V.A. Belinski (Italy - Russia), V.S. Beskin (Russia), S. Blinnikov
(Russia), V.M. Chechetkin (Russia), M. Demianski * (Poland), A.D. Dolgov
(Italy - Russia), V.P. Frolov (Canada - Russia), D.V. Galtsov (Russia),
M.Yu. Khlopov (Russia), I. Khriplovich (Russia), C. Kiefer (Germany),
T. Lozinskaya (Russia), S. Moiseenko (Russia), I.D. Novikov * (Denmark -
Russia), R. Ruffini (Italy), A. Silbergleit * (Stanford, USA),
M. Shapiro, J. Soda (Japan), D.G. Yakovlev (Russia).

* - to be confirmed


1. Memorial meeting (Convener - A. Chernin)
2. Cosmology and Gravitation (Convener - A. Zhuk)
3. Large-Scale Structure of the Universe (Convener - V. Lukash)
4. Gravitational Lenses in the Universe  (Convener - M. Sazhin)
5. Neutron Stars and Black Holes: Observations and Acretion Theory
   (Convener - M. Prokhorov)
6. Nucleosynthesis in Stars, Starbursts and Interstellar Medium
   (Convener - N. Bochkarev)
7. High Energy Astrophysics (Convener - B. Hnatyk)

Please send title and abstract of your talks to the convener of the
session where you would like to present your talk (by Email - addresses see
on conference web site). The choice between the oral talk and poster will
be done by the convener, where your wishes will be taken into account as
far as possible.


Ukrainian Ministry of Education and Scienses, European INTAS Fund,
UNESCO, International Astronomical Union, European Astronomical Society,
American Astronomical Society, American Physical Society


- participant registered before March 1, 2004: 240 USD
- participant registered after  March 1, 2004: 280 USD

For Eastern European Countries:
- participant registered before March 1, 2004: 120 USD
- participant registered after  March 1, 2004: 160 USD

For NIS Countries:
- participant registered before March 1, 2004: 25 USD
- participant registered after  March 1, 2004: 35 USD

The conference fee includes Proceedings, coffee breaks, ...

Payment is possible on a bank account or by cash upon arrival.

More information and registration form:

Other Gamow memorial events:

- Gamow's days at Odessa State University, St. Petersburg State University,
  Colorado University and Physicotechnical Institute, Russian Academy of
  Sciences (March 2004)

- Establishment of a memorable medal in Odessa State University (March

- Gamow memorial plate mounting (March 2004)

- Establishment of the Gamow Center and Planetarium at Odessa State

[Sources: http://www.iki.rssi.ru/gmic100/english/first.htm;

Item 6                                            EMA Nr. 68, 10. Dez. 2003

Solar Eclipse Conference

The next international Solar Eclipse Conference 2004 (SEC2004) will be held
on 2004 August 20-22 at Open University, Milton Keynes, England. The main
objective of the conference is to bring together professionals and amateurs
to discuss all aspects of solar eclipses. Two days of lectures will be
given in each of the following disciplines: predictions, mathematics, solar
physics, weather forecasting, eye safety, diameter measuring, edge and
central, and ancient eclipse research. Both past and future solar eclipses
will be discussed, as well as the 2004 transit of Venus.

The Open University has its headquarters at Walton Hall, in Milton Keynes
which is midway between London and Birmingham, and Oxford and

It is necessary to make prior arrangements if you wish to attend SEC2004 or
to make a presentation, lecture, or poster display. Please contact Patrick
Poitevin (solareclipsewebpages@btopenworld.com).

The programme will include also several lectures on historic topics:

Leo Dubal (France): "Questioning Ancient Eclipse Records"

Pierre Guillermier (France): "Eclipse Paintings in the XVIth and XVIIth
centuries: The Pieter Paul Rubens' Christ on the Cross and the Antoine
Caron's Dionysius the Areopagite"

Peter Hingley (UK): "Picturing Eclipses, 1478 - 2000"

Eli Maor (USA): "Jeremiah Horrocks and the 1639 Transit of Venus"

Eckehard Schmidt (Germany): "Nuremberg - its history of solar eclipses"

F. Richard Stephenson (UK): "Historical eclipses: then and now"

Robert van Gent (The Netherlands): "Eclipse Cycles"

More information is available at the conference's web site:


[Source: conference's web site, see above]

Item 7                                            EMA Nr. 68, 10. Dez. 2003

Anfrage zu astronomischen Tafeln um 1700

Dipl.Ing. Yaaqov Loewinger (Tel Aviv / Israel) ist an der Antwort zu
folgenden Fragen interessiert:

"Um 1717 schrieb ein Frankfurter Jude namens Joseph Kosman ein hebraeisches
Buch ueber die juedischen Braeuche seiner Stadt. Unter anderem notierte er
die an Sonnenaufgang/-untergang gebundenen Gebetszeiten in Frankfurt am

Ich fragte mich: woher nahm er diese Zeiten? Es scheint mir
unwahrscheinlich, dass er diese selber berechnete!

Daher suche ich ein bekanntes Standardwerk um 1700 im Raum Frankfurt am
Main, das diese Daten enthielt. Dabei interessiert mich auch:

- mit welcher Sonnenformel man zu jenen Zeiten arbeitete;

- ob man die Refraktion schon beruecksichtigt hatte, und wie?

- ob man in Deutschland, in gaengigen Almanachen, im Allgemeinen die Daten
der Sonnenmitte oder des oberen Randes der Sonne beruecksichtigte (wie z.B
in der franzoesischen Connaissance des Temps)."

Wer kennt einen Kalender aus der Zeit um 1700, der Sonnenaufgang/-untergang
fuer Frankfurt am Main angab? Wer kann die weiteren Fragen beantworten?
Bitte senden Sie Ihre Antwort direkt an Herrn Loewinger
(judithl@post.tau.ac.il), mit einer Kopie an die Redaktion. Die postalische
Anschrift und Telefon/Fax von Herrn Loewinger kann die Redaktion auf
Anfrage mitteilen.



Fuer die direkte Zusendung von Informationen danken wir S.M. Razaullah
Ansari, Peter Brosche, Bernd Pfeiffer, Eckehard Schmidt, Anne Tihon und
Stuart Williams.



Elektronische Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte (EMA)

Herausgegeben vom Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte in der Astronomischen

Redaktion: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick  und Dr. Hilmar
W. Duerbeck 

Archiv bisheriger Ausgaben: http://www.astrohist.org/aa/ema/

Alle nicht namentlich gekennzeichneten Mitteilungen sind redaktionelle
Beitraege. Aufsaetze sowie Mitteilungen fuer die Rubriken werden gern

Der Bezug der EMA ist kostenlos. Abonnenten und Leser werden um
gelegentliche freiwillige Spenden an den Arbeitskreis gebeten.

Die Elektronischen Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte duerfen unbegrenzt
weiterverbreitet werden, sofern dafuer keine Gebuehr erhoben wird. Ein
oeffentliches Abgebot in WWW-Servern, BBS etc. ist gestattet, sofern die
Redaktion informiert wird. Die Reproduktion von Auszuegen in elektronischen
oder Druckmedien ist nur mit Genehmigung der Redaktion gestattet.

Die Elektronischen Mitteilungen ergaenzen die gedruckten Mitteilungen zur
Astronomiegeschichte, die in der Regel halbjaehrlich erscheinen:
 Preis: 1,- Euro/Ausgabe zzgl. Versandkosten
        Ausserhalb von Deutschland: kostenfrei, Spenden erwuenscht
 Bezug: Einsendung von 1,50 Euro (Einzelheft) oder 3,- Euro (Nr. 20-21) in
        Briefmarken an die Redaktion
 Redaktion: Dr. W. R. Dick, Anschrift siehe unten
Kostenlose Probeexemplare koennen bei der Redaktion angefordert werden.

Anschriften des Arbeitskreises Astronomiegeschichte:

URL: http://www.astrohist.org/

Vorsitzender: Prof. Dr. Peter Brosche, Observatorium Hoher List der
Sternwarte der Universitaet Bonn, D-54550 Daun, Tel.: +49(0)6592 2150,
Fax: +49(0)6592 985140, e-mail: pbrosche@astro.uni-bonn.de

Sekretaer: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick, Vogelsang 35 A, D-14478 Potsdam,
e-mail: wdick@astrohist.org

Spendenkonto der Arbeitskreises Astronomiegeschichte:
Empfaenger: Astronomische Gesellschaft, Konto-Nr.: 310 330 402,
Volksbank Coesfeld-Duelmen, BLZ 401 631 23
Ueberweisungen aus dem Ausland: Konto Nr. 16218-203, Postbank Hamburg,
BLZ 200 100 20
Einzahlungen auf letzteres Konto bitte mit Vermerk
"Fuer Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte".
