Reviews in Modern Astronomy 26
Waves and particles: Multi-Messengers from the Universe
- Vortrag zum Karl Schwarzschild Vortrag:
Mean-field dynamos: The old concept and some new developments
by K.-H. Rädler - Vortrag zum Ludwig-Biermann-Förderpreis:
The interstellar medium and star formation in nearby galaxies
by F. Bigiel, D. Cormier and T. Schmidt - Vortrag zum Promotionspreis:
Observational dynamics of low-mass stellar systems
by M. J. Frank - Cosmic wave-particle interactions: astrophysical magnetic turbulence and high-energy particles
by R.C. Tautz - The highest energy neutrinos: first evidence for cosmic origin
by F. Halzen - eROSITA – Mapping the X-ray universe
by P. Predehl - Science with Herschel: Results from the HERITAGE project
by M. Meixner, J. Seale, J. Roman-Duval, K. Gordon and the HERITAGE Team - Positive and negative feedback by AGN jets in high-redshift galaxies
by V. Gaibler - Jets from young stars and brown dwarfs
by E. T. Whelan - Local-density-driven clustered star formation: Model and (some) implications
by G. Parmentier - The dispersal of protoplanetary discs
by B. Ercolano