Jahr |
Preisträger |
Institut |
Titel der Karl-Schwarzschild-Vorlesung |
Veröffentlichung |
2024 |
Anton Zensus |
Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie
Imaging Black Holes - A Very Long Baseline Interferometry Success Story |
2023 |
Thomas Henning |
Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie
From the Karl Schwarzschild Observatory to JWST |
2022 |
Hans-Thomas Janka |
Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik
Core-Collapse Supernovae: From Neutrino-driven Explosion Models to Observations |
2021 |
Jocelyn Bell Burnell |
University of Oxford
Opening Time Domain Astrophysics |
2020 |
Friedrich-Karl Thielemann |
Universität Basel
Origin of the Elements in the Universe |
2019 |
Ewine van Dishoeck |
Universität Leiden
Molecules from clouds to disks and planets |
2018 |
Andrzej Udalski |
Universität Warschau
The OGLE Sky Variability Survey |
2017 |
Richard Wielebinski |
Cosmic magnetic fields |
2016 |
Robert Williams |
The Distant Universe Revealed by Hubble Space Telescope |
2015 |
Immo Appenzeller |
Astronomical technology - the past and the future |
RMA 28, 1 AN Vol. 337, 694 (2016)  |
2014 |
Margaret J. Geller |
HectoMAPping the Universe |
RMA 27, 1 AN Vol. 336, 428 (2015)  |
2013 |
Karl-Heinz Rädler |
Mean-field dynamos: the old concept and some recent developments |
RMA 26, 1 AN Vol. 335, 459 (2014)  |
2012 |
Sandra M. Faber |
Lambda-CDM Galaxy Formation: A 30-Year Status Report |
2011 |
Reinhard Genzel |
The Massive Black Hole and Galaxies |
2010 |
Michel Mayor |
Exoplanets: The road to Earth twins |
RMA 23,1 |
2009 |
Rolf-Peter Kudritzki |
Dissecting galaxies with the brightest stars in the universe |
RMA 22,1 |
2008 |
Rashid Sunyaev |
The Richness and Beauty of the Physics of Cosmological Recombination |
RMA 21,1 |
2007 |
Rudolf Kippenhahn |
Als die Computer die Astronomie eroberten |
RMA 20,1 |
2005 |
Gustav Andreas Tammann |
The Ups-and-Downs of the Hubble Constant |
RMA 19,1 |
2004 |
Riccardo Giacconi |
The Dawn of X-Ray Astronomy |
RMA 18,1 |
2003 |
Erika Boehm-Vitense |
What Hyades F Stars tell us about Heating Mechanisms in the outer Stellar Atmospheres |
RMA 17,1
Charles H. Townes |
The Behavior of Stars Observed by Infrared Interferometry |
RMA 16,1
Keiichi Kodaira |
Macro- and Microscopic Views of Nearby Galaxies |
RMA 15,1
Roger Penrose |
The Schwarzschild Singularity: one Clue to Resolving the Quantum Measurement Paradox |
RMA 14,1
Jeremiah P. Ostriker |
Historical Reflections on the Role of Numerical Modeling in Astrophysics |
RMA 13,1
Peter A. Strittmatter |
Steps to the LBT - and Beyond |
RMA 12,1
Joseph H. Taylor |
Binary Pulsars and Relativistic Gravity |
Kip Thorne |
Gravitational Radiation - A New Window Onto the Universe |
RMA 10,1
Henk van de Hulst: |
Scaling laws in multiple light scattering under very small angles |
RMA 9,1
Joachim Trümper |
X-rays from Neutron Stars |
RMA 8,1
Raymond Wilson |
Karl Schwarzschild and telescope optics |
RMA 7,1
Sir Fred Hoyle |
The synthesis of the light elements |
RMA 6,1
Eugene N. Parker |
Convection, spontaneous discontinuities, and stellar winds and X-ray emission |
RMA 4,1
Sir Martin J. Rees |
Is there a massive black hole in every galaxy |
RMA 2,1
Lodewijk Woltjer |
The future of European astronomy |
MAG 70,21
Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar |
The aesthetic base of the general theory of relativity |
MAG 67,19
Edwin E. Salpeter |
Galactic fountains, planetary nebulae, and warm HI |
MAG 63,11
Daniel M. Popper |
Some problems in the determination of fundamental stellar parameters from binary stars |
MAG 62,19
Donald Lynden-Bell |
Mysterious mass in local group galaxies |
MAG 60,23
Jean Delhaye |
Die Bewegungen der Sterne und ihre Bedeutung in der galaktischen Astronomie |
MAG 67,123
Bohdan Paczynski |
Thick accretion disks around black holes |
MAG 57,27
Ludwig Biermann |
Dreißig Jahre Kometenforschung |
MAG 51,37
George B. Field |
Intergalactic matter and the evolution of galaxies |
MAG 47,7
Wilhelm Becker |
Die galaktische Struktur aus optischen Beobachtungen |
MAG 43,21
Lyman Spitzer, jr. |
Interstellar matter research with the Copernicus satellite |
MAG 38,27
Cornelis de Jager |
Dynamik von Sternatmosphären |
MAG 36,15
Jan H. Oort |
On the problem of the origin of spiral structure |
MAG 32,15
Antony Hewish |
Tree years with pulsars |
MAG 31,15
Bengt Strömgren |
Quantitative Spektralklassifikation und ihre Anwendung auf Probleme der Entwicklung der Sterne und der Milchstraße |
MAG 27,15
Maarten Schmidt |
Quasi-stellar sources |
MAG 25,13
Charles Fehrenbach |
Die Bestimmung der Radialgeschwindigkeiten mit dem Objektivprisma |
MAG 17,59
1959 |
Martin Schwarzschild |
Die Theorien des inneren Aufbaus der Sterne |
MAG 12,15 |
Datum |
Preisträger |
Titel der Karl-Schwarzschild-Vorlesung |
Veröffentlichung |