
Please note that registration and being an AG member is mandatory to participate in the summer school. Participations is limited to 40 participants!

If you are not a member of the AG yet, you can submit a membership application to upon registration. Registered participants who have not yet submitted an application will be considered as provisionally and will be deleted from the list of participants if no application is submitted.

Membership applications have to be submitted until May 1, 2025, afterwards only AG members may register.

The deadline for registrations is May 18, 2025. However, if capacity is reached the registraion will be closed beforehand.

There is no registration fee for the summer school.

If you want to join the self-payed Welcome and/or the Conference dinner please send an email to until May 18, 2025.

If required, up to 30 participants may apply for financial support from the AG for covering up to 80% of their travel costs, if they can not be covered by the institutes. This includes travel by train and local transport as well as accommodation, taking into account economic viability. In order to request travel support, applicants must fill out the travel grant form and submit it to until April 20, 2025, including all necessary receipts and cost estimates. Please also consider the conditions outlined on this website. Forms submitted after the deadline will not be considered.

Registration has not yet been opened.